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I Love Usa
I Love Usa
I Love Usa
Ebook157 pages2 hours

I Love Usa

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About this ebook

I LOVE USA is about my life, and explains about my past seventy years history. This book shows about the living on IRAN during the three different periods, the best time of Shah's monarchy, the Islamic Revolution, and the hard life after Revolution. I LOVE USA is about how a genius man tried to use his knowledge to upgrade his country for the best condition possible, and why he moved to USA instead to choose another country. The extraordinary event of an Architect on a religious country makes me as a genius to an unbelievable man that's upsets of lives. On conclusion this is USA that gives me the opportunity to be someone special and makes me a new human generation in my life. This is the causes that I always say I LOVE USA.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 18, 2019
I Love Usa


Pedram is an Iranian American architect born in Tehran, Iran. He has studied primary school in Mission laïque française in Tehran. He has studied architecture at Melli University of Iran and taken his MA during the Shah monarchy period. He has learned French and Italian in his home country. Pedram is from a big traditional family in Iran. His life has three sections: Shah monarchy period, Islamic Revolution, and later life in the USA. He’s married and has three children, all educated and living in different states.

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    I Love Usa - Pedram

    Copyright © 2019 by Pedram.

    ISBN:                  Hardcover                        978-1-7960-7250-1

                                Softcover                          978-1-7960-7249-5

                                eBook                               978-1-7960-7248-8

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    Rev. date: 11/15/2019





    Chapter 1     Birth &;; Learn

    Chapter 2     Growth & Success

    Chapter 3     Work & Love

    Chapter 4     Genius & Revolution

    Chapter 5     Design & Fight

    Chapter 6     Life & Separation

    Chapter 7     Freedom & Migration

    Chapter 8     Usa & Love

    Author Introduction

    Hello my dear friend.

    Everybody thinks the world is only their neighborhood and other part of the Earth, also they think it has billions other stars on the sky but I want to tell you in a part of the Universe we have something special and unbelievable. We have billions world same as our Earth, and billions people same as us, they live same as us, work same as us, and correctly they are same as us. Their countries are same as our countries too. But my story is about a mentally country in our Earth on Middle East, that country is Oil country and a great man from this country tells us about his life and their happenings. This man is Nikoo Nader Zadeh, an old man looks like me seventy years old and lives in USA, his similarities to me makes difficulties between other people to know, this is me or Nikoo speeches, but I tell you really I Think is Nikoo that explains about his life not me and the surrounding people are other than people around me (the names, their country, their jobs, their business, their corporation, their organization, etc). This is sometimes correct they are look like my position, but they are completely different. You can believe it or not it depends on to you to accept me or not. This is not my mistake believe me.

    He will explain his life story for you and you can read that, maybe this is useful for you my dear.

    I hope only you enjoy it.



    I wish the best for all. Today we stayed at home waiting for tomorrow to visit John, our first grandson who is three years old. He is my wife’s grandson and I love him very much. I have two grandsons, the first one is John and the second one is Michel only two and a half month old but so far, I have not seen him in person. Carmen is sitting next to me and is waiting for tomorrow too.

    For us this week wasn’t good because we were worried about our meeting with my Neurologist to know the result of my recent brain MRI to know more about the two strokes, I had twenty and ten years ago. The second one is the cause of vision loss in my right eye. The Neurologist asked me: what happened in your life that you had those strokes when you were so young? What was the problem? It’s ridiculous.

    Now I want to go back on 1950 before my born in OIL COUNTRY and ten years after the Second World War.


    Birth &;; Learn

    T HIS IS BABLE in front of Bazaar in a two story old house. In this house lives an old man with his son and his smallest daughter, their three other daughters have married before, and they live in their own homes. The wife of that man (my grandma) has passed away before, she was the sister of Mirza Agha one of the biggest religious leaders of Muslim in OIL COUNTRY and from a big religious family in BABLE. My father and my grandpa are the only popular people in that family. My father worked for government and is forty-seven years old and single (one time he got married but only for less than a month and his wife has passed away because of a health issue and diseases in that period of our COUNTRY).

    In another Neighborhood another old guy moved to a new house built in BABLE with his four children (two boys and two girls) and he is single too. He had married twice (the first one was my grandma who passed away about four years ago because of a disease brought to our COUNTRY by the Second World War, and the second one got divorced because she didn’t want to stay with the three kids of the first wife). My grandpa wanted to remarry for the third time. His oldest kid was my mom who was seventeen years old only. My Mom and her father were very religious unlike the rest of their family.

    My mom and dad married in 1950, and I was born in January 1952 in the house of bazaar. I cannot remember that period exactly but I will tell you everything that I heard from my parents. In the morning of January thirty-first 1952, I was born in the house of bazaar, my Mom was nineteen years old and my Dad was forty-nine. I don’t know much about my birthday but I know after one year the second kid of my parents was born too, but unfortunately he died at birth and that was the worst nightmare for my young Mom and my Dad, but it wasn’t the last death, and six months later my grandpa passed away as well and my father became the leader of the Nader zadeh family.

