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The Texas Tornado
The Texas Tornado
The Texas Tornado
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The Texas Tornado

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Deep breaths, count to ten, and don’t punch people. These are supposed to be simple to follow steps but they have never been simple for Tyson. She continues to struggle to act right but between her mother getting out of jail and her powerful new boyfriend encouraging the bad behavior she isn't exactly trying very hard. She has been told violence isn't the answer but she has always been reckless and somehow she ended up with a gun. If the cops weren't going to stop Alexis she would.
Release dateNov 7, 2019
The Texas Tornado

A.L. Mooney

The Texas Tornado is the second book by A.L. Mooney, sequel to The JWBBand. She started writing at 12 years old and is so in love with reading she owns over 700 books. She currently lives in Texas with her husband, daughter Charlotte, and dog.

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    The Texas Tornado - A.L. Mooney

    © 2019 A.L. Mooney. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 11/07/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-3352-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-3351-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019917309

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    About the Author

    To Belinda Turner- My Momma.

    To Chelsea Horkey and Pedro Carvalho- my sweet betas.

    2005 - Junior Year

    Chapter One

    Hailie Tyson sat on the ledge of the fountain in front of the private school she attended. It was a month into her junior year and while she held a book as if to read it she simply stared down at the water, reminiscing on the previous two years. She recalled her first day at this upper class school, her slow process to find friends, the mischief she had caused, and her ex-boyfriend. She had ended a year and a half relationship with him last March and their break up was quite the scene for the rest of the school. She could have sworn that the food fight freshman year would have topped the list of crazy things she would accomplish while in high school but now she had to add assault and destruction of property to the list.

    There was never any conscious decision to do anything mean or violent but it was realized too late how badly she needed help keeping her temper in check. Even months after making the rash decision to become violent as a means of revenge, along with many anger management classes, it still came with difficulty to calm down and look at how she was reacting these days in order to prevent another explosion on her part. She swore to herself this year would be different. This year she wouldn’t get any detentions or be put in handcuffs for that matter. This year there would be a new Tyson, not in appearance like she had tried last spring, but in personality this time. There would be no calling her uncle, her legal guardian, with a report of her doing anything bad. It was obviously going to be a day by day goal.

    Hey Ty. Demetre Taglen, a once sworn enemy turned good friend, sat down next to her.

    What’s up? She looked at him, closing the book that she had been pretending to read.

    We are all going to Pizza Palace and then bowling. Do you want to come?

    "Who is we?" Tyson eyed him.

    Eh, a few friends, me, and Rem. He motioned to something off to the side. She saw a blonde guy standing a few steps away with his hands in his pockets looking more than a little uncomfortable. The previously mentioned ex-boyfriend, Remington Garretts.

    You care if I come? Tyson asked Remington.

    If I cared I wouldn’t have agreed to come along when I found out you were invited. Remington shrugged. Tyson raised her eyebrows and looked back at Demetre. For the past month Remington had made sure to avoid Tyson and because of the fact that his best friend still liked to hang out with her made their friendship a little strained. It also made it hard for Tyson and Demetre to spend time together without any problems. This invite with both of them came as a suspicious shock to her. Keeping her temper in check around her cheating ex might prove to be difficult but after all the drama she caused for Demetre with making him pick sides she felt she sort of owed it to him to at least give this a try.

    Yeah I guess so. When are y’all leaving?

    After we grab some stuff and sign out. We will meet you in the parking lot in about ten minutes. Demetre said as he stood up. Almost exactly ten minutes later there were six people standing next to two cars that high school kids, juniors at that, really didn’t need to have.

    Alright it’s either mine or Alex’s car. Pick one. Demetre unlocked his car. Myles Landing and Trevor Blaze looked from the Mercedes that Demetre was opening to Alexander Thompson’s BMW then both made a dash for the Mercedes’ passenger seat. They couldn’t even open the door since each was trying to keep the other from it. Ty, you can ride in Alex’s car so you get shot gun. Demetre told her, she just shrugged and got in. Alexander tossed his keys to Remington.

    I promised you that you could drive so I’m taking his shot gun. Alexander got in the driver’s side of Demetre’s car and crawled over to the passenger’s seat while the other two continued to fight outside. After he had locked it they gave up and he let them crawl into the back seat.

    Meet you there, Rem. Demetre called as he got in and drove off.

    You planned this didn’t you? Tyson asked as Remington started up the car.

    Yes but not to hit on you. I just wanted to talk to you alone without you being able to leave. He pulled out of the parking spot and made for the half acre drive way.

