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Hope Champions: No Prisoners. No Champions.
Hope Champions: No Prisoners. No Champions.
Hope Champions: No Prisoners. No Champions.
Ebook285 pages4 hours

Hope Champions: No Prisoners. No Champions.

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All beings live to die. Some live life in human knowledge and others live life before and after death in God wisdom. Some hope in created entity and others hope in God-the Creator. The choices are in us.

Every life has a story and a testimony. Every being lives within a perishable season of time and an inevitable reason of confinement hoping to be freed from hope prisoners to Hope Champions under God.

The unique contribution of this book is to reveal the mystery of general imprisonment on earth and is to unveil the miracles of special salvation in heaven from God to fellow men.

This book meant to earn your partnership by sharing God’s truth. God is omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience. Any unknown idolism and unseen ritual adulterated by prisoners of hope is known to God and seen by God. Every hopeful message in this book is written not as view of an author but as event of a witness testified with God’s words and deeds. Ultimate salvation to mankind only from God regenerated life before death and resurrected life after death under the Great Commandment of loving God and others; and the Great Commission of spreading the gospel to all nations..

‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.’ John 3:16 NIV

Release dateApr 2, 2020
Hope Champions: No Prisoners. No Champions.

M.H. Leigh

God is an omnipotent, omniscience, and omnipresence. Serving God and others in different ministries of church, school, homeless, prison, hospital, food pantry, and gathering is spreading God saving peace. Over three thousands accepting God as Savior is recorded in my journal. I am honor to live out as an evangelist. ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ John 3:16 NIV

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    Hope Champions - M.H. Leigh

    Copyright © 2020 M. H. Leigh.

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    Author’s Note



    Chapter 1 Prisoners of the Self

    Chapter 2 Prisoners of the World

    Chapter 3 Prisoners of Satan

    Chapter 4 Prisoners of Gods


    Chapter 5 Prisoners of hope to Champions of Hope


    Chapter 6 Champions of the Self

    Chapter 7 Champions of the World

    Chapter 8 Champions of Satan

    Chapter 9 Champions of God


    Champion’s Prayer

    Salvation Prayer

    Scriptural References


    T hank you, God, for providing me with divine wisdom and resourceful encouragement under Your enlightenment, inspiration, love, grace, strength, and power throughout the production of this book.

    Thank you also to my wife, daughters, sons-in-laws, and grandchildren for their undeniable love, infallible support, and untiring care in helping make my dream into reality.

    Lastly, thank you to my friends and other concerned parties for their undivided loyalty. Thank you to everyone who reads this book and has his or her life enriched. May truth be anchored, the past be acknowledged, the present be illuminated, and the future be assured as we are being transformed from prisoners of hope into Champions of Hope in God-the Creator.

    For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.

    —Jeremiah 29:11NIV


    E very life has its story and is a testimony in itself. Each of us hopes to learn from the past and transform for e better present and anchor the best future. Incidents of open-doors and close-doors during our journey of life inspire us to see new perspectives and to reach new heights only with positive reality. Worldly occurrences in life present with complexity, good and bad; uncertainty of what is true and what is false; confusion between right and wrong; and discernment of righteousness and wickedness. The meaning of life and death indissolubly questions the purpose of living. Holy assurance in the midst of daily routines is revealed with the deliverance of recovery, restoration, and the resurrection of impossibility and contingency. The sovereignty of redemption and salvation is indivisibly unveiled to all prisoners of hope striving to be Champions of Hope in divine truth. The factuality of subjection and objection in due time intrigue us and cause us to search for the supreme wisdom and to seek the holy truth. The ultimate salvation for humankind only comes from the one true God the Creator, through our faith by His grace, which redeems life from death, joy from sorrow, abundance from insufficiency, wholeness from brokenness, peace from conflict, health from injury, heaven from hell, and Champions of Hope from prisoners of hope.

