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The Second American Revolutionary War for Independence: Book Ii of a Trilogy: the Indivisible Light
The Second American Revolutionary War for Independence: Book Ii of a Trilogy: the Indivisible Light
The Second American Revolutionary War for Independence: Book Ii of a Trilogy: the Indivisible Light
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The Second American Revolutionary War for Independence: Book Ii of a Trilogy: the Indivisible Light

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The Second American Revolutionary War for Independence is Book II of my Trilogy, The Indivisible Light. It tells the story of a resourceful and heroic American patriot, David, Angela, his wife, and his right hand man, Michael, who come to know the diabolically inspired and directed Enemy, a vast array of fronts and tactics designed to mask their evil intention of destroying Christian civilization, especially America, the last bastion of liberty. With a determined confidence in God, the men lead the average, big hearted Americans in forming a militia that achieves victory with private arms, sharp wits and courage born of Faith. The reader is invited to fight alongside David in spirit and in imagination as our unflinching hero meets seemingly impossible odds that are, unfortunately, a frighteningly realistic projection of what America will face in less than a decade of this writing. Every woman will weep with Angela as she watches her husband and father of their children entering into harm’s way. They will pray with her for his return to life after news reports of his certain death are made public.

This is the story of war, its logistics and the fear of death, but most of all it is the story of hope, the necessary foundation of courage and daring, emotions of the irascible appetite, often accompanied by anger, their companion in facing arduous opposition.

Release dateJan 3, 2020
The Second American Revolutionary War for Independence: Book Ii of a Trilogy: the Indivisible Light

David Pedri

David, a Wyoming resident, has authored five books. Purification is Book III of his trilogy, The Indivisible Light. David has a MA in Literature and Philosophy, with his master’s thesis written on the nature of creative writing. Father of 12, with 36 grandchildren, David was a Navy Medic in Vietnam with 1st Marine Reconnaissance.

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    The Second American Revolutionary War for Independence - David Pedri

    Copyright © 2020 David Pedri.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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    Scripture taken from the Dhouay-Rheims version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-4624-1287-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4624-1286-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019918620

    Inspiring Voices rev. date:  01/02/2020



    CHAPTER 1   HOMeland Deconstruction

    CHAPTER 2   ‘Til Death Do Us Part

    CHAPTER 3   Honeymoon Adventure

    CHAPTER 4   Father Keogh’s Bombshell

    CHAPTER 5   Sunburst

    CHAPTER 6   Co-op, Twins & Consfication

    CHAPTER 7   Cave Battle and Pacific Battle Prep

    CHAPTER 8   Dragon Ships


    I n Book I, The Romance , I establish the relationship of David and Angela, the two main characters of my Trilogy, The Indivisible Light . The first major event in their lives together is covered in Book II, The Second American Revolutionary War for Independence.

    I write Book II because I am convinced that in the near future Americans will become embroiled in armed conflict similar to what I describe and what George Washington was told in his vision at Valley Forge, which account appears in the Congressional Record of Honor several times. I quote the key passage in Book II, …in every village and hamlet the people were engaged in mortal combat. My hope is to warn and instruct readers, worldwide, in the kinds of situations they will face in fighting for their own Country against the same enemy identified in this Trilogy.

    I believe the kinds of tests David’s militia faces will challenge Patriots worldwide. If I can provide examples of the solutions to what they will have to overcome, I will have achieved my purpose in writing this fiction, based on a perspective gained after many years analyzing the political and social scene (from 1968 to the present, August, 2019).

    Because our military will be remotely controlled and directed by enemy agents, as it is now, I believe an American militia will have to defend this land for the most part, and the edge they will have over an invading foreign army with AK-47 assault rifles will be the long-range accuracy of their high-powered hunting rifles with scopes. Even with fewer combatants, these weapons will allow us to engage the enemy with deadly fire before their weapons are within effective range. This will allow hit and run tactics from concealment, similar to the tactics the Minutemen used at Lexington and Concord in the First American Revolutionary War for Independence. These weapons, which we have preserved by demanding our right, as guaranteed in the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution, will effectively win battles by inflicting devastating casualties unacceptable to the invading army.

    But our greatest asset over a foreign army of Communist mercenaries (slaves) will be God-fearing men defending their families and their homeland. Trust in God will be their motto and, in fact, their key to victory. That trust requires Faith, and that is why the subject matter of this trilogy explores man’s proper relationship with God, for only the prayers of those living according to God’s Law will gain Heaven’s assistance and the confidence enjoyed by those certain of obtaining victory with God’s help.

