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A meteorite, filled with alien energy called Ranshio, makes an impact landing on earth, wiping out seventy five percent of the population. The alien energy starts to infuse within the planet like a plague, infecting creatures and humans alike with Ranshian Energy. The ones that were infected are either granted with the ability to control one of the eight elements of Ranshio or are instantly transformed into creatures called fiends. A young boy by the name of Koji Memotto has been infected by Ranshio and has been granted the ability to control the element fire. In his travels He comes across various enemies along with many allies as he aims to further understand the mysteries of Ranshio and the history of the meteorite’s collision. With better understanding and knowledge of the power he holds, he journeys to find the one responsible for the death of his father and the destruction of his city.
Release dateJan 10, 2020

T.D. Bent

Born in Englewood New Jersey and raised in Winter Haven Florida, author Terry Bent has been writing and developing the world of Ranshio ever since he was at the young age of twelve. With his bachelor’s in business management, Terry began working for Enterprise Holdings and eventually started working on his way to becoming a Branch Manager with the company while finalizing Ranshio. His interests include reading various action and drama novels along with watching animated shows during his spare time. What drives Terry to keep writing is the love and support from his family and friends. He wanted to write a story he could share, a story that would make people smile and laugh, a story that can be enjoyed for years to come.

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    Ranshio - T.D. Bent

    Copyright © 2019 T.D.Bent.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-8918-3 (sc)

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    iUniverse rev. date:  11/18/2019



    Chapter 1     Igniting the Flame

    Chapter 2     The Olen

    Chapter 3     The Temple of Ranshio

    Chapter 4     Flames of a Fox Spirit: Secret Technique Gaskekan Unleashed

    Chapter 5     A Level beyond Ranshio

    Chapter 6     A Time-Collapsed City

    Chapter 7     Return of an Old Friend: A Decision to Make

    Chapter 8     Darkness Incarnate

    Chapter 9     Lance’s Truth: A Long-Lost Friend Returns

    Chapter 10   Duel with the Shadow Dragons

    Chapter 11   Siege at the Castle

    Chapter 12   A Claw from the Past

    Chapter 13   Larvas the Unbeatable

    Chapter 14   Reflections of the Past

    Chapter 15   Rivals Clash: Koji versus Chris

    Chapter 16   A Survivor from the Outside World

    Chapter 17   Bankuro City Tournament

    Chapter 18   Raid on the Castle: The Last of the Tetra Warriors

    Chapter 19   The Corrupted Emperor and the Fated Trio

    Chapter 20   Price of Freedom

    Chapter 21   The Final Act

    Chapter 22   Yaijito

    Chapter 23   Soyin


    Ranshio, a mystical energy source, is bounded by the eight elements: fire, water, earth, wind, nature, lightning, darkness, and holy. This source of energy was carried throughout the cosmos of space within a massive meteorite that nearly took out half of the population within the planet called Earth. The day of the meteorite’s landing came suddenly and unannounced. Most of what was left of the planet was in ruins; many countries and cities were destroyed by its enormous collision with the earth’s crust.

    The energy called Ranshio surged through the planet like a plague, granting life wherever it traveled. Creatures that were once thought extinct were instantly revived by the huge energy source. The plague continued onward, infecting those who were still alive after the impact. Ranshio essences, invisible waves of energy from the eight elements, were lifted off the meteorite and cast far across the globe, infecting a certain number of people with the ability to tame their specific elemental attribute. These people were later referred to as Ranshio warriors, beings who mastered the elements. To this day, Ranshio continues to distribute its gift upon those chosen individuals. Among those individuals was a young boy around the age of fifteen who was granted the gift to control the flames through birth. His father, Zecht, a legend among Ranshio warriors from the past and present, had already carried the gift, and it was passed on to his son.

    This is the story of a hero fighting for what he believes in and for the people he cares for, vowing to protect them even if it costs him his life. His name is Koji Memotto, and this is his story.


    Igniting the Flame

    A vast storm had taken place in the wilderness of Augustus City. The numerous storm clouds above darkened the sky. Heavy rain began to descend from the heavens as the sound of heavy metal driving through flesh resounded within the air. A large battle cry stirred upward as blood was spilled upon the sand. Koji, drawing heavy breaths as he rested his right knee against the sand, looked up toward the gigantic dragon that stood before him. He gave a huge grin as he watched the beast cry in pain and agony. The wound that Koji had left upon the dragon was deathly, and he knew victory would soon be his. The boy cast his gaze toward the severed horn that lay beside the dragon’s foot. He rushed toward it quickly as the dragon began to regain his focus.

    You’ll pay for that! the beast cried as he drew back slowly and released a fiery blast toward Koji. Without hesitation, Koji easily sidestepped the blast and leaped forward toward the horn. He took hold of the scaly object and launched it toward the dragon’s mouth, piercing through the upper roof of it and halting further attacks.

    That dragon claw is mine for the taking! Koji shouted as he unsheathed his blade and charged forward. A look of worry appeared upon the creature’s face as it tried to retaliate with a massive swing from its tail. The attempt was futile, as the boy ducked under the tail and drove his blade straight through the center of it. He continued to run onward with his blade, splicing the dragon’s tail in half. Blood spewed in a thousand directions as Koji released his blade from within the dragon and proceeded with a swift cut in order to sever the tail from the body. He then leaped on top of the dragon’s back as the scaly creature began running rampant. Nice try, he said, spinning the handle of his blade and driving it straight through the center of the dragon’s skull. The cries slowly subsided as the legs of the beast gave in. It took only a matter of seconds before the dragon was left defeated on the ground.

