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The Mighty Orphan
The Mighty Orphan
The Mighty Orphan
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The Mighty Orphan

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Waking up in a hospital not knowing who he was & where he come from is a huge problem for most people. Moving through life & Living in the world where everyone knows more about him then he knows about himself. Trying to find the answers about his identity & Traveling through time looking for the truth he made a complicated situation even worse. He thought he was a ordinary human, but the truth was even more grander then he ever could imagine.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 27, 2020
The Mighty Orphan

Elvir Mujic

ELvir Mujic, Was born and raised in Bosnia & Hercegovina. During the Bosnian war he moved to Germany where he lived for six years. Since young age he had a passion for science fiction. The last twenty years he is a resident of the state of Michigan, USA. He spent years studying science fiction & Mythology & This book is the product of that study. He finally has a opportunity to share his unique approach & Look at the mixture of science fiction & Mythology.

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    Book preview

    The Mighty Orphan - Elvir Mujic

    Copyright © 2020 by Elvir Mujic.

    ISBN:     Hardcover     978-1-7960-8515-0

                    Softcover      978-1-7960-8514-3

                    eBook            978-1-7960-8513-6

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    without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the

    product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance

    to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 02/14/2020





    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2    Jack

    Chapter 3    The First One

    Chapter 4    Sarah


    I opened my eyes, and through the blur, I could see two individuals in white coats. After a few seconds, my vision became a little better. There were two doctors standing right next to my bed. I didn’t know who they were but they were extremely familiar.

    The doctor on the right said, Welcome back, Mr. Jenkins. How do you feel?

    I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. The doctor on the left said, That’s all right. Give it time. You went through a lot.

    They turned around and walked out through the door on the left. I was looking around the hospital room and again fell asleep. She woke me up and said, Good morning, Mr. Jenkins. How hospital room and again fell asleep.

    I dreamed about the ancient civilizations—ancient Sumeria, Greece, Egypt and the battles raging across the ancient world and between the gods and goddesses. The dream was so vivid. I felt like I was there.

    A few hours later, the nurse walked through the door. She was a small woman clearly overweight for her height. She asked me, How are you feeling?

    I tried to say something, but again, no sound came out. The nurse went around my bed to the right side. She started touching the control pads and checking my vitals on the screen.

    I grabbed the nurse gently by her hand and asked her in the weak voice, "Where am I? And who am I?

    The nurse gently smiled and said, Patience, Mr. Jenkins. The doctors are going to be here in a little while, and they’re going to answer all your questions. But for now, you need to rest.

    I closed my eyes again and slipped into a deep sleep.

    When I finally woke up, my mind was a lot clearer, my vision improved significantly, and my voice sounded a lot stronger but was unfamiliar to me.

    For some reason, my head was filled with images of ancient events that I could not get out of my head. I felt a growling in my stomach. There were some dry crackers on the table, so I reached for them and start eating.

    The room’s door opened, and the doctor walked in. It was a tall African American with gray hair and a mustache. He was looking at me with what looked to be amazement, and then he started a conversation. Mr. Jenkins, I trust you feel a lot better now. My name is Dr. Lawrence. Do you know where you are?

    I looked at the doctor with a curious look. I had a lot of questions in my mind. I asked, Who am I? What happened to me, and why am I here?

    The doctor pulled up a chair out of the corner and placed it by the side of my bed and sat down. Mr. Jenkins, what’s the last thing you remember?

    I opened my mouth. I-I-I-I don’t remember anything.

    The doctor stood up and looked at me, and he said, "That’s okay. You see, your name is Daniel Jenkins, and you were in an accident, a lab accident, and most of the injuries we took care of, but it seems your brain is the one suffering the most. Hopefully, in time, you are going to regain your memories. But for now, we can tell you who you are and everything about your life so far.

    You are a brilliant young scientist, a physicist who’s working for the government on some sort of experiment, some secret project, so I am not really sure.

    I was looking at the doctor with extreme curiosity. What year is it? What date? I asked."

    The date is October 10, 2067. But now we have to focus on your recovery. Rest. There is a lot of time to talk later.

    The doctor left the room in a hurry. While he was walking out of the room, the nurse came in, carrying a big platter of food. I was hungry but I didn’t show that to the nurse, worrying for some reason not to be seen as a week.

    The nurse gently set the plate in front of me and asked, Do you need anything else, Mr. Jenkins?

    I looked at the plate in front of me, checking the variety of food brought in front of me, not even looking at the nurse. And I said quietly, No, thank you.

    On her way out, the nurse said, Bon appétit, Mr. Jenkins. Let me know if you need anything else.

    While I was eating, I felt a weird sensation in my body. Something wasn’t right. I couldn’t tell what it was. It must be the aftereffects of the accident I was thinking.

    After I finished with eating, I got up and looked through the window. It was a cloudy day.

    The wind was blowing the leaves from the trees, and I was thinking, Well, so far I can’t complain about accommodation. But not knowing who I am and what in the hell happened to me is eating me up from inside. And why am I dreaming and seeing all that stuff from ancient history?

    It is vivid, like I was there. What is going on here?

    The next day, Dr. Lawrence, Dr. Jennifer Hall, and some people from the lab came into my room. We had a very long talk. They explained to me what exactly happened and that I had no family that no one knew about; and how I grew up in an orphanage; about my being very intelligent, winning some scholarships to put myself through college and ultimately being chosen to work for the government, leading to the day of the accident. They were telling me that they expected me to come back and work for them again.

    Apparently, I was a very important crew member on the project when the accident happened.

    But how can I do that? I don’t even know who I am, and I don’t remember what they are telling me.

    After they told me that they were expecting my decision soon, they left. I was looking through the window and thinking, Well, that’s all good, but is it really me? Maybe that is just what I need in order to become familiar with my surroundings and remember who I am and what the hell happened to me.

    In the meantime, Dr. Lawrence was talking to Dr. Jennifer Hall. She was Coronel military expert in neurology and head of psychiatry.

    Do you think he suspects anything? she asked.

    No, I don’t think so, said Dr. Lawrence. He is genuine. Of course, we will monitor him for a while, but I think we did it.

    General ordered that someone has to keep an eye on him, Dr. Hall said. After all, he is a huge asset, and we have an undercover man for that job. His name is Lieutenant Webster. He has been with the project from the beginning.

    Ten days later, they agreed to release me from the hospital. On my way out, the little nurse walked me out to the exit and said, I just wanted to make sure you going to be OK. Her eyes got misty, and in a sad voice, she said, I wish you all the best my … brother. She turned around and went back in the hospital.

    I didn’t know what to make of it. That was unexpected and extremely strange to hear from somebody I barely knew. And she was

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