                                                           David Pedri

                                                           August, 2019

    Chapter 1


    M ichael and two others were waiting for David on his driveway thirty minutes prior to the G-1 Militia meeting time.

    Did you hear the news?

    Troops in Atlanta? asked David.

    "No, twenty-five dead in Atlanta, which caused demonstrations of protest in four major cities."

    Predictable, David said in singsong.

    And, the President called up five more U.S. Army battalions for domestic duty, said Michael.

    Communists hidden within our Federal government knew what they were pushing citizens into with the military occupation of this city, said David. "We have a Posse Comitatus law that forbids our military from interfering in civilian disturbances to prevent this very thing from happening, because it is an offense and a provocation to citizens of sovereign states to march federal troops into their cities. Sovereign States were retained in our Constitutional Republic in order to curb the centralization of Federal power, just as the American Colonies pushed back against their abuse by the English Monarchy. Professional agitators led those now deceased twenty-five into civil disobedience, so they could be slaughtered, as a warning to all, like the cattle rustler swinging by a rope from the limb of the big tree alongside the trail in an old Western. The Reds were ready to respond to the minor violence of their stool pigeons with the ruthless power of first-degree murder, because they control our government and its military machine, and because they break any law when it serves their purposes, as Vladimir Lenin so aptly put it: ‘Promises are like pie crusts, made to be broken.’ Gentlemen, let’s be clear about the enemy we are dealing with; they are commanded by the vilest criminals, perhaps brandishing some cavalier cause as their phony, worthless excuse. This is no trial balloon. My bet, the Chinese have already been alerted by the UN to prepare their ‘peacekeeping force’," said David, analyzing the situation in his usual bold, assertive manner.

    Invasion force, you mean, Michael said.

    "Yes, but disguised by the internationalists running the United Nations as their conveniently self-justified peacekeeping force. Look at the history of UN peacekeeping frauds and you will find the exact opposite of keeping or promoting peace, rather, ploys to aid and abet Communist take-over invasions; in other words, to perpetuate and prosecute war, pretending they have the right to stick their UN nose in any sovereign nation’s troubles (which they instigated or arranged thru proxies). Their world government schemes are so nefarious as to be unbelievable."

    Okay, men, this means serious planning on our part, said David, striding quickly toward his door-less garage. He appointed an assistant to aid their intel geek in monitoring the news, official and otherwise, primarily in the USA and, secondarily, abroad. Minutes later, it was reported to him that China had made deep probes of Taiwan’s defenses and were expected to attack the entire island within forty-eight hours. The aging, dictatorial Chinese Republic of Taiwan was rotted soft long ago thru a secretly Communist-controlled film industry (like Hollywood), posing as democratic liberalization of the people from tyranny in order to pedal immoral Western influences. Therefore, this weak, poorly prepared nation formed a disorganized, ambivalent military defense of the island. David predicted that Taiwan, once strong under Chiang Kai-Shek, would be taken over easily, the USA reneging on their long-standing defense treaty at the last critical moment. When that happened, the traditional loyalists, who didn’t renounce their allegiances to God, republican government and a free China, would be put to the sword.

    Within days, high altitude Russian espionage planes were detected over Hawaii and Long Beach. Watch how the media begins to sing to the people about the danger of those right-wing seditionists lurking within the U.S. population, David warned the group.

    "They must be Extremists! cried Michael with angry irony. Patriots, in other words. What a brood of vipers and hypocrites we are up against! My bet, not a one could fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Who do we have the right to kill, General, seriously?"

    David liked to see Michael fired up, but … In war? The armed enemy, David said calmly, hoping to soothe and channel his friend’s justifiable outrage. We may humanely imprison the unarmed, if they could aid the enemy, but how to distinguish the enemy from Tories, neutrals or mere sympathizers, that is difficult.

    So, we don’t have to respect anyone’s choice, if it differs with yours? asked Phillips sharply.

    Actually, we are honoring everyone’s choice to go their own way, unless they are judged to be the enemy, David said patiently, while eyeing Phillips suspiciously. And it is the Law of the land constituting this nation which the enemy rejects, while pretending to be loyal citizens. That treason makes them enemies, not any difference of opinion with me, Mr. Phillips. As I see it, if someone is not for this nation, they are to be counted as against it.

