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This Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Be Preached: Then Shall the End Come
This Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Be Preached: Then Shall the End Come
This Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Be Preached: Then Shall the End Come
Ebook205 pages3 hours

This Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Be Preached: Then Shall the End Come

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Man is born a sinner and man sins because he is a sinner, and the life man has is a life of sin, and man cannot stop sinning because the life of man is a life of sin and it is a life called a living soul of a life of sin. The life of the living soul has to be eradicated through death to the self life of the living soul of sin and the living soul of sin must be killed or destroyed through death to the self life of the living soul of sin, and this life of the living soul of sin must be replaced by the life giving Spirit of God called the Holy Spirit by way of being begotten by the Holy Spirit of God into this sinless life of the deity of the Holy Spirit, so man may live forever and ever. This is what my book is all about. In this book as in all my books I always search for truth. Truth is an overwhelming factor with God because Jesus is truth living in the redeemed flesh of a natural man. John 14: verse 6;
Release dateApr 1, 2020
This Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Be Preached: Then Shall the End Come

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    This Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Be Preached - Frank L. Schoonover DD

    Copyright © 2020 Frank L. Schoonover, DD.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2788-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2786-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2787-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020904576

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 04/01/2020


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    The book of Revelation is one of the hardest books to understand in the entire New Testament and expounding the book of Revelation is the essence of the entire day of grace.

    If you do not possess a relationship with the Lord Jesus, understanding this book is almost impossible for anybody to understand, you must know the Lord Jesus personally and it requires you to be born of God "if" you are ever going to receive your eternal life.

    This book holds the key to the future of all Christianity. If we examine this book closely we shall see that the information and the power of God seen and received and possessed by man and experienced in this book begins on the day of Pentecost with the entrance of the Holy Spirit of God into this earth of sin where man lives.

    God in the form of Jesus Christ entered into the earth to redeem man by way of the destruction of all the life of sin possessed by man. Man has been called a sinner simply because his entire natural life is a life of sin, and no matter what man does, its end result is seen as sin because the life of man is sold out to the sin nature. It is what man is as a natural man, possessing a life called the life of the soul of sin. Man is a sinner man and no matter what he does it always is seen as a life of sin. Everything man does is seen as the origin of sin and it is sin no matter what man does in the earth of sin where man lives as a sinner man. When man wakes up in the morning, he wakes us as a sinner man.

    When man goes to bed at night, he goes to bed as a sinner man, and when the Lord Jesus becomes your redeemer, all of the way of your natural life changes and never returns to the sin again as his way of life, and that is what the redemptive process is all about.

    If any man can get the Lord Jesus right according to the living Word of God, everything man does shall be right, but right on the other hand is man cannot get Jesus right according to the living Word of God, then nothing he does shall ever be right: Period! This is a truth that most all men over looks in his everyday life.

    This book is designed to help every man get the Lord Jesus right, according to the living Word of God, and as we open the book of Revelation we must think about this fact of everyday life in the earth. Our thoughts must be and the questions must be as we ask ourselves on a daily basis. "How do I get out of this world alive? or how do I make it into heaven and live with the Lord Jesus as my master, redeemer and full time Lord? That is what this book is going to be all about, How do I learn to live eternally?"

    As I turn to the book of Revelation, this fact we are discussing shall become quite evident to all who read this book, "seriously."

    Revelation chapter 1: verse 1; The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servant things which shall shortly come to pass and he signified it by his angel unto his servant John.

    John the beloved was the first one to receive this message, and he received it by way of the angel of the Lord Jesus. John in turn tells us the same message.

    This is the way the book of Revelation was written and this is the way we must read it as truth which is found only in the Lord Jesus, as we see him as he is in this world we live in today. 2nd John chapter 2:

    Revelation 1: verse 2; Who bare record of the Word of God, "and of the testimony of the Lord Jesus, and of all things he saw."

    John saw a lot of things in heaven while he was there in heaven for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus which was, and is, and is to come, and he said, I was dead but behold I am alive forever more and possess the keys to hell and death. The Lord Jesus was spiritually dead just like all men born of woman are when they arrive in the earth born of woman possessing the living soul of sin for his natural life of sin.