    Talk about what?

    I think you are right. With time to think over the summer and this past month I’ve realized it’s stupid to not be friends or at least civil. We never did try dating others and now we get to. This will be better for us in the long run and I’m okay with that now. I’m even kind of excited to try the fields. So can we agree to be friends? He smiled at her.

    Uh, sure. She smiled back. He nodded and turned up the radio. She wasn’t sure if the smile and easy answer were a show or if she was truly okay with the decision to be friends but either way she wouldn’t let him see anything but the smile. At Pizza Palace they went in to find Demetre and company talking to three girls.

    Oh hey, there you are! Girls this is Tyson. Ty, this is Avianna, Skyla, and Corbynne. They are from St. Mary’s. Demetre smiled at Corbynne. They don’t get out of school much. He basically had his arm around her. These had to be the girls they had met at the end of last school year that he wouldn’t shut up about. They actually wore their school uniforms regardless of it being the weekend and aside from the fact that they weren’t even at school. St. Mary’s being an all-girl Catholic school in town it didn’t come as a surprise.

    The sandy brunette introduced as Avianna seemed to be the cliché Catholic school girl. Nothing out of place with her hair or uniform and hiding behind a shy smile. The blonde, Skyla, looked a bit bored and a bit ditzy. The Corbynne chick was obviously the leader of this trio. She had an air around her that reeked of self-obsession. Add that to how high she had hiked up her skirt and the amount of makeup she wore gave off a very distinct impression.

    Well thank God for weekends huh? Remington smiled at Avianna.

    I’d say. Corbynne agreed while Avianna blushed beet red.

    Can I buy you a milkshake or something? Remington asked Avianna.

    Sure! The two walked off toward the counter.

    So Tyson is it? Corbynne looked at her.

    Yep. Tyson was watching Remington flirt with Avianna.

    Isn’t that a boy’s name?

    Isn’t Corbynne a boy’s name? Tyson looked at the curly haired brunette talking.

    "Not how I spell it.

    Oh okay, I didn’t know that. That changes everything, makes perfect sense now. Tyson put on her preppy voice and nodded while flipping some of her dark red hair over her shoulder.

    Ty, knock it off. Tyson is her last name. Demetre added the last part to Corbynne.

    You go by your last name? Wow, you must really be one of the guys. Corbynne smirked.

    Are you gay? Skyla asked with her eyes wide.

    Yes, actually I am. You’re kind of cute you know. Tyson smiled making Demetre groan and shake his head. Skyla pulled back in shock.

    Wait, Tyson is gay? Myles looked at Trevor.

    No, she’s not. Quit being an idiot and Tyson really, what’s the deal? Demetre glared at her.

    Nothing. Tyson laughed and walked off to find a table. Alexander and Trevor followed.

    Well are you girls hungry? Myles pulled out his wallet.


    So who’s ready for bowling? Remington threw his trash away. He put his arm around Avianna’s shoulders as everyone agreed and made their way to the cars.

    I promised my mom that I’d only ride with Corbynne. She is paranoid about that kind of thing so I’ll meet you there. Avianna smiled and headed over to Corbynne’s little Mustang.

    Tyson come on, let’s go. Remington nodded to Avianna and called out to Tyson, who was hanging back, surprisingly being quiet. She unfolded her arms and walked to Alexander’s car. She waited for Remington to unlock the doors.

    What’s your problem? He asked her over the roof of the car.

    Nothing. She said as she got in.

    Why do they always go places together? Avianna asked Demetre.

    Ah, don’t worry about Ty. We have all been best friends since ninth grade. She’s just being grumpy right now because she just recently got in trouble. She’s usually a whirl wind of energy, she’ll loosen up. Demetre shrugged.

    Trevor and Alexander stole a glance at each other to confirm that the other realized it as well. They may have been friends that long, well known each other that long, but clearly they were not best friends back then. Plus what had just happened last year with Tyson beating up Caddy Jacobs for kissing Remington there certainly was a reason for Avianna to worry about Tyson. Tyson had been giving Avianna looks to kill and her open jealously act seemed to be getting worse. What Remington had been thinking by showing Avianna off, the two had no idea.


    You did this on purpose too didn’t you? Tyson gritted her teeth.

    What are you talking about?

    Avianna, the girls, the flirting, the out casting. Tyson mimicked Avianna’s voice.

    Why are you jealous, Miss Tyson? He looked over at her and laughed.

