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Signposts from My Subtle Body
Signposts from My Subtle Body
Signposts from My Subtle Body
Ebook86 pages58 minutes

Signposts from My Subtle Body

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“By recognizing and embracing the seemingly random, yet highly significant and often traumatic events in our lives, we can lay down for ourselves a grounding path; a path unfolding and then culminating into a life full of meaning. Through vividly drawn recollections from her own life, Debra shows us a way to locate and identify the stepping stones that lead us along our own unique Energetic-Spiritual path. A jewel of a book – A gift to all of us.”

J. Yeats Rossignol, Co-Editor of The Farmers Beet and Biodynamic Farmer

Signposts from my Subtle Body is the outcome of the author’s true-life passage thus far. The similarities of our lives are found in everyone’s own signposts yet to be discovered. The intent is to help guide those who seek to find their own answers in a very complex world. A key factor is getting to know one’s own subtle energy body; a scientifically proven part of who we are within and without of our physical bodies. Learning to communicate with this facet of ourselves is key to our health, happiness, and overall well-being.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMar 10, 2020
Signposts from My Subtle Body

Deb Ra

Debra Lynne is a self-described “seeker and seed planter.” Inquisitiveness, with an intense need to understand our world and our role in it, has been the major influence on her life choices. This energy was an essential factor in the home-schooling of her children. Debra seeks and then shares her experiences with the intention of planting seeds of curiosity in others to help them find their way; to make sense of the world we live in. A graduate of Post University in Connecticut, Debra earned a Master of Science in Human Services and a Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies with her concentration in Environmental Law.

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    Signposts from My Subtle Body - Deb Ra

    Copyright © 2020 Deb Ra.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4343-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4344-9 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 03/10/2020


    The Signposts

    Signpost One: The Indians

    Signpost Two: Castaneda Revealed

    Signpost Three: Not Yet Ready

    Signpost Four: Elephant Dream

    Signpost Five: The Haight

    Signpost Six: Green Hands

    Signpost Seven: Seeking Roots

    Signpost Eight: Bear Heart

    Signpost Nine: Tech Alarm

    Signpost Ten: Healing Energy

    Signpost Eleven: Subtle Anatomy

    Signpost Twelve: The Ripple Effect

    Signpost Thirteen: Living and Dying

    Signpost Fourteen: Revelations Emerge

    Signpost Fifteen: The Dragon Rises

    Our Subtle Body

    Getting Started


    These are the moments,

    which we may not realize at the time,

    that put us on a path we don’t always understand.

                                    Virginia Marie Cherniske

    I was standing on the shoreline in the early evening as the Moon was rising. As I watched the waves come and go, my uncle squatted down next to me and said,

    You know, the Moon is what causes the tides. He saw my doubt as my jaw dropped in disbelief.

    I said, Really?

    Yes, really, he replied. He then related to me a basic primer on gravity and its effects.

    That moment was one of the first of many which caused me to want to know. As I explored, I came to the conclusion that things were not always what they seemed. Pieces missing, things not quite adding up. I had to know.

    No matter what our beliefs may be of how we came to be here and where we go when we leave, what happens in-between is our choice. We are born with response ability. The path we choose to follow is uniquely our own. There are signposts along the way that help guide our decisions. When we become aware of them, a pattern emerges. We have forgotten that we can change our perceptions and thus our path whenever we choose.

    The Signposts

    Signpost One:

    The Indians

    M y family was advised that the Indians were coming. My mother told us we had to leave the house.

    I refused and said, No! I’m going to hide under my bed!

    My mother responded, They will find you anyway. As I huddled under my bed, scared out of my wits, I could see the Light streaming into the darkness as my bedroom door slowly opened. I saw two moccasins walking in. And then, I woke up.

    This was a recurring dream I had from the earliest time I can remember until I was eight years old. It ceased when we moved to a different home, but I can still see it in my mind’s eye like it was yesterday. Why was this dream sequence so persistent and why am I able to recall it so perfectly more than five decades later?

    Oh, that was just a dream, I was told. Our culture began its inevitable descent over me. The meaning and significance of this dream in relation to my life journey has become unmistakable to me. The elements in any given dream present in ways you will recognize upon contemplation. I’ve come to realize this dream was my initial encounter with the notion of synchronicity. A reminder impressed upon me repeatedly for the first several years of my life. Two moccasins; grounding path. The Indians will find you.

    Circumstances Out of

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