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Has the fear of telling people about your problems, ever prevented you from seeking the help that you need? Raya Wendelin dives into the novel to share her story of how people helped her come up with solutions after she got terrified by a dream. Raya’s dream consisted of a creepy red-haired doll which was caused by the accident of her best friend, Taryn. Taryn wasn’t aware that taking a jelly-like necklace out of the special box, was going to allow Raya to see the doll in real life and watch it create disasters wherever she goes. Having Taryn not know about the consequences of the necklace leaving the box, caused her to accidentally hand over the necklace to one of her friends. This was Taryn's biggest mistake since she caused herself massive worry to get the necklace back. In the meantime, the red-haired doll caused a guy named Vaner to want to steal Raya’s fortune by kidnapping her father, Brian, until Raya could offer him Brian’s job. Raya doesn’t have much time, her fathers in danger and the red-haired doll is glued in her mind which she can’t recover from. She is trapped in her shell but is too afraid to come out of it. Raya now learns to have a mind powerful as a magnet to attract connections from people. But Raya wonders if she is going to do everything correctly in time before she loses everything.
Release dateFeb 26, 2020

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    Dream - Aya Toufic

    © 2020 Aya Toufic. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  02/25/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-4518-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-4517-8 (e)

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    "Are people enough to abolish the

    problems in front of your eyes?"


    1 -     Dream 0f Wisdom

    2 -     Dawn’s Early Rise

    3 -     Generosity

    4 -     Beautifully Damaged

    5 -     The Unexpected Surprise

    6 -     The love beneath the Stars

    7 -     Wrecking Ball

    8 -     Shattered Night

    9 -     Secret Imposter

    10 -   HeartBreaker

    11 -   Road to Recovery

    12 -   Dirty Vibes

    13 -   Nightmare

    14 -   Destructive Memories

    15 -   Quick Thoughts

    16 -   Night Owls

    17 -   Depression

    18 -   Knives of Pain

    19 -   Patience

    20 -   Good News, Bad News

    21 -   Discoveries

    22 -   The Horror Adventure

    23 -   Discoveries

    24 -   Wondrous Eyes

    About the Author


    Dream 0f Wisdom


    I t was only three weeks since Raya’s mom passed away, and she is yet capable of breathing in the fumes of her mother’s soul which lingered around her. Raya struggled in keeping her tears locked in her sensitive eyes, which caused her to wonder how it would be like to stop the incident which killed her mother in. Raya never pictured that a loved one would disappear at her too soon, which made it difficult for her to view the world in the same perspective as when her mom was by her side. Having her mother come back into life was the only way Raya predicted things to become simpler as they were before. It was currently 3:30 am in the morning, and there was a fresh mist of air outside cool and crisp. It started whistling through her partly open bedroom windows, like a ghost that allowed the curtains to shake unsteadily. Raya lied face downwards on her bed, almost putting twice the pressure on her forehead then on her cheek. She tightly clenched on her bedsheets as if she was forcing herself to see a two-headed animal beating itself up. But she was not viewing an animal getting itself attacked, instead, she had a dream of a creepy red-headed doll that took place in the ocean. Raya always adored hearing the sound of the ocean waves crashing on the rocks as she splashed in the salty water getting her pants deeply soaked. She truly enjoyed all of that until her mother died in a shark attack. Raya’s dream consisted of a creepy red-headed doll who was not short but small enough to be considered a doll. The doll’s long red hair was tied back into a high ponytail, and its dress was floating in the air as it approached Raya. When the doll got close enough to where Raya stood, Raya was able to feel the doll’s bright green eyes drill into her feelings.

    My dear, the doll cried smoothly as silk, but there was a touch of venom to the edge of its voice. Have you ever missed the feeling of letting the saltwater play in your body?

    Shivering in terror, Raya stood still on the ocean shore as she deliberately took a step back while feeling multiple questions rush down her spine. The ocean waves riddled through her toes in the shallows, as the water foam crests became a chaotic lace over the blue. Raya did not know where or whom she was speaking to since she was not able to focus on anything but her own heavy breathing.

    Where am I? Raya asked absently, as she watched the doll comb through her silky red hair which shone underneath the sparkling sun.

    Without an answer, Raya already found herself disappearing into the ocean ground which shattered tremendously. She watched the ocean waves swirl immensely as if the movement of the water lost her brain function.

    I’ll see you in the ocean, the doll finally cried and disappeared into the darkness. These were the last words Raya heard before she found both of her eyes blocked in the sudden deepness of the water.


