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My Ego, My Soul, My God: Correcting the Perception of Separation from God.
My Ego, My Soul, My God: Correcting the Perception of Separation from God.
My Ego, My Soul, My God: Correcting the Perception of Separation from God.
Ebook269 pages2 hours

My Ego, My Soul, My God: Correcting the Perception of Separation from God.

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About this ebook

• Sometimes Have Trouble Making Sense of Your Life?
• Wonder Why Its So Difficult to Find the “Right-Person” to Love You?
• Find Balance, Joy, True Security and Love …in…Life?
This book describe a new, all encompassing ‘three-part’ framework which kelps put your thoughts, feelings, and actions into perceptive.
It contains a timely message entrusted to Mushtaq Jaafri, by God telling him how anyone could overcome pain, suffering, struggle and conflict we face in life and to set us free? Get the facts first hand. This message from God is for all Christian and Muslims and Jews of the world. Author became quiet well-off by applying techniques. Get your proof first hand.
With this framework, anyone can understand how we, human beings, function, and why we often do the perplexing things we do. This book describes a path anyone can use which can leads to gradual surrender of your Ego to God.
This is a process of your emotional and spiritual growth which gently and gradually helps you to develop and become aware of yourself as Soul not just, in theory but a daily living reality. Jaafri discovered this secret and used it for 40+ years and received from God everything he desired, wanted or imagined.
Mushtaq Jaafri also believes that our current educational system is failing us because the primary focus of the contemporary schools is mostly on the acquisition of the ‘book-knowledge’ only acquired from out-side of us and not through any ‘spiritual-knowledge’ from inside of us.
Jaafri offers an educational system bases on the acquisition of ‘Spiritual-knowledge’ from inside of us that could reduce time spent in contemporary schools from twelve years to less than half. Amazing secrets revealed. Results guaranteed. Act now! You’ll be glad that you did. Author Guarantee it.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 14, 2020
My Ego, My Soul, My God: Correcting the Perception of Separation from God.

Rev. Dr. Mushtaq Jaafri

Rev. Dr. Mushtaq H. Jaafri is a Pakistani native and a naturalized citizen of the United States of America. He was born in Sialkot City in Pakistan. He came to America in order to acquire higher education. He earned a Master’s degree in communication and a Doctoral Degree in the Science in Metaphysic. He is the published author of seven books (available at: This latest book My-Ego – My-Soul – My-God was written through a revelatory experience in which he apprehended the truth about the Perception of Separation from God—and how to correct this by applying the three thoughts system. The theme of this book is that people are like ghosts. They seem to think what they want to think. It looks at ego’s plan and shows how it pulls this off? It’s a true story based on author’s 40+ years living on the experience.

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    My Ego, My Soul, My God - Rev. Dr. Mushtaq Jaafri

    Copyright © 2020 by Rev. Dr. Mushtaq Jaafri.

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    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

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    Rev. date: 05/04/2020






    About the Book


    A Word from the Author

    Chapter 1 Wrong-Minded Thought System of the Ego

    The Trinity Factor

    Here’s the Secret

    Sharing the Power of Choice

    Two States of Mind

    Loving Your Enemy Inside

    Three Thought Systems

    Chapter 2 Right-Minded Thought System of the Spirit

    Sigmund Freud

    Two Parts of the Mind

    A Common Goal for Salvation

    Chapter 3 The Story of Adam and Eve

    Genesis Chapter 3

    Birth of the Ego

    Adam and Eve Hear God’s Voice

    Third Chapter of Genesis Continues

    The Divine Plan in Man’s Creation

    Al-A’raf: Seventh Sura of Qu’ran

    Three Factors Against Satan

    Why Satan Refused to Bow

    Pride Made Satan to Refuse

    Satan Was Proud of Himself

    Satan Thrown Out of Heaven

    Satan Was Very Cunning

    Satan Bargained God for Favor

    Chapter 4 Three Things Satan Asked God

    Satan’s First Wish: A Change in Personality

    Why Did God Grant His First Wish?

    Did Satan Achieve This Goal?

    Why Was Satan’s Second Wish Refused?

    The Third and Final Wish

    What Was Satan’s Third Plan?

    Why Did God Grant Satan’s Third Wish?

    Chapter 5 The Story of the Serpent

    Serpent Helping Satan

    The Serpent Agrees to Help

    Satan Becoming an Ego

    A Word for the Wise

    Chapter 6 Satan’s Challenge to God

    God’s Promise to Satan

    How True Was This God’s Promise?

    Crucifixion of Jesus

    Grandson of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

    Chapter 7 The Separation of Adam and Eve

    A Direct Whisper from Satan

    Serpent Talking to Adam and Eve

    Satan Winning Trust

    Serpent Leaving the Garden

    Adam Refused to Listen to Lies

    What Happened When They Ate the Fruit?

    God Catches Up with Both

    Third Chapter of Genesis

    So What’s Next?

    Hearing God’s Voice

    Conversation with God

    Chapter 8 Does Soul Really Exist?