    It’s their informed choice, Phillips, said Michael, backing David up with warm conviction.

    After the meeting, David told Michael to get rid of Phillips as soon as possible. He could be a rat/defector in the future, but he is probably not an infiltrated agent. If so, he would not have been so openly critical. He sounds like a liberal, David said, one of America’s garden variety, camouflaged leftists, who invite the enemy to our table as if they are honorable equals, instead of unprincipled opportunists who love the lie and hate the truth. These are the termites that have undermined America, David concluded.

    Phillips is a mature man who just came on board, said Michael. Somehow, I smell a rat. Maybe he tried to get kicked out in order to make a plausible exit.

    Good point, said David, "I am making you my chief rat trap and my sergeant at arms in general."

    Do I have a choice? grinned Michael.

    David eyed him with mock severity. To begin with, we have not been discreet enough in vetting those who join us, Michael. Our group may have to go under cover sooner rather than later, and then the best time for culling militiamen has passed, David said. Phillips could have just been expressing his opinion. We don’t know at this point, but we do know now that we don’t want him on our team, because we just found that his belief in our cause was not there. We are going to have to play it safe for a while. We strictly vet everyone from now on. Let’s take a spin; we gotta talk some more.

    Michael climbed in. Maybe we need two groups of seven, Michael said, one that we have vetted and trust, while the other group is still working through the vetting process. Michael’s phone rang. He looked at his caller ID. It’s Larry Mendelson. I called and asked his opinion on Phillips twenty minutes ago. I think Larry’s a true blue. Hello, Larry, what’s up? Michael listened intently for a minute. Sounds good. Keep on it, we’ve got to smoke ‘em all out, okay? Thanks. Michael hung up. He thinks Phillips is kind of dumb and naive, an independent, backwards type. At least that’s what Larry, our best security spook has come up with.

    I respect Larry’s opinion, but Phillips goes. I think Larry might be the right guy to head up your idea of a seven-man Group #2, said David. He will be your chief vetting, testing and refining officer. As their leader, Larry would be in a good place to do the background checks he can do best. They can be kept largely in the dark until they graduate to Group 1, our seven trust-worthies. Let it be known that this militia is in full support and under the authority of the state of Wyoming and the Federal government of the United States of America. The next question becomes who is trustworthy enough to be in Group 1? I need seven to start with now. Get Larry on it, said David. He can have his seven men after we get a solid G-1 group. G-1 will meet for a bring-your-own-weapons review, so we can determine what operational weapons, ammo and operational skills we have. After we see what we’ve got for weapons, we can try to buy what we are lacking. Only then can we form tactical teams that make sense for this or that kind of mission.

    Michael reminded him how the Feds had been hoarding ammo for some time, noting how hard it was to get any. Instead of taking criticism for outlawing guns, David said, the Feds are content to just hoard all the available ammo to make our guns useless, knowing that only a small percentage load their own ammo.

    So, how are you going to make the cut from G-2 to G-1? asked Michael.

    Anyone entering G-1 will do so after completing a one-week fast, no food at all, only water as needed.

    What the heck!! That’s crazy! Why?! I don’t think you really want a militia.

    Look, keep your pants on, will you. Do you really think I’m crazy before you hear my reasons? I’m not an idiot. Fasting is the most healthful of all things anyone can do, but it requires the self-discipline expected of a soldier. According to a medical doctor, anyone can complete a 40-day water-only fast. No hunger. No ill health effects. Full energy.

    Hard to believe, said Michael, scratching his head.

    I know a guy who fasted forty days during Lent. No food, only water and black coffee. He didn’t even lose much weight. Here’s another argument: Do you think Jesus would have given a bad example to us all by fasting forty days in the desert? Practically speaking, since food may not be always available, our men should know they can survive without it.

    Most will balk if you tell them to do this, complained Michael.

    The point is, I don’t want ‘most’. I want the special guy who trusts his commander, even when he does not understand him entirely. This fasting requirement is a good test.

    Michael nodded his understanding, minus any accompanying passion.

    The candidate needs to know food is not a high priority, said David, either to save his own life or health or anyone else’s; it’s not something worth any significant risks. He needs to know that fasting is an option and that he and others can do it because he has done it himself.

    No hunger? asked Michael incredulously.

    I challenge you to the same test. Try it. If not, you’re a chicken, and you don’t trust me, so you can’t be a good example as a leader to those you challenge to do it.

