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The Heart Speaks of Love, Spirit, Life & Death: A Collection of Poems, Songs & Short Rhyming Stories
The Heart Speaks of Love, Spirit, Life & Death: A Collection of Poems, Songs & Short Rhyming Stories
The Heart Speaks of Love, Spirit, Life & Death: A Collection of Poems, Songs & Short Rhyming Stories
Ebook342 pages2 hours

The Heart Speaks of Love, Spirit, Life & Death: A Collection of Poems, Songs & Short Rhyming Stories

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About this ebook

This book is compiled of many different stories, poems and songs written from many different perspectives and is full of diversity and thought provoking words.

This book has been collected from personal experiences and/or visions that God has shown the writer. Be ready to laugh, cry and sing when you sit down with this book.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 22, 2019
The Heart Speaks of Love, Spirit, Life & Death: A Collection of Poems, Songs & Short Rhyming Stories

Doris S. Hall

Doris S. Hall is a mother of 5 daughters, 13 grandkids, 17 great grandkids and more on the way. She is married to Jay Hall, a retired dairy farmer and have just celebrated their 58th Anniversary together, this year. The daughter of a preacher, Doris was raised in church. Her mama has always been and always will be a huge influence and inspiration to her and the whole generations. “She taught our entire family how to love the Lord and how He loves us.” She says, “God spoke to my heart when I was just a kid and said if I never leave Him that He would never leave me. There were times when I had wandered away from God, but He was always there, waiting where I left Him at and it didn’t take me long to run back to look for Him. God has always been there with me through thick and thin, the ups and downs, always taking care of me. People can let you down, go off and leave you, sometimes even forget about you, but God never will...never alone. He’s only a heart’s cry away. Just take a minute and say a prayer. Call on Jesus, He will be there.”

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    The Heart Speaks of Love, Spirit, Life & Death - Doris S. Hall

    Copyright © 2019 Doris S. Hall.

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    Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-7590-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-7592-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-7591-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019915013

    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/6/2019


    About the Cover

    Photo taken by ©2015 Wen McNally

    This is my beautiful granddaughter, Amanda.

    I will let Amanda tell you about that day:

    It had been raining all day, but suddenly the skies cleared. It turned bright with pinks, blues and shades of lavender. My heart was full as it shared a beat with the tiny miracle handpicked just for my husband and me so that I could become a Mother and he a Father. It was exactly 5 years ago on this very beach that my husband and I were married. Now, I stood … 5 years later and 5 months pregnant.

    Our journey to become parents was long and didn’t spare us heartache. (Amanda shares their story on page 65)

    When I look at this photo, I imagine God taking a brush and painting the sky, moving the sea, blowing the breeze and softly whispering to me Now is the time.

    I will never forget this moment as it was then I realized, NOW was the time. Time to rejoice and praise the greatest creator and artist we will ever know.

    Special thanks to one of my daughters, Angel Dawn Hall

    She has edited my book for me and has worked very hard trying to put this all together for me.

    Thank you so much Angel.

    I know GOD is going to bless the work of our hands.

    (Deut.15:10, KJV)

    … because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto.

    Now is the time to let it go, Angel and let go of it …

    Speak to it..

    Book, go into all the world and reach people for the Kingdom of God.



    To my husband, Jay … To all of my family members and friends that will see a part of themselves in my writings but will let me write and will love me anyway. Though their stories have been changed around, taken away from and added to … a writer’s prerogative … and all done in love.

    To our five daughters, whom we both are so proud of and we pray for them and their families, all of them, to find their own personal place with GOD and the kingdom.

    Janet and Mike

    Tammy and Don

    Carolyn and Scott

    Penny and David

    Angel and Tony

    God has blessed us with a large branch on our family tree; 5 daughters, 5 son-in-laws, 13 grandkids, their husbands and wives, and 17 great grandkids.

    God has blessed us with an adopted family, too.

    Angela … Angie … My good Christian friend and her 3 children:




    Thank God for sending them into our lives. We are praying for all of them like family. Maressa said just the other day that a friend asked who we were. She answered,

    That is my adopted Nana and Pawpaw! her friend said, I did not know you were adopted.

    Maressa told her, No, I adopted them.

    I always tell folks we used to babysit them. Now they are babysitting us.


    (Isa. 65:1 New Living Translation) Thou shalt call and the Lord shalt answer. Thou shalt cry and he shall say Here I am, here I am.

    It was such a lovely spring day the warm wind blew across the big open porch causing the red empty rockers to rock back and forth softly in unison. Making me more aware of the emptiness and loneliness that surrounded me. My husband had only been gone a few days and I was the only person I had been seeing for what seemed like forever. I had prayed. Read my bible, then prayed some more. I knew GOD had promised he would never leave me nor forsake me. But it kind of felt like he had and sometimes I felt so alone.