    This book reveals the recovery, restoration, resurrection, redemption, and salvation of life before and after death under God’s omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence by His grace through faith.

    My hope in my prayers to God the Creator, is that in our personal experience of having emotional and physical captivity, we will be awakened with the holy revelation of releasing renewal and redemptive freedom. God’s inspiration is powerful, encouraging, and fulfilling. God’s doctrine is protective, meaningful, and disciplined. God’s sovereignty is powerful, righteous, and truthful. God’s relationship loves, forgiving, and faithful. God’s purpose is personal, visional, and satisfactory. God’s will is perfect, superior, and holy. Hope in God sets everything free. Nothing on earth is worthy to place hope upon other than God in heaven. God speaks through His creation, and God gives life. Listen to His truth, follow upon His way, and live by His life is the ultimate salvation to humankind. Sin was forgiven, and death was conquered by God–-The Son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross, finishing with resurrection and salvation for humankind.How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard Him. God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to His will.

    —Hebrews 2:3–4NIV


    A ll beings live to die within a perishable season of time under a corruptible imprisonment of existence. Any physical awareness of being confined and being controlled, any mental consciousness of being betrayed and being deceived, any financial bondage of being indebted and being suppressed, and any spiritual reliance from being confused and being questioned, desperately hoping to be freed, lands one in a different arena of faith. These people are considered prisoners of hope.

    Life on earth being captured by the complexity of the world interrupts the quantity and quality of existence. People are grounded by their preexisting conceptions, and problems require regeneration with preexisting perceptions and solutions. They desire nonessential lifestyles based upon status, fame, money, success, and knowledge, which fall entirely short compared to essential living, which is anchored with peace, joy, wisdom, power, and hope. Relief depends on belief. Belief takes faith. Faith needs trust. Trust demands obedience. Obedience brings acceptance. Acceptance anchors hope. Hope is faith. When the dream faints, health fails, time expires, and chances miss being unveiled, hope prevails. When disasters of death, sickness, loss, hardship, hurt, and chaos strike hard, hope strives even harder. Hope shows up at the end of the troublesome tunnel, gives energy to the exhausted and stressed, preserves in crippling sickness, comforts in bad situations, dwells in sharp pains, encourages in a difficult situation, and helps in recovering from undesired loss. Hope brings joy from sadness, forgiveness from sin, resistance in temptation, recovery from hurt, gain from loss, resurrection from death, restoration from brokenness, and salvation from deliverance. God allows dark happenings on earth to shine with His light of blessings to humankind. God liberates salvation through faith by His grace, which is manifested justification, sanctification, and glorification under His purpose and will for humankind. Newfound hope in God means we expect better relationship among family, friends, communities, societies, and the world. God expands the inner circulation and outer surroundings for the goodness of God and humans. Hope in God rises above adversity, brokenness, suffering, hardship, shame, and guilt with provisional resurrection, redemption, and salvation from God.

    Hope is a lifeline. Every hope for something in any given time is rewarding and comforting. Hope expects better outcomes and evidences divine intervention. A fulfilling career, a loving marriage, a close friend, a tight family, a cozy house, a presentable car, a smashing outfit, a good life, and even a welcoming heaven are mostly hoped for and will only eventually be realized by God’s promise to His believers. God’s love and care ultimately shows through His purposeful and willful salvation plan.

    Ordinary people face regular adversity. Commonly wishing for extraordinary recovery is hope. Hope requires faith, believing that problems will be resolved and will come out better than before. Hope and faith work together to deliver natural reality to the supernatural favor of God, the Creator. There is no atheist in a foxhole. We are in need of God, knowledge of God, and acceptance of God to be saved and ultimately enter His Kingdom. There is no salvation on earth among humanity. We must be saved by the one true God. Tides come in, and tides go out in life, but God is always there. Keep believing, and stay in God’s path. Lift up your head in Hope of God. Let God be God. We are not. Everything on earth and in heaven belongs to God. God has come back for any setback. Hope needs faithful anticipation, not wishful thinking. Place all struggles of worry, fear, hurt, sickness, brokenness, insufficiency, and incapability upon God. Rest them all faithfully under His promise of relief. God is faithful. God waited patiently for His believers’ devotional commitment, as He sealed assuredly His sovereignty on His followers. Anyone downcast in life on earth will be uplifted in the hope of God. Though it is impossible for humankind, anything is possible with God.

