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Dreams: The Board of Dreams (Isarois)
Dreams: The Board of Dreams (Isarois)
Dreams: The Board of Dreams (Isarois)
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Dreams: The Board of Dreams (Isarois)

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Travel through dreams to multidimensional and parallel worlds, find happiness between the different versions of you (past-present-future), and successfully become a life-style futurist, learning how your conscious actions could affect the next generation and the Universe.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 31, 2020
Dreams: The Board of Dreams (Isarois)

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    Dreams - Oscar A. Nchaso Bekari

    Copyright © 2020 by Oscar A. Nchaso Bekari.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 01/31/2020








    Chapter Zero: Tyassö, Dream № 41554.png = e x i

    First Chapter: Asymmetrical Dreams, Dream № 832421-318

    Second Chapter: The Board, Dream № 470235

    Third Chapter: So long, love! Dream № 8585972710*

    Fourth Chapter: The Mirror, Dream № 31356370

    Fifth Chapter: ISAROIS (666 versus 333), Dream № 15042015

    Sixth Chapter: The Relocators, Dream № 146073314

    Seventh Chapter: The Cycle, Dream № 019

    Eighth Chapter: The Battle, Dream № 768450

    Ninth Chapter: The Reunion, Dream № 05642

    Tenth Chapter: Awakening the Witnesses, Dream № 50g + 1t + 53t, 50l, 4, R x 4t + R x 3p +…


    Dreaming and success coincide at letting yourself FALL:

    Fathoming, Absorbing, Leaning in and Looking over.

    Here’s the key:

    Fathoming them in order to cocreate,

    Absorbing them in order to act, 

    Leaning in with great longing, and 

    Looking them over to make them a reality.

    Don´t let your success be a dream, turn your dream into success.

    Don’t let your success be a dream;

    turn your dream into success.

    —Óscar A. Nchaso Bekari

    If you didn’t believe in anything you couldn’t see or hear,

    you wouldn’t remember who you’d, what you’d experienced,

    or what you’d felt.


    I had the chance to share a table with Oscar Nchaso at a conference on empowerment, which was held in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, in December 2017 to celebrate the event Mujer Ideal (The Ideal Woman).

    When we met, I wasn’t immune to his secure air, his fresh charm, his old soul disguised as youth, and his lovely verbosity. But that wasn’t what really sparked my interest in him; rather, it was the essence of the phrases he uttered. I realized that I was in the presence of an enlightened being.

    Oscar’s presentation turned out to be brief, but in those few moments, he expressed a sea of knowledge that was easily digestible with outstanding grace.

    I witnessed his gift with words and the fact that he had been called to share his story and his knowledge with the world. Nevertheless, such was my surprise when I found that his ability to communicate orally was equal to his ability to communicate in writing.

    I’ve read this book carefully and swum in its pages with the affection stirred by a young countryman taking steps to improve people’s lives; it is an act of bravery. Writing a book is like standing naked before others, and at the same time, it takes a lot of responsibility, given that it opens a door to a world where there’s no looking back.

    The Board of Dreams is magical, the key to a new dimension. It gives you the keys to a full life and sure success in an ingenious manner. The answer is here in its pages: learning to dream big.

    This book is not only beautifully written—wrapping you in the stories of its own dreams—but reading it also draws you in, and the tales come to life in your own flesh and blood. It, in turn, contains important lessons boiled down into short highly meaningful phrases. As you read, you’re dreaming and learning of an oneiric reality. You realize that you’ve been asleep and that in order to awaken, you must dream and line one dream to another. That’s the way to anything and everything, to eternity, to essence.

    The method chosen for studying the rules for being successful and bringing dreams to fruition comes from positive thinking. Nchaso has been smart enough to value that and set himself apart from other writings that address these topics. I’ve found it to be extraordinarily original!

    This book is for everyone who wants to open their eyes, to get to know themselves better, and to feel good being themselves. He goes on to reveal that that is where the equilibrium point for things is found. Oscar Nchaso shares very generously. It’s obvious that his calling to serve others has led him to take up the pen to create a work that I wholly recommend. The reader’s level of awareness doesn’t matter because it’s designed to be taken up several times. When you read The Board of Dreams, you’re no longer the same person; you become a better version of yourself. So you have to come back to it time and time again!

    Bisila Bokoko


    I want to thank many people who, in one way or another, contributed to this book coming into existence.

    First, to the love of the woman who has been with me through everything—in different colors, smells, tastes, and shapes—this star, my muse.

    To nature, for offering me those tranquil places with their shades of green, their birds, and their breeze; for allowing me to understand their language; and for giving me the gift of knowing how to convey it.

    To my parents, for the education they gave me and the values they instilled in me, which made me into the intelligent creature I am today.

    To my bee, that little angel of hope and sweetness, who, when speaking, always makes one think of adding a taste of honey.

    Thanks to everyone—all the people I met along the way, my family and friends, and you, too, stranger—who have given me this gift of life and placed me at a never-ending series of crossroads to reinvent myself time and time again and to every day have the choice between multiple probabilities

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