    The heavy pant continued as Koji withdrew his blade from within the skull of the dragon. He leaped off the deteriorating corpse and proceeded toward the claws, one of which was coated in adamantine. There it is, said Koji as he reached for the mystical object. He took hold of it firmly and began tugging on it until the sharp nail came out. That makes three. The adamantine shined in a glistening manner as Koji continued to stare down upon it. The size of the claw had shrunk almost immediately after being extracted from the dragon. Koji placed the claw inside his back pouch with the other claws. Thoughts of the past swept through his mind as he began thinking about his grandfather, the one who raised him after the Tensuke City incident.

    Koji could hardly remember much of what happened in the incident; his memory had been foggy ever since. All he knew was what his grandfather had told him about his father dying while trying to protect the city yet failing in his attempt. As a result, the city was left flooded and lost within the depths of the ocean. His grandfather was a wise man who was nearly blind and relied on a wooden cane to help him find his way at times. He would often train Koji in the arts of combat when the boy was just a little over the age of eight. The stories that he would share of his father’s many battles had always encouraged the boy to train harder in order to surpass him.

    You have good form, son. You remind me so much of your father, said the old man as he covered his mouth in an effort to shield his vigorous cough. He was in his late eighties, and had seen most of what life had to offer. He continued to press on for Koji’s sake, for there was no one else left to take care of the boy. Now then, there’s something I must give you, Koji.

    What is it, Grandpa Jack? Koji asked as he walked toward his grandfather, who remained seated, his legs crossed and a tobacco pipe in his mouth.

    Your father, Zecht, wanted me to give this to you once I felt you were ready to claim it. He created this blade just for you, you know. He entrusted unto you the sister blade of the weapon that he used to defeat his enemies: the Kunasta. The old man reached for the wooden case that was set beside him. A single tear had cascaded down his cheek as he handed over the case to Koji. Speechless, Koji opened the case to reveal its content. The Kunasta, based on the original, was old and rusty because of the years lost at sea. Koji took hold of the blade’s handle and continued to observe it.

    ‘This blade has the power to change into anything its master desires,’ I remember my father telling me, said Koji softly.

    That’s correct; I found it washed ashore a couple of days ago. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it. The way it was placed within the sand, it almost seemed to be searching for its owner. Quite ridiculous, don’t you think? A small chuckle came from within Jack as he drew another cough while covering his mouth.

    You know, you should really quit smoking, Grandpa. It’s just going to make it worse.

    I’m already near my end, Koji; even if I stopped smoking, it wouldn’t make a difference.

    Don’t say shit like that! Koji retorted. Jack’s eyes sprung open wide as he swiped the tip of his cane against Koji’s cheek, leaving a velvet strip of blood behind.

    Don’t back talk your elders. Don’t forget I can still whip your ass, sonny, Jack replied, taking another puff from his pipe.

    Yes, Grandpa, said Koji as he wiped the blood from off his cheek.

    I have another gift for you, Koji, said Jack as he handed Koji a dragon claw. This claw came from one of the ten legendary dragons that walk this earth. Legends say that if all ten claws came together, the mystical dragon Yaijito would appear before the one who summoned him and grant the person the power to bring life back from the dead.

    You mean I could revive my father? Koji asked.

    That’s what I was hoping for. The one who defeated your father is still lurking out there, and he is a serious threat. Thunder roared from the outside, as the clouds had grown dark almost instantly. A dark and ominous presence had distressed Jack for quite some time. He lifted himself up from the floor and began walking toward the door. Koji, stay inside. There’s something I need to check out.

    Can’t I come with you?

    Not this time, son. Don’t worry—I’ll be back before you know it.

    Koji watched his grandfather walk out of the house. He waited patiently for his return, but he never came. To this day, Koji regretted not going with his grandfather. He placed his right hand against the cheek his grandfather had slashed. There was no mark left, but the memory was still there.

    The rain subsided as Koji lifted himself from off the dirt ground, placing the dragon’s claw in his pouch and making his way toward the next destination. For seven years, he had traveled with only the clothes on his back and the blade in his sheath. His brown boots were rugged and dirty, and his blue shorts were torn and worn out. His hooded red shirt was worn out as well, and his dragon necklace was tarnished and rusty. Pretty low on money again. Looks like I’m going to have to do some side jobs for the time being, said Koji. He glanced back at the city he had stopped by earlier, debating whether he should return to see if there were any jobs available. He bit the tip of his thumb slightly and then decided to move on.

    There’s no point in turning back. There was hardly anything on the bounty board when I last checked it. I doubt something would just come up, he said, a nonchalant expression on his face. He continued walking, hoping to see a sign for the next town soon, but there was none. He regretted his decision almost instantly as he held his stomach in an effort to calm his hunger pains. Jeez, Koji, you’re such a dumb ass. Ever heard of restocking at the nearest town before heading out? He continued to murmur to himself as he pressed on. Night soon turned into day, and he was nearly to the point of passing out.