    What Is a Soul?

    When Ego Is in Charge

    Conversation with God

    Surrendering Control

    A Universal Curriculum

    Material World Is Backward

    Go with the Flow!

    Chapter 9 My-Ego, My-Soul, My-God


    God Knows Everything

    My God Was Behind This Book

    Why Am I Sharing This with You?

    Chapter 10 God Still Raises Up Holy People

    God Still Does Raise Up Men and Women

    My Only Happiness Comes Doing God’s Will

    My Forty-Plus Years’ Experience

    Repetition Is the Mother of Skills

    What Is a Mantra?


    Woman Thought I Was Crazy

    Left- and Right-Sided Spirit

    Opportunity to Learn the Lessons

    Chapter 11 When I Sinned, I Confessed

    Domain of My-Soul

    People Ask Me Why I Practice

    God Loves Our Praises

    No Special Skills Needed

    What Does My-God Mean?

    Over the Past Forty-Plus Years

    Chapter 12 The Kingdom of Heaven

    Three Distinct Parts of Myself

    Seek First the Kingdom Heaven

    How Do I Seek First the Kingdom of Heaven?

    Two Kingdoms of God

    First Realm of Spirit

    Second Realm of Spirit

    Third Realm of Spirit

    Fourth Realm of Spirit

    Fifth Realm of Spirit

    Chapter 13 My Coming into a Physical Existence

    One More Hurdle to Overcome

    My Earth Experience

    Being Born into a Physical Body

    Why Is the Educational System Failing Us?

    My Own Theory

    Chapter 14 My Father—My Hero

    About My Own Father

    Education Is the Essential

    Brain Damage Story

    Seed for My Coming to America

    Dreaming of Future Inventions

    Visiting Kingdom of God

    Chapter 15 How Do I Maintain the Presence of God?

    Message from God

    Guarding My Own Soul

    Doing Childish Things

    My True Undergraduate Story

    No Clue as to Who We Are?

    My Own Mission Accomplished

    Chapter 16 Seeing the Physical World as an Illusion

    A Common Goal

    This World Is an Illusion

    Chapter 17 A Message from God to Me!

    Coronavirus Pandemic

    Coronavirus Pain

    Creating Your Own Reality

    God Did Not Create the Universe

    Why God Did Not Need the Universe

    A Loving Moment with My-God

    Chapter 18 How I Let God Make Perfect in Me What Was Started

    The Division Between the Triad

    The Story of Lucifer

    Loving Your Enemy Inside

    Reaching a Critical Point

    Creation Split into Two Halves

    God’s First Creation

    Secret Wish of the Ego

    Chapter 19 My Encounter with My Own Angel!

    Practice of the Presence of God

    Serving Mankind Is the Purpose

    God Assigns Angels

    God Did Not Create Misery

    Heaven, a Symbolic Name

    What Is the Solution?

    The Choice to Reverse Is Yours

    Chapter 20 A Course in Miracles

    Publisher’s Preface

    Dr. Kenneth Wapnick, PhD

    Mrs. Gloria Wapnick

    Rev. Dr. Mushtaq Jaafri

    A Word About ACIM

    Being One of God’s Teachers

    No One Has to Save the World

    A Universal Curriculum

    When the Student Is Ready, the Teacher Appears

    Build a Better You

    Answering My Call

    An Untrained Mind Can Accomplish Nothing

    Answering Your Call

    Chapter 21 The Lighthouse Story

    How Did ACIM Come About?

    What If They Return Tomorrow?

    Thoughts of Humanity Align

    The Essence of My Work

    My Daily Thoughts to Live By

    Chapter 22 Conclusion of the Triple-Entity Concept

    Here’s What Not to Do!

    No One Will Be Left Out

    Letting Go of My-Ego Ideas

    The Only Difference Between Us

    City of Hope Story

    Your Comments Are Needed

    Author’s Personal Notes

    Current and Long-Range Goals

    Mission Statement


    My-Ego, My-Soul, My-God

    Journey of a Soul

    Support for the Book

    The Word

    About the Author

    Other Books from the Author

    To my wonderful father, Mr. Nazir Ahmad Jaafri, who sent me to America in order to acquire higher education. It was his vision for knowledge that gave me the opportunity to tell the true story of Adam and Eve as presented in the Holy Bible, the Holy Qur’an, the Holy Torah, and many other ancient books. It is a timely message for people of all religions and no religion. It can help stop Ego’s hold on humanity by changing the thinking habits of the world.


    "Building on ideas from the Abrahamic religions, Buddhist and Yogic philosophies, along with modern-day spirituality and psychology, Mushtaq Jaafri’s book, My-Ego, My-Soul, My-God, gave me new insights on our relationship between the ego, human emotions, and God."

    —Roslyn Lehman


    "Mushtaq Jaafri is a testament to the true meaning of our existence, our being and our relationship with our creator. It’s a positive proof that our creator speaks to us and we speak to Him. A relationship with God is the only way to peace and salvation in a world that can sometimes be overwhelming. Mushtaq says: I Love You God—but, You know that? I believe God says to us, I Love You—but, you know that."

