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Embrace & Empower Your Calling
Embrace & Empower Your Calling
Embrace & Empower Your Calling
Ebook52 pages30 minutes

Embrace & Empower Your Calling

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About this ebook

This book came about by having, what I consider a normal conversation with my present pastor and wife. From that conversation, it was confirmed that my calling is to pray (maybe the main part); at this point I turned and looked at my husband.

After the above conversation I remember (at the time) feeling dissatisfied with not having what the world views as success and was talking to the Lord about it.

Following from this there was an event called “the flowing oil”. At the end of the event the guest speaker had anointing oil with him and were anointing, just a hand full of people. On at least one of the times he kept looking at me (as if he was to) but did not. I got home and asked myself the question “I am prepared to see my Lord?” This got me into gear.

There was another book that I had started to work on when this book was birthed in my heart. It is an inspirational book about coming to the realization of what part of my calling is; notice the word part of my calling! Well over a period of time, I embraced it and while embracing my call; I started to feel empowered. This book is not just about my calling but about yours’ too! The intent also is to stir up your calling. You may feel as if you do not fit in and the world may not seem to offer you anything but God surely can. In the book of Matthew Jesus quotes in my father’s house (mansion) there are many rooms. What I am saying is there are enough rooms for you and he can use you here on earth whether it is in a secular way or in the church.

Throughout this book, there is encouragement for grown ups, whether they are Christian or not, young or old, married or unmarried, having children or not and finally having a career or not. My book starts to unfold at the book of Genesis, as you keep reading, it also talks on mercy and ends with God’s love.

In addition I touched on varied other topics such as sharing testimonies as stories and tips that I had found useful having a family. My co-writer Melissa, is a professional and has shared her own faith from childhood to when her business started a few years ago now.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 30, 2019
Embrace & Empower Your Calling

Kerri-Ann John

This process began with a deep desire knowing Kerri-Ann John had a lot to say and a longing of doing so. Kerri-Ann started putting words to paper then a friend of hers wrote her own book and invited her to the book launch. She was pleasantly surprised because she was not told of this beforehand so she had no idea that her friend was writing a book. After the book launch Kerri-Ann felt inspired to the point of wanting to write a book. The process began, it was not easy for various reasons, one for example she was being diagnosed with dyslexia but she had a passion for wanting to say something, to help others whether it was to better understand or just impart what she knew. Kerri-Ann wrote blogs then felt it wasn’t enough so she asked friends and family if they knew of a publisher to assist in seeing her dream come through so a publisher came on board and she learnt a lot and gained some experience too. Kerri-Ann’s book called “Love sees her” was published and is on Amazon, the reason for mentioning the book is, the setting was in South Africa. Someone knowing that she was not from there asked her if she had visited and why not write about her ancestry who are from Jamaica. Kerri-Ann started on the journey of writing about her heritage then something a little strange happened She had a pull to write this book to encourage and motivate others, realising that there are people who may have given up hope through a lack of faith but there is hope in Christ Jesus and so she had to share this in a book form. The thoughts for the book were not forced and came naturally to her mind this gave her a sense of achievement or for a better word accomplishment. In addition to the above it is leading her on to writing more books of different genre and yes she hopes to complete the book on her heritage which she has started. Finally she does hope you will find this book interesting, enjoy reading it and also refer it to your friends and families.

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    Embrace & Empower Your Calling - Kerri-Ann John

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4052-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4053-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:  07/14/2020


    To my beautiful family.


    To those who need further encouragement both within

    the body of Christ and outside the body of Christ.



    Title: To Embrace Empower Your Calling

    Setting the Scene

    Open the Eyes of our Heart

    His Blessings



    Our Calling


    Being Real


    His Promise

    Another Point of View

    God’s Grace



    W e come in different shapes, sizes, characters and personalities; but God thought of us, predestined us, called us, justified us into being (Romans 8:29-30).


    Title: To Embrace

    Empower Your Calling

    L ife is a journey filled with discovery, yet the Lord knew us before we were in our mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5).

    My family and I lived in New Delhi,

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