    Dammit, screw this shit. I’m hungry. There must be something I can eat! he cried as he began searching the ground for some type of food. His only options were a beetle, a lizard, and an ant. I’m not that desperate … yet.

    A couple of hours passed, and Koji found himself kissing the soft sand as he collapsed due to heat exhaustion and hunger. He murmured repeatedly about wanting food as his eyes continued to watch the army of ants walking past him. In his mind, they looked like an army of little hot dogs, taunting and teasing as they walked past him.

    You’re not looking so good, said a soft, angelic voice. Koji was too exhausted to look up at the owner of the voice, until a stick repeatedly poked him.

    Do you think he’s dead? asked another voice. Koji looked up to see a teenage girl around the age of sixteen standing beside a young boy just entering his teens at the youthful age of thirteen.

    You can stop poking me now, Koji muttered as he got up.

    Jeez, how long have you been out here? the boy asked.

    Water …, Koji responded. The boy and girl exchanged confused stares as Koji gritted his teeth. Give me water! he shouted, clearly startling them both. The girl instantly reached for her canister and handed Koji her remaining water, which he finished in about three seconds. You got more? he asked.

    The nerve, the girl replied, snatching back her canister. Not even a thank you. Men nowadays.

    Well, if you’re interested, I have more water at my house, the boy responded.

    Take me there, said Koji.

    "What happened to the word please?" the girl asked.

    Koji shifted his gaze and tried his best to form a smile. Please, he said, gritting his teeth.

    That’s more like it. The name’s Trina, by the way. Pleased to meet you, said the girl.

    And my name’s Lance, the boy added. Koji continued to look at them with blank stares as they waited for his response.

    There’s no point in my saying my name. You won’t be seeing me after this, Koji replied.

    It doesn’t matter; we told you our names, and now it’s your turn! Trina retorted.

    Koji began gritting his teeth once again; his annoyance grew as they continued to wait patiently for his name. He released a soft sigh as he responded in a calm tone. The name’s Koji, Koji Memotto. He noticed a surprised expression upon Lance’s face for a brief moment. He was tempted to ask what the matter was, but the expression quickly changed to a calm gaze.

    See now—that wasn’t so bad, right?

    Bite me, Koji snarled. Trina had an agitated expression as she clenched her fists tightly, as if tempted to knock Koji’s head right off his shoulders.

    How about we just head on out to my house? said Lance, trying his best to calm them both. The three strangers began making their way toward the small lakeside house in which Lance resided. This place was abandoned when I found it, he said. He opened the front door. Been living here with my mom ever since.

    Where’s your mom now? Koji asked. He’d noticed the hesitation in Lance’s voice, so he spoke softly.

    She died not too long ago, he said finally, continuing into his home. The water is in the fridge. I’m preparing dinner, but it’s going to take a while. In the meantime, make yourselves at home.

    I’m not staying long, Lance. You said you had information about the dragon claw, said Trina.

    Dragon claw So she knows about it as well? Koji thought as he continued to listen to Trina and Lance’s conversation.

    I do … but I was just hoping you would at least stay for dinner, Lance said hesitantly.

    Do you know the whereabouts of the dragon that wields the dragon claw? Koji asked, forcing himself into the conversation.

    Hey that’s not fair! This is my claw—go get your own! Trina shouted.

    I already have. I’ve got three so far, said Koji.

    Silence filled the room, and Trina was speechless. She couldn’t believe that this kid was able to take down three legendary dragons all on his own.

    Why are you after the dragon claw, anyway, Trina? Lance asked.

    I have my reasons. I mainly want to be able to use its power to reverse the effects on Tensuke City, Trina replied. I used to live there, and so many people that I knew passed away. I want to bring it back.

    Tensuke City, where I grew up! Koji thought.

    "Why are you after the dragon claw, Koji?"

    I … Koji hesitated. He began debating about his very reason for collecting the claws. His determination to revive his father was still strong, but the memory of his lost little brother lingered in his mind. He had forgotten his name and his face. The only thing he had was the memory of losing him. I want to bring someone very close to me back from the dead, he said finally.

    Well, I guess you both have strong desires regarding the dragon claw. It’s a good thing that the claws have the ability to be used twice before they are destroyed. Well, at least that’s what the legend states. I wanted to use that power to revive my mother, but I soon realized that she might just be better off … you know …

    Poor kid. I know exactly how he feels, Koji thought. Just before he was about to speak, a massive earthquake suddenly erupted, followed by a large roar.

    What’s that? Trina shouted.

    Koji regained his balance and instantly looked outside. He knew exactly what threat was approaching; the roar had said it all. It’s a dragon, he replied, gritting his teeth.

    No way! A dragon … here! Trina retreated behind the nearest sofa.

    "Stay here. I’m going to show you exactly what this kid can do," said Koji, giving Trina a grin.

    How did he know I called him a kid? Did he read my mind or something? Trina wondered silently.

    Something like that, Koji said as he took off toward the front door.

    I’m going too. Stay here, okay! Lance shouted as he rushed after Koji.

    Jeez, what’s up with these kids? Trina thought as she watched them rush off to face the beast.

    Once Koji was outside, he began searching his whereabouts for the reptilian creature. Where is he—right, left, above, behind? Koji thought as his eyes continued to scan the area.

