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Healing the Heart Mindfully: A Practical Approach to Holistic Rehabilitation from Cardiac Surgery
Healing the Heart Mindfully: A Practical Approach to Holistic Rehabilitation from Cardiac Surgery
Healing the Heart Mindfully: A Practical Approach to Holistic Rehabilitation from Cardiac Surgery
Ebook68 pages36 minutes

Healing the Heart Mindfully: A Practical Approach to Holistic Rehabilitation from Cardiac Surgery

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Heart surgery may be one of the most challenging events you or a loved one will ever face. It is normal to feel nervous about how cardiac surgery will impact your body, mind and daily life. The good news is that you have much more control over how you heal from heart surgery than you might think.Millions have found mindfulness to be a powerful practice for reducing stress, enhancing attention, and instilling tranquility.In

Healing the Heart Mindfully, Monica will help you navigate your journey through surgery with time-tested mindfulness techniques to stay calm, focused and grounded. The book offers readers the different mindful breathing techniques, helps them to choose the right mindset, how to differentiate pain from suffering, gratitude exercise and breakdown of exercises from day 1 in the hospital to the exercise program for home. The information shared in this book will infuse your heart, mind and body with a clear understanding of all the tools needed for the rehab, setting the stage for an optimal recovery after the heart surgery. The best part is, the information shared in the book is simple, clear and can also be implemented in the day to day moments beyond the heart surgery and rehab. This valuable resource will help readers become the architect of their own recovery. The readers will develop a more deeper and loving connection with themselves and the surrounding world. This is a must have book for readers looking for a holistic recovery and who wants to add “life to their years”

Monica Jain, PT has combined over ten years of cardiac physical therapy experience with her mindfulness expertise to create this transformational work. Empower yourself with this life-changing approach to holistic rehabilitation for your body and heart. Open the pages to let your journey begin…
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 8, 2020
Healing the Heart Mindfully: A Practical Approach to Holistic Rehabilitation from Cardiac Surgery

Monica Jain PT DPT

Monica Jain is a physical therapist, mindfulness practitioner and public speaker. She holds a Masters in cardiopulmonary physical therapy and received her Doctorate from Massachusetts General Hospital. Jain has been working as an Advanced Clinician at Mount Sinai hospital, New York, since 2006. Her strength and passion is to integrate conventional physical therapy with complementary and alternative techniques such as mindfulness, yoga and meditation. Visit her website at

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    Healing the Heart Mindfully - Monica Jain PT DPT

    Copyright © 2020 Monica Jain, PT, DPT.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    Editor - Ariel Kiley

    Copy Editor - Debbie Volpe

    Cover Page - Onward Publication

    Photos - Emily Dryden

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4268-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4269-5 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 03/26/2020




    The Power of Mindfulness

    What is Mindfulness?

    My Story


    The Mindful Mindset

    The Present Moment

    Mindful Breathing

    The Science Behind Mindful Breathing

    Mindful Breathing Techniques

    Listen to Your Body



    The Mindful S.N.A.C.K


    Pain Versus Suffering

    How to Break Through the Pain

    Movement and Rest

    Movements Coordinated with Breathing

    Mindfulness Beyond Recovery

    Preparing for Home


    Exercise and Rest

    Dealing with Home Demands

    Complete Healing

    My Vision - A New You


    Testimonial - Mindfulness Post Surgery and Beyond

    About My Journey, This Book, and My Ongoing Work


    Sternal Precautions

    Exercise Overview

    Hospital Exercise Program

    Home Exercise Program


    If this book is in your hands, you are probably curious about post cardiac surgery rehabilitation and mindfulness. Or you want to help somebody who is going through it.

    Either way, you are on the right track!

    The words cardiac surgery can be stressful. Post cardiac surgery is a tricky path. However, there is a way to make this path smoother, more positive, and peaceful. It is called Mindfulness.

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