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Across an Empty Land
Across an Empty Land
Across an Empty Land
Ebook243 pages4 hours

Across an Empty Land

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About this ebook

A young man, left home in Africa with his close friend; for the shores of Western Europe.
He was convinced as much as his friend that his country had nothing
For him, as far as progress, peace or prosperity is concerned.
They traversed through the scorching heat of the arid desert landscape, the wild open ocean and the rugged cold mountain.
According to him and other youths of many other countries, they were in search of ‘A life worth living’
However, events and situations, on arrival at the destination of their aspiration led both friends to be reasonable in the management of their expectation.
When they were twice refused permission to stay where they had set their heart, both had no option, than to reverse their journey, back to where they did not want to be.
As he returned, he concluded that all the lands he crossed, were empty for him.
On a reassuring note for the friends, they made a dignified exit from the land they sought the failed asylum. They were pleased that they weren’t detained at the removal center, restrained, and then deported in a humiliating way.
Release dateDec 22, 2019
Across an Empty Land

Virginia Egbujor

Virginia Ada Egbujor is a literary fiction writer. (Novelist.) Her other Novels include: As the sky Darkened: the untold story of Biafra the homeland Footprints of the Amazons A lonely place to be: the tale of a migrant The Wounded Warrior. All published by Author house publishers.

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    Across an Empty Land - Virginia Egbujor

    © 2020 Virginia Egbujor. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 12/20/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-9684-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-9685-9 (e)

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    The Book ‘Across an Empty Land’ is dedicated to the memory of my loving brother, Dr. Anthony Anuchiri Ajubige.


    I Acknowledge the Enduring Love and Support of my Children.

    I also Acknowledge my God given Inspiration, Zeal and Talents.


    I made the call earlier today. I consider it a conversation or preferably an interchange that has capability to change my life; my family prospects and that of all of us planning to embark on a project. I have three of my friends with me. It is not just any straight forward project. We have planned to embark on a journey. This will take us to lands far away and alien to all we know prior to now. We have all just started our adult lives. The youngest of us is nineteen years old and the oldest is twenty three. I come in the middle at twenty one years of age.

    None of us is still a child; we are all young men to say the least. That was at the back of my mind when I made the call. The number to call was given to me by Michael Aju, Mike, as popularly known by his friends was a senior to us at the Education Section of the University we were studying to be first and second level teachers. In simple terms, referred to as primary and secondary education teaching.

    He sent the numbers through his phone, and referred to the person to call as ‘the people arranging the journey’ it was meant as an introduction. He did not want to refer to the husband and wife by the more unsavoury name like, human trafficking, gangs or people smugglers.

    It was a female voice at the opposite end and she handed the phone to the man that I presumed to be her husband. He was friendly, though he appeared to be scrutinising and asked me prying questions. When he asked my name, I stated. He however asked again in a more suspicious voice. Then I said it again, more loudly; Josh Peter; trying to put emphasis with my full masculine voice, fully confident that I’ve attained full masculinity at proud age twenty one. There is no silky effeminate or pre-puberty voice attributable to a young male.

    He continued to pry. He asked which part of the country do you come from?’’ ‘‘I’m from the east’’, I said with my genetic sense of confidence. I even added a chuckle. Why are you going by two English names? Were you born abroad? Two Christian names I put in as a tacit point of correction. I could sense he was waiting for me to explain. Then I went on: I have my father’s Christian name as my Surname and he approves of it since I was an infant’’ I hope there is nothing wrong with it,’’ I went on "Not at all, he said. Most of us have native or vernacular surname.

    I can recall, Josh recounted to his friend, Mike, that the man about to ‘arrange their proposed journey’ also enquired the reason they wish to embark on the long journey. He told him that the students and everyone around the place felt endangered by those who were fighting against ‘The Book’, as the students sought to euphemise the militants whose ideology was principally to eradicate education as everybody is aware. For us all young people around the place this is constantly taking place. No one is safe. The man just tried to clear his throat, probably in an indirect agreement.

