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A Warrior’s Sword: 10 Strategies to Build Hope and Stand Strong in the Midst of a Battle
A Warrior’s Sword: 10 Strategies to Build Hope and Stand Strong in the Midst of a Battle
A Warrior’s Sword: 10 Strategies to Build Hope and Stand Strong in the Midst of a Battle
Ebook212 pages3 hours

A Warrior’s Sword: 10 Strategies to Build Hope and Stand Strong in the Midst of a Battle

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Are you battle ready? Do you have on the full armor of God? Are you wearing your helmet, your breastplate, your girdle, and are you booted for combat? These items may equip you for battle, but you’re not ready until you have a sword to fight off your enemy. Every other preparatory accessory mentioned above is something a soldier wears into battle, the sword on the other hand is an offensive piece of equipment that can bring your enemy to their knees when used properly.
A Warrior’s Sword: 10 Strategies to Build Hope and Stand Strong in the Midst of a Battle is an aggressive weapon the Christian believer can use to ward off the attack of the Enemy. It’s a modern day 21st Century strategy manual written by a seasoned Marine veteran with 23 years of service who has actually been on the battlefield where she garnered a host of skills that will empower women to not only win the battle but also wear the victor’s crown at the end of the war.
Walda Collins is a woman of great faith who not only knows how to wield her sword (the word of God) but is also adept at using her shield of faith to ward off the enemy when in a face-to-face combat situation. In this book, she expertly shares the spiritual and logistical lessons she learned during war to assist you in being more than a conquer on the battlefield of life.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 16, 2019
A Warrior’s Sword: 10 Strategies to Build Hope and Stand Strong in the Midst of a Battle

Walda Collins

Walda Collins is a twenty-three year Marine Corps veteran turned Personal Chef and Restaurateur. After many years of faithful service, she decided to spread her wings and expand her horizons. Walda is passionate about life and health and chose a journey to help others lead healthier lives through food and faith. Many years of traveling and being of service to others brought her to a screeching halt, where she needed some time of solace. It was then that Walda begin to put pen to paper realizing this was a time to share her greater passion to help others build strength in tough times. A Warrior’s Sword is a modern day 21st Century guide to help the vulnerable to become unshakable. In this book, Walda shares ten strategies that helped her endure some of life’s tumultuous times. As the owner of a quaint little restaurant, CoCo Bistro, tucked away in Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas, Walda also finds the time to be an accomplished writer, speaker and life strategist. Her unwavering faith inspires others to see there’s nothing impossible when you believe. A native Texan, Walda shares her time with her husband Keith and their two sons Zach and Keith, Jr. She can be found at

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    A Warrior’s Sword - Walda Collins

    Copyright © 2019 Walda Collins.

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 12/16/2019

    Unless marked otherwise, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    The Plan


    Adjust Your Lens: Focusing on the Promises of God


    The Distraction

    (Strategy #1 - Know Your Enemies)


    The Deception

    (Strategy #2 - Renew Your Mind)


    The Destruction

    (Strategy #3 - Fight A Good Fight)


    A Warrior’s Expectancy

    (Strategy #4 - Renew Your Strength)


    Relentless Pursuit

    (Strategy #5 - Never Give Up)


    Assume the Position

    (Strategy #6 - Expect The Unexpected)


    Stand Your Ground

    (Strategy #7 - Refuse To Be Intimidated)


    Winning The War

    (Strategy #8 - Dress For Battle)


    Love Your Enemies

    (Strategy #9 - Practice Forgiveness)


    The Debrief

    (Strategy #10 - Wait With Expectation)

    To my battle buddies and the strongest warriors I know:

    My Grandmother, Climmie Benson

    My Mother, Frankie Benson Hector,

    To my closest brother in arms, my husband Dr. Keith G. Collins, Sr. and to my sons Zach & Keith, Jr.

    I pray I can wield my sword and be a vessel of hope and blessings to you and all who cross my path.


    I truly believe God wants us to live an abundant life; a life filled with an expectation that He will do just what He said. We are in a time when our expectations don’t coincide with our reality. We are presented with many daunting situations and curve balls in life. The world has become a place where our minds are dominated by the media, careers, alternative lifestyles and the expectations of man himself. But I dare to differ.

