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Ticker Tape Poetry and Other Things
Ticker Tape Poetry and Other Things
Ticker Tape Poetry and Other Things
Ebook51 pages28 minutes

Ticker Tape Poetry and Other Things

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This is not your average book about a dog, or a pet, or a relationship between man and beast, or even a “how to” book. This book is about dogs that were regular customers to the grooming shop. Each poem is tailored to a certain pet. Each poem has an introductory paragraph that gives insight as to why the poem was written. All poems, well maybe with one or two exceptions, are funny, but not all poems are about dogs therefore the “and other things” in the title. The book also provides training tips that possible could help the reader.
Release dateJan 6, 2020
Ticker Tape Poetry and Other Things

J. M. Butler

J. M. Butler, after serving 20 years in the U. S. Navy, retired to Hot Springs, Arkansas with her husband and to be near their children. Unfortunately, after only two years of retirement, Mrs. Butler lost her husband to colon cancer. Rather than go back into the military she decided to open a pet grooming shop where she offered Do-It-Yourself services along with professional grooming. So for the next 20+ years, Mrs. Butler wrote humorous poetry about her “furry” clients. J.M.Butler believes that laughter has a curing element, so by the time you reach the end of her book, you should be a very healthy person.

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    Ticker Tape Poetry and Other Things - J. M. Butler

    © 2019 J. M. Butler. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  01/03/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-3485-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-3484-4 (e)

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    As a teenager, like most, I was not interested in poetry. I thought it was dry and too full of metaphors and similes. In other words, it bored me. Then the inevitable happened—I grew up and my appreciation of poetry grew with me. But it wasn’t until I lost my entire family, including my eighteen-year-old granddaughter, that I grew to appreciate the meaning behind the words. But my poems are not of the same subject matter that most poets write of. They are mainly about dogs, our pets. But let me go even deeper into the reason for choosing such subject matter.

    You see, God has a sense of humor. At the lowest time in my life, He gave me the gift of rhyme. I don’t know why I call it a gift because the rhymes hit at the worst times: having a conversation with someone, at night when I’m trying to sleep, or driving down the street. I have to be ready to write down what is flashing across this organ that science calls a brain. There was one occasion while driving I had to pull over, off the

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