    Not really but I’m getting sick of watching it; plus I’m by myself. While you’re flirting with Goldie Locks, Taglen is flirting with Curly Q, Myles is flirting with Homophobe, and Dumb and Dumber are talking to each other.

    What’s with the names? Why such hostility if you’re not jealous?

    I know you weren’t there at the time but they started it I swear, ask Taglen.

    In any case why couldn’t you just talk to Alex and Trevor? Tyson didn’t answer but rather cocked an eyebrow and gave him a look that told him she thought he was stupid for even asking.

    Okay, that wasn’t the best thing for me to suggest.

    Yeah, see I know you planned this cause why would you team up with girls and those who, just happen, to be people I don’t care for?

    Coincidence? Remington laughed.

    No, it wasn’t.

    Actually, unless Demetre had something to do with it, this was all, in fact, just a weird ordeal. I swear I had no part with the girls being there.

    Whatever, could you just take me back to school?

    Why? He looked surprised.

    I’m not spending the next few hours by myself when I could be doing something productive.

    Oh like what? Reading a book by yourself?

    That’d be more entertaining than hanging out with these people.

    How about if I promise to include you?

    Why do you care if I’m there?

    Even though I’m over you in that manner it doesn’t mean that I don’t like to hang out with you. You’re a lot of fun to be around. Plus, you have seen what we are doing to Demetre. He is trying to be a friend to both of us. The avoiding each other has to stop.

    What about Avianna?

    What about her?

    You including your ex-girlfriend might make your chances with her slim.

    Eh, she probably wants a real relationship anyway. I’ve had my share of those for now.

    Then what do you want?

    Just to flirt and hang out. He shrugged. What about you?


    Yeah, what are you looking for right now?

    Nothing. I think I’m just going to stay away from all kinds of romance for a while. You know focus on other things.

    Makes sense, so you still want to bail?

    No, I guess not but I swear you better not be all over her all night and forget about me!

    I promise I won’t. Remington laughed.


    What’s up? Demetre asked when Remington pulled him to the side once they were there.

    Tyson feels left out so I promised I’d make sure she was included. If you could help by tearing yourself away from Corbynne a little it’d be great.

    I thought you were over her so what’s it matter to you?

    I am but we’re supposed to be friends now and that doesn’t include excluding her.

    Oh. Alright then we’ll play boys versus girls. He said loud enough for his friends to hear as he walked into the group, which was already at the lanes.

    How is it fair if there are more boys than girls? She asked.

    We take the average of both sides. That way it doesn’t matter how many you have but rather how well the team does as a whole. Tyson answered for him. When Corbynne looked at Demetre for reassurance he simply nodded.

    "So how do you spell your name?" Tyson asked from the computer keyboard where she had already put in the boys’ names on one side. Corbynne told her without any mean looks or smart tones.

    You can just put A-v-i for me. Avianna spoke up in a quiet voice. Tyson didn’t look at her but nodded. When all of their names were on the screen Demetre and Corbynne went first.

    Tyson had originally made Remington the third one on the boys’ side and herself fourth on the girls’ but because Myles had taken so long on his turn Tyson had already thrown her first ball before Remington had even stepped onto the lane.

    Holy crap Ty, you suck. Remington picked up his ball as Tyson came walking back from hitting only one pin. You have absolutely no form.

    Screw form- like it really works. Tyson grumbled as her ball appeared next to her on the bar.

    Look, do what I do. You were a little to the left so step to the right. When she looked at him as if he were speaking another language he walked over to her lane and moved her to a specific dot on the floor. Now just wait here, don’t move. He went back to his lane. Take four steps, on the third pull the ball back and on the fourth let it go. Make sure it’s straight back and straight forward. Pull your arm all the way… you know what, just watch me. He stood two dots to the right, took four steps out, and had his hand above his head with his right leg behind his left by the time the ball left his hand. Eight pins got knocked down but the remaining two stood next to one another.

    Not perfect but spare able. He shrugged and turned toward Tyson.

    What was that?

    What was what?

    That hand-foot crap thing you did.

    I’ll show you. He moved back to her lane and proceeded to show her the movements and steps. By the time she threw the ball she knocked over four pins. That’s a start. Remington laughed.

    Oh, like you did that much better. You only knocked down three more than me. Tyson smirked.

    Well that’s actually a lot in bowling. If I didn’t hit a single strike or spare but always knocked three more down than you I’d be thirty points higher at the end. He chuckled and shrugged. "Plus that was only my first throw and I haven’t played in a few weeks so I haven’t warmed up yet." Remington smiled and picked up his ball, stood on his dot, then proceeded to knock down the last two pins.