    I’ve written this book to motivate you and stimulate your mind to relent less and expect more. Don’t walk, run in pursuit of your expectations. We all have expectations. We all have a desire to do more, be more and live better. We know that if we are living and breathing, we still have purpose…Well if you didn’t know, now you know. Far too long and far too many people ponder their purpose. Millions of books have been written about your purpose: how to find it, the path to it, what it is. This book is not about purpose; it’s about power. It’s about the power of prayer. It’s time for you to rise up in power and tap into all the things God has made available to you. He has given you the power of the Holy Spirit and complete access to Himself. He has given you the weapon to defeat your enemy.

    The reality is that there is an enemy who is roaming to and fro about the earth seeking whoever will allow him a foot in the door. If given the slightest opportunity, he will find a way to wreak havoc in your life through lies, deception, fear and doubt. His total mission is to deny you access. The enemy wants to destroy your walk with God. He wants to disrupt your journey and render your destiny useless, by any means necessary. I want you to know you are not powerless against the enemy. When you know your strength, when you possess your power, when you have the expectancy to win, you will.

    Winning doesn’t just happen. You have to possess a winning state of mind. You must have hope. You must have a dogged determination for God’s glory to manifest in all areas of your life. It’s not enough to just think about defeating your giants. Good ideas are just that, good. Knowing what to do is vital, but that will only get you so far. There has to be a plan. The plan must be strategic, detailed and well thought out. Then you must take action. This is called execution.

    As a twenty-three-year Marine Corps veteran, I have seen war. I know there is a real enemy who wants to impose his will upon you. As your opponent, he desires to sift you, deter you and do nothing less than, to destroy you. The enemy has waged war in your home, your marriage, against your family, on your job, in your health, your finances, your ministry, your mind and even in our nation… and now you must fight for what rightfully belongs to you. ‘Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.’ (2 Chronicle 20:15 NIV) But you must, ‘Fight the good fight of faith…’ (1 Timothy 6:12 NKJV). You have every right to stand strong for what God has deemed yours. And you are going to have to fight for it. Take back what the enemy has stolen. Jacob reminds us in Genesis 32:26 NKJV, ‘I will not let you go until you bless me.’ Hold on to the promises of God, which are Yes and Amen.

    You have untapped power, gifts and abilities waiting to be unleashed. When your prayers are fervent they build your expectancy. When you pray intentionally, your expectations rise. When you pray strategically your confidence is boosted, knowing that God hears, He answers and the enemy is already defeated.

    Get ready! This book gives you tools and strategies to help you pray more effectively.

    Get Set! Take a dive into and live out the plan that wields power over the enemy.

    Let’s Pray! I pray that you experience the shift that is taking place as you develop a powerful prayer life.

    When the enemy comes… and he will, I want you to be ready. I want you to be able to recognize him and his deceitful tactics. I want you to be prepared to engage in battle; and through the power of the Holy Spirit, you will come out victorious.

    Be Bold! Be Courageous! Be Intentional! Be Strategic!

    I am reminded of this scripture:

    According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body. (Philippians 1:20 NKJV)


    The Plan

    God is faithful and He is just. He desires that we live this life in the knowledge and truth of who He is. When God formed the very foundation of the earth, He had a plan! And no matter what, the plan and purpose of our Lord will be fulfilled. In His sovereignty, God has predestined every detail of what’s coming.

    In this chapter, a new believer should have a better understanding of God’s plan for His kingdom and His plan for their life. God’s purpose allows the believer to live a life empowered for His kingdom agenda. This is the most powerful thing you can ever achieve.

    The Faithfulness of God

    For I know the plans I have for you,

    declares the Lord, "plans to prosper

    and not to harm you, plans to give

    you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV

    Now may the God of peace who brought

    up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that

    Great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with

    everything good for doing His will, and may He

    work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Christ…

    Hebrews 13:20-21 NKJV

    The Lord is faithful, who will establish you and

    guard you from the evil one.

    2 Thessalonians 3:3 NKJV

    ~The Master’s Plan

    There is a plan for your life. Yes, your life! Before you were ever formed in your mother’s womb, God already knew His plan for you. If you have discovered God’s plan for your life, congratulations! I know that’s a wonderful feeling. To live out God’s plan is the most powerful thing you can ever achieve. But I encourage you to keep reading and discover more of God’s desire for your success in life.

    Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV) tells us that God has a plan. This is a scripture of hope. Although you may be going through a tough time, God’s word says, I know the plans I have for you. No matter what state or condition you are in, God has a purpose for you. There is an expected outcome for you to be prosperous. This is the basis of your hope and your future.