    Koji, below you! Lance shouted. Koji quickly shifted his eyes toward the ground and noticed large cracks appearing below him. He leaped off the ground and performed a series of backflips in an effort to avoid the dragon’s uprising. The creature stood on two hind legs, was twenty feet tall, and had three horned heads.

    I knew I had smelled human flesh nearby, said one of the dragon’s heads.

    This dragon doesn’t carry a dragon claw. Oh well, should be an easy feat, Koji thought. He reached for his blade that was concealed within his sheath, drawing it slowly. He entered into his stance with both hands upon the blade’s handle and the blade directed right before him.

    You’re not going to take it on alone, are you? Lance asked as he rushed to Koji’s side.

    That was the plan, Koji replied, clenching his blade tightly. What are you doing here, anyway? I thought I told you to stay inside.

    I’m here to help. There’s no way I can sit back and allow you to fight this three-headed freak all by yourself!

    Did that puny human just call me a three-headed freak! the dragon thought. All three heads began to draw in a deep breath as both Koji and Lance continued their debate.

    You’ll just get in the way. Trust me—I’ll handle it! Koji said.

    You’re not the boss of me; I’ve taken down plenty of dragons! Lance said. The two were unaware of the three-headed dragon’s oncoming attack. The huge reptilian spewed out fiery flames from all three of its mouths. Koji, look out! Lance shouted as they both leaped aside from the blast.

    You wanna play it that way, huh! Koji shouted as he quickly charged toward the beast with his blade held to the side. The dragon had lifted itself in the air, its massive wings beating against the ground beneath him. Koji quickly leaped high in the air, confronting the huge beast with a swing from his blade. The metal collided against the dragon’s right claw in a continuous manner as Koji began to descend toward the ground.

    Flames surrounded the dragon as it began storing the energy within each mouth. Dragon Burst! the three-headed dragon shouted as it released a barrage of fiery blasts from within its mouth toward Koji and Lance.

    There’s got to be a way we can reach it, said Lance as the two boys continued running and dodging the blasts that were being directed toward them.

    I’ve got an idea, Lance. Just follow my lead, Koji replied. Lance responded with a nod and continued to study the dragon’s movements. Once the creature had ceased fire, it quickly formed itself into a giant ball and began spiraling in place. Here it comes. Koji quickly halted in place, directing his blade before him, preparing for the attack that was soon to be unleashed.

    In a moment’s notice, the three-headed dragon had spun right into the ground, burrowing through the dirt as it made its way toward Koji, who was already braced for impact. Koji’s blade had collided against the reptilian skin of the dragon as sparks were being drawn off from the collision. The attack kept pushing the young boy back as his feet began skidding against the ground below. Koji gritted his teeth; his effort in slowing down the dragon’s pace seemed to be working for the moment. Now’s your chance, Lance! he cried as he shifted his gaze above to see the young boy hovering over them.

    I’ve got you now! Lance shouted. He tightly clasped the handle of his blade as he descended toward the dragon, the tip of his blade directed toward the beast. In a matter of seconds, Lance’s blade had struck through the dragon’s skin, impaling the right head of the dragon and causing blood to spew upward like a geyser from the wound.

    Brother! How could you! the left head of the three-headed dragon cried as it reverted to its original form. The dragon quickly took to the sky, its wings beating in a continuous motion.

    Are you all right, Lance? Koji asked, offering a hand to lift him up from the ground.

    Yeah, at least we’ve got one down. Now we have two more to go, Lance said while accepting Koji’s help. The two boys both stared at the wounded dragon, waiting for it to make its next move.

    Those damn kids slayed our brother! the middle dragon head said.

    They must pay for this! the left head added.

    Lance, get ready. It’s about to make its next move, Koji said softly.

    Lance replied with a brief nod as they both entered their stance with their blades shielding their bodies. The dragon spun its body with intense speed until it mirrored a crimson drill, which quickly made its way toward Koji and Lance.

    Watch out! Koji shouted as the two quickly leaped to the side in an effort to dodge the dragon’s ongoing assault. With the speed of the beast continuing to increase by the second, the two boys were left with no other option but to play on the defensive. He’s fast—that’s for sure. One hit from that attack and we’re done for, Koji thought. He was contemplating an idea as to how to take the beast down, but only one thing came to mind. Hey, Lance, do you think you can distract it a bit? There’s no way it can chase both of us at the same time.

    Sure, but make it quick, Lance replied as the two boys drifted apart from one another, Lance gaining the three-headed dragon’s attention.

    Good, it worked. Now it’s time to see if I can enter that state. Koji’s breath grew calm as he stood completely still with his eyes shut and his right index and middle fingers held upward. Crimson spheres of light surrounded his body; his concentration was focused on gathering it. One by one, the crimson spheres entered his body in a continuous flow. He could feel power growing inside him by the second.

    What’s he doing? Lance asked. To him, it looked as if Koji was just standing there meditating, for he could not see the crimson spheres of light.

    Die! the beast shouted, dragging Lance from his thoughts. The boy quickly shifted toward the left in an effort to dodge the dragon’s drill. The beast made a U-turn toward him, determined to take him down. With his blade held outward, Lance struck firmly against the dragon in an effort to break through its attack. The metal of Lance’s blade began to quake against the power of the three-headed dragon. Sparks flew in an abrupt manner, and the two collisions resulted in a stalemate.

