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Sincerely Speaking Spiritually: Daily Inspirational Praise for “Uplifting Your Soul” With God’s Grace!
Sincerely Speaking Spiritually: Daily Inspirational Praise for “Uplifting Your Soul” With God’s Grace!
Sincerely Speaking Spiritually: Daily Inspirational Praise for “Uplifting Your Soul” With God’s Grace!
Ebook168 pages1 hour

Sincerely Speaking Spiritually: Daily Inspirational Praise for “Uplifting Your Soul” With God’s Grace!

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About this ebook

Praise for
Sincerely Speaking Spiritually
“These are the great words of a true ambassador for literature around the world
who has accepted the Word as his mission. Inspiring verses that deserves the
highest praise, that have received international awards! Poetry with biblical
sounding and fantastic fl ight of the thoughts, inspired from the highest places,
dictated as if by God! Amen!”
— Stoianka Boianova and Minko Tanev, internationally
acclaimed poets, Sofi a, Bulgaria.
“Another poetry collection from one of the most passionate poets of all times.
Joseph Spence Sr. is indeed brilliant in his navigation of spiritual poetry themes
in biblical forms in an intricate way that stands as a signature for his readers;
this is indeed a must read!”
— Balogun Iyanu, founder of the League of Poets and
executive head of Teens Got Poetry, Lagos, Nigeria
“Joseph Spence’s new book, Sincerely Speaking Spiritually, is a revelation! His
unique style of poetry writing, using pin sonnets and septolets, gives his poetic
prayers resonance and depth. His unique navigation of spiritual poetry themes
in biblical form are a modern-day book of Psalms, in which he gives praise
to our Creator for His blessings while, at the same time, laying at His feet our
needs, desires, and concerns for a troubled world and nation that only He can
restore. I highly recommend this book of poetry. It should be included with
daily meditation, scripture reading and prayer!”
— Thomas E. Mitchell Jr., journalist and editor of the
Milwaukee Community Journal, Milwaukee’s largest Africa
American newspaper
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateFeb 21, 2020
Sincerely Speaking Spiritually: Daily Inspirational Praise for “Uplifting Your Soul” With God’s Grace!

Joseph S. Spence Sr.

Dr. Joseph S. Spence Sr. authored ten inspirational poetry books and over 200 peer-reviewed published articles. He has a degree in divinity, served as a Eucharist minister during his military service, and has received many awards. He retired from the military as an offi cer with faithful and honorable worldwide service. His Webpage is www:// and email

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    Book preview

    Sincerely Speaking Spiritually - Joseph S. Spence Sr.

    Sincerely Speaking


    Daily Inspirational Praise for

    Uplifting Your Soul With God’s Grace!

    Joseph S. Spence Sr.

    Copyright © 2020 Joseph S. Spence Sr.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    WestBow Press

    A Division of Thomas Nelson & Zondervan

    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403


    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-8391-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-8390-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-8392-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020901439

    WestBow Press rev. date: 05/10/2024


    To my dear mother, Mrs. Olive Maud Spence (Justice), and father, Mr. Kenneth John Spence (Moses), for all the wonderful things each of you have taught me about life that I will always cherish. Additionally, to my brothers and sisters for all the wonderful times we shared and will always share together. Furthermore, to my extended family members—cousins, niece, nephews, and so on—for your inspiration. Finally, to my children and grandchildren, who will always have my love and special places in my heart. My sincerest thanks to each of you, and may God continue to shine His perpetual light upon each of you, your loved ones, and family members from generation to generation.

    Additionally, this book is dedicated to the humble writers with words of ethics and integrity for worldwide literature. Those who are dedicated to uplifting heads held low to inspire them to see a new light and day. This is also dedicated to all writers who are paving a way for worldwide humanity to experience God’s blessings in every way, shape, or form. And to poets who are sharing God’s light to create a path of righteousness and newfound inspiration in His grace for others to walk with love and reverence in His newfound light.

    Have an awesome day, don’t forget to pray without ceasing, stay encouraged, be strong, inspired, ingenious, resilient, and blessed always!

    Dear dedicated reader, I will be impressed with your feedback regarding how you enjoyed reading my inspirational book of spiritual poems. It inspires me to write more when readers comment, and it’s my pleasure to listen to readers and be uplifted by what they say. Thank you very much for your decisiveness and dedication. Please make your comment online or on Have a great day, and God’s blessings always!