    I believe this is simple, but yet, it’s conditional. We cannot know the plans of God if we don’t know God. God does not reveal Himself to those who don’t know Him. So I’m going to put a pen right here and ask you to come into the saving knowledge of our Lord. Pray this prayer with me:

    Dear Lord,

    I come to You in humility and ask that You

    take my sin away that I may have right standing with you.

    I accept Your Son Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and I turn away from

    my past life to a life renewed in You.

    I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart

    that Jesus died and rose again that I may be saved.

    Thank You for the gift of salvation. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    As you prayed this prayer, you are now on the path to God’s plan and His purpose. Through this prayer, I am continuously reminded of my salvation and what Jesus did for me at the cross. You may be a newcomer or a seasoned veteran in Christ, but let us never forget whence we came. The crux of our relationship with God begins with salvation. Through His saving grace, He wants to reveal Himself. There are no secrets in God. As your prayer life develops, you’ll learn more and more of who He is. In this growth process listening is essential. Listen to what the Spirit of God is saying to you. There within lies a plan.

    In my prayer time, I like to write. I’ve learned to sit and listen for what God has to say. Oh, did you know Prayer is a two-way communication? Prayer is not just for you to spew your thoughts, problems, dreams and admirations at God. What about what He wants to speak to you? This is your time to get to know the Father.

    God’s desire should be our heart’s desire. He has much on His heart and He desires that we pause and listen. Our focus should be on God rather than our lives. When our hearts are attuned to God, and He is our focus, He reveals more of Himself and His desire to us. When we seek His kingdom first and those things that are right, then all other things will be given to us. That’s conditional. The prerequisite here is that we must seek God first.

    I began to journal what the Holy Spirit was saying to me. This isn’t an audible voice. It’s what I hear down on the inside. But in order to get to that internal place, that means I had to shut up and listen. I don’t mean to sound harsh here, but there’s always a ‘but’, an ‘and’ or a ‘what if’ when it comes to listening to God. God desires that we have a love relationship with Him. He wants us to communicate with Him. However, we must be still long enough to hear. God has something to say. But if you’re too busy doing all the talking and making your requests, you’ll miss the important things. If you’re in a hurry because life awaits, you’ll miss Him. Adding this component [listening] during my prayer time helped me to clearly hear God speak. After all, He is the One with the master plan for our lives.

    "Be still and know (recognize, acknowledge) that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10 AMP

    For many years, I was seeking clarity and focus for my life. It wasn’t until I got still and allowed God to speak, rather than do all the talking, that I could hear what God had to say. And boy did He have lots to say! It’s not until you develop this pattern of listening that you can know the good and perfect plan of God. If you are in a place where you’re unsure of what God’s plan is for your life, don’t fret. Rest assured in knowing He cares and wants to fulfill His plan in you. He has a purpose for your life.

    But know this, if God had a plan, what makes us think we can wander aimlessly without one? We must all be planners of our lives guided by the Master Planner!

    ~The Master’s Purpose

    The world is full of people in search of their purpose. You too may be included in the hundreds of thousands of people in hot pursuit of a sense of accomplishment. If you’re feeling stuck, unfulfilled, overworked and overwhelmed, perhaps you’re pursuing what the world can’t give you.

    Knowing God’s purpose for your life requires something from you. Getting clear and focused requires an adjustment on your part. You have to be willing to give up some things, take on some things, and change some things. You must be willing to join God where He is at work.

    First of all pray and ask God to show you what His desire is for you. You’ll have to adjust your lens. View with a spiritual insight. As you fix your sight on God, He will show you just what He wants to accomplish through you. There will be circumstances that blind you, causing your vision to fail. You see, life is a continuous battle and you can sometimes be blinded by the fog of war. Life is like a war zone. Take a good look at what’s going on around you. Every day we see a battle. A battle in our relationships. Families are being destroyed daily. Our children are provoked with bullying, disruptive activity in social media and gender identity crisis. Our health is being ravaged by genetically modified food substances causing cancer and other degenerative issues. Our schools are brandished with shootings. Our government is divided by disagreement over laws and policies. Where do I fit amongst all this chaos, you may ask, God will show you how you are to make a difference.

    You are purposefully mastered by God, your Creator.

    Search the Word of God. In

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