    The dragon quickly broke free and directed its attack toward Koji, who was unaware of its approach. Shit, I have to stop him fast! Lance said as he rushed after the dragon. Lance was able to step in a couple of feet before Koji, shielding him from the dragon’s assault with his blade. His feet dug deep within the ground as he was driven back by the dragon’s brute strength.

    All right, it’s complete, Koji thought as he opened his eyes to witness a second dragon drilling through Lance’s spine. Blood spewed outward from Lance’s body as he tried his best to escape the two collisions. The damage had finally taken its toll on Lance, and he glanced back toward Koji with a single tear cascading down his left cheek. He muttered something, but the words didn’t reach Koji’s ears. Instead, Koji began reading Lance’s thoughts. The word brother echoed throughout his mind.

    Rage finally took over, and Koji began gathering up the energy that he had taken in. Flames spewed beneath his feet in waves as Koji’s eyes changed from light brown to crimson red. His pupils became feral, resembling that of a dragon’s pupil, and his body became coated with the crimson flames. The earth beneath him began to crumble as Koji unleashed a great roar of energy that pushed the three-headed dragon back a bit.

    Koji’s eyes continued to stare down upon Lance, who hadn’t moved a single inch ever since the attack. He could still read his thoughts and still sense his life energy. Even though it was fading, it still existed. This guy … There’s no way. Could this guy be a Ranshio warrior? the middle dragon head asked, gritting its sharp teeth. This isn’t possible. How can a kid have such power?

    All right, dragon, playtime is over, Koji said in a confident tone as the flames receded, revealing the boy in his transformed form. His attire had changed completely, with his shorts replaced by baggy red shorts that had a black flame insignia on both sides. His shirt was replaced by a short-sleeved red jacket, its hood rising and falling with the flames. The hood was black, along with the zipper of the jacket, which was left unzipped, and his chain that had a dragon’s head attached to it remained dangling along his neck. His boots were instantly replaced with a different set of boots coated in red and black flames. Just let me know when you’re ready.

    I can’t believe this. What is this feeling overwhelming me? Is it fear? I, the three- headed dragon, am afraid of a mere child? the beast thought.

    To answer your question, yes, you are! Koji charged forward, his body vanishing within the flames. He quickly circled the dragon as both heads of the beast tried their best to keep up with him. Suddenly, the three-headed dragon fell to its knees as a sharp pain began to overtake its midsection. It looked down to see Koji, who had just delivered a severe kick to its midsection. The boy wore a confident smirk, his right foot still held up from delivering the kick. Not done yet! He leaped up toward the dragon’s left head, delivering a sharp knee to its jaw; he managed to flip over the dragon while latching his hands on to the left dragon’s head.

    As his body descended, Koji’s hands began tugging on the head of the beast, causing the neck to stretch back. Bones were broken as Koji instantly decapitated the beast’s left head from its body. Blood gushed out like a geyser as it rained down upon the dragon’s body. The middle head could feel the pain of its fallen brethren. Being the only one in charge of the body, it rose to its feet and glanced back at the face of Koji, who had tossed the dragon’s head aside like a rag doll.

    You are strong—I must admit that, the dragon said softly, but I will not let my brothers’ deaths be in vain! The dragon’s wings began beating against the ground as it took flight, leaving Koji below to watch its next move. I will defeat you here and now! The middle head of the beast opened its mouth up wide as massive energy was stored before it. Ranshio essences from all eight elements were being stored in the energy ball as Koji gritted his teeth.

    That move—I remember that move. That move killed my comrade years ago. Every dragon knows this move; it’s their trademark—the Elemental Break, a ball of immense power that’s formed by the eight elements. I need to stop it fast! Koji thought as he quickly clapped his hands together. While storing up a large amount of energy, he began performing a type of hand sign that was unknown to humans. Only the dragons that walked the earth could translate the meaning of the hand signs, for they were foreign to this world. Flames quickly coated his arms and hands in a spiral as he finished gathering the Ranshio essences with a final seal from his hands. Ranshio Bend: Wrath of Flames Technique! Koji drew in his breath and released a gigantic fireball with dark flames spiraling around it.

    The attack quickly made its way toward the dragon, who was still storing up energy for the Elemental Break. Damn, without my brothers, my attack won’t be adequate to defeat him, let alone stop his attack! the dragon thought as it quickly launched its attack against the Wrath of Flames. They collided, causing a fiery wave to enclose the surrounding area. Trina, who was still in hiding from the fight, watched as the waves of the blast began spewing in numerous directions.

    He wasn’t kidding; he is strong, Trina said, her eyes quickly shifting toward Lance’s direction. She noticed he was down and hadn’t moved since. Her legs quickly reacted by moving toward his direction to check his vitals. Lance, are you all right? Speak to me, kid.

    He merely gave a weak murmur. He was still alive for the moment, but his blood continued to soak the ground beneath him.

    If he stays like this any longer without treatment, he’ll be a goner. Damn, there must be something I can do, Trina thought as she reverted her attention toward Koji and the dragon.

    This is it, dragon! Koji shouted as he unsheathed his blade and held it sideways. This Ancient Blade that my passed on to me will serve your death sentence! At the end of the handle, another blade stretched out, the exact replica of its sister blade. Koji spun the double-edged sword with intense speed as the flames began to encompass it Blaze Scar! he cried as he unleashed the massive blade beam toward the dragon.