    I sat rocking quietly talking to myself and to the Lord.

    Lord where are you? I asked doubtingly, Do you see me?

    Do you know I am here alone? Do you even care?

    Then tears started coming as I started feeling sorry for myself. I looked up with tear filled eyes and straight across the way, in the top of a tree, there was this perfect shaped cross made from leaves in the very top of it. The leaf shaped cross was bouncing around in the wind and waving at me, it almost looked like it was laughing at me. I cleared my eyes and stared at it silently for a moment.

    Here I am! shouted the Lord in my spirit inner being. Here I am.

    I see you, Lord! I spoke aloud and started laughing along with the little cross.

    Lord, I said You do have a sense of humor. I know by now you do, Lord.

    AND YE SHALL SEEK ME AND FIND ME WHEN YOU SEARCH FOR ME WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART … He is only a heart’s cry away. (Jeremiah 29:13 King James Version)

    I knew the rest of the summer that GOD was right there with me. I would see proof of his message every time I would go out and look at the little leaf cross bouncing around in the treetop … such a one-on-one blessing.

    Angie, my neighbor and Christian friend, came over with her kids a few hours later to see if I could babysit for her the rest of the summer. I SHOWED HER THE LITTLE CROSS IN THE TREE LEAVES. She got so excited she took it as a sign from Heaven, too. She ran to her car to get her phone out to make pictures. Her son took the camera and made some really good clear pictures that day. I never even thought of taking a picture.

    It has been a blessing to all of us; these pictures … this testimony from GOD.



    This is a book of poems, songs and short stories that God has given to Doris, the writer. He has now given her the courage to publish this book in hopes to help and encourage those that might read some of her writings.

    She has always had her writings lying around. Some were hidden in cubbies, at the back of bookshelves, scattered in old composition books and all over the house.

    She felt led to gather them up and have them typed to be published, so she would know that her family and friends would always have access to what God had given her. In doing so, she hopes that others find a blessing or even just a bit of hope by reading her words, too.

    This book is compiled of many different stories, poems and songs written from many different perspectives and is full of diversity and thought provoking words. This book has been gathered from personal experiences or visions that God has shown the writer. Be ready to laugh, cry and sing when you sit down with this book.



    Angel, my daughter, who helped me get everything together for this book. Thanks so much!

    I will forever be grateful to all of you who took the time to help me get it published.

    TO GOD BE THE GLORY for the way all of it came about … the recordings and everything.

    TO my mom and dad who has gone on to be with Jesus. They touched my life so much. As a child, with the door closed to their bedroom, we would sneak a peek and they would be reading the bible or praying together … a picture that has been burned forever in my brain. I know they would be so thrilled, especially my dad at the idea of one of his 8 children having a book published. I hope he is rejoicing in Heaven.

    Now, as I peck away here on my keyboard, I keep thinking, I should have done this while they were still here, and my sisters, Jay’s Mom and Dad.

    I would love to share my writing with all them. That is why I know now this is the time to get all of my writings in a book. Thank you, Father God. I cannot go stand before him and have him ask,

    What did you do with all the writings I sent to you? I want to be able to answer,

    Lord, I did all I knew to do …


    Soon … Very Soon

    Oh, Little Baby

    You Are the Truest Love

    A Ducky Shirt

    When You Don’t Feel Like Singing

    Just Me, Just Him

    Little Country Church Prayer

    All Means All

    Don’t Let them Take Away the Manger Scene

    Early Grave

    Shopping for Life

    S.W.A.K. Sealed With a Kiss

    Wall to Wall

    Lord, You Know Something that I Don’t Know

    I Will Praise Him

    Time to Begin to Begin Again

    He Left us His Name to Claim

    God’s Love Letter to You

    Jesus Can Heal You

    Amanda’s Story

    He is Coming Back Again

    Give me a New Heart

    Just a Step Away

    Tell My People

    Oh, My Little Fellow

    Ready or Not

    Nothing is Too Big for God

    Broken Promises

    Oh, Be Sure

    Best Friends

    Thank Heavens for Heaven

    If it Hadn’t Been for Jesus

    Keep On Keeping On

    Recycle Me

    So Much to Be Thankful For

    Vision of Mama’s Cabin

    Lord, Have Your Will and Not My Own

    Aunt Ellie

    I Said a Prayer for You Today

    Talk to Me Jesus

    He’s Only a Heart’s Cry Away

    I Walked With You Unto Death

    I Am Ready to Go

    The Year of the White Rose

    Divine Appointment

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