    Dawn’s Early Rise


    T he burning sunrise had risen just in time for Raya to hear her dad yelling her name. She happened to be surprisingly covered in sweat, which she assumed came from the struggle that she encountered from containing the dream which hit her last night. When Raya pushed aside her bedside curtains which added an orange glow to the morning light, she looked outside and noticed that the bright milky clouds rose from sleep as they traveled across the sky. Even though the weather seemed to bring a positive greeting to the morning, Raya could not help but feel pain radiate through her mind since she could not figure out the point of her dream last night. It was ironic for Raya to realize that the day in which she was in the ocean with her mother, was when the ocean appeared to be laid flat and so was her emotions. Whereas today the waves felt choppy, as the surface such as a mirror turned half liquid, breaking and flowing simultaneously. Raya happened not to be completely awake when she was dozing out the window, but she got distracted when she felt the heat that drilled inside of her. The smell of freshly cracked eggs ran through Raya’s nostrils causing her to escape her dreadful thoughts by heading down to the kitchen. It reminded her of how her mother used to cook her breakfast before she passed away. It almost smelled like white grease bubbles in a crispy frying pan. Possibly bacon and eggs? Raya got afraid of getting triggered by the loss of her mother and her dream by having to remember it again. But she also knew that a delicious breakfast was waiting for her in the kitchen; which she did not want to miss. As Raya still sat on her bed next to her bedside window, she forced herself to slip out of her warm blankets. Once she successfully managed to hop out of her bed, she put on her soft bunny slippers and made her way out of her room. The walk to the kitchen seemed very long as if she had forgotten the size of her house. When Raya finally arrived in the kitchen, she found her dad dressed up in a black and white top along with dark navy shoes which he always wore whenever he goes to work. His jeans were dark washed and had slight rips to the sides of his knees. Raya’s dad, Brian, worked in a computer company making a good deal of money. But after his wife, Krial died, his job continuously went downhill since he spent more time worrying about his wife then focusing on his budget. Raya watched her dad scramble the last bit of eggs in the pan before he managed to slide them into an orange polka-dotted plate. When Brian turned around to set the plate on the table, he spotted Raya viewing him as she combed a hand through her sleep-filled hair.

    Good morning dad, Raya said calmly, before letting him have the opportunity to say anything.

    Raya watched her dad set the frying pan back onto the stove before he was able to fully focus his attention on his daughter. Raya was surprised to realize that her dad decided to make breakfast this day since he usually stopped by at a restaurant to order his breakfast.

    Good morning Raya, Brian answered the thinly, turning his direction to his daughter. How do you like your eggs? He glanced behind his shoulder to look back at the plate he was about to distribute to Raya. Raya tucked in a thick curl that fell loose on her face as she let out a long yawn before answering.

    Doesn’t matter, Raya answered simply, never really growing up being a picky eater.

    Raya headed to the kitchen table waiting for her dad to give her eggs, as she set her elbows on the white table cloth. Her eyes were locked on the table never really engaging with her father due to the deep concern which she had about her dream.

    Has this day been starting to treat you badly? Brian asked deeply, his eyes filled with worry. He walked past Raya as he set the egg plate before managing to sit down on the opposite side of the table trying to study her facial expression.

    No it’s nothing, Raya said brushing her dad off. She took a small bite of her eggs and stared down at the ground; as she tried to hide her unease. It was hard for Raya to hide her feeling of fear from her dad. But she did not want to make her dad even more worried especially knowing that Krial died two weeks ago from a shark attack.

    Are you sure? Brian pressed heavily as he arched an eyebrow. You are usually more joyful than this."

    Raya didn’t know how to respond, which caused her to just nod her head in understanding as she watched her dad scoop a spoonful of eggs into his mouth.

    Actually dad I have to get going now, Raya said hurriedly, swiftly draining down a cup of orange juice. After she finished with her dishes she set them in the sink and headed to her dad so she could give him a quick kiss on his cheek.

    I need to head to the library and meet up with my friend Taryn, Raya mentioned flatly, trying to sound more clear as she made her way to the door.

    She took her dark navy coat from the closet, and quickly slipped it on as she prepared her car keys,

    Are you sure you are going to be okay, Brian asked suspiciously, afraid if his daughter is going to end up harming herself.