    Smart ass. Tyson laughed. Trevor stepped onto the lane and high fived Remington, laughing.


    Wow, I don’t like bowling. Tyson pretended to pout, looking up at her score.

    Why, because it’s the one sport you aren’t good at? Myles asked as he tied his shoes.

    What are you talking about? That’s not true. Demetre said.

    Thank you, I agree! Tyson put her hands on her hips.

    She also sucks at football, tennis, and cards. He laughed.

    Yeah but I can kick your butt in baseball, golf, and hockey. Plus cards aren’t a sport.

    Oh, golf you are so skilled. Remington rolled his eyes.

    You actually play all those sports? Avianna looked amazed.

    Yeah but I’m only on the baseball team. Only reason I play golf is cause Zander’s uncle owns a golf course. Which, incidentally, is the only reason he can afford to come to school here. She shrugged.

    His parents don’t pay for his tuition? Demetre looked a bit surprised.

    Nope, his uncle made it his birthday present for the rest of his life slash Christmas present for a few years slash graduation gift from him. She laughed, picking up her ball to put it away.

    Who is Zander? Corbynne asked.

    One of my band mates that doubles as one of my best friends. He came with me from Texas.

    You play in a band? Skyla asked.

    You are from Texas? Corbynne asked over Skyla.

    You can’t tell from her accent? Myles laughed.

    "I was wondering where it was from." Corbynne nodded in a way that looked as if a light bulb basically went off over her head.

    Yeah we live in a small town called Copperas Cove. We only come up here for the school year. Skyla, yes it’s called the JWBBand and I’m the drummer. We play for school dances and such.

    Wait I thought- Avianna started, obviously confused.

    Well everyone ready to go? Demetre said quickly and hurried everyone out to the parking lot.


    You spent your entire Saturday with them? Zander Ingram looked stunned after Tyson sat down among her friends for dinner in the school’s cafeteria that night. Like Tyson had told Skyla she was part of a band along with three of the boys that sat at the table with her.

    Zander was labeled a punk because of his short, spikey black hair, which may or may not be naturally that color. His mostly black clothes, when not in uniform, Converse shoes, a metal band t-shirt and wrist bands confirmed this stereotype. He gave off a first impression of loud and immature but at heart he was the most down to Earth of the group.

    Wyatt Ramston is the one that is usually distracted from the conversation because he is too busy winking at some girl walking by. He has been on the football team since seventh grade and plays the cliché jock in most senses except that his usual attire includes cowboy boots and a big belt buckle that matches his southern accent. His dark brown, almost black, hair sits in his face except when running a hand through it to put on his charming smile at his latest target of a future girlfriend.

    The one with blonde hair down to his ears is the genius, Amedaus Van Rhy, or Daus for short. Labeled genius for his ability to build and hack into computers to do his bidding along with having the most common sense in the band. His blonde hair and blue eyes attract many interested girls but his mood swings and depression battles keep them at bay. Only one girl has been able to deal with all of it and stick around and even then his relationship with Sophie has been on again off again for the past two years.

    Y’all were nowhere to be found so I found a different form of entertainment. Tyson shrugged.

    I’m surprised; I didn’t think Rem would hang out with you all day after he has been avoiding you like the plague. What happened with that? Daus asked.

    Eh, I dunno. He just said it was stupid not to be friends and asked if we could.

    That’s weird. Daus looked over at where Remington had sat down in the cafeteria.

    Why, because he wants to be friends like a normal person?

    It wouldn’t be if he was actually over you.

    He said he was. He was even all over this girl from St. Mary’s.

    Doesn’t mean a thing. Daus shook his head.

    Do you care that he was doing that? Zander asked looking at Tyson.

    Kinda, I mean I still have my own feelings for him. I didn’t break up with him because I didn’t like him anymore. I only left him because I couldn’t trust him. Surprisingly though, it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.

    All I’m saying is this should turn out interesting. Daus shrugged and went back to his food, dismissing the conversation. While Tyson and Remington had spent a good afternoon together they didn’t make any more plans to hang out. On the plus side when Remington and Demetre were talking the next week and Tyson walked up Remington stayed and finished off the conversation before excusing himself.