    Hope without faith or hope in the wrong place is wishing in vain. By believing faithfully that Almighty God is the Creator of all things, by accepting God as Savior, by applying God’s attributes, by living Godly life before and after death, one is surely anchored under God’s sovereignty. God’s promise of salvation is always fulfilling. For every problem, God has a solution. For every loss, God has a found. For every failure, God has a recovery. For any unfairness, God has a judgment call. For any sins, God has a forgiveness plan. Nothing is too small or too big for God, as God resurrected them all. Nothing is impossible with God, as God is all possibility. God has a record of all believers’ names and deeds in His Book of Life. At times of being betrayed, being broken, being deserted, being hurt, or being worried, focus on God. Listen not to the adversary, but call out to God. God’s grace is all sufficient. God forgave sin and gave new life through His begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross. The victim as a prisoner of hope becomes the victor as the Champion of Hope in God.

    Secular hope found on earth is doubtful. Holy hope received from above in Godthe Creator is certain, as God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Anything unknown to humanity is known to God. Anything unseen is seen by God. Not good enough is good in God. Nothing is impossible with God.

    God speaks through His creation. Ultimate salvation only comes from Godthe Father Creator; Godthe Son, Jesus Christ; and Godthe Holy Spirit, who resurrected all death into life. By accepting Godthe Son, Jesus Christ, who willfully died on the cross to forgive sins and almightily rose up from death to give new life through our faith by God’s grace, we receive the gift of salvation.

    Prisoners of the self, the world, Satan, and gods on earth subconsciously or consciously end up with hope being delivered and are prisoners of hope. Prisoners of hope are resurrected from death to life, from wickedness to righteousness, from bondage to freedom, from negativity to positivity, from following to leading, from suffering to rejoicing, from poverty to prosperity, from darkness to light, from failure to success, from evil to goodness, from lies to the truth; from cursing to blessing, from hell to heaven, from victim to victor, and even from battlefield to mission field, bearing witness through God’s promise, declaring testimony through God’s gospel, and proclaiming sovereignty through God’s almighty power. They are transformed into Champions of Hope in God-the Creator.

    The unique contribution of this book is in revealing the mystery of general imprisonment on earth and in unveiling the miracles of special salvation in heaven to all fellow humans.

    This book, under God’s inspiration, expresses and displays my years of experience with suffering and rejoicing in life through personal findings, others’ citing, and special revelation from God. This book is the end product of slugging it out day and night, laboring time after time, and listening to God minute after minute to make it happen.

    This book means to share with you, care of you, tell for you, speak at you, inspire unto you, shine through you, and earn your partnership by unveiled insight, increased awareness, understood conformity, undivided attention, stimulated perspective, and revealed gospel. The deity’s messages nourish the body, and holy words enrich the soul. Existing in the complexity of life, we exit into the simplicity of living with God.

    This book is to present gracious salvation from Godthe Creator, to build His theological fortress, to develop doctrinal enlightenment, and to secure the truthful sovereignty to His people for His glory.The words in this book manifest God’s attributes of love, peace, joy, grace, mercy, kindness, goodness, patience, faithfulness, wisdom, strength, and power, which are greatly needed.

    This book presents a shopping spree for the mind, a buffet feast for the soul, a hidden treasure for the spirit, and a hopeful assurance for life under God. Divine hope drives natural reality into the supernatural realm in God’s favor. Prisoners of hope are being exposed, being committed, and being resurrected upon faith by His grace into Champions of Hope. The hope in God related in this book is the Creator’s love and goodness for His created beings.