    He went on to advice as I can recall. He stressed that if we succeed to reach our destination, these questions may come up. They may even want to know the new country you want, he continued I would suggest that you could have relocated to the other parts of the country where there is relative peace since you have a huge country.

    The man arranging the journey appeared reasonable to me. He is not entirely after money, as people tend to categorise them. He even emphasized that it is necessary to have cogent reason and immediate and relevant danger that is forcing us to embark on the journey. He may on the other hand be trying to pre-empt a failure for us and the possibility of a premature return, and consequently bearing a grudge for aiding them on a wasteful venture. He even added when he completed the introductory conversation with me that, he is addicted to success that he likes to have it whenever he takes up any venture. Your success is mine too he concluded with a laugh.

    Before I spoke to Mike, I recounted the reasons we have to stand by our plan to travel. Primary above all was the incessant activities of the fighters. They keep striking in all the institutions of learning. Today it is the boys’ secondary school where the attacker blew himself and others up in the school assembly.

    It was sorrow and blood in the remaining infrastructure of the once place of joy and learning. Shortly on the heels of that was the abduction of many hundreds of female students, whose fate is unpredictable and may only be in the hands of God.

    Then the recent blast on our higher institution of learning is not immune to those fighting or more strongly; Waging war against the learning brought by the western world. I deem it sad and funny at the same time. Why pick on education?. The west brought a range of things. These include cars, aircrafts, clothing, assorted foods even the amour and weapon used by the same anti-western education campaigners. It is minimising it by regarding them as campaigners. They are warriors on the rampage, destroying lives and property. I thought their perceived foes have brought many good things open to choice. What about the digitalised living, we youths, including the so called warriors cannot live without. Think of the phones, smart phones, tablets that are utilised by the video obsessed warriors.

    Indeed, the man who is arranging the travel may not know that for us we have chosen the propagating of education and learning as our core profession. Sadly we are the main target of those fighting the Book, the Book haters. We may be categorised as endangered. In short, I and my class mates will have no profession if the fighters have their way. I spoke to Michael later in the day. I told him that the impression I had gathered. Principally I related that the gentle man had assured me that I should leave it to him.

    He stated that he would discuss with you to finalise and I agreed that he would forward the travel plan to you.

    Yes, that is the crucial aspect as far as he is concerned, Mike interjected.’’ No, I may disagree I added he did not appear to be all concerned with his money. I could see he appeared caring and conscious of our welfare. I disagree with tagging all the same; painting all with the same brush as they say. Our welfare and success appear prominent in his calculation. I’m sure it was no pretence, as I listened to him.’’

    "As I always say Josh, Mike, rejoined this is no time to allow mere sentiment or emotion to get much of you. The man is out for his own purse. In fact every good business man should be conscious about protecting the goose that lays the proverbial golden eggs.

    Our success equates to his. More people would be referred to him. Tell a friend when you get to your destination. One has to take care of his goods as the people who facilitate human travels designate us.

    We are the ‘human goods.’ or cargo. It started long ago. That was how the traders in human beings thought about their human cargo. They even built warehouses for them. The human warehouse of sorrow and dismay. Sorry, Josh, Michael said, my mind keeps flipping to its history loving antecedents. I have nothing against the man in question, or others that help people reach the destination in faraway lands. All I know is they are human and their personal interest is primary. All we need from him is to help us succeed. We will meet our own end of the bargain. It may even be a contractual agreement’’

    During the brief encounter I had with ‘the man arranging’ our journey, I could deduce that, whereas he was keen on knowing everything about me, namely my name, family background, both parents and their financial status or what they did for a living. On his own part he appeared to be holding back on issues about him. He presented as economical with the facts that are personal to him. In short he was quite evasive when I even asked his own name. He ended up not telling me. I can still say he appeared to have our welfare in the journey high on the list of what he cared about.

    However, Mike’s analytical assessment speaks a million words. It is like putting ‘your money where your mouth is so to speak. That is being mindful of the wellbeing of one’s ‘asset’

    I have also been made to understand from some close friends, that many others like the man arranging our journey take it to a different dimension, in order to safeguard their income. In that regard the signing of the contract would include bizarre practices of bringing in voodoo, and occult practice. Actions like taking the traveller to the shrine to swear oaths to confirm they would pay all they owe can be carried out.