    Chapter Two

    Alright class I want to try something new. Instead of preparing yourselves for a certain part I want to see how well you do when you are just given one. Ms. Andrews said once her theatre class was quiet. They were all sitting in chairs in a big circle, being forced to look at one another. We will be performing a play that is actually based on an old book. It’s about a king who thinks his life is perfect and brags about it too much until an outspoken noble tells him his life is actually a lie. The more the king investigates everything he knows and loves he realizes he had a veil over his eyes. In reality his wife is cheating on him, his most trusted knights are plotting against him, his daughter is trying to run away with a servant, his only male heir has a terminal sickness, the country next to his is planning war, and he finds out his own people have hated him for years behind his back.

    Harsh. Zander laughed as Ms. Andrews started to pass out the scripts.

    I have already selected parts and the list is on the front page of the packet.

    You are kidding right? Tyson looked astonished after reading the list.

    About what; the play or the cast? Ms. Andrews asked.

    What, are you mad that you’re not the lead? Stephanie Jacobs smirked, looking at the list. Caddy Jacobs was the girl that Tyson had put in the hospital the year prior because she had kissed Remington. While Caddy was now graduated and gone, her little sister Stephanie graced the halls. The feud that Tyson had started with Caddy apparently carried on to Stephanie, much to Tyson’s dismay.

    Have any of you read this script, read the book, heard the story? Most shook their heads.

    You put me as the quiet princess who ends up falling for the servant Kirk. You cast Rem as Kirk! More than one person raised their eyebrows in interest.

    Okay but it is only acting, not anything big Tyson. Mrs. Andrews rolled her eyes.

    Probably scared she will mess up. Did we finally find your weakness? The one thing you are not good at? Is that why you are always working lights or tech? Stephanie laughed.

    Please, it’s easy. You should be the best though seeing how you’re as fake as a plastic plant.

    Oh, how funny. Well not that it matters but I’ve been in tons of plays with excellent reviews. Why don’t you show me how it’s done though if it’s so easy?

    Okay I will. Give me a scene. Tyson shrugged. Stephanie opened the script and started to flip through it. After a minute she smiled and handed it over.

    Are you serious? Tyson gawked after looking it over.

    What, too hard for you?

    No but I kind of promised myself I wouldn’t kiss Remington again after where his lips have been. This brought up some snickers and rude glances from Stephanie and Remington, who like the rest of the juniors, shared the same classes.

    Well, it doesn’t matter because you won’t do the scene with him. Everyone knows he is still head over heels for you and it would be too easy for you to get him to kiss you. So no, you will do the scene with Trevor. Her smile was just as childish as her sister’s as she looked over at her boyfriend.

    I don’t want to kiss her. Trevor looked up from scribbling on his script.

    Just do the scene with her please. She smirked. Trevor stood up shaking his head.

    Whatever you say. He grabbed the script Tyson was holding, looked at the page number and tossed it back to her before opening his own. They both took a few moments to look over the scene then Tyson took a chair and put it in the middle of their circle. She sat down and Trevor stood next to her with a hand on the script and the other on Tyson’s shoulder.

    They won’t kill you if I tell them not to. Tyson looked up at him and touched his hand.

    You may be a princess but you are not king. He will over rule you and you will have no say. If you love me, as you say you do, you will drop all this nonsense. Trevor read straight from the script.

    Nonsense? How is my love nonsense? Can you really say you do not love me? She turned toward him and moved her hand away.

    It would not be right of me to love or ask for your love. I would never put you in that situation.

    Oh, stop such talk Kirk. The world isn’t part of our love. We are free, even from the gods, to love as we want. Look at me and tell me you don’t love me. Tyson bounced out of her chair. At first she just stared at him while she spoke but by her last demand she brushed her hand against his face.

    I cannot Kit, I’m sorry.

    So be it. Leave then. I do not want you here. You break my heart simply with the sight of you. Tyson turned away using the moment to skim the next couple of lines from the script. Trevor had been reading ahead and just then turned her back around, tossing the script into her vacant chair, then he put a finger under her chin to lift it up.

    Then as your servant it is my duty to piece your heart back together and ask forgiveness for any pain I have put you through.

    I believe a kiss would do nicely. Tyson smiled.

    That is all? It would be that simple?

    It would. She drew closer to him.

    I cannot lie I do love you Kit. Trevor leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.

    Okay, now get away from me. Tyson broke away and pushed a dazed Trevor back. She looked around to see everyone staring at her.

    I uh, sorry. I was wrapped up in the moment. Trevor apologized for actually kissing her.

    I’ve heard that one before. Tyson commented.