    This is it; I have nothing left. Brothers, forgive me, the dragon thought as it took the Blaze Scar head-on. The fiery beam began disintegrating the dragon’s body until nothing remained but the beast’s ashes.


    The Olen

    The beast’s remains were cast aside by the wind as Koji stared into the sky, remembering an event from his past. It all came back to him in a blur. His memory was still lost, but there seemed to be hope in restoring it. I must continue fighting, he thought, shifting his gaze from the sky toward Lance. He approached the boy and Trina, who was kneeing down beside him observing his life energy. He doesn’t have much time left

    Koji quickly clapped his hands together and started gathering more energy from the fire essences around him. He performed a different hand sign from the last, with the flames forming out of the air, encircling his arms and hands. Ranshio Bend: Crimson Healing Technique! Koji placed his right hand forward, directing it toward Lance as a burst of fiery energy was released upon the boy. The crimson glow slowly started to heal Lance’s wounds, stealing him away from the grasps of death.

    Koji’s energy started to fade dramatically, for this was the first time he had ever performed this specific technique. He knew that if he kept giving off energy, he would eventually run out and start using his life energy as a substitute. Luckily, Lance was healed before that occurred.

    The boy slowly opened his eyes to see Trina and Koji looking down upon him. Koji …, he muttered softly, noticing the difference in Koji’s appearance. So you found time to get some new clothes. Good, because your old ones looked like shit.

    Koji stared blankly at the boy, gritting his teeth. The nerve, he thought. I bring him back from the dead and he repays me by insulting my clothing. Jeez, I know it’s old. I just don’t have the time to buy new ones! I’m just going to pretend I didn’t hear that remark.

    Come on, Lance. Let’s get you inside, Trina said as she helped raise the boy to his feet. I’m starting to get hungry. Maybe I’ll stay for that dinner you promised.

    Jeez, I just came back from almost dying. You could at least let me recuperate first, Lance replied with a small sigh.

    Are you guys going to be all right from here? Koji asked, causing the two to halt.

    They both glanced back at Koji with concerned looks. The boy seemed to be exhausted, and the thought of him leaving in his weakened state worried them.

    Aren’t you going to stay for dinner? Lance asked.

    I’m behind schedule right now; I need to get going …, Koji replied wearily. A sudden sharp pain sprang up on the right side of Koji’s neck. He covered the area with his left hand in an effort to calm it, but to no avail. The pain drove Koji to his knees, and he gave a cry of agony. Trina and Lance quickly rushed to his aid to see what was wrong. No serious injuries were visible. The only possible injury could’ve been internal, but Koji didn’t take that much damage from the fight.

    His cries continued, louder than the ones before. Trina quickly removed Koji’s hand to reveal the pulsating area. She saw what seemed to be a birthmark of a flame stretching outward as if it were latching on to Koji’s neck and face. That mark I’ve seen that mark before. Could he have ? Trina’s thoughts continued to wander as she watched the mystical transformation of Ranshio fade before her. Koji’s dragon eyes began to flicker from the usual crimson glow to the standard light brown color of his original pupil.

    What’s going on? he groaned as the pain surged throughout his arms. I’ve never felt anything like this before. This pain … How is this happening?

    "I’ve finally awoken " A dark, ominous voice said within the depths of Koji’s subconscious. "Things are going to get very interesting from here on out " A menacing chuckle echoed throughout Koji’s thoughts as his vision blurred. He could hear Lance and Trina calling out to him as his body began to give in to the pain. He collapsed right into Trina’s arms.

    Lance, quick! Run some hot water. We need to get him inside so he can rest! Trina ordered.

    Lance quickly did as he was told. He glanced back and saw Trina lay Koji down upon his bed. He approached her with a bowl of hot water and a rag. After wetting the rag, she placed it upon Koji’s forehead.

    Do you think he’s going to be okay? Lance asked. The sixteen-year-old didn’t respond; she just continued to brush Koji’s hair back a bit, watching to see if he would give any sign of being conscious.

    His vitals are okay, and he’s not injured, she said, but that mark I saw may have something to do with what we just witnessed.


    Yeah, Koji has a birthmark of a flame on the right side of his shoulder blade. I remember reading what that mark represents.

    Lance continued to stare blankly at Trina. Lost and confused about the whole situation, he was waiting patiently for her to fill him in.

    Well, he said anxiously, what does it represent?


    Far off in the outskirts of Susana Desert was a mansion heavily guarded by a group of mercenaries known as the Tai. The mansion was about three stories and had steel-barred gates surrounding its perimeter. Inside the mansion, a variety of colors and paintings were displayed on the walls. So that’s it, huh? said a voice within the mansion’s war room. There were three men inside the war room; two of them were standing before a desk, the other sitting behind it. The one behind the desk stood. He was only four feet, nine inches tall, a short man who was often mistaken as a child. His short, pudgy hands were rubbing against each other as he continued to stare at the monitor beside him.