    Okay, okay, I’ll try it, don’t push me.

    I’m not. David thought a moment, then grinned, "I’m just telling you."

    You really are kind of pushy, you know, said Michael, looking with admiring disapproval at his friend.

    Check it out for yourself. Google it. Another thing.

    Oh, no! What now.

    We are going to emphasize having a high percentage of fat in our rations, in place of carbs, said David. Fat for energy and protein for lean body maintenance. Did you know that Roald Amundsen who led the first team to the South Pole carried 90% fat for food? He killed his dogs to eat as the load lightened, too. But maybe we will leave that last bit out; what do you think?

    Gad! I’ll be lucky to live through your leadership.

    After several jump starts, David and Michael both did a two-week fast and felt the better for it in every way, spiritually, mentally and physically.

    After dropping Michael off, David called Dr. Henry for an update on their amendment idea. There seems to be more interest in the proposal with each bombshell newscast, David, just as you predicted.

    Good. You know, I’m thinking that these are the times the evil ones are targeting patriots, so play your cards softly and carefully. I trust my security detail is working well to protect you and your family? Otherwise, even if it’s a small matter in which something seems out of place, let me know. Keep your eyes open and let’s keep each other informed only when necessary by phone. Some say they can now use a cell phone as a listening device.

    Ok, I read you, David. Stay safe.

    Yes, sir.

    There you go again with the ‘sir’ treatment.

    It’s just ingrained respect for your gray hairs, Dr. Henry, sir. Good-bye.

    David and his G-1 group met secretly three days later; Larry’s report was read. It covered the last four days of well publicized anti-government demonstrations and protest riots that had supposedly sprung up spontaneously all over the Nation. David told them of his strong opinion that these demonstrations and riots were designed and executed by the enemy to give government a pretext for taking more public control measures to control the violence. Speculating, he added, Stalin’s communist agents infiltrated our country’s secret services at their inception, near the end of WWII. Some say the CIA was Communist from the day it was born. I believe the Communists in this country are now creating a pretext for martial law, fomenting deadly violence by their latest evil creation, ISIS, which followed the exposure of their former evil child, Al Qaeda. David continued, relating that since WWII the Soviets sold their creature, radical Islam, to useful idiots who would tie bombs on themselves to wage war against the Zionist state of Israel, which they also created, in order to bring trouble to the Palestinian people whom they cast out of their homeland. It was easy to make radical Islam into bloodthirsty ‘martyrs’ thirsting for a sensual ‘heaven’, even as they lop off human heads.

    Now that sounds diabolical to me, said Michael hotly.

    The controllers of these radical Islamists make sure to highlight the cultural corruption the Islamic world reviles in the West. This provides a fundamentalist excuse for inhuman savagery, said David. The sheer volume of ISIS terrorism has built a plausible pretext for martial law, and I suspect it was all orchestrated and made possible by the CIA, the secret service that is responsible for protecting us from that very same kind of evil. What better cover-up for corrupt law-enforcement can there be than a bad cop who is supposed to be a good cop.

    Do you think Martial law is a prelude to requesting a UN peacekeeping force on our soil? asked Michael, knowing the answer he was fishing for.

    Historically, the UN never ends wars, said David, it just prolongs them by giving our Communist enemy a demilitarized safe zone to hide behind, as in Vietnam and Korea.

    David went on, predicting ‘they’ would soon openly call patriots ‘terrorists’ and blame them for forcing the U.S. President into an unavoidable request for international help from our ‘economic partners’, the Chinese, who want U.S. real estate in exchange for the now worthless currency they earned supplying us with every kind of thing, cheaply. Our enemy always appeals to the need to preserve law and order, which all good people naturally desire, yet their whole purpose is to destroy and violate law and order, so they can take power. David spoke forcefully. First, they set up the conditions that necessitate their dictatorship to control that chaos, followed by the establishment of an atheistic, tyrannical state. And that’s the beginning of the end. David slammed his fist on the table. "We have to stop all this before it goes beyond the practical point of no return! The attitude of ‘wait and see’ if this evil materializes is a smoke screen for the ‘goody-goody two shoes’ cowardice that is our greatest internal (moral) enemy."

    So, we’re looking at what they call a ‘false flag’ operation? asked Michael, in the mood to play David’s penchant for preaching.

