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Prayers from the Psalms: A Year of Two-Minute Daily Devotional Meditations
Prayers from the Psalms: A Year of Two-Minute Daily Devotional Meditations
Prayers from the Psalms: A Year of Two-Minute Daily Devotional Meditations
Ebook385 pages9 hours

Prayers from the Psalms: A Year of Two-Minute Daily Devotional Meditations

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About this ebook

What began as a daily morning phone call with a devotional message from a pastor to his congregation, has now been fleshed out in print so that others may receive a good word for each new day. Written in a daily devotional format, this work is meant to be inspiration for busy people who are urged to slow down for just a couple of minutes. Each day has a verse or two from the Psalms and a prayer. That's it. But hopefully, it will be the catalyst that will get each day off to a better start.
Release dateDec 12, 2019
Prayers from the Psalms: A Year of Two-Minute Daily Devotional Meditations

Dr. Randy L. James

Since 1974 Randy James, B.A., M.A., M.Div., D.R.S. has been a minister in the Church of the Nazarene. During his years of service he has worked as an associate pastor, lead pastor, itinerant evangelist, chaplain, university professor, missionary, counselor, and church consultant. His labors have extended to Belize, Canada, Gabon, Haiti, Kenya, Mexico, Panama, the Philippines, and the United States. Currently he is spending his retirement years as an interim pastor, writer, and church consultant. He resides with his wife, Mary Jane, and dog, Jesse, in central Florida when not traveling on assignment.

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    Prayers from the Psalms - Dr. Randy L. James

    January 1

    Let’s Pray

    When I share why I am a Christian with other people, Lord, I don’t believe I could do any better than what the psalmist has done here. I know there is life to come, and I’m thankful for that, and I know that eternal blessings will far outweigh anything that I could ever have or achieve in this life. As for my daily walk now, this verse speaks volumes. Father, I count so much on You watching over me continually. I don’t serve You because of the penalty for not doing it, but what a boon in my favor to have You in my corner. Thank You for the promise of life and the freedom from fear. Thank You for providing a straight and narrow path for me to follow. Thank You for Jesus and for salvation through His name. Amen.

    January 2

    Let’s Pray

    Family is such an important thing, Lord. To be connected to You is nothing but a magnificent gesture of grace on Your part, but there is nothing I have ever done or ever will do to deserve it. That You would allow anyone to be kin to You goes so far beyond my ability to understand that I feel overawed and amazed. I know that this passage speaks of the relationship within the Holy Trinity, but since You have adopted us into Your fold, I find joy and comfort in the thought of us being connected. Please let my words, thoughts, and deeds today reflect the family that has adopted me for eternity. Let me with joy proclaim Your goodness to all I meet and help me spread Your love. It is in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

    January 3

    Let’s Pray

    Father, there is a reason why I can live without fear. It’s not because I’m super-brave or feel like I’m strong enough to handle anything that comes my way. My hope and trust for my security is in You. I have dedicated my life for You to use as You wish so that whatever happens to me will happen in a way that will bring glory to Your name. I realize that may mean the way of a cross for me, but even in death I win because You have provided a promise of life everlasting in Your presence. I count on You as my shield and my protector for whatever I may face in life. Please help me always to look to You for my needs in life and to trust You in every circumstance so I can be Your ambassador to all I meet. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!

    January 4

    Let’s Pray

    Lord, when I read these words I think of the old children’s prayer, Now I lay me down to sleep… We often assure our young that You are always there to watch over us, and it’s a comfort that we can offer them a scriptural foundation and not just a fairy tale wish. You are a great and loving God who cares for each of us more than we could ever imagine. It truly is a great blessing to know Your hand of safety is upon us. So, we pray for Your protection. When we travel, when we work, when we play, when we are at home, or when we minister in Your name, and we can be assured that Your hand of safety will provide for is what we need. Jesus loves me this I know, and I pray this in His precious and holy name, amen.