    He had short black hair and wore royal garments that were a tad bigger than his normal size. That’s the boy we’re supposed to go after? the voice continued. The short man glanced over toward the owner of the voice—a mercenary with enough battle scars to prove his worth among his fellow men. He stood there, arms crossed, eyes closed, pondering the motive of his client. Why should elite like him be sent to take care of some kid? He was covered in padded armor, but beneath it was just regular clothing: black jeans, black sleeveless shirt, and wristbands that had his group’s logo on them.

    Beside him was a boy around the age of fifteen, carrying various artillery by his side. His belt consisted of bullet pouches and gun holsters, with a sniper rifle latched to the belt on his back. The rounds for the rifle were attached to the belt that rested over his shoulder and across his midsection. He too wore padded armor, with the same type of attire as his mentor. Saga, is something the matter? the boy asked, observing his mentor’s twitch.

    No, it’s nothing, Bao. Can’t let my personal morals cloud my judgment. I am a mercenary, after all, and as long as the pay is good. Saga lifted his eyes to look at the man and noticed that he wore a menacing grin. I’m down for the job, Denso.

    Glad to hear it! Denso exclaimed in a squeaky, high-pitched voice. But don’t get me wrong, Saga. I’m not sending you to kill this kid just for sheer enjoyment. He has something that I want!

    And that is …? Bao asked.

    The dragon claws. I’ve been watching this kid ever since he started hunting those mystical items; he’s already collected three so far! Denso said, turning back toward the monitor. And as you can see, Saga, this is no average kid. He took down that three-headed dragon like it was a walk in the park!

    I see that, but the three-headed didn’t possess any dragon claws, so that means it wasn’t even a match for the kid to begin with, Saga replied. Something had caught his eye on the monitor screen. He quickly asked Denso to rewind the clip and pause it at the exact moment of Koji’s transformation. What did he just do? Saga asked in wonder. A grin swept across Denso’s face.

    As you can see, this isn’t any ordinary kid. You must use extreme caution when it comes to fighting him. I mean, he did manage to take down three legendary dragons, after all.

    There’s something else that’s been bothering me, Denso. Fast-forward to fifty-eight minutes and thirty-two seconds.

    Denso did as he was asked and maneuvered the clip to that position. Zoom in slightly. The image displayed on the screen was Koji’s birthmark, its magnificent glow radiating in crimson amber as Saga began to release a small chuckle. "You’re right, Denso. This kid isn’t any ordinary kid; he’s the anfitrión of the Fire Fox beast spirit."

    Anfitrión? Bao asked with a puzzled look upon his face.

    It means host. This kid carries a beast spirit within him. That birthmark represents death; all anfitrións have a birthmark that shows what type of beast spirit he or she carries.

    Why does it represent death?

    The Fire Fox spirit caused mayhem and havoc wherever it went, but it was once captured by a man who eventually sealed the beast inside himself. The mark that was engraved upon the man was a standard flame that symbolized flame spirit. But if you watch closely and see how the kid’s birthmark reacts, you can see what seems to be another birthmark hidden within the flames.

    Bao and Denso both took a closer look at Koji’s birthmark; indeed, there was another mark within the center of the flame. It looks like a dragon’s eye, Denso said.

    Yeah, it does, Bao said.

    That mark is the symbol of the beast spirit called Shidoken. It’s a mystical dragon that was the first to appear after the meteorite’s landing long ago, Saga said. He clenched his fist tightly, remembering the event of his childhood when the dragon had attacked his village and murdered his family. His blood was boiling from the thought of it. This beast spirit was once sealed inside an anfitrión as well, but the power was too great, and it eventually consumed the anfitrión. The guy who sealed the Fire Fox spirit inside himself was able to take down Shidoken and put the beast in supposedly eternal slumber. He then sealed the dragon within himself so nothing would be able to disturb its sleep.

    That’s an interesting story, Bao said.

    Almost makes it sound hard to believe, Denso added. But how is it that that boy carries both the Fire Fox and Shidoken?

    Beats me, said Saga. Perhaps someone sealed the beasts inside him; no one knows what happened to the previous anfitrión of the two beasts. Perhaps they had to find another host and chose him.

    Regardless, it sounds like this kid is powerful, meaning our pay should be adequate enough, right, Denso? Bao asked, shifting his attention back toward the short man, who eased himself out of his chair.

    Of course, kid. How about five thousand sentos each? Denso responded.

    You have to be kidding me. If our enemy is an anfitrión, that means our pay will increase from standard. Fifty thousand when we collect the dragon claws and five hundred thousand when we kill the kid, each.

    You drive a hard bargain; surely you can’t expect me to cough up such amounts of money. I do have a business to run, you know.

    That’s our only offer. Take it or leave it.

    And that’s why Bao is in charge of the financials, Saga said, smirking. He returned his attention back to the monitor. An image had caught his interest, and he let out a gasp. Both Bao and Denso shifted their attention toward Saga and then toward the monitor.

    What is it, Saga? Bao asked.

    That girl …, Saga responded. He raised his right index finger and pointed toward the screen. Do you think she’s a C cup or a D cup? Bao and Denso stared blankly at Saga. They watched as he tried to gauge Trina’s breast size, his hand covering the screen.

    Here I am trying to discuss payment, and all you can think about is that girl’s breasts? Bao asked.

    Let’s hurry up, Bao; we don’t have much time left. We have to meet up with that girl, Saga said.

