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Your Story, My Story: Lights That Blink
Your Story, My Story: Lights That Blink
Your Story, My Story: Lights That Blink
Ebook61 pages43 minutes

Your Story, My Story: Lights That Blink

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Lights that blink is an allusion to the Lighthouses which guide ships through the harbor channels to docking. The blinking lights from the shore’s Lighthouses as well as the lights from the buoys in the approach to the harbor alert the vessels to steer clear of the danger zones, the shallow waters, the submerged boulders, rocks and hidden reefs.
Release dateDec 26, 2019
Your Story, My Story: Lights That Blink

Bishop Thomas E. WoolFolk

Bishop T. E. Woolfolk is a native of Richmond, Virginia. He graduated from Maggie L. Walker High School. Now widowed after 68 years, he is the father of a son, daughter, six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. He is an Honors graduate of North Carolina Central University. Also, the author is listed in scholastic academic publications. His biblical training is from the Church of Christ Bible Institute, the W.L. Bonner College, Temple Bethel Synagogue( Hebrew Studies ) and the Universal School of Theology. Degree-wise, he has a BA, MTh, DD, LPC( Licensed Pastoral Counselor ). Bishop Woolfolk built and pastored Refuge Temple-COOLJC in Oxford, North Carolina for over 50 years. For over 40 years, he was the Diocesan Bishop of the North Carolina Diocese, Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Organizationally, he served as Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and later Executive Secretary for 36 years. In addition to the aforementioned, for 23 years he worked for the United States Government.

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    Your Story, My Story - Bishop Thomas E. WoolFolk

    © 2020 Bishop Thomas E. Woolfolk. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 12/23/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-4068-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-4067-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019920847

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.






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    In Memory of My


    M i l d r e d


    I was a victim of my neglect by listening to procrastination in writing my first book, Beyond The Bark, and now this one. Earlier I was continually encouraged to write, by family members and college professors. Following the publication of Beyond the Bark – I received letters and calls commending the work. Numerous persons asked where have you been hiding and when will you write the next one? I am most appreciative of all such comments and encouraging words.

    I am thankful for my daughter, Joy, who regularly read and commented on my drafts. Too, my son, Brent, hath reviewed some drafts and given comments. I am most thankful to Dr. Helen C. Othow, a distinguished University English Professor of well over 35 years who also taught, not only in the United States, but in Africa. She was most helpful in critiquing and doing what any such professor of note – does. Again, I thank her.

    To all members of my family, including my wife of late, who are and were my constant encouragers in this pursuit of writing. The same to my many friends and others who have read my previous book and who, hopefully, will read this one with enjoyment.

    Last, but not the least, I thank AuthorHouse Publishing Company, the publisher of this book, for its expert guidance team with whom I have been working.

    Again, Thank you.


    The sub-title, Lights that blink, is an allusion to the Lighthouses which guide ships through the harbor channels to docking. The blinking lights from the shore’s Lighthouses as well as the lights from the buoys in the approach to the harbor alert the vessels to steer clear of the danger zones, the shallow waters, the submerged boulders, rocks and hidden reefs.

    Of course, there are no dangerous hidden reefs submerged under or found in My Story or Stories. I submit that such would be the case with Your Story(ies). When the Light that Blink – blink, that will be the moment when a word, phrase or an idea piques your interest, leaps from the pages and ignites your submerged talent. Hopefully, may such awaken within you that insatiable desire to tell your story(ies).

    As you

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