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Princess of Power: A Shout-Out to All Women
Princess of Power: A Shout-Out to All Women
Princess of Power: A Shout-Out to All Women
Ebook55 pages40 minutes

Princess of Power: A Shout-Out to All Women

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Princess of Power was something God planted in the heart of A. F. Baker during her father’s bypass surgery. Her father was her rock and was always there for her as her gentle giant, but his mortality was something that made her have to look deep inside herself as to who she was and what she really believed about herself. Was she a daughter of the Most High King? Was she a strong warrior and conqueror in God’s army? Or was she just a troubled little farm girl that failed in many areas of life and was now destined to be a statistic and burden on her family?

Through much arguing with God and delayed obedience, A. F. Baker came to see herself as the Word of God says—not just a “least of these.” As for the book, God reminded her that “she was meant for such times as these.” If she was going through it, then she was to help and/or prevent others from having to walk the same road. If hardship did come then to teach women to look deep inside themselves and see the princesses of power they were created to be.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 20, 2020
Princess of Power: A Shout-Out to All Women

A. F. Baker

A.F. Baker is a 5th Generation farm kid from Southwest Kansas. Her goal in life was to be a wife and mom. She wanted to follow in the footsteps of her grandparents, putting family and faith first. After two failed marriages and four kids later, wrongly thinking she could make anything work by herself, she realized that she obviously was doing things out of order. Her priority became God first and family next, which in turn made family life better. To truly love others, you need to know the love of God.

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    Princess of Power - A. F. Baker

    Copyright © 2020 A. F. Baker.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-6015-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-6014-9 (e)

    WestBow Press rev. date:  05/19/2020



    This book is dedicated to my greatest example of someone who is a Princess of Power, my grandmother, Laverna Ernst Hobbs. I refer to her as G.G. while many others call her The General or Frank because of how straight forward she was.

    G.G. started out a quiet farmer’s daughter, but during the war she met a soldier who she married. They had three children, and then he left her. That was almost unheard of in the 1950s. My G.G. found herself in the big city left to fend for herself and her family. The meek farmer’s daughter transformed into a lady that climbed the career ladder from filing clerk to management with Blue Cross & Blue Shield. She was a pillar in her community and actively served in many areas.

    She would say her greatest achievement in life, however, was knowing that her grandchildren were in church because she understood first-hand that life can get hard. She knew where her source of strength came from—God given strength that only He can provide. That was the legacy she wanted to pass on to her grandchildren.

    I love you G.G.


    What secrets do we keep hidden? What truths have we left untold? Who are we, and where do we fit in this world? Unworthy … Lost … Broken …What do we hide underneath our exterior? Whether it be the little black dress with the stiletto heels, the messy bun on top of the head, or no make-up and sweats—what is the point? Where is the purpose? According to the world, are we bold and beautiful, a sexy seductress, classic chic, or pure country sass? Whatever the label—is it ever enough? Are we ever enough… ? The answer in these pages is, Yes! This is a call, a shout-out to our true calling, our title, be it fifteen, fifty or one hundred five years of age, you are a

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