    Don’t forget about the kid! Denso shouted as he watched Saga and Bao rush out of the room. Just a little bit more time. Once I collect all of the claws, I’ll be able to fulfill my wish.

    A dream of the past plagued Koji’s thoughts, his memory all but a blur to him. Only bits and pieces were shown within his mind. As the fragments of his past slowly started to come together piece by piece, the memory of his longtime friends returned as well. He recalled a specific image. It was a sunny day, and kids were running around playing a hectic game of soccer. Two young individuals around the age of six stood before Koji with their backs turned toward him. The one on the right was a boy, and the one on the left was a girl. The girl had on yellow sandals and a white miniskirt. Her shirt was white as well, and her hair was short, straight, and black, with pink highlights. It seemed to be made of silk.

    The boy was a calm and peaceful kid. His white spiky hair seemed to flow with the movement of the wind. In his mouth, he held a small blade of wheat, and his attire was a plain white shirt and pants. They both took a slight glance back; the warmth of their smiles radiated toward Koji as he took a couple of steps toward them. Magome … Kaijudo …, he uttered softly. The memories were finally coming back to him. They were at school on the day of the attack, the day that changed his entire life.

    Magome! he cried, breaking out from his dream in a cold sweat. His panting was heavy, and his heart was pounding. A hand reached out toward his own, holding it gingerly as if in an effort to calm him. Koji stared at his hand, which was clenched tightly on to the covers. It slowly began to relax a little, his hand being caressed by that of another.

    You’re going to be okay, said Trina. Koji shifted his gaze up toward her to see the look of concern on her face.

    Jeez, Trina, I told you not to stand too close to him. You almost scared him half to death with that face, said Lance, approaching the two with a crafty look.

    The nerve. Wait till I get my hands on you! Trina retorted.

    It was just a dream a dream of the past. I’m starting to remember, Koji thought as he took a quick look at his surroundings. What happened? Where am I?

    You passed out after your fight with the three-headed dragon, said Trina.

    Yeah, you were crying out in pain for some reason. Trina thinks it’s because of your birthmark, Lance added.

    My birthmark? He rested his right hand against the birthmark that had caused him so much pain. He could feel the surface of the mark as if it were a scar left there from long ago. This same incident happened before, but this time it was a lot worse. Who was that voice that I heard within my thoughts? I have to be more careful about how I exert my energy from this point forward. So in other words, you guys took care of me. Thanks. I appreciate that.

    It was nothing, honest, Trina said, a soft blush spreading across her cheeks.

    Anyway, Lance, didn’t you say you were making something to eat? Where is it? I’m starving! Koji said. He released a small chuckle as he rested his hands behind his head. Lance and Trina looked at Koji and then at each other.

    Uh, are you okay? Lance asked, raising his right eyebrow.

    Yeah you’re acting different … You used to be so serious before, Trina replied.

    At that moment, Koji stopped his laughter. He knew they were right. For some reason, the image of his friends from the past had brought some good memories, making his attitude a little more cheery. I guess I just had to get used to you guys—that’s all. I’m usually not that serious all the time. So then, what’s to eat?

    Well, we have barbecued fish, said Lance, who began setting the table.

    Dibs on the fish.

    Rice and peas.

    Dibs on the rice.

    Grilled chicken with a little special seasoning salt that I added.

    Dibs on the chicken.

    And last but not least, broccoli and spinach.

    Koji remained silent this time. The thought of spinach and broccoli nearly made him lose his appetite.

    Oh, wait. How could I forget? I made some steak as well.

    Dibs on the steak! he exclaimed, taking his seat at the table.

    Wow, Koji, you called dibs on everything except for the veggies. What would you mother say? Trina asked, taking her seat as well.

    Well, she’s not here right now, so I’m not worried about it. Now quit yapping and pass me the hot sauce, Koji replied, a small amount of drool running down the right side of his lips.

    The meal was finished almost as quickly as it was delivered. Koji and Trina were lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling, contemplating their next course of action.

    Well, I think we should do what Lance said, said Trina. I mean, we’re both searching for the dragon claws—and the claws do grant two wishes. We can both use our wishes and get what we want in the end.

    I don’t know. I usually do better on my own—just saying, said Koji.

    But you can’t just travel on your own like that. It’s dangerous, you know, Lance added as he approached the two from the kitchen. I’m willing to follow you guys where you go; there’s nothing left for me here.

    If you guys do come with, I can’t guarantee your safety, said Koji.

    We can take care of ourselves, right, Trina?

    Yeah, can I just stand back and let you two do all the fighting while I do all the thinking? Trina asked.

    Koji and Lance shared a laugh, thinking that Trina was joking, even though deep down she was serious.

    Okay, so seeing how we’re all in agreement, we need to find a better way to travel instead of on foot. My grandfather is an engineer. He designs and creates gunships, warships, you name it. I’m sure he has some kind of airship that we can use, said Trina.

    Yeah, that does sound better than walking in a desert all day, Koji said.

    All right. So where does your grandfather live? Lance asked.

    Actually, not too far from here. We can leave in the morning; I’ll give him a call to let him know we’re on our way over there, said Trina.

    A bundle of cherry blossoms, cascading down from the giant cherry tree, which shadowed a young female who was standing in the middle of what seemed to be a training field, landed right beside her feet. Targets were marked around

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