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The Writings of Antonio Vol. I: Witty, Philisophical, Political, and Sometimes Contreversial Commentary on Scripture
The Writings of Antonio Vol. I: Witty, Philisophical, Political, and Sometimes Contreversial Commentary on Scripture
The Writings of Antonio Vol. I: Witty, Philisophical, Political, and Sometimes Contreversial Commentary on Scripture
Ebook252 pages2 hours

The Writings of Antonio Vol. I: Witty, Philisophical, Political, and Sometimes Contreversial Commentary on Scripture

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About this ebook

Simply put, the book is a culmination of Antonio’s Saturday Morning Messages to his online Facebook Community for over a year and a half. It’s a slow build that starts with a simple scripture, mentions the Kingdom of God, and then as the weekly entries progress, he goes more in-depth with commentary asking hard theological and philosophical questions about Christ, considering some political and socio= economic problems of the day, translated with the lens of scripture; all the while including witty banter and Laughing Out Loud. He calls this work Vol. I, with Vol. II to hit the market soon where he goes even more in-depth with respect to spiritual and current political issues.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJan 31, 2020
The Writings of Antonio Vol. I: Witty, Philisophical, Political, and Sometimes Contreversial Commentary on Scripture

Antonio A. Sweeney

Antonio a. Sweeney holds a Master of Science Degree in General Psychology as well as a BA. in Christian Studies from Grand Canyon University. He also attended The University of California, San Diego for four years where he was an Animal Physiology and Neuroscience Major. Although, it’s sometimes hard to tell from his down to earth demeanor and writing style, as he weaves his thoughts through scripture and common life happenstances, presenting and answering some philosophical and political questions about Christ and our Society today.

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    The Writings of Antonio Vol. I - Antonio A. Sweeney

    Copyright © 2020 Antonio A. Sweeney.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    WestBow Press

    A Division of Thomas Nelson & Zondervan

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version.

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-8371-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-8370-4 (e)

    WestBow Press rev. date: 1/17/2020




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    So, I usually skip or quickly skim the acknowledgement page when reading, but as a first time author, I found it necessary to include a few important people who helped see the project to completion.

    Of course, first off I would like to thank God for His provision and the inspiration. Even though I’m separated, have to thank the wife for her continued love and support.

    And then there are the awesome folks at Westbow Press., who brought me in, and taught me a few things, and were key in bringing things to where they are now, with respect to writing and obviously publishing the book. Shout out to Cameron Adamson, great literary agent, full of witty banter himself as well as great ideas, and legal expertise.

    To the best check- in -coordinator/content evaluator/editor, to me anyway, in the world, Camille Lauren. I know she is so busy, and always made time for my project, I am truly grateful, much love to her, and hopefully one day get to thank her in person. To the rest of the Team who worked behind the scene, like Brady Adams and Teri Watkins from the design Team, I also say Thanks.

    Alright, so of course there are a million people I could thank who helped influence and guide my life, but I’m only going to name a few.

    First would have to be Mom and Dad; that is Audrey D. Andrews and Antonio M. Sweeney JD. As well as my Military Step-Dad Dwayne L. Burns, there is no such thing as an ex –Marine.

    I guess I got to include my knuckled headed brothers, there were five of us growing up. Justin Andrews; Coast Guard Academy Graduate, La Vontae Burns; Air Force Para Rescue Special Forces; Daniel C. Burns; Great Father and Warrior Knuckle Head; and Aaron M. Burns; Army Veteran. Then on my Dad’s side there is my brother Alexis Sweeney, my sister Alanna Sweeney, and my youngest bros. Gabriel and Solomon Sweeney. Two more for family, sister La Shantae Carr, and my favorite crazy gifted and artistic cousin who lives in Canada, Keena Sweeney.

    Professionally, there is my High School teacher Larry Nordell who taught Chemistry and was key in getting me a fellowship at The Scripps Research Institute my Junior year in High School. Next, that’s when I met Dr. Cindy Ehlers PhD, who was my Supervisor and so key giving me the coolest research job while I attended UCSD. In addition, she mentioned me in a few of her publications. Then there was my Mentor and Big brother at Scripps, Maury Cole who in those days schooled me on a few life lessons as well as inspired me in terms of business work ethic and ingenuity. Final shout out to my Fraternity Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Eta Sigma Chapter.