    I’m not going to switch the roles but, Ms. Andrews interrupted, "with this new found talent Tyson you will be Stephanie’s understudy and Sophie you will be Tyson’s.

    I’d watch your back Steph; you know how Tyson has to be the center of attention. Caitlin, Stephanie’s best friend, laughed.

    Don’t worry theatre isn’t my thing. I’m here for the credit. I don’t want to be a lead. You are safe- for now. She looked over at Stephanie who was looking in the other direction her fists clenched. What is your problem?

    I don’t get it. How is it possible? Stephanie burst out.

    How is what possible?

    "You. How can you be so freaking good at everything! You might as well walk around with a shirt that says I’m Perfect."

    Let me remind you Stephanie, you hate me.

    You act like I don’t know this.

    People who hate others don’t call them perfect.

    Unless they envy the perfect one and hate them for it. Zander piped in.

    That’s not why I hate you. This just drives me crazy because it’s not fair. You have everything. Tyson looked shocked for a moment before she started to shake her head and laugh.

    You really think that I have it all? She looked at Stephanie who nodded.

    You have a bunch of friends and an uncle who lets you do as you please. The head principal is dating your uncle so she lets you as well. You are good at sports, get good grades, now we know you can act. You have a sense of humor and seem to be happy all the time. You are beautiful, you can sing, play instruments, and all the guys want to be with you.

    You are on crack. You have to be to say those things. But let me have a go at this theory of yours. First off, what boys like me? I would think that if any did I would be dating at least one of them.

    Like I said before Rem still likes you, Taglen has to have a huge crush on you, and how many of the boys in your band secretly like you? I wouldn’t doubt all three do.

    That’s not true. Came from every direction as all boys mentioned plus Tyson protested.

    Whatever, go on with your explanations. She shrugged figuring she wasn’t far from the truth.

    Second, I am so not beautiful I- She started but Sophie interrupted her.

    Ty, you can’t argue with that one, you are extremely pretty.

    You are not helping any… really? Sophie Amherst, Tyson’s best girlfriend and Daus’ on again-off again, currently on, girlfriend, nodded.

    Well, I’m not hideous. She laughed, blushing. At sports I’m not special or anything.

    Better than most girls. Stephanie countered.

    "No, most girls simply don’t try. I’m no better than Sophie or Aerith or any of the other girls on the team. I must admit academics is something I excel at, well except science. I hate science. I never was good at it. I still have to study and try though; it’s not an effortless thing ya know. I actually pay attention in class so that I make sure I understand the material before having to do the homework.

    Instead of acting, I put myself in the person’s shoes and improvise what I would really feel and it seems to work for me but it’s not a skill. I think the being able to play instruments like I do goes with the whole academics thing. It comes partly naturally but you will catch me practicing when I have a chance. Singing though I have to work really hard at. I practice a lot and I still can’t keep my accent completely out of it, which is why I only sing country songs. At least now though I don’t sound like a drunk hillbilly. This got a few laughs.

    As for the friends and sense of humor; I have them because I so choose. I make myself have fun and make friends. Otherwise I would be lost in family problems and worries. Because think about what you said… I have an uncle and his girlfriend. Didn’t say anything about parents, siblings, cousins, or grandparents did you? No, you didn’t because I don’t have any in my life. Hasn’t anyone ever wondered why I live with my uncle? Yes, people asked about my parents but have any of you wondered why I never mention other relatives? I live with him because the rest of my family couldn’t be trusted with me. Does that seem like the perfect life? Tyson stared at Stephanie.

    Why can’t your family be trusted with you? Trevor asked quietly.

    Well let’s see; my father is dead, my mother is in jail, and the rest of my family is corrupt, self-centered, and loves money more than family.

    So you do belong in this school. Demetre snickered before getting elbowed by Remington.

    She’s in jail? Zander looked confused. I thought you said they were both dead.

    I said that so you wouldn’t know what kind of family I came from. Charlie is a good man and raised me the best he could. I didn’t want anyone looking down on us for what my mother did.

    Did your dad really die in a car accident? Zander asked, hurt that she hadn’t even told the band.

    No… okay let’s get the truth out and show everyone just how screwed up all this is. My mom killed my dad then threatened me. The rest of my family doesn’t care. At five years old I watched my father get shot and my family fight for rights to take me away. Then watched as my family, what few friends I had, and all things familiar disappear. I spent the next few years trying to figure it all out and after that trying to cope. I have been clinically diagnosed with two very real phobias of which I’m just now trying to let go of. I have anger control issues that I, clearly, get from my mother and am having to go to classes for it twice a week. So sorry if I took the initiative to make my life better and get the most out of everything around me.

