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Jesus Will Manifest Himself to You
Jesus Will Manifest Himself to You
Jesus Will Manifest Himself to You
Ebook122 pages1 hour

Jesus Will Manifest Himself to You

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The Word of God sets the standard for how we should live our lives. Everyone will be judged against this standard, equally. This standard is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, God must reward the righteous, and on the other hand, God must judge and penalize the unrighteous, as he has promised. He must follow this same standard.

The ‘authorized’ King James version of the Christian Holy Bible, is the only version requested by God’s anointed King. There are three ‘positions’ of man that are anointed by God. These are Kings, Priests, and Prophets. True Jews/ Israelites are also anointed by God.

Many Christian ministers have personally elevated themselves without God’s request or approval, to ‘edit’ God’s Word, and create other ‘bibles’, that God does not recognize. They are ‘playing God’, and will be judged by God, accordingly.

Changing the Word of God without being anointed by God to do so, results in spiritual death (permanent separation from God), and yet, we find this taking place throughout every religion. False literature, interpretations (understanding), practices, teachings, and so on litter the Earth. Today’s ‘scribes and Pharisees’ are soldiers of Satan. High-headedness rules the day.

Original Christian Bible manuscripts contain errors. Two visions and a dream (in riddles) led to nine years of research, prayer, debates/discussions, and attendance at various Christian churches, opening my eyes to the truth, with God’s help. The current Christian ministry is filled with obnoxious vanity.
Release dateJan 21, 2020
Jesus Will Manifest Himself to You

Thorwald Johansen

Original Christian Bible manuscripts contain errors. Two visions and a dream (in riddles) led to nine years of research, prayer, discussions/debates, and attendance at various Christian churches, revealing a whole new ‘Word of God’ understanding, and the obnoxious vanity of the current Christian ministry.

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    Jesus Will Manifest Himself to You - Thorwald Johansen

    Copyright © 2020 Thorwald Johansen.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2679-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2678-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2680-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020900431

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date:  01/07/2020



    Chapter 1   In The Beginning

    Chapter 2   Receiving A Prayer Answer In God’s Own Voice

    Chapter 3   Searching The Scriptures

    Chapter 4   My Experience With Mormonism

    Chapter 5   My First Vision

    Chapter 6   My Second Vision

    Chapter 7   My Dream (In Riddles)

    Chapter 8   Interpretation Of The Dream Riddles

    Chapter 9   I Am A True Israelite

    Chapter 10   The Protestant Reformation

    Chapter 11   Changing The Word Of God

    Chapter 12   Errors In The Christian Ministry Teachings

    Chapter 13   Water Baptism

    Chapter 14   Chastisement

    Chapter 15   Creation Of ‘New’ Bibles

    Chapter 16   Our Body Is The Temple Of God

    Chapter 17   Artifacts Used In The Worship Of Idols

    Chapter 18   Personal Life And Death Experiences

    Chapter 19   Life On Earth Is Our Bootcamp

    Chapter 20   The Jewish Holocaust

    Chapter 21   The Growth Of Islam

    Chapter 22   Return To The Days Of Noah

    Chapter 23   Correcting The Christian Religion

    Chapter 24   From Death To Judgement

    About the Author


    Christ taught us, that if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, we will be saved. Even if we only believe upon his name, we will be saved.

    The above, are very strong, eye-opening statements, when we consider all of the rest of the NT writings that provide us with intimate knowledge of the way in which we should or should not, live our lives. Does this mean, that no matter what we do, we will be saved, as long as we ‘satisfy’ the first two statements, above? This seems to be supported by the actions of Christ, when he spoke in ‘parables’ to the scribes and Pharisees, so that they would not understand, and therefore, he would not have to save them. We, as Christians, know, that once we repent of our sins and become saved, we must follow Christ from that point forward, because failure to do so [returning to our previous evil ways], and then seeking salvation again, is like crucifying Christ for the second time. The chances of becoming saved again are very slim. Properly understanding the scriptures to begin with, is vital to our salvation.

    Interpreting scriptures on our own, using our own vanity, can get us into very serious trouble. We can become ‘false prophets’, without realizing it. We can also become ‘tale-bearers’ by spreading incorrect interpretations of scriptures, to others.

    It is the responsibility of every teacher/minister of God’s Word, to ask [knock/seek/ask] God for the wisdom to interpret the scriptures, before teaching the meaning of these scriptures to others. Relying on vanity (ours and/or others) alone, allows Satan to intervene. A college or university degree means nothing to God, when it comes to understanding his Word. We can learn a lot by paying attention to who Christ chose to be his disciples.

    From the point of receiving original manuscripts from Christ’s disciples and apostles, to where the Christian religion stands today, is enough to boggle anyone’s mind. How did we get ourselves into such a mess? What does God think of this mess? Evidently, he is not very happy. We, as Christians, should be setting an example to the world, as a unified body, following the Word of God, using one Bible and one uniform set of practices.

    The text which follows contains the truth, as taught to me by God, himself. Some of this truth will shock you. Nothing written in this book is written in anger or in hatred. There are no lies contained in this book. As I was taught by God, so I have written.

    I refer to the current Christian ministry, as ‘Black Lights & Burnt Candles’, for a very good reason. The ordained members of the Christian ministry are supposed to be our [spiritual] ‘guiding light’ here on earth. They are the people who we seek guidance from for interpretation and understanding of scriptures.

    We assume that ordained Christian ministers continually seek guidance from the Lord God Almighty, through dedicated prayer. We expect these ministers to be devout, living their lives and carrying out their ministerial duties, for God’s glorification, rather than their own. We also expect these ministers to be available for personal consultation.

    God speaks to everyone, in many different ways. The scriptures tell us to discuss amongst ourselves in church, what God has taught to others. The Christian ministers never offer the opportunity to their congregations, to do so. The ministers are more concerned with carrying out their repetitive routines, as per a fixed schedule. They are not interested in what God has taught others. They believe (per their actions), they know it all. The church services are ritualistic and in many cases, cliques exist.

    There is only one Word of God, and only one true interpretation of this Word. Why are there so many different ‘bibles’? Who authorized all of these ‘bibles’? Why are there so many different denominations, and so many different practices? How can this possibly unite Christians? Why would anyone wish to join any of the churches, given the divisions between them? The ‘light’ which we so desperately need, and seek, is overshadowed by darkness. Vanity rules the day.





    I started attending a small Protestant church in the summer of 1954, at the age of five. My two older sisters had joined this church a short time earlier, and invited me to accompany them one Sunday. I enjoyed the sermons, but did not know how to read at the time. My sisters soon stopped going to church, but I continued to attend services every Sunday, by myself.

    I won a copy of the KJV Bible when I was ten years of age, for memorizing the names of the sixty-six books of the Bible, in sequence (Genesis through Revelation). I then read through the whole Bible, over a period of a couple of months. I became a Christian soon after.

    When I was a young

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