    "Yes, because our internal enemy flies the American flag, but they are anti-Americans, bent on destroying all that America was meant to be: ‘One Nation Under God’. It is a false flag operation that uses agent provocateurs who — take note — infiltrate patriotic groups, often suggesting that they do something illegal, so they can then be a witness for their prosecution as lawbreakers. The infiltrated agent provides the prosecution with a perfect witness. One historical sequel was Elizabethan England’s police state, targeting its political and religious enemy, Catholicism, which it bludgeoned, hung, drew and quartered, while a modern example is the OKC bombing scam, where they evidently enticed some stupid, disgruntled ‘patriot’, Timothy McVey, to blow up a truck bomb they built for him that was then blamed for murdering many and destroying the building. But only high-tech military explosives could have collapsed the building in place, according to the demolition experts after observing the demolition charges placed on the structural pillars. The truck bomb, even one ten times its size could not have accomplished the structural damage done, according to a renowned U.S. demolition expert, David paused, because the air between the bomb and the building would have dissipated the bomb’s energy."

    It’s like they use false appearances as weapons, said Michael. But why did they blow up that building and kill those people?

    So, they could frame up patriots, with a horrible, blameworthy atrocity, painting them as murderous radicals, a danger to the public. OKC gave our enemy the perfect pretext for the totally misnamed Patriot Act legislation that installed police state laws soon after the OKC event. Patriots can now be eliminated by imprisonment or execution, without trial, based on a presidential edict. This is the epitome of a police state’s tyranny! David said, turning up the volume. Give your opponents a radical reputation, imposed on them without evidence, just the hearsay and assertion of a self-appointed dictatorial pretense of authority. When this propaganda is ripe, gentlemen, all good citizens will be expected to avoid us and report us, fearing for their lives if suspected of being one of us by failing to turn us in. Always remember the evil slime we are up against. We have a right and a duty to kill them but to save those duped by them, if possible. But, how can we identify these vermin? Not easily. So, we always act judiciously and with restraint, yet knowing the evil we are dealing with.

    Sounds like a tightrope, someone called out.

    Exactly so, said David. "Therefore, we must guard against becoming controlled or infiltrated as a patriot group or to allow entry to agent provocateurs. We will prepare by studying the enemies’ well-known Communist tactics, such as those I have just described. The enemy is trying to create the appearance of a probable social predicament by sponsoring terrorism, proposing their evil solution and scapegoating those who are trying to really solve the evil they are promoting."

    Reminds me of a bunch of movie directors.

    Not far from the truth, said David. Did you know that Hollywood has long been heavily run by Communists and leftists of various shades. Think of how much Americans have been misled and harmed morally by movies over the last forty years. They have used this industry to seduce generation after generation, seeding sexual and social revolution.

    Yeah, John Wayne even formed an anti-Communist group to fight Hollywood.

    I really appreciate such comments. I’m only sorry that I don’t know all of you by name, said David. "Sound off with your name from now on, and we can change that. Okay, from another perspective, I see the enemy’s tactics to be a form of scapegoating, which is, simply, laying the blame for an evil they are responsible for on an innocent, like Jesus was, for example. Oh, yes, they will work hard to paint us evil, so no one will dare join with us for fear of hanging with us. So, essentially, we are fighting gut-wrenching, servile fear, irrational fear. Don’t let them stampede you with lies. We are fighting for our lives against cowardly hypocrites who know well how to ROAR, in order to manipulate popular opinion by fear, which is capable of betraying all we love, including ourselves and our families. Scapegoating has probably been practiced by Satan’s followers from the beginning of human history. But the success of the scapegoat tactic depends on a preconditioned society that is willing to sacrifice or scapegoat victims in order to protect themselves and their reputations, which would be scarred by exposing their secret sins for all to see."

    What do you mean by that? asked Michael.

    Instead of confessing and repenting of their own sins, courageously thinking for themselves and taking the risk of standing up for the truth, the spineless public constantly covers their ass using scapegoats. Mild applause ensued. They load contempt on scapegoats for their own sins. For example, a society addicted to sexual immorality in what they believe and do and watch, will need to regularly vomit on some kind of ‘sex offenders’ in order to appear far from such a reprehensible moral weakness themselves. There was a rumble of discussion.

    I’m starting to see where you’re heading, but what do you mean by a hypocritical society? Michael asked.

