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The Little Ascension Handbook: Guidelines from the Universe for Your Spiritual Journey to Wholeness
The Little Ascension Handbook: Guidelines from the Universe for Your Spiritual Journey to Wholeness
The Little Ascension Handbook: Guidelines from the Universe for Your Spiritual Journey to Wholeness
Ebook170 pages1 hour

The Little Ascension Handbook: Guidelines from the Universe for Your Spiritual Journey to Wholeness

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About this ebook

For many people, big questions burn slowly in the background of our lives: Who am I? Why am I here? We know there is more to us than the bodies we are wearing at the moment—that behind our lives there is a field of consciousness that joins all living things in love. But how can we open ourselves to it?

The Little Ascension Handbook seeks to provide answers to the questions you have always had. Perhaps you feel the bond between yourself and the rest of the universe, and maybe you also know that the beauty of the quantum energy world governs all parts of your life and gives you the power to make things happen in your world. But do you know how things are linked together to form this illusionary world that we see? Do you realise how much power you actually have to be the person you want to be and do the things that uplift your spirit and connect you with all of life? Using this knowledge as a starting point for exploration, you can begin to wake up and see the world for what it truly is, accept your nature, and rise in magnificence as the being of light you truly are.

This spiritual handbook offers straightforward explanations on spiritual topics to help guide others enlightenment and ascension—transcendence.
Release dateNov 29, 2019
The Little Ascension Handbook: Guidelines from the Universe for Your Spiritual Journey to Wholeness

Christine Barclay

Christine Barclay has served as a teacher in many parts of the world. Hers has been a lifelong journey to understand the true reality of life, and now she is passionate about sharing her knowledge with as many people as possible, enabling them to be part of the universal spiritual evolution.

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    The Little Ascension Handbook - Christine Barclay

    Copyright © 2019 Christine Barclay.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1998-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1996-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1997-3 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/30/2019



    Chapter 1 .   Who Am I?

    All about You: The Quick Version

    You Are a Spirit

    Your Higher Self

    Our Consciousness Levels

    Your Three Minds

    Your Thoughts

    Your Intuition

    The Heart and Love

    Your Emotions

    Your Ego

    Your Creative Potential

    Chapter 2 .   What Am I Really?

    The Field of Consciousness

    Energy Is Everything

    Energy and Quantum States

    Energy and Your Body

    Energy: Light, Sound, and Healing

    Energy Leaks

    Energy and Well-Being

    Your Energetic Connections to Others

    Your Chi

    Your Chakras

    Your Auras

    Your Health and Healing

    Gender and Sexuality

    Chapter 3 .   Where Am I?

    Lady Gaia, Our Mother Earth

    The Sun and The Great Central Sun


    Earth Energy Lines

    Grounding and Earthing

    Nature Deserves Our Reverence


    The Schumann Resonance

    Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu

    Chapter 4 .   Why Am I Here?

    Your Soul Contract

    Your Purpose Here on Earth

    The Earth Game

    The Law of One


    The Akashic Record

    Your Expectations

    Chapter 5 .   Who Is Here with Me?

    Your Relationships

    Accepting Yourself and Others

    What We All Want

    The Angels

    The Elementals


    Your Spirit Guides

    Galactic Connections and Disclosure

    Star Children amongst Us

    Crystals of Gaia

    Showing Compassion

    Being in Competition

    Connecting with Others

    Unity Consciousness

    Chapter 6 .   What Am I Supposed to Do while I’m Here?

    Ascension and Dimensions

    Your Reality

    The Path

    Distractions in Our Lives

    The Future (Not Really)

    Paying Attention

    Love Abounds

    Being Kind

    Being Grateful

    Showing Generosity

    Being Forgiving

    Having Grace

    Your Inner Peace

    Your Morality

    The Truth

    You Change and Grow

    Chapter 7 .   Who Is in Charge?

