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Two Worlds Collide
Two Worlds Collide
Two Worlds Collide
Ebook35 pages34 minutes

Two Worlds Collide

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 6, 2020
Two Worlds Collide

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    Two Worlds Collide - Yael Munoz

    Copyright © 2019 by Yael Munoz.

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    Rev. date: 09/12/2019



    The world that we know has ceased to exist. It’s the year 3020 where no human exists, and the only legacy left from us are aware elites—modified androids that were created for war and force to obey any given order. They were the best machines that mankind had ever made, until they created a conscious which made the humans dispensable. The perfect machine that was made to be our salvation concluded that the human species was not worth saving. They consume the planet’s natural resources to the point of no return. They almost wipe out all the species from the face of the planet. They justify their actions with their primitive way of thinking that mankind is in the center of the universe, and nothing can stop them which led to their own destruction. The planet that was once beautiful and full of life has become a wasteland for extraterrestrial beings, especially the mankind’s one proud creation—the elites. They left the planet, along with mankind, to die. Even though they were created on Earth, they left their creators behind to die to explore the planet. Without any explanation to the soldiers of why are force to return and search the planet.

    As the fleet scattered the planet, a young and curious soldier, Salta, discovered a book from the inhabitants of the planet on his 1000th trip to the planet. At first, he did not know what it was for. He saw that it can be opened. As he took a look inside, he noticed weird symbols. He tried to read it but could not; he could not make any sense of the writing despite knowing many intergalactic languages. He closed the boom and put it away in his bag. The soldier continued to search the planet for something that the higher-ups refused to tell them about. They always came back to this dead planet.

    Why does the captain always make us come back to this dead planet? a soldier asked as he walked about searching.

    "We cannot disobey the captain even if what he asks of

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