    The messages presented in this book and found under topics with testimonies were written down not as views of the author but as the recollections of a witness. Some were not just natural findings but supernatural sightings. Noise on earth is death before life, but the voice in heaven is life after death. Place hope in the one and only true Godthe Creator, who has secured life.

    There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called—one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God, and one Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.

    —Ephesians 4:4–5NIV

    PART 1

    Prisoners of hope

    A ll live to die. Some live life under human knowledge, and others live life before and after death under God’s wisdom. The choice is ours.

    Almost everyone lived under some sort of confinement in the past, and they do in the present and will in the future, being burdened with different kinds of bondage and restrictions in life. Hoping for relief and deliverance, they are prisoners of hope.

    As prisoners of hope on earth, your hopes in life have been trapped by the self’s oneness, your idealities in flesh have been attained by the world’s reality, your wants in soul have been deceived by Satan’s scheme, and your needs in spirit have been misrepresented by gods’ untruthfulness.

    The undesired recollection of the bad experience and the unresolved problem of ongoing activity altogether accumulated throughout the years in the self, from the world, upon Satan, and in gods, restraining the body, soul, and spirit, desperately hoping to be restored for a flesh beginning. All prisoners of the self, the world, Satan, and gods in this sense are prisoners of hope.

    Prisoners of hope, one way or the other, are carried along by pleasant incidents in life together with unpleasant events of cheating wealth, broken relationships, failed careers, withered health, immoral sexuality, desire and lust, uncontrolled addiction, deteriorating bodies, crippled finances, unmet expectations, unavoidable worry, inevitable consequences, and unforgotten sin. They are subconsciously and consciously living in disheartened shame, desolated affection, dispirited lust, distorted guilt, cynical approval, depleted function, uncomfortable criticism, disgraced wickedness, and weariness willfully and unwillingly under the influence of unreliable provision, unknown service, unrealized promise, and intangibly hoped-for deliverance in time without merit and base under imprisonment without recourse as prisoners of hope.

    Prisoners of the self, the world, Satan, and gods on earth place their hopes with unknown faith, uncertain force, unsecured power, unrealistic wishes, unproven results, unreasonable practices, uncontrolled rituals, and unverified doctrine, all for special interest and for personal gain. They are heading to blindfolded destruction and overrated dissatisfaction distant from peace, joy, fulfillment, goodness, purpose, and the meaning of life. They live with anxiety, fear, worry, hatred, helplessness, confusion, and doubt as prisoners of hope.

    Prisoners of hope are overwhelmed with troubles and problems because of insufficient knowledge, incapable understanding, incompetent effort, inadequate wisdom, and infused faith. They live in the same old past and exist in the same lifestyle of selfishness, greed, lust, irresponsibility, insecurity, insufficiency, and sorrow. They are in need of rescue, restoration, redemption, and salvation.

    Prisoners of hope are grounded with the visible reality of abomination and desolation, unconcernedly believing in the invisible realm of admonition and expectation. Created beings as prisoners of hope tend to open up with the opportunity of divine intervention from Godthe Creator and surrender to this almighty sovereign promise, trusting faithfully. God created all things. God resurrected death to life and promised everlasting eternity in heaven. Hope in God transforms prisoners of hope to Champions of Hope under God’s salvation plan.

    Prisoners of hope based upon self-presumption, world leverage, Satan’s predominance, and god idolatry are operating with misplaced trust, adulterated belief, and disordered activity. They have fallen short of being redeemed. Self-transfusion of the Created inflamed Godthe Creator’s transformation with His purpose and will according to His sovereignty.

    Any unknown on earth is known to God. Anything unseen is seen by God. Nothing is impossible with Godthe Creator, as God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.