    In fact as I thought, that may not occur on our own case, we in fact, the three of us, or any new person who wants to join would be prepared to pay off the cost of the journey before we set off.

    Taking recourse to voodoo or ‘satanic oaths’, as my mum would say, may be connected with travellers who want to travel first and then pay off the cost of the journey as they work in the new country of abode. I’ve even handed in my judgement. Some unscrupulous travellers may fall short on fulfilling their part of agreement when they reach their destination and begin to make the thousands of dollars and other foreign currencies, which we anticipate. That is the core attraction all of us have. Other things may be added; such as further education, and assured sense of security. That is pure greener pasture. It will be more than what we currently have. As for me and my friends any other pasture rather than here will be green enough.

    For me, I think, the constant bombing and the use of explosive gadgets on the campus of a University, or attacks and massacres on the grounds of boys secondary schools will not be the first thing that comes to my inbox or text on my phone or even escaping death by strips of my hair. It is a global planet. I do know that nowhere has monopoly of these hazards. It can happen anywhere. It is also prevalent in our destination of choice; England or the United Kingdom. It however, becomes more fearful when it occurs at your door step or University next to yours. I know my mum will be constantly on her knees praying with her shiny rosary. My grandfather on my mother’s side used to say to my brother; "a young man who wishes to be a soldier will never be deterred by the prospect of being captured on the battlefield’’

    Presently, my friends and I, the young three ‘Amigos’ are poised to taken the venture, our own battle field. We will succeed.

    I had planned to call my mum and Dad as soon as I could. I have been staying with my older sister in the old capital city, since I moved from the university campus in the North. This is the hob of the insurgency and she was delighted to have me back in one piece. I’m appreciative of her putting me up here. The old capital city is known for its overpopulation. Accommodation is scarce and Joyce, my sister is managing a two bed apartment with two children and her husband. She has one toddler and a six month old baby. I’m sure the small apartment as it is has not enough space for her son Ike to do his wandering and explorations. That is exactly how his Dad Isaac Ebo, describes his two year old son in his humour and joke.

    The last time Isaac made his comment, I quietly related Ike’s escapades to what we are planning. Indeed wandering and exploring. The site is the difference, I thought; whereas Ike is aware of where he wandered and explored, my friends and I are going into the wilds and far away from home.

    My sister has accommodated me in spite of great inconvenience to her, but that is how we are brought up, to always be aware and express in deeds that blood is thicker than water, our Nan would say. No one would mutter: I’m busy when his sibling or kit and kin are in dire need. That is as one of the adages of my people say. My mum is always throwing it in our face when we were growing up. It simply means that no one in their right sense can deny their relation in need of help or assistance.

    I could have returned to my family home in the east of the country. There is a large family house with up to seven self-sufficient rooms. The reason I’m here is because of our impending plans. All my friends are here. Even, the man arranging our journey is here also. My sister is a bit tight lipped about our plans and has not summoned courage to confront me on what she termed her fears and misgivings about our so called leap in the dark. On few occasions she spoke about our plans. She has promised to sit around and discuss with me. She does not want to be ‘nay sayer’ or bring in bad luck. Joyce is just two years older than my older brother James, but she had always acted like my mother. As we were all children in the north, when my mum was not in the house, she knew how to lay down the rules and insisted on enforcing them as my mother would.

    We had lived a fairly middle class level of life. My dad had provided our needs and Mum supplemented with her primary school teaching salary. My dad as custom dictates bears greater part of the share of family needs. He had a small to medium accounting firm. He mainly helped the traders to balance their books or keep accurate account of purchases and sales or marketing.