    —Buddy Dow

    Publishing Consultant

    AuthorHouse Publishing

    About the Book

    DO YOU

    • sometimes have trouble making sense of your life?

    • wonder why it’s so difficult to find the right person to love you?

    • find balance, joy, true security, and love in life?

    This book describes a new, all-encompassing three-part framework that helps put your thoughts, feelings, and actions into perspective.

    It contains a timely message entrusted to Mushtaq Jaafri by God, telling him how anyone could overcome pain, suffering, struggle, and conflict we face in life and to set us free. Get the facts firsthand. This message from God is for all Christians and Muslims and Jews of the world. The author became quite well-off by applying techniques. Get your proof firsthand.

    With this framework, anyone can understand how we, human beings, function and why we often do the perplexing things we do. This book describes a path anyone can use that can lead to the gradual surrender of your Ego to God.

    This is a process of your emotional and spiritual growth, which gently and gradually helps you to develop and become aware of yourself as a soul not just in theory but a daily living reality. Jaafri discovered this secret and used it for forty-plus years and received from God everything he desired, wanted, or imagined.

    Mushtaq Jaafri also believes that our current educational system is failing us because the primary focus of the contemporary schools is mostly on the acquisition of the book knowledge only acquired from outside of us and not through any spiritual knowledge from inside of us.

    Jaafri offers an educational system based on the acquisition of spiritual knowledge from inside of us that could reduce time spent in contemporary schools from twelve years to less than half. Amazing secrets revealed. Results guaranteed. Act now! You’ll be glad that you did. The author guarantees it.


    I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the many people with whom I’ve worked to produce ideas that are presented in this unique, one-of-a-kind book, as well as for the support needed to complete it.

    To Abida Khanam Jaafri, my wife, partner in life, and a very special woman in my life. There can be no richer person than the one who has been blessed with an understanding spouse. Their faith in you gives you the necessary support you need to press forward toward your own goals in life.

    To Lilah, Mustafa, Murtaza, and Mujtaba Jaafri, my four children, for being the living expression of the concept and ideas as presented in this book. I’m indeed grateful for their unshakable love and faith and support and accepting me as I am, and not the way I should be, especially during the past forty-plus years, while putting this manuscript of this amazing book together.

    My wife and children have given me more than they ever received from me in ways only a spouse and a father can truly know. My son Mustafa provided the editing for the whole manuscript.

    To all my professional associates, present and past, who worked with me and whose encouragements and commitments to the ideas in this new book have given meaning to the words by living them, even if it was impossible and when there seems to be no good reason for doing so. I thank you all for your persistence and support.

    My very special thanks go to Dr. Jerry Hirschfield, PhD, for his unshakable belief in this project right from the start. This work took many revisions before it finally came to be as you now see it.

    My heartfelt gratitude and thanks go to Harriet Fulton, the submission representative at Xlibris. I believe that it was her wisdom that guided me to share what God entrusted me to deliver into the world at this moment of distress, that my own true story of words and hope could change and, perhaps, significantly impact someone’s life and faith for the better. I believe my true story is worth reading.

    A Word from the Author

    In the beginning, there were only God and his creations. Only Adam and Eve were God’s second creations that were superior to all his other creations. It was like a big happy family in heaven.

    But at some strange moment, Adam and Eve believed that they could separate themselves from the Creator God. The fact that we are all here on earth would seem to indicate that the separation did occur. In our own way of thinking, it did seem to happen.

    We are all aware of the story of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit. That act constituted their disobedience to God, and that really is sin. In other words, they chose something different from what God had chosen for them. This act showed a power of choice—a birth of the Ego.

    The same instant that we believed we are separated from God, the instant the separation occurs, the Ego sets up a whole new thought system and God sends the correction to undo this perception of separation from God by another thought system.

    This book deals with the correction process by understanding the two thought systems. The word separation in the way I use here refers to a will that is separate from the will of God.

    For example, God’s will for Adam and Eve was to not eat the forbidden fruit. But both choose differently. This act of disobeying God showed the will, either on the conscious or subconscious levels of the mind, to separate themselves from the Oneness of God.

    Think back to the biblical and Qur’an story of the original sin. When God caught up with Adam and Eve and punished them, he expressed the punishment within a causal context. He said because of what you have done, this is what will happen. Because you have sinned, the effect of your sin will be a life full of pain, suffering, struggle, and conflict.

    Sin, therefore, is the cause of all the suffering of the world. The sin of separation that gave birth to the Ego gives rise to its effect: a life of suffering, pain, and eventually, death.

    Everything that we know in this world is the effect of our belief in sin. Sin, therefore, is the cause of which pain, suffering, struggle, and conflict, and eventually, death is the effect.

    Once we believe that we have committed this sin, or once we believe that we have committed any sin, it is psychologically inevitable that we will then feel guilty over what we believe we have done.

    In some sense, guilt may be defined as the

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