    And lastly, Honorable mention to a few men of God who helped guide in my young adulthood; Rev. Anthony C. Frazier(diseased), Rev. Clinton Stancil, Rev. Dr. Terry Marks PhD, Rev. Dr. Benjamin Thomas D. Div., and Pastor Ken Wesson. Much love to the Baptist, A.M.E., C.O.G.I.C. Lutheran, and Apostolic Pentecostal Churches. Also, shout out to the cities of Cleveland, Ohio; San Diego, California; and Phoenix, Arizona where I currently reside. Okay, that should be enough.


    Well, where do we start? First off, I should premise this book by saying although the title suggest that these are the complete writings of Antonio, a lot of it is scripture strung together in word thought, and secondly, this herein is not my complete database of writings. I think I wrote some poems in High School and College like anybody who dabbles with their thoughts on paper, and then there were the countless assignments for various liberal arts and humanity classes such as Contemporary Issues and Ethnic Studies. I was a science major who didn’t graduate—Biology or more specifically, Animal Physiology and Neuroscience. Not to mention certain African Studies classes at UCSD circa 1998-2002. Later, there were writings that any college and graduate student would have to complete for a Christian Studies major and General Psychology Master Program at Grand Canyon University. Ironically, all these are lost, or in a file, cannon, or trash heap somewhere.

    This brings us to the current project that I started toward the beginning of 2018, in which I posted a scripture every Saturday on my Facebook Profile for about a year and a half. First it was simply a verse, and then gradually became a short column or essay including a brief intro and commentary. I tried to make it fun, witty, philosophical and thought provoking, sometimes political, maybe a tad bit controversial, but overall for the mind and heart to think toward God about the workings of life in considering what Christ says or would say about Man, the World, and Society in general.

    So, a bit about myself, I graduated with honors in San Diego, California from Mount Miguel High School. I was a small kid, not all prep, but ran cross country and played tennis mostly considered a nerd and cool guy. I also played pick – up basketball and football with friends and finished hell week in wrestling my freshmen year, then decided I rather study. Graduated with Science intensity and went off to College to become a Doctor. Well, I had a fellowship at The Scripps Research Institute where I helped manage the Alcohol Vapor Inhalation Chamber Room and taught college and high school kids the scientific method during the summers. Aside from this I guess I was the average college student, studied, participated in organizations, partied, and eventually somehow found myself going crazy and attempting my hand at ministry.

    I preached my first sermon in an old Baptist Church, by the Name of New Paradise around 2001 at the age of 21, if I can remember correctly. Suddenly, I’m overinvolved doing more ministry than studying for classes and I’m academically disqualified from my program at UCSD, the onset of hearing voices and schizophrenia, didn’t help. So, long story short, I move to Phoenix, Arizona, get married for the first time at age 24, and worked some solid jobs, had two kids, and right around 2008, had another onslaught of voices that kind of take over my life. My marriage breaks down, and I find myself at a real quandary of what to do. So, I tried to do what any crazy brave soul would, I attempted to join the military at age 27. At this point, let’s just say, I wasn’t in my right mind, went about things the wrong way, and end up taking about a year vacation. Some of you may know what that means—Anyway, after that experience, I went back to school to complete the aforementioned Bachelor and Master Program to help me understand myself a bit better, played with some stocks and options, tried to start my own company, eventually had more kids, remarried and did some reading.

    Of course I’m leaving out a lot of details, I’ll save it for the autobiography, but eventually I found myself having an urge to write my thoughts down every Saturday. I wasn’t attending church or doing any other ministry at the time besides trying to be a good Husband and Father. This was my contribution to the world, society, and my family and friends. Who cares, big deal. I’m currently separated from the second wife, and spend my time, landscaping for meditative and financial purposes, working on my fledgling computer programming skills, some other top secret stuff, not to mention, playing with my dog, reading, swimming, and enjoying life. I hope you like and enjoy the book, it’s a slow build.



    All those I’ve loved,

    To All people

    To the people of God

    Inside and Outside the Church

    To the Veterans and Officials that serve in Society

    In this Nation and All Nations

    To my kids:

    Imani, Nathan, Ophelia, and Sonia


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    A nd be not confirmed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2.


    Post 2


    J esus said,

    All that the Father giveth me shall come to me, and them that come to me I will in no wise cast out. St. John 6:37


    Post 3


    T he Old Testament prophet Micah said,

    He hath shown thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of the, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8


    Post 4


    J esus said, Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32


    Post 5


    H ey everybody, been trying to share a verse every Saturday. This one has a little sting to it, but comes with

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