    Preface : The World’s Dynamic Process—Poetry




    Section 1: Regular Spiritual Poetic Forms

    My People, if We Must Die (Bifurcated Litany and Elegy)

    Your Time Has Come (Prose)

    His Perpetual Light

    We Are Still Standing

    Your Omnipresent Love (Litany)

    In Times Like These

    Love Is

    Christ Lives Today

    Your Time Has Come—Welcome!

    If Only: Parent’s Challenge

    His Ecclesiastical Love

    The Love of God

    His Returning Presence

    Merry Christmas Greetings to You

    Christmas Beauty in You

    Praising Him All the Way

    Sunday Thoughts


    His Loving Easter Touch

    Today’s Victory (Redondilla)

    Love of the Father: New Heights

    Without the Love of Jesus

    His Great Manifestation

    He’s Coming Back Again (Pantoum)

    Creating Artistic Words Linking Pin Sonnet

    Crying Out Sonnet

    Amazing Grace

    Amazing Grace (Historical)

    Kind God Who Made Us Glad-Monotetra

    Praising Him Always (Eternal Promise)

    God’s Autumn Season

    Most Gracious God

    Thank You, Lord, for This Great Treat

    The Master’s Favor

    The Narrow Path (Stepping Stones Sestet)

    Father of Light (Metamorphic Transition)

    Precious Savior (Charisma)

    Sun Shining Love (George’s Dragon)

    Heaven’s Freedom (Mystic Wind)

    God’s Glory (Trolaan)

    God’s Desire (Beacon of Hope)

    Escaped in a Basket: Paul Bringing God’s Light (Dramatic Dialogue)

    Looking Out Today—The Window of Live

    (Visualization Poem)!

    Section 2: Poetic Prayer Forms

    Prayer for Readers

    Prayer and Poetry Historical Notes

    Prayer for Our Soldiers

    Prayer for Father’s Day

    Prayer for All Children

    Prayer Against Suicidal Thoughts Inflicting Souls!

    Prayer for Thanksgiving Day

    Prayer to Cease Gun Violence in Schools

    Section 3: Invented Short Spiritual Poetic Forms

    Mother (Tetractys Quintet)

    Quadruple Senryu

    New Peaceful Dawn

    Reaching God through Steps


    Covenant Made

    God’s Reflecting Light

    God’s Eternal Enlightening Strength (Sedoka Series)

    Jubilation Day Celebration

    God’s Reflecting Angelic Seven Septet Series

    Joseph’s His Servant—Testament!

    God’s Rejoicing Success

    God’s Faithful Love Series

    Relative Compound Inheritance Strengthening Duo

    Relative Compound Savior’s Elevation

    God’s Eternal Victory Duo

    God’s Radiating Light

    Blessings Naani Trio

    The Savior Lives (Triolet)

    Pray, Pray, Pray (Tosca 42)

    Glorifying on High (Quatrain by Letter)

    Thy Loving Mercy Prayer

    God Is (Jane’s Triple Strata)

    The Coming King (Triquatrain)

    The Master (Terza Rima)

    Redemptive Light (Rondel)

    Forgiveness Tears (Jesus Tears)

    The Light (Diminished Hexaverse)

    Walk Beside Me, Lord (Count Up)

    The Cross: King Jesus (Tanka Quintet Duo)

    His Resurrecting Light Tanka Quintet

    Section 4: Epulaeryu Poems

    Feeding Miracle

    My Vineyard

    Lentil Soup and Bread

    Breaking Bread

    Saints’ Communion

    Church Dinner

    Concluding Prayer

    Section 5: Spiritual Poetic Forms Glossary

    About the Author


    The World’s Dynamic Process—Poetry Prayer

    In this inspirational book, you will learn the essence of poetic prayer and how it will uplift your mind, body, and soul.

    ✓Inspirational poetic prayer is a dynamic and cosmic moving force for the soul. It makes a person whole and stimulates an exploration of inspiration in the spirit to its very core.

    ✓It invokes a process of creation that inspires and connects life with God’s spirit.

    ✓It allows a person to become graciously entwined with and not maligned with life.

    ✓It inculcates a precious quality of mind, body, and soul into reality.

    ✓It enables an internal and external

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