    How come you didn’t tell us? We are your friends.

    Three people here already knew and that was already too many. Two of them I didn’t even have a say in them knowing since they were there the day my father was killed and the other couldn’t be helped, he already figured something was up. Ya know what, I’m done with this conversation. Ms. Andrews I really feel sick may I go to the restroom? Ms. Andrews nodded slowly, shocked about what she had heard about the headstrong red head.

    Who did she know before us? Wyatt looked at Zander and Daus once Tyson had left the room.

    Rem and myself. Demetre raised a finger.

    What? How? I remember the day y’all met and you were new to her. Wyatt raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

    Come on, you know that the reason she goes here is because her dad and uncle went to this school. Our dads were friends before we were born. When she moved away we kind of forgot about her and it wasn’t until early last year that we even put two and two together and remembered she had been our childhood friend.

    How do you not remember someone that knew since you were babies? Trevor scoffed.

    She was called only Hailie to us and the last time we saw her we were six.

    When did she realize who you were? Wyatt asked.

    Spring break of last year.

    You didn’t say anything to her for half a year?

    She had told people the lie about her parents and we didn’t know if she lied on purpose or if she didn’t remember and Charlie had told her something different. We weren’t about to tell her the truth if that was the case. Remington spoke up.

    Okay, so who is the third? Zander asked and Remington and Demetre shrugged.

    I am. Daus said quietly and wouldn’t look at them.

    What? She told you but not us? What kind of crap is that? Zander said angrily.

    Don’t be mad at her, she didn’t want to but she was so upset that she couldn’t hide or lie.

    When was this? Wyatt asked.

    When I found out about your dad in freshman year.

    What about your dad? Trevor caught the look Daus gave to Wyatt.

    None of your concern. Wyatt didn’t look at him as the bell rang signaling for the end of class.


    Hey Tyson, come here for a moment. Stephanie walked into the girls’ locker room after the required running course that weekend. Taylor Ann Hudson, Lauren Garner, and Caitlin followed her in just enough to shut the door behind them. The rest of the girls had left already and Tyson was just finishing up.

    No, thank you. I don’t want to get infected but thanks anyway. Tyson pulled on her shoe.

    Aw, just come here. We have something for you.

    Yeah what? Your sister’s written apology?

    Why would Caddy apologize? Cause she got your man?

    Um no, she didn’t. He was basically groveling at my feet completely ignoring her the rest of the time she was here so shut your face. Tyson jumped up into Stephanie’s said face.

    You had better back down. Stephanie said, her voice a little shaky.

    Or what, what are you gunna do? Sic your posse on me? Tyson looked around at the four surrounding her. Becoming suspicious she asked, What was it exactly that you had for me? She was looking at the girl to her right, who was moving closer to her.

    A sandwich. Stephanie’s laugh puzzled Tyson enough to make her turn toward Stephanie only to see a fist come into her face. Knuckle sandwich that is. Tyson took a step back from the force of the hit and held her bleeding nose.

    What the he- Another fist came from her right as two pairs of hands wrapped around her upper arms, holding her still.

    You had better let me go right now. Tyson tried to finish the threat but after a number of punches all she could do was grit her teeth and try and keep the blood out of her mouth.

    Hey Tyson, what is taking you so long? Sophie walked in and gasped at the scene of Tyson, by now, on the floor and the girls around her kicking her in the stomach. She came rushing forward and yanked Stephanie off while screaming for Aerith Tyler. Sophie shoved Stephanie against the wall then punched Taylor Ann by the time Aerith got to Lauren to pull her away while Caitlin stepped back on her own. When she was released Tyson stood up but collapsed against the wall.

    I really hope that you didn’t think you would get away with this Jacobs. Tyson said as she spit out some blood. Lauren shook off Aerith and Caitlin was helping Taylor Ann stand up while Stephanie just stood there smiling.

    I think you might have a black eye Taylor Ann.

    Why are you smiling about it Steph? Taylor Ann sighed and gingerly touched her face.

    Did Tyson do that to you? What happened? Last time I saw you, you were walking off alone. Her friends started to smile as they caught on.

    You think you are going to pin this on Tyson? Sophie asked.

    Didn’t Card say one more fight and she’s gone, Caitlin? Stephanie asked, ignoring Sophie while referring to the school’s head principal who also doubled as Tyson’s Uncle Charlie’s girlfriend.

