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Angola: The Battle of Kifangondo, 1975
Angola: The Battle of Kifangondo, 1975
Angola: The Battle of Kifangondo, 1975
Ebook56 pages44 minutes

Angola: The Battle of Kifangondo, 1975

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The world has witnessed several battles since the dawn of time. Whether ancient or recent, they all contain a wealth of data useful for life in several circumstances. These battles, which had a significant influence on the life of mankind and defined the course of history, have been the object of study by many scholars.
Besides these and other battles framed in the context of great armed conflicts, the world has long recorded the occurrence of small-scale fighting associated with a number of armed conflicts. One must stress low-intensity armed conflicts. Beyond this fact, however, certain successive military fights in the context of such armed conflicts are called battles.
This is the case of fights in the armed conflict of Angola, which took place in the period between 1975 and 1976. It is in this scope that the military confrontation in Kifangondo is called a battle. The fighting caused a shock amongst several military forces.
Release dateDec 10, 2019
Angola: The Battle of Kifangondo, 1975

Miguel Junior

Miguel Junior is a general officer of the Angolan Armed Forces and military historian. He is author of several works and has published articles on defense, security and history.

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    Angola - Miguel Junior

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    Published by AuthorHouse 12/10/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-9679-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-9680-4 (e)

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    1   Elna And The Battle Of Kifangondo

    2   The Influence Of The Battle Of Kifangondo In The National And International Context

    3   Reflexions On The Battle Of Kifangondo

    4   Battle Of Kifangondo – A Case Study



    CE – special commandos

    ELNA – National Liberation Army of Angola

    ELP – Portuguese Liberation Army

    FAA – Armed Forces of Angola

    FNLA – National Liberation Front of Angola

    FAPLA – People’s Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola

    FAR – Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba

    ZAF – Zairean Armed Forces

    MPLA – People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola

    UNITA – National Union for the Total Independence of Angola


    On November 11 each year, the Angolan people celebrate national independence joyfully and with emotion. That date marks the birth of the Republic of Angola as a free, independent, and sovereign state. Upon proclamation of national independence, Angola entered the Concert of Nations. Hence, Angolans are proud of the conquest of independence and of the many victories that they have reached in several domains of national life throughout thirty-five years. In the field of national conquests, peace is the great conquest of Angolans because it represents the backbone for growth and national development. Peace is the inescapable base to materialise national aspirations and have a full and harmonious life. As such, Angolans are confident and will do everything to preserve peace.

    When one reminisces about November 11, the first image that comes to mind is the moment of war that we were living in the remote year 1975. When we celebrate another anniversary of our independence, let us return to the words of Dr António Agostinho Neto, expressed in the act of proclamation of national independence. Another aspect that one must not ignore or underestimate concerns the Battle of Kifangondo, which was decisive in the context of the 1975 war.¹

    Due to its impact, one must remember it and simultaneously see it as a moment of reflexion. In this perspective, and within the scope of the commemorations of the thirty-fifth anniversary of independence, the Ministry of National Defence and the General Staff of the FAA held a conference – the first amongst us – about the battle of Kifangondo. We thus go into reviewing battles as a current practice of military and academic institutions, an input to inform thought about situations of war, and in this case the very history of Angola.

    In this book, we gather the presentations uttered for the public so that readers can know some historic elements of the battle of Kifangondo.

    Institute of Thought



    General Tonta Afonso de Castro²

    I will frame the description of the battle in terms of politics, scope and aim, strategy, composition of forces, environment, and battle proper.


    The National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA), which began as a national liberation movement, was one of the first

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