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Oh, Vienna
Oh, Vienna
Oh, Vienna
Ebook114 pages1 hour

Oh, Vienna

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About this ebook

It’s about a midlife crisis, starting again, girl power, sex, lust, and newfound freedom.

It is an erotic tale about midlife crisis, freedom, and sexual fantasy.

A woman dreaming in an eighteen-year-old’s mind who suddenly realises she’s forty rediscovers she needs to revamp, renew, and regain control of her life from past ghosts to future kindred spirits.

Vienna is starting anew from a lifelong relationship and reconnects with her sexual desires, past, present, future—three women, two men, one dream.

Heartstrings are pulled with lots of sexual encounters along the way. Do they win the girl they secretly want or lose her to their rival?

You got to be in it to win it, and it sizzles even on a winter’s day!
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateNov 30, 2019
Oh, Vienna

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    Oh, Vienna - Darcy J Cruz

    Oh, Vienna

    Darcy J Cruz

    Copyright © 2019 by Darcy J Cruz.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 11/30/2019





    Chapter 1 The First Christmas Freedom

    Chapter 2 The Morning After

    Chapter 3 Snow Day like today

    Chapter 4 Dreamy Reflection

    Chapter 5 Oh Vienna New Year

    Chapter 6 Happy ever after?

    Chapter 7 Journey of Discovery

    Chapter 8 The Lay By

    Chapter 9 The Dark Angel

    Chapter 10 The Pleasure Mistress

    Chapter 11 Sex Lag

    Chapter 12 Conference Day 1

    Chapter 13 Getting To Know You

    Chapter 14 No Regrets

    Chapter 15 First Date Day

    Chapter 16 Dutch courage


    Chapter 1

    The First Christmas Freedom

    It was December. The snow was coming down heavily outside. As it had been snowing all night, Vienna looked out from her cosy recliner chair, looking on from a roaring crackling fire. Her mind drifted away, thinking to what had happened in the last six weeks, and she couldn’t still believe where she was now.

    It had been just over a month since Vienna had walked out on her ten-year long-term relationship when her partner Paul told her he has been having an affair with his client that started off as just fun flirting. Then it became an addiction every time he had gone away; and eighteen months later, he wanted to move on.

    Vienna knew something was different. They had changed as a couple—becoming distant and not feeling it when he kissed her and made love to her. Paul was always tired, never wanting to go anywhere and have any fun; and the many times they had made love in the last twelve months could be counted on one hand. She was actually a little surprised he had it in him to even have an affair because his previous wife did it to him!

    Yes, of course, she was upset. It was a natural reaction. Ten years of her life were gone but not wasted. She was just a little annoyed to think he got to her first. It was on her mind to leave him as soon as finances changed. Vienna actually felt relieved. She couldn’t even be bothered to scream and fight for what they had. It was time to let someone else have him. Good luck! She thought. You are welcome to have him.

    Luckily, there were no complications. There were no children to think of, not even a house to sell. They had rented and had never been able to save and get on the housing ladder.

    She’d decided to make this an opportunity to change her life. Vienna believed things happen for a reason. She was forty; and as the saying went, that’s when life begins.

    She moved into a village called Little Norton in the green suburbs of Worcestershire. She fell in love with it instantly. It was the picture postcard village that was green, sleepy, and quiet. There’s a local pub that had been around since circa 1800s. As a bonus, there was a perfect little one-bedroom cottage in a row of five just off the main village. It was on a long-term lease, and she felt it was meant for her. The universe definitely dealt her the trump card.

    Her thoughts moved to wishing at that particular moment that she was sharing her snug little cottage with some gorgeous person who was ready to give her some real tender, tingly touching over her body, making her enjoy every moment of the winter wonderland outside.

    She had a lovely neighbour who lived next door, who had been very keen to befriend her and make her feel welcome to the village not long since she moved in to her cottage. Her neighbour Benni Ingram was a judge at a local magistrate’s court. When she was at work, she was very serious and focused on reviewing cases of local crimes; but when at home was happy, very much with a similar outlook on life as Vienna. She had seen more of her than any other neighbour she could ever remember in her lifetime!

    Benni was in her late forties. She was beautiful with an hourglass-shaped body. She had a nice pair of tits waiting to be touched. If only, she thought. She had gorgeous shoulder-length curly hair and sexy green eyes that Vienna couldn’t stop looking into when they were together. They giggled and shared stories about men.

    Benni had also explained to Vienna that she had recently become single herself after she declared to her partner that she was having an affair with her best friend. She was no longer required to be in a heterosexual relationship after realising her best friend had always had a crush on her. She told Vienna it was a moment that had changed her forever.

    Vienna respected her and was pleased she wasn’t alone in being single. She often wondered whether she was Benni’s type as she seemed a very touchy-feely lady. She was always giving her hugs when she left her house and kissing her on her cheek, which Vienna certainly didn’t complain or resist. It was the only hug and kiss she was getting. The thought of Benni drove her crazy and turned her on. Just thinking about getting closer and doing more than just kissing was beyond her wildest dreams.

    She wasn’t shy about her attraction to women but only had experienced one or two drunken moments in the past. It was more than curiosity although she wasn’t so sure of ever trying a lesbian relationship as she still mainly preferred men. Benni had been exceptionally friendly and did make Vienna get all horny when she was alone at night.

    What could be better than a winter Sunday afternoon? Vienna daydreamed as she watched the snow continue falling and drifting outside, wishing that their friendship was slightly more flirty as she wouldn’t mind sitting here right now chatting away, with the fire crackling and a soft, meditative, sexy music playing in the background. The coloured Christmas lights on the tree stood perfectly in the corner and candles were lit on the mantelpiece. Mmmm, perfect, she thought.

    All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. Vienna hadn’t got dressed as it was her not-getting-dressed day. She realised she was in clean silky PJs and her fleecy dressing gown. She looked out the window to see who it was.

    Wow, it was Benni, alone with a bottle of red wine in her hand. Vienna quickly waved and smiled. She combed her fingers through her hair, quickly squirted some perfume, and unlocked her door. She greeted Benni with a very broad smile. She was happy to see her and quietly excited that her daydreaming had paid off. She took the opportunity to reciprocate the kisses and hugs that Vienna always got when she went to Benni’s.

    What a lovely surprise. What are you doing out in the cold in this weather? she asked as she led Benni into the snug little lounge by the roaring fire.

    The room took Benni by surprise. How beautifully snug and cosy it was! For a moment, she could not answer the question. She looked around, her eyes wide with wonder and awe. Her heartbeat thundered in her chest and made her slightly excited at how beautiful it was.

    Benni came back to the conversation, Well, I saw your lights on and wondered if you would like to share this bottle with me. After all, a bottle is always better shared when we are both on our own on a snowy Sunday. Thought it would be nice. She gave Vienna a playful wink.

    Vienna smiled. Well, I will never say no to sharing a nice bottle of wine with a very good neighbour. You know I don’t need an excuse. Both laughed as she took Benni’s coat and told her to sit down and settle somewhere comfy. The only thing missing was music. As if by magic, Vienna set up some music on her iPad and let it play away some soothing jazz.

    She got some glasses from the kitchen, brought them in, and sat on the sofa next to Benni, who took in the sweet smell of her perfume and her slender body. How terrible, she thought. I should have got dressed. On that, Benni looked at Vienna and said with a big flirty smile and a glint of amusement in her eye,

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