    January 5

    Let’s Pray

    I have learned that there is not a better habit one can acquire than to seek You early in the day and early in life, Father. I know that You can and will hear me no matter what time of the day I choose to spend with You, but for my own peace of mind and to fit into my schedule without losing my focus, the best place for my devotional life seems to be as I start my day. I admit there are times, though, when I am profited more by just sitting in Your presence and saying nothing, because Your wisdom is so much greater than anything I could ever say. Lord, teach me to wait, to anticipate, and to expect Your closeness and answers to my prayers. For all that You do on my behalf I will certainly praise You in Jesus’ name, amen.

    January 6

    Let’s Pray

    Thank you, Father, for the song You have placed within my heart. I feel completely safe as You watch over me, for I know that nothing will ever happen to me that is out of Your control over my life. Because You do spread Your protection over those who belong to You, we can sing Your praises without end and rest in the assurance that You truly will never leave or forsake us. I don’t know what I would do without You, and I don’t understand why anyone would not want to rest beneath the shelter of Your wings. For as long as I live, I pray that I will always acknowledge Your lordship over me and trust in You for all my needs in this world and in the world to come, in Jesus’ name, amen.

    January 7

    Let’s Pray

    There have been times in my life when I didn’t know how events were ever going to work themselves out, because in my limited vision I could only see the mountains. But Lord, You have shown me over the years that if I put my trust in You I will never have to worry, because You always have my back. When I first prayed for Your forgiveness, You granted it without hesitation. When I prayed for direction, You guided me even when I wasn’t able to see Your hand at work. When I have been frightened, You have calmed me, and when I have been confused, You spoke words of wisdom to me. What a wonderful Savior You are, and what a privilege it is that You allow me to have fellowship with You. You are merciful and I couldn’t ask for more. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    January 8

    Let’s Pray

    There are those who depend on body armor to stop the attacks of their enemies and there are those who depend on the military or government to protect them in times of danger. However, Father, I look to You for protection and trust You to save me to the uttermost. This life is so short, and I realize that the years eventually pass like minutes. So many struggle to stay young or stay safe, and though I don’t want to throw all caution to the wind, I do know that I have nothing to fear from those who may become my enemies. You are my Rock and my Strength, and You will make a way for me, so I rest securely in the One who saves me and provides all my needs to be met. May I live an upright life in Your eyes and continually give thanks to You in Jesus’ name, amen.

    January 9

    Let’s Pray

    There are three words in this psalm that really stand out to me, Lord. They are thanks, righteousness, and praise. I realize that I will never be able to thank You effectively because of Your mercy upon me, and I know that it is because of Your righteousness that I am even able to praise You. As Lord Most High You command the animals of the fields and even the coming and going of the sea’s tides. As Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, and Deliverer, You are worthy of my praise and my utmost devotion. May my lips always praise You, and may my life always reflect Your righteousness before me. You have done wonderful things in my life, and I will always be in Your debt, so in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

    January 10

    Let’s Pray

    Words cannot describe You, Lord, and the world cannot contain You. When I come before You I am at a loss to know how to properly pay You enough respect, because no matter how much I could do or even want to do, it would never be enough to earn even a moment of Your presence. Thank You for grace and for allowing me to bask in the shadow of Your being. Thank You for providing songs to sing to Your honor and for directing me to always lift You up to the best of my ability. I will continue to serve You, praise You, and tell others about You for as long as You give me strength and words. I will bless Your name for as long as You give me strength, and do so in the name of Your Son, Jesus, amen.

    January 11

    Let’s Pray

    Father, there are times when I just want to fall on my knees before You and worship Your majesty! The world that You have created has such beauty and such resources that the mind of man can never uncover it all, let alone take credit for any of it. The sky, the oceans, the wind, the sun, and all the glorious plants and trees speak of a Creator who does all things well. I love the mountains and the valleys, the rivers, and the stillness of the world when it is quiet around me, but even in the traffic of life You are there. What gifts You have given to mankind. Though we will never be worthy of it, I pray You will help me to appreciate what I have in Jesus’ name, amen!

