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Build Your Best Life
Build Your Best Life
Build Your Best Life
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Build Your Best Life

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Build Your Best Life, “Understanding the Power of Your Actions and Your Credibility To Build Your Best Life” came out of a passion for assisting youth and young adults overcome the obstacles society throws their way.

Obstacles come in all forms, such as murder, suicide, depression, bullying, generational curses, finances, lack of role models, hunger, and lack of education. These are only some of the roadblocks that deter young people. Whatever causes them to pause is indeed an obstacle. I for, one, would like to see these obstacles eliminated.

These individuals have tremendous talents and skills to share with the world. This book contains life principles that are relevant and will assist them to be the best they can be. As you read through his book and meditate on the principles, you will realize what is necessary to reach your impossible dreams, “As you travel on the road to Building a Better Life,” there will be distractions, pitstops, rough terrain, and detours. Ignore each of these negative aspects of your journey. Although they may slow you down, remain on the path of Being a Better You.”

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 20, 2020
Build Your Best Life

De'Borah D. Smith

De’Borah is a life coach, speaker, and ordained minister. She believes, “It is better to train early rather than to fix later.” As a personal development life coach, she serves high school and early college-age young adults. Helping them to build their best life by taking action to transform their emotions into living the life they want, understanding challenges and negative emotions to encounter the adversity to build strong credibility, and to grow in respect and admiration, creating a valuable life. In her studies, she has learned guiding principles to assist in the pursuit of aiding young people in Building Their Best Life Now. De’Borah is equipped to help all genders but specializes in high school and young adult males. De’Borah graduated Summa Cum Laude, earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Florida State College at Jacksonville. She is a member of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), The National Society of Leadership and Success, and Phi Theta Kappa. De’Borah is an active member of Toastmasters International. De’Borah resides in Jacksonville, Florida. She and her husband Dan have been blessed with four children; Jermaine, Salandra, Dan, and Christopher and five grandchildren; Tierra, Dan II, Aubrey, Natalya, and Makayla.

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    Build Your Best Life - De'Borah D. Smith

    Copyright © 2020 by DE’BORAH D. SMITH.

    Build Your Best Life With De’Borah D. Smith

    Jacksonville, Florida

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    Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    Good News Translation® (Today’s English Version, Second Edition)

    Copyright © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved.

    THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    Rev. date: 03/20/2020






    Chapter 1 Obstacles that Can Be Overcome

    Chapter 2 Never Say Never

    Chapter 3 Live The Impossible Dream

    Chapter 4 Developing Skills and Talents


    Chapter 5 Making and Breaking Your Reputation

    Chapter 6 How to Avoid Crazy Mistakes

    Chapter 7 Life is a Series of Decisions

    Chapter 8 Dating


    Chapter 9 Your Life

    Chapter 10 Conclusion


    Jermaine, Lamar, and Christopher, I dedicate this book to you. You have always been my reason Why! The "Why" I have tried to be the best me. An example of having good principals and strong ethics. Most importantly, the Why I have always had a burning passion for making a difference in the lives of young people, but most especially young men. I don’t minimize the issues of young ladies. I have a daughter and granddaughters. However, many advocate women, and God placed the burning desire on my heart to assist young men. I pray the principals I worked to instill in you have been a benefit. Maybe not always easy to hear or adhere to – yet made a difference in the men you have become. I love you, and I am proud of the distinguished gentleman you are.

    Young men, I hope that the principles in this book will benefit you as you walk the path to being a better you and building a better life.


    The choices we make are crucial; each makes up a small but significant component of our multifaceted future and happiness. In this book written by De’Borah Smith, you will see how you are the sum total of every decision you make and how it all comes together.

    This book will challenge you to quit talking about what you’re going to do; quit talking about where you’re going to go; and quit talking about how you’re going to change.

    It is a reminder that your life will change the second you take action. I love this book because its pages are filled with life, hope, and truths like our results are the byproduct of action, and our dreams, the byproduct of words.

    As you take your time to read the pages in this book, affirm yourself in the true essence of life. Life isn’t about pain, it’s about our ability to absorb it, and push beyond it. Life isn’t about obstacles, it’s about our ability to hurdle them. Life isn’t about masking regret, it’s about our ability to keep moving forward. Life isn’t about fear, it’s about our ability to overcome it.

    You are about to be challenged to build your best life now; wherever you are in this very moment. You don’t work for your mind, it works for you. The most important and underdeveloped muscle in the human body is the brain. But it can be trained, tightened, streamlined, and disciplined like any other muscle you have. Take ownership of your mindset. Don’t settle for average when you can be exceptional. Decide now to raise the bar and become a distinguished person.

    Allow the words in this book to help you to become the person you are capable of being.

    Coach Ricardo Miller


    Effective Living Life Management Agency


    To my wonderful husband, Dan. Thank you for always supporting me in my endeavors. Without your love and support, my accomplishments would not be possible. I love you.

    To my children: Jermaine, Salandra, Dan Lamar, and Christopher, you are the inspiration for everything I do. I am proud of each of you in your respective lives and careers. I love you with every beat of my heart.

    To my beautiful grandchildren: Tierra, Dan II, Aubrey, Natalya, Makayla, and the little one on the way. Nana loves you.

    To parents: Love your children and instill in them principles to Build Their Best Lives.

    To my Life Coach: Pastor Ricardo Miller. I appreciate your patience and consistency. Thank you for pushing me to be better.


    Build Your Best Life Understanding The Power of Your Actions and Your Credibility To Build Your Best Life was written from my heart. As the mother of young adults, I know what it takes for a young person to build a successful life. I have a passion for helping young people win in life and, more specifically, young adult males. As a resident of Jacksonville, Florida, I’m committed to helping those in my community, state, and nation to discover the principles that will help them to find their purpose while maximizing their potential.

    Although I am a Life Coach, I am more specifically a Principal Central Coach. It is my philosophy that some principals never change. These are principals that stand the test of time. These principals hold firm through generations. Trends change and customs change; however, I tell the universal truth that is respected everywhere. The principles I teach will not fade or falter, but aid you in aligning yourselves with policies that will never go out of style. You are not less of a man when you apply the principles in this book. I’m going to challenge you on interacting with others on the job, dating, learning from authoritative figures, etc. I have put work into making this book relevant. It will speak to your heart. Dismantle standard practices and transition to distinguished practices.

    The book content is built on three life basics, Your Actions, Your Credibility, and Your Life. Each of these principles will chronicle helpful information that will aid you in building a better life.

    Your Actions can and will impact your

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