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What the Cross Means to Me
What the Cross Means to Me
What the Cross Means to Me
Ebook147 pages2 hours

What the Cross Means to Me

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PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateFeb 11, 2020
What the Cross Means to Me

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    Book preview

    What the Cross Means to Me - Peter Bodek

    Copyright © 2019 by Peter Bodek.

    ISBN:                    Softcover                             978-1-9845-9095-4

                                  eBook                                   978-1-9845-9094-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 08/21/2019





    A New Baby

    A Poem Or A Few Words Wonderful World

    A Special Friend

    Beauty To Beautyfulness

    Bitter And Twisted

    Bridge Of Faith And Trust

    What Is Christianity?


    Darkness Into The Light

    Do You Love Me?

    Seven Days To Wholeness

    Everything I Have Gained In Life I Have Lost

    (First Sermon To Be) Written 25/2/2019 Three little words

    Freedom Of Choice

    Gods Promise And How He Must Feel

    Two Prayers

    If I Am Wrong About This I Will Apologize

    I’m A Sinner Are You

    Is A Church Really Needed?

    I’ve Lost My Soul (Mate)


    Man’s Position Is To Be Number?

    My love For You

    Playing Cards

    Prayer Today


    Safe Secure Saved

    Saturday 23 February 2019

    Stop Press


    The Beautyful Cross

    I Want A Friend Like Jesus

    What Am I?

    What Is A Bible

    What Is Hate?

    What Is Mankind Afraid Of?

    What Is Real Love

    What The Cross Means To Me

    Where Can I Get Help From

    Where Or What Can I Find Out Information About Being A Christian

    Who Cares

    Who Judges Or Should Judge Us

    Who’s Your Best Friend

    Why Me?


    This is about a child born before BC which is over 2018 years ago it is about a child that was proficidied well over three thousand years ago as the prophets in the old testament said about this one person who was coming into this world that he would be special, a leader of men and would be able to do certain things other men or Leaders could not do and to this day never have and never will. This child would not be born in a place where you expect a child to be born any idea? Well if we go back in time this child parents were travelling and this made it difficult for the mother to travel she was travelling on a donkey with her husband walking beside her and when they arrived at the place they had to be, trying to get a room in several places where people could stay something like a hotel or guest house these days but found out all had been booked up by other people.

    The only place one inn keeper said was a place where they would have to share with some animals to which they accepted with thanks and part of the roof was broken but at least they could rest there for the night but what a night that it was going to a be it was a night of history.

    This night will never be forgotten due to the nature of what was going to happen and did it is a night that people celebrate for certain reasons but not as the one main one they should have as this night has been extremely commerlised by man which has made certain people angry and upset as basically they have put other things first and that is where mankind is wrong as sometimes I think things should be placed in the correct order of the importance of this event but man just keeps on doing what he wants silly really due to the upset it has and still will cause certain people.

    On this night it evolved no less than seven parties which that in its own has a special significances still not sure just think about it you would have been told about this story when you went to school due you remembers?

    The main item of this story has a two fold meaning of which one of them is love and the other will fall into place shortly but one thing will always remain and that is the amount of pain and suffering that this baby will injure and will do that willingly and without question during his short life have you thought about what and who is missing from this well.

    The second part of this comes into play as man brought the idea of giving presents and having parties which has now become a huge business and mans greed via this part is also trying to drop the Christmas part from this time of year even to the point that some countries are treating this special day as can ordinary day and the shops etc are all open just to top up man greed for money I ask why do this as certain times of the year should be remembered for what they were and what they mean and not to fill mans greed for money as if anything happens to you then you cannot take the money with you can you see the point in what I am saying.

    You see this time should be about a certain baby who came to give love yes love and real love at that and for what he stood for I am not trying to be a killjoy about Christmas but things should be in the right order yes I am saying if you do things properly you can have both side by side but remember the point of this time of year.

    The birth of a very special new born baby and why he came into this world for if you believe in this special person things you need he will provide you have to place your trust and believe through faith and more important remember that his person is offering you more than you can imagine and all for no cost at all.

    The night was to be a special night as this night was when the saviour who came to save mankind and he came as a new born baby who was to have the name chosen by mankind he also was to feel mans pain that he had suffered through time as he was also to cause pain to other people who did not like the idea of a new king being born the age of 0-2 years were to be put to death in order to stop this king from ever taking his place in history think of the pain that caused those parents so you see why this was this night other people of good intent wanted to find and see this baby so God sent his other he sent the angels to the Shephard’s who were tending their flocks by night bhe their flocks and hurried to see the new born in a stable.

    A animals food place the went running in to see him carrying new born baby lambs which they placed beside the manger the angels were then sent to three wise men who had been told about this event earlier but not until the wise men had spoken to the king about this wonderful event that had happened that night the king said to go and find the new born but come back and tell him were the baby was so he could go and pay his respects to him they said yes and off they went but that is where the angles spoke to the wise men and told them to take another route home and not to go back and tell the king where this place was and why so they returned home via a different route after seeing the new born king who was called Jesus Christ the SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD I hope this has been of help to you.

    There is one thing that should always be remember and that is this birth of any new born baby can bring a family together sometimes more than they could ever have imagined also real happiness but the most important thing a new born baby brings is LOVE and a love that can only grow along with the child so just think about this for a minute or two was this child of which I have written about was he accepted for the love he stood for and is the love still here search within your heart see if you can find any of this special word I have just used if not that can be changed very easy would you like that.

    The Choice is yours



    We thank you Lord for this wonderful world

    The beauty of all the things and animals upon it

    The way the waterfalls fall like life giving water

    The beauty of the sun’s warm bright rays

    The beauty of these tall great upright trees

    The way the mountains have been formed

    With tips that seem to reach through the sky

    Of which some of them we can praise you

    From high as if we are standing on clouds

    We thank you for the wonderful food and fruit

    Which you have given us in abundance also

    The fresh clear mountain waters for us

    So fresh and cold to quench are thirst

    We ask that you will protect this world

    So that our future and future great grandchildren

    Along with theirs will be able to see and gain

    As this world is so precious and wonderful

    So thank you for this wonderful world you gave

    Mankind along with everything on it thank you

    God and you Son Lord Jesus Christ thank you


    To have a friend is wonderful

    To have a friend is good

    To have a friend who will give all for you

    Have you a special friend?

    To have a friend who will never say no

    To have a friend like this is grand

    To have a friend who is always there

    Have you a special friend?

    To have a friend who not charge at all

    To have a friend like this I wish

    To have a friend like this is all I ask

    Have you a special friend?

    I have a special friend like this

    He never let me down

    He always is right there for me and always in my heart

    This friend is here not just for me

    He’s a friend who gives all to you

    His life

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