    Why I do believe she did. Caitlin smiled.

    Are you stupid Stephanie? We are going to tell what really happened. We saw what you did and I’ll admit I gave her the black eye. Sophie acted as if they were in fact stupid for even the thought.

    Like that would help. All of your opinions mean nothing, you are her friend.

    And you are sisters with Caddy, giving you motive to hit Tyson. How are you going to explain how Tyson looks? She motioned to the bloody Tyson, who was trying to breathe without pain shooting through her entire body.

    Um, her parents were both ugly? Stephanie smirked then all four North Wing girls burst out laughing. Sophie took a step but Aerith grabbed her arm and Stephanie became serious again. Let me tell you this though. It was a rib for a rib.

    Don’t do it. It’s not worth it. Aerith shook her head then let her go to help Tyson. This only made Stephanie laugh again.

    Come on girls, I think Ms. Card needs to know how horrible Tyson has been. Stephanie said as she walked out, followed by the other three. As soon as they were gone Sophie pulled out her cell phone and started searching her contacts to make a call.

    Hey you busy? Yeah we could really use your help. The girls’ locker room, you will see when you get here. Hurry up though. She closed her phone and put it away.

    Who’d you call? Tyson rasped.

    Reinforcements; it’d look better if a boy had to carry you in and-

    Nobody is carrying me, I can walk.

    It would be better if it wasn’t one of your best friends. Sophie continued as if afraid of Tyson.

    Who did you call Sophie? Tyson repeated.

    Just come on. She moved to Tyson and grabbed her around the waist. Aerith joined them and they half carried her half limped over to the door and around to the outside of the baseball field. Tyson almost fell when they turned the last corner and saw Demetre and Remington jogging toward them. Though of course they started to run when they saw Tyson.

    What happened? Demetre asked when they reached the girls.

    Ty, are you alright? Remington went to examine her.

    Yes, don’t touch me. Tyson wheezed and tried to swat his hand away.

    Can you breathe alright? He looked horrified.

    Of course I can or I wouldn’t be talking. Tyson mumbled, obviously not breathing as easily as she pretended she was.

    You need to get to the nurse’s office. Let me take you. Remington went to take her arm from Sophie, who willingly tried to give it to him but Tyson snatched it back.

    I can get there myself. She tried to move away but stumbled and Remington grabbed her then picked her up. She tried only once to struggle and stopped when the pain shot through her body again. Silently, she let her muscles loosen and gave in. With her face pressed against his shoulder she sighed and closed her eyes to the humility.

    I walked right into their trick. It was so obvious. I can’t believe I fell for it. Tyson whispered.

    Who did this to you? He looked down at her but started walking. She didn’t answer him and he didn’t press further. When they got into the building they went straight to the nurse’s office but a tall, skinny, blonde woman intercepted them at her office. With her hair cut short around her ears, her dark pant suit, and scowl at first she looked mad enough to actually expel Tyson. When she saw Remington carrying her it went straight to scared.

    Was this from the fight? She hurried over.

    What fight Ms. Card? The only one who got hurt was Ty. They ganged up on her. Sophie started as Remington walked past. It caused her to shut up and follow him to the nurse’s office.

    Between all the things Tyson had gotten in trouble for over the past two years it had caused her uncle and her principal to have to see each other quite often. Over the time their mutual attraction grew and by spring of the previous year they had started to date and by summer Card had gone down to Texas to spend a month with them.

    What happened? Mrs. Kerzee, the nurse, looked shocked when they walked in. She motioned for Remington to lay Tyson on the closest bed.

    She got the crap beat out of her. Demetre smarted off and got a rude glare from everyone.

    You see to her. She motioned to Tyson first as she spoke to Mrs. Kerzee then rounded on Remington, Demetre, Aerith, and Sophie. You four come to my office. None of them protested and they quietly followed her. In her secretary’s office they all took seats. Stephanie and the other three were already sitting there.

    Miss, I just want you to know that Rem and I weren’t a part of this. Sophie just called us to help carry her back. We saw none of it and haven’t got the story yet. Demetre spoke up making Sophie roll her eyes. There went their reinforcements.

    Is this true? Card asked looking at everyone else. Remington, Sophie, and Aerith all nodded. Fine, you two go. She waved them off and stared at the rest of them until they had been left alone. She looked over at her secretary.

    I want to speak to each of them alone but I don’t want them conversing while they wait. Please keep an eye on them. Not one word comes from them. Any of them. She glared at the

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