    Whatever John saw, he saw by the light of the life of the deity of the Lord Jesus, and John expresses himself as such every time he tells us what he saw in heaven. What he tells us is truth as he sees truth seen in the light of the life of deity because all truth is found in the Lord Jesus. The lord Jesus is truth seen in the light of his life of deity. When we receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit we are given the ability to see things spiritually so we may possess eternal life.

    Revelation 1: verse 3; Blessed is he that reads and they that hear the words of this prophesy, and keep those things which are written therein "for the time is at hand."

    Today is the day of our salvation because the time for our salvation is at hand and the Lord Jesus set this day forth just for such a time as this. We shall now experience his wrath towards us until we saved.



    John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you and peace, from him which was, and is, and is to come, and from the seven churches which are before his throne.

    Grace from the Lord Jesus and the blessing of the seven churches which are before his throne. This grace and blessings which are from the seven churches, and the Lord Jesus Christ as God begins their redemptive process with the chosen men of God to receive their eternal life through the redemptive process of the Lord Jesus Christ.


    Revelation 1: verse 5; And from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten from the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth, unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.

    If you have a faithful witness, you shall do O.K. and you shall receive your eternal life as it has been promised by the Father God.

    Jesus is the first begotten from the dead so the Lord Jesus knows exactly what the redemptive process will do if it is initiated in the right way, and Jesus Christ is the right way for a man to receive his redemption according to the living Word of God.

    Revelation 1: verse 6; Who hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen



    Revelation 1: verse 7; Behold he comes with clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they which also pierced him, and all kindred’s of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen

    Revelation 1: verse 8; I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord, which is and was and is to come The Almighty.

    This is the only place where the Lord Jesus claims to be the Almighty God. But before he became the Almighty God he had to be redeemed as a natural man who was made sin for us and called the Lord Jesus who was seeking his eternal life as a man who was to become the Christ of God. He did this for his man because he had to be redeemed as a man who was living in the earth as a sinner man. He was a sinner man because he was made sin for us by his Father God so we could be made righteous as a natural man of sin called a sinner, but made righteous through Gods great plan of redemption through the redemptive process. This is a tremendous act of God for his man and it is also a very good opportunity for the natural man who is seeking his eternal life through the redemptive process. It makes everything in man vulnerable to the great powers of the deity of God. The first thing the great powers of deity do, is kill the sin nature in man, it may not be the very first item on the agenda of God but it definitely is on the mind of God, and it is also on the schedule of God, and It is something God will do for every man who is committed to receiving eternal life.

    Revelation 1: verse 9; I John who also is your brother, and companion in tribulation, in the Kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle of Patmos, for the Word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    The testimony of Christ Jesus is just what it says it is, it is the testimony of Jesus which was earned through the experience of the King of the universe when he became the man Jesus as our savior and redeemer of all mankind. The intentions of God were, he desired to have a nation of what the bible calls "true Jews." Revelation 2: 9;

    The testimony of the Lord Jesus set the way, time and the effort of many people of deity would be used to accomplish such a feat. God had the foundational structure available to do this work in the natural man. He had the four and twenty elders and the four beasts of Revelation chapter 4: and verse 7; which were the foundation of the New Kingdom of God the Lord Jesus died to set up so the work could begin in the Kingdom of God redeeming the chosen people so they could take their place in the bride of Christ "as the bride of Christ. There is no greater honor than to be made welcome into heaven as" the bride of Christ. As we shall see, it takes a lot of work to be done in you to prepare you for the life of the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ and live with Christ Jesus throughout all eternity, as a member of the body of Christ. God who takes a sinner man and cleanses him up and makes him a sinless, holy person and transforms the sinner man into the image of the Lord Jesus through a process God calls Gods great redemptive process is the greatest honor God can bestow upon a sinner man by his great power of the life of his deity.

    The life of his deity is the great power of God used by God to transform a man into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. The ultimate goal of God is to transform a sinful man into a sinless man in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ by killing his sinful nature and making the same man a sinless man in the image of the

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