    They have secular hope as prisoners of hope in the self, by the world, from Satan, and through gods. They are readily being converted and willfully being transformed with justification and sanctification by the one true God’s glorification. He saves with His grace through faith possibly as Champions of Hope.

    Prisoners of hope are seemingly victims of hope. Victims can be regenerated as victors, setbacks can be reversed as comebacks, darkness can be enlightened as light, vanity can be reminded of meaningfulness, religion can be altered as relationship, and even death can be resurrected as life. We can only be saved by the one true God, for there is no other name on earth. Men must be saved eventually to end up as Champions of Hope.

    Prisoners of hope have labeled naturally associated with the following: adversity, affliction, battle, belief, body, soul, business, change, computer, conflict, control, crisis, credit, death, dependence, desire, destiny, diet, dream, drug, ego, family, father, mother, food, religion, freedom, friend, gamble, greed, grief, grudge, guilt, shame, habit, home, homeless, injustice, knowledge, law, loneliness, loss, marriage, memory, mentorship, mistake, money, mortality, obstacle, oppression, pain, partnership, perfection, pride, promise, prosperity, purpose, racism, reality, rejection, relationship, revenge, Satan, devil, demon, self, sin, sorrow, struggle, tax, temptation, terror, trial, unfairness, unknown, value, vanity, why, and world.

    Return to the fortress, O prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you. Zechariah 9:12NIV


    Hope in God discerns hope.

    Hope understands uncertainty and expects certainty. Hope relies on truth and directs the way of life. Hope in the created self, the world, Satan, and gods are a temporary lie, but hope in God-the Creator is everlasting truth. Misplaced hope found on earth is destructively troublesome, and well-placed hope revealed in heaven is constructively rewarding. Godly hope in Godthe Creator requires faith and believes in redemption, Hope in God sustains peace and ignores disturbance, Hope increases love and decreases hatred, Hope ignites joy and diminishes sorrow. Hope overrides threats and overcomes fear. Hope clears doubt and clarifies concern. Hope maps in success and wipes out failure. Hope rejoices with joy and shrinks suffering. Hope wins battles and spreads missions. Hope exhibits humanity and expresses humility. Hope recovers from loss and welcomes finding. Hope shines light and enlightens darkness, and all those divine hopes resisted temptation and extinguished lust. Worldly hope takes blind devotion and practices unlawful rituals. Hope on earth desires gain and wishes for a quick fix, Hope in man achieves without cost and fetches with consequence, Hope in the world focuses on outcome and disregards complication, Hope upon Satan fills with illusion and fulfills with aggression, Hope in gods motivates with visible reality and fabricates with invisible matter, and all those hopes endorsed darkness and conducted wickedness. Worldly hope threatens harmony and approaches with aggression, while Godly hope reestablishes righteousness and redeems with salvation. Worldly hope imprisons in hell with distortion, and Godly hope frees in heaven with truthfulness. Prisoners of hope in the self, by the world, upon Satan, and through gods ultimately are saved by the one true Godthe Creator through faith with His grace as Champions of Hope.

    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    —Hebrews 11:1NIV


    Shirley was forty. She had been living a self-centered life because her father passed away when she was seven years old and partly because of her dysfunctional family. She grew up in a self-abusive, self-assertive, self-deceiving, self-denying, self-imposed, self-loving atmosphere, in corrosive environment and corrupted world, further being enticed by the demonic force of Satan. Her involvement in committing to man-made gods with idolatry deeply sank her into the underworld sphere. She was desperately hoping to regain her sanctuary after having a few bad experiences. She became insensitive to everything. She disregarded what was right and what was wrong about life. Her concern was to get by day after day, and her relief was based on wish after wish. As a woman, aging was not a friend. She was past her time to be married, which was her last hope. Her rational behavior was understandably insecured. As her friend, I knew it all caught up to her. She had been obsessed with her looks more than any other thing in life. Truth is always hurtful. I felt helpless, but I focused hopefully on Godthe Creator. God loved and saved her. I understood she

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