    Things changed for us when the insurgency intensified and the epicentre as in the earthquake was Borno, which was our domicile. My dad quickly strategized and moved most of his firm to the East which is our home in the real sense of it. His business volume was reduced. My mother also got a teaching job in a state primary school close to the family house. Sadly the teachers are rarely paid regularly. It is ‘hit and miss’, as my mum jokingly describes the mode of salary payment in her new job. For majority of the teachers and other persons working for the state offices or infrastructures, it is not a joking matter. In fact that counts as one of the reasons my friends and others, mainly the youths wish to change things around for immediate family and extended ones. I believe my sister has genuine reason to maintain her reservations. I always maintain my grand dad’s stance that a reasonable soldier does not abscond for fear of being captured on the war front. That thought made me laugh quietly. My friends and I are poised to embark on our ‘soldier role’ as events around have turned us. It may be fool hardiness, but I hope not.

    I called Mike to find out how the plan was going. He said he had called the man arranging our journey and he assured him that the ball is in our court. He stated that from his own part, he remains optimistic that all was ready when we’re ready.

    You know what he means by that statement, Michael said. ‘When we’re ready means when we provide his fees. Remember, it is upwards of $4000 (American dollars). They don’t charge in Sterling (The English pounds) the human traffickers preferred currency is the dollar. I’m only calling the spade its name. You may say that, I’m now calling them what everyone else calls them’’, Mike giggled at his own end of the phone. Carry on with the flow; I endorsed Mike, that is what they are known as internationally. Though it is pejorative, I do not think they care very much. They do a lot to get people to their intended destination.

    It’s only when it goes wrong, that may be, people demonise them as for me I’m always for fairness. I can vouch that people go to them and solicit their services. They are not known to grab people by the neck against their will to transport them to another country. There was a time that happened. It was when Africans were forcibly kidnapped, captured and trafficked to other country against their will. I will always demonise the perpetrators of such acts to the ends of creation’’ I could hear Mike sigh at the other end and calmly say, You’re right Josh’’. "Yes I am, I continued, you can see that we are now asking for their services. We are even paying them to transport us to the once dreaded destination. I hope our role will be different from those of our great, great ancestors who were forcibly removed from our shores with a lot of dehumanisation and degradation.’’

    I fully see the point you’re making, but I will like to listen to history from your non forgetting brain, Mike said again. Before I leave, I would advise that you endeavour to help us out of our present situation I hope’’ I’m with you, I said and he switched off.

    When I replaced my phone, I noticed that my sister was lurking around. She was behind the curtain and I was sure she was eavesdropping. She is adamant about her scepticism as regards people travelling to unknown destination for the so called better life. Joyce may have been aware of the gist of my conversation with Michael. So who was it you were speaking to’’ She asked before I could respond, Joyce went on It is the same guy luring you into this wild goose chase. I hope to let mum and dad hear about this. Since your University and its environs are near warzone, it would be sensible to register and transfer all your courses both completed and ongoing ones to institution over here. I hope all your records are intact. It should be so, unless the bombers attacked your registry and human resources department.

    I don’t think that would be necessary I told her. I’ve completed my core courses in my major area. I’ve few electives to cater for. In any case, that may not be necessary if my plan materialise.

    "Your plan is to travel to Europe, with no hopes that can be deemed feasible, Joyce was sounding agitated. Josh, be realistic. My mum used to call you ‘Mr Level Head’.

    Come on now, what happened to the ‘old head on the young shoulder as mum used to refer to you. I know that things are not what we would want, but this euphoria of a better life in another’s country is getting out of hand. This is more so when one considers the toll in terms of loss of the lives of the youths both in the dessert and ignoble Mediterranean Sea. I don’t know about the much talked about paradise on earth. I have not been there and I don’t intend to go at all cost. Remember Josh, my sister continued, our parents have only the three of us. "A word is enough for the wise.’’ Joyce finished her admonitions or advice as she had intended. Soon her husband returned, we all went into the kitchen to continue the conversation. The baby sitter was still around and we went on talking without the young members of the family needing their mum’s attention. The topic of conversation remained the same. Isaac my brother in law was not in support of my plans, but he was not of the same mind set as my sister; a total rejection: In his leisurely and lay back disposition he remarked, ‘Josh is a young man; adventure is synonymous with his age.

    Recent occurrences and events are not what

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