    Guidelines from the Universe

    Reactions and Your Power

    Your Entourage and Superpowers

    Service to Self and Service to Others

    Ancient Wisdom and the Mystery Schools

    The Internet and Learning

    Using Affirmations

    Chapter 8 .   So How Do I Become a Better Me?

    Your Awakening

    Sovereignty and Your Will

    Detachment from the World

    Being Worthy

    Enjoying Abundance

    Being in a State of Mindfulness

    Living Meditation

    Astral Projection and OBEs

    Using Chants and Mantras

    Dreaming and Lucid Dreaming

    Using Divination

    The Languages of Light

    Your Merkaba

    Your Image

    Illuminate Your Shadow

    What is Fear?


    Final Words




    T his is a handbook. A handbook is a reference book that breaks down a larger topic in order to give you short explanations about its various aspects. It gathers together from many detailed sources the information people need to get started. It gives the full range of subtopics in brief which will allow you to

    a) know that such a thing does exist with reference to the overall topic,

    b) select the areas that are of greater interest or need from the range given, and

    c) research further to assist you in obtaining greater knowledge.

    The greater topic is your spiritual awakening, your enlightenment, your ascension to the life that your soul was always meant to live.

    This is perhaps the most important area of knowledge for anyone to delve into. And because you are reading this, you know that the information is vital to your well-being and progress. On my own spiritual journey I have explored so many avenues of information that were linked to my understanding of this process. Like Alice going down the proverbial rabbit hole, I have been led off in multiple directions. I have been shocked and appalled at some revelations, and comforted and elevated with others. Each of the items of information I have discovered have been part of my journey so far, and there is still so much more for all of us to explore as people awaken across the world and need to learn new ways of doing things.

    My objective in writing this book is to provide you with a list of basic explanations about these spiritual topics. I hope that it helps you to understand enlightenment and ascension, which is sometimes called transcendence. There are many parts to the big picture, and after reading this, you can focus on those that particularly interest you. This book gives you the broad overview. Everything you investigate during your spiritual awakening will eventually lead you to the desired outcome, and the route you choose will be the best one for you, as you are on this journey of understanding and will do things the way that is right for you.

    Understand that this is your journey, and while there may be many people who are your guides and teachers, the responsibility will always be yours to fact check, research further, and ensure that the knowledge resonates as truth for you. Go within and ask yourself if the information will fit into your world concept.

    But also try to suspend judgement. We often read something and reject it immediately because that fact doesn’t fit in with our currently accepted world view. We can go into what is called cognitive dissonance, where what we read is too far away from what we know right now, and so our initial judgement is that it is a lie; it’s too hard to believe. There have been many examples of this throughout history; what people thought was impossible at that moment turned out to be the eventual truth. Think about the concepts of motorised flight or space travel when they were first tried. Many people wouldn’t believe it until they saw it for themselves, but it was happening.

    So, enjoy your trip. Read this handbook a few times and think about the questions I have asked; are these the ones you are asking yourself and maybe have been for a long time? Talk about these things with your friends; they might be on their spiritual journey too.

    Above all, don’t just take my word for it; investigate everything I say. There is a wealth of knowledge out there that is available for you to dip into. Use this handbook as the starting point for your journey of discovery. Add notes to it, make it a true record of your learning, and keep it with you.

    My focus has been a positive one. There are some things happening in the world today that are frightening and unacceptable, and you will no doubt discover these as you investigate. Face that darkness but try not to let it overwhelm you. Know that it exists, that it should not exist, and that we want to stop it from existing by living in a better way as human spirits.

    Send your love not only to those who are being hurt, but also to the ones who are doing the hurting as they are spirits as well. You might go into the depths of despair and feel anger and shock, and perhaps the bitterness of betrayal when you find out that some of those that you idolised are not who you thought they were. But work through it; you will come out on the other side with knowledge and understanding that will help you to forge your way to a better world for all of us.

    Bless you, and happy learning.


    Who Am I?

    All about You: The Quick Version

    You Are a Spirit

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