    This society of ours, for example, has been trained in hypocrisy by first providing it with all kinds of sexual temptations, from legally available porn to propaganda promoting fornication, adultery and homosexuality. Then this same society is urged to condemn and punish vehemently the behavior and crimes this corruption leads to in those legally convicted. This is hypocrisy. For another example, murder is condemned, but, hypocritically, women are ‘legally’ permitted by law to murder their unborn children; similarly, medicos murder the elderly with excessive narcotics, without censure, just a wink maybe. There are many other examples, like restricting by law the parental discipline of their own children, while decrying the negligence of parents, when society pays for these juvenile’s crimes in correctional facilities, etc.

    They are beginning to imprison parents and take away their children for their crimes, Sean said. I say it’s a ploy to get the kids.

    I believe God will roll back this enemy we face, said David, when we all take the beam out of our own eye. Maybe God knows some of us must fight for our lives and face the prospect of death and eternal judgment before we can do that. In the same way, we must fight for liberty or pay a price.

    And so, where do we as a militia fit into all this? Sean asked.

    From the worldly, responded David, we can expect hatred and death, just like Jesus received. Before God, those who witness to His Son, the truth, in word or act for the sake of their fellow man will receive an eternal reward. David paced. The effectiveness and safety of our band of seven is found in selfless heroism; that is, in the trust we all have in the conviction that each one of us is willing to give up his life in mortal combat for each other and for the common good of all. This self-sacrifice only comes by way of the love God gives us and that we accept as the cross we deserve for our sins, like the Good Thief did. Jesus said, ‘There is no greater love that a man can give than to lay down his life for another.’ So, it’s really all about love, gentlemen, being moved by love to fight for ourselves, each other and the common good. If any of you wish to part with me over this degree of commitment, then we can now leave on good terms. I know it’s a big commitment. It may seem too much. But think it over first. Let your heart speak. I know you can all do it. We have all read of ordinary men and women doing heroic deeds in an emergency, without preparation or premeditation. It will be the same for you, one and all. The bravery this commitment takes, predicts your bravery in battle.

    David then began the main business of their first G-1 meeting in the dense mountain forest near the house he was constructing. All seven crowded around a small fire, sitting on dead-fall that had been dragged there to serve as benches. David asked all to begin with prayer: so, he led them in the Our Father. He required this of all as a token of their godly orientation and their spiritual unity as a group. He made sure all lips were pronouncing the words. He decided at that time that G-1, at least, must be solidly Christian.

    Let’s begin by introducing ourselves, at least by first name, and then telling our stories, including one’s philosophical, religious and political outlook. Why? Because we need to know each other as brothers; because we will be fighting for a common cause, even though we begin with our unique experiences as individuals. We must know and trust each other in the heat of conflict. Each of you have a need and a right to know who stands beside you, the person you are trusting with your life. I want your phone numbers, which will be kept secret. But right now, I want all phones twenty yards away.

    When all returned, he continued, I am David. Consider me like you would a friend but also as a general whom you will give the right to use you as a lethal weapon. Michael here is my captain, my second in command. If you do not wish to follow my lead, feel free to leave, even to form your own group, but do not stay with me and undermine the cohesive unity, which I believe is the key to victory and security. I will consider one’s staying, without that high degree of commitment, next to traitorous. It is possible I can work with an independent patriotic individual or group, but not with an undeclared source of discord within. Such a one, would be worse than an enemy soldier. Yes, the bar I set is high, said David, surveying the small group with a sweep of his gaze, "because the stakes are high. Walk with me or walk. The choice is yours, right now. There are no hidden penalties for exiting this band of brothers, just an expectation of future confidentiality." After making sure no one wanted to leave, David let the group know he wanted to address them as a commanding officer.

    I claim a moral, political and legal authority from our Nation’s founding documents to lead a voluntary people’s militia in behalf of the State. This has been done often in US history. In the face of danger to the common good, it is a God-given right to form such a militia, which no man on earth can take away from you. This militia opposes, by force of arms, internal and external enemies like the one now attacking our nation’s identity, unity, existence and sovereignty with lies, disinformation, hatred of our principles and liberties and, finally, with military arms in the hands of Federal troops and covert operatives, assassins and seditionists. Internal traitors cannot claim any civil rights, though they may pretend to be innocent citizens. They only have a right to be shot between the eyes, executed as the traitors they are.

    Cheers followed these words from the band of seven. "This enemy we are going to fight promises death to all patriotic resistance and a future diabolical slavery for the conquered citizens of this nation. We fight with God’s blessing and the assistance of His

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