    I was two years old. We moved from the house of bazaar to a very large traditional house in Sirus avenue next to Soltan square in Châle Meidan in Bable that my biggest Aunt lived there. That house had four yards and the biggest yard was the Andarooni where we lived. The yard was very large and in the five rooms of the north side my Aunt lived with her family, and in the four rooms of the south side we lived together. Under our rooms was a basement with a traditional kitchen and a large water reservoir and the toilet was in this basement to that I was scared of very much because I thought those places had snakes, scorpions and other animals. Living in that house for me was very hard but I had to continue.

    The scary life a two years old boy continued. We didn’t have electricity and every night we stayed around a soil lamp in darkness, and we waited only for the next day and the light of sun. We didn’t have clean water and once a week at midnight a stream of unhealthy water passed through the water stream of our alley, and we took that into our reservoir in our basement and also in the pool in the middle of our yard for using during the week. My father leaves the fishes inside the reservoir and the pool for eating the pests in the water, and we wait at least one day for the drinking water of the reservoir. We used the water of the pool for washing everything such as hands, clothes and dishes all around the year, in summer or winter, but in the winter we had a bad situation because of the frozen water on the pool and the coldness of water.

    Once a week an old woman was coming to our yard to wash the clothes and one time a week I went with my mom to the public bathroom in the valley of Hamam Golshan. That place was very scary for me because it had some steam rooms with some light coming through a hole on the roof and one of that rooms called Khazine (a reservoir of hot dirty water that we had to go in). Next to this bath was an Imam Zadeh. After taking the bath we went to this place to pray for everyone especially our ancestors. In front of that place, there was an old and big tree that people called it Chenare Imam Zadeh, and my mother said to me that every year during The Mourning day blood was leaking from the branches of that tree.

    For heating during winter my Aunt prepared Corsi (a small table, they put fire under and a large blanket cover on it for sitting around on cold season). For the Corsi in summer she made balloons of charcoal that’s a mix of powder of charcoal and water. She created balls of this mixture and placed them in front of sun to be dried and then used some of these balls under that Corsi as a heat source, and we sat around that in winter.

    About my Aunt I want to tell you something important. She got married a long time ago with a very old man, and she had a daughter who is twelve years older than me but that man had three boys and two girls from his other wife and multiple grandsons and granddaughters. The boys looked wicked especially the smallest who was divorced and lived with us in a room on my Aunt’s side (always my Mom said to my Dad that she is scared of this man). Another boy, who was married and was a scary man as well. He came to our house always, and he went to the pool in the summer or winter. During the winter he broke up ice covered pool and after shouting (nobody in the yard) he went in the pool. But my Aunt’s husband had a granddaughter named Fakhri who was four years old (a few months older than me) and she was my matchmaking, she got sick on day, and they took her to hospital and performed a surgery on her and after one month she passed away. I asked my Aunt the reason, and she told me she had one thing in her stomach the same size of a cantaloupe, many years later I heard that she had cancer, and that was very bad feeling on that age for me.

    When I was three years old I had my first dangerous sickness, and I was very close to death. I didn’t know what was the problem but my Mother prayed to god that if my health came back to me, all my life I don’t wear black shirts and every year on Mourning day I wear white and make donation of breads and yogurt to neighbors and until seven years old I made donations of water for the Mourning ceremonies.

    When I was four, the first signal of public improvement and civilization came to our house. First came the electricity and telephone, then each rooms had an electric lamp and nights became clear and luminous, in the house we had a telephone, and we were connected to the others, few months later the filtered drinking water came, first they created a station in our alley and very soon we had it in our house, and then we had the plumbing water in the yard and in toilet. The system of cooking changed from firewood to oil stoves and my Aunt moved the kitchen from the scary basement to one of her rooms.

    Living in that house became comfortable and I could see the beautiful rooms. There were some large rooms, on each side of the house. These central very large rooms were called Shah Neshin. It was very large probably twenty by forty fives feet. Each room had three windows with colored glasses and carpeted with multiple colored Persian carpets. We didn’t use the basement, the water reservoir and the previous kitchen now, and I passed all my times on my Aunt’s side, and she became as close to me as my own grandma and I remember multiple parties and ceremonies in that house, but those ceremonies were completely religious because of our family’s religious background, except marriage of my Aunt’s daughter. (I will write for you about ceremonies and the happenings in it).

    When I was four on that period my first brother was Hooshang born, and we became two boys for my parents. My Aunt had ceremonies with religious speeches on the fifteenth day of every Arabic month in her house. In that ceremonies some Mollas (three or four) came occasionally and everyone gave fifteen to twenty minutes speeches about the religious and at the end talked about how was killing one religious person most of the times a famous Imam or their families or friends.(that Mollas came with his donkeys and kept

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