    January 12

    Let’s Pray

    Lord, I remember hearing an old saint of the church often say that we were all way behind in our praise. Truer words were never spoken, because the more I offer up my words and my songs of praise, the more I realize I fall short of the mark in what You deserve. Father, help me to draw nearer to Your heart every day and to keep my mind tuned to hear Your voice whenever You want to connect with me. No matter many years You provide for me on this planet, I want to use them to spread the story of the Gospel and to do whatever I can to let those around me know that the Kingdom of God has arrived and that they can be a part of it. Accept my praise in Jesus’ name, amen.

    January 13

    Let’s Pray

    Every day there are those who get bad news and their world seems turned upside down when it happens. We see too many sad faces. Lord, I have been blessed, but I hurt for the hurting and there seem to be so many of them around me. Today, I am not asking for anything for me, but as the God of the oppressed, wherever they may be, would You please apply Your grace in such a way that they will realize You have not forsaken them and never will. Father, trouble comes to us all because of the sin that afflicted and broke Your perfect creation, so please be merciful and send Your blessing upon the hurting in Jesus’ name, amen.

    January 14

    Let’s Pray

    Father, we are urged so many times throughout the Psalms to sing praises to You that I believe it is more than an accident or an author’s pet project. I believe that You love to hear Your people praise You in song, and I guess that’s why so many people put their thoughts down with pen and paper. It seems to me, Lord, that it is not just a request, but more of a solemn responsibility that all the nations hear the songs of worship so that they can each join in on the celebration. I know in the next life we will have a mixing of many tribes, nations, and dialects that will surround Your throne, so it only makes sense that we should all get practiced up for the great praise party that we will share together. Help me to sing to You in Jesus’ name, amen!

    January 15

    Let’s Pray

    There have been times when the heavens seemed like brass and my words didn’t seem to reach beyond the ceiling of the room in which I prayed. There have been at times a temptation to doubt whether or not You hear, but Father You have always come through for me and have not allowed me to succumb to that temptation. Over the years I have learned that I can’t depend on my emotions to govern my relationship with You. I may feel alone, but I know my Lord and King will never leave me. When I am praying without feeling You close, help me to remember that You are there anyway, whether I sense Your presence of not. Help me to walk by faith and not by sight because I know that someday because of Jesus, my faith will be sight, amen.

    January 16

    Let’s Pray

    From on high and from the earth beneath I realize that You know everything there is to know about me, Father. You watch me continually, not to catch me doing something wrong, but to catch me when I fall. I thank You that I am never left to my own devices, because I know that Your foolishness is stronger than my wisdom. I will offer my praise to You continually and spread Your Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ every time You provide me with such an opportunity. And Lord, I ask that as You test me, You would burn out of me anything that would be contrary to what pleases You and make me into Your image in every way. I call You Lord and commit myself to being Your servant in Jesus’ name, amen.

    January 17

    Let’s Pray

    Thank You, Father, for always being there when I need You. There have been so many times that I have been weak and when I called upon You, You came to my rescue. I don’t know of any whom I would consider to be my enemies, but if they are out there, I trust in You to protect me from their attacks. Because You are my God and because You are completely trustworthy, I can arise and take on each new day with confidence, and I can relax and sleep at night in peace. I wouldn’t trade what I have in You for all the riches of the world, for relationships with leaders, for fame, or for anything else. I praise You, my King, and thank You in the name of Your Son, Jesus, amen.

    January 18

    Let’s Pray

    How could one not trust in You, Lord? How can people turn their back on the abundant dose of love that You heap out on those who don’t deserve it? If we could only help those around us who don’t understand how much You care for them, then they would rejoice right along with the psalmist! Though I would be the first to say that my voice doesn’t do You justice, I would also want to say that You cause me to rejoice, to sing, and to celebrate the fact that You have been good to me. Whether people listen or not, whether I deserve the privilege or not, I am going to go right on praising You with my mouth, with my pen, and with everything I can find, for You are worthy, in Jesus’ name, amen.

    January 19

    Let’s Pray

    Lord, when I look at the sunrise and sunset, see the seasons change, and just look at the complexity of all Your creation, it is incredible to me that some people think it all just happened. It would be so

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