    Raya let out a small sigh trying not to let her emotions spill out all at once. I’m fine, don’t worry, Raya said trying to seem convincing to her father. Raya’s strength made Brian feel somewhat better since her confidence made herself feel more empowering.

    I’ll let you know when I get home, Raya mentioned soothingly, which were her last words she said to her father before she opened the hard wooden door and head out.




    T aryn was right in time to make her first selection for the speed boat competition in Florida. She had been waiting all year for making her initial selection, which makes her excitement appear more alive. After Taryn successfully filled out the form, she decided to stand up from squatting on the ground to putting it in the slot for the draw. When she finished slipping it in, she whirled around to find her friend Raya coming in the library towards her.

    Raya guess what, Taryn yelled in amusement, as she quickly ran up to her. I’m in the draw for the selection!

    Calm down, we’re in a library, Raya mentioned thickly, slightly feeling embarrassed as she glanced around the room to see if anyone noticed her friend yelling.

    Raya headed to her computer desk as she picked up some multi-colored books which scattered across the table.

    Wait, is it for the speed boat competition where you have to go against the champions who won the year before, Raya questioned pointing to the draw box which sat on a dark-wooden shelf.

    She watched Taryn follow her as she headed to the bookshelf to put back the missing books in its alphabetical order.

    Well yes, isn’t it amazing? Taryn asked arching an eyebrow. It’s because I got it in the last five minutes before they closed the slot for the final draw.

    Raya let out a small laugh as she made her way back to her computer desk to scan a stack of books that sat in a dark blue bin.

    You’re very strong to take that risk, Raya mentioned trying not to seem sarcastic with a thin smile on her face. You better start to practice getting your hands on that wheel before they kick you down.

    Taryn laughed at her friend’s comment giving her a small pat on her back. She loved whenever her friend makes jokes at her from time to time, but yet she feels offended. Raya watched Taryn pick a book from her nearside table, which made her decide to put back all the books that were lying around into each shelf. As Raya was scrambling and searching for each letter of a novel, she pulled up her sleeve to check the time. It was 5.30 pm, which meant that it was the only time Raya could get her lunch break. She searched for Taryn and found her standing loosely at the printer printing some sheets of paper.

    Taryn come on, Raya cried heavily, slightly louder than normal. I’ve got something to show you!


    Beautifully Damaged


    R aya felt the rays of light flashing down into her eyes, which nearly left her blind. It was an incredibly calm evening, the time when the sun is about to set upon the horizon. The colors of yellow and orange were scattered across the sky, which allowed Raya to hold a true sensation that she always wanted to feel. As Raya and Taryn reached the fence close to the restaurant, Raya showed Taryn a doll that happened to be lying near a grey stone. What is that? Taryn asked blankly, confused at what Raya was trying to show her. Taryn watched Raya take a step closer to where the doll sat to get a closer look at it. Her eyes were deep in concern, as she never experienced investigating a shocking doll.

    This red-haired doll looks exactly as the young girl I saw in my dream, Raya said nearly mumbling. From the view of Raya’s expression, Taryn realized that there was something odd going on with her friend. Raya’s inconsistency only caused Taryn to bend down and pick up the doll trying to study it.

    What was she doing in your dream, Taryn asked absently looking away from the doll to face Raya’s direction. Taryn has never heard anyone mention seeing something as ironic as a doll in their dream before, which causes her anticipation to grow deeper.

    I’m not sure, Raya answered lightly, directly facing the ground to hide the worry in her eyes. Raya didn’t know how to explain the purpose of having the doll in her dream. There happened to be a large gap in the air and Raya didn’t know how to fill it in, which made her hurry to collect herself.

    There was just a girl.., Raya trailed off as she sighed heavily, trying to pick her words carefully.

    Taryn and Raya exchanged confused looks trying to figure out what sense they’re trying to make out of each other.

    I was standing on an ocean shore feeling very lost until this girl came up to ask me if I missed coming back to the ocean, Raya cried in one rushed breath. She managed to take one deep breath before focusing her gaze back on to her friend.

    The ocean? Tarryn questioned heavily, more shocked than surprised. I thought you never wanted to come back to the ocean ever since your mom died from that shark attack? Taryn never felt more frightened than hearing her friend come across a tragic event from her dream. She harshly fiddled with her bracelets, causing her friend to sense her levels of unease.

    Raya quickly turned her glance away from her friend, afraid if her friend Taryn is going to catch her bursting out of dreadful tears. Raya’s mom, Krial, meant everything to her. Having Raya return back to the

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