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Re-Member the Truth of Who You Are: The Journey to Discover and Embrace the True Self Within
Re-Member the Truth of Who You Are: The Journey to Discover and Embrace the True Self Within
Re-Member the Truth of Who You Are: The Journey to Discover and Embrace the True Self Within
Ebook211 pages3 hours

Re-Member the Truth of Who You Are: The Journey to Discover and Embrace the True Self Within

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About this ebook

Re-Membering the Truth of Who You Are provides a powerful tool for those recovering from trauma, grief, abuse of any kind as well as those with a lack of confidence and low self-esteem. This book is designed to put the reader back together again. To Re-Member all the parts of ourselves that have been crushed in any way by life, or hidden to protect ourselves or even parts that pretend experiences haven’t happened at all. Gently this book encourages the reader to honestly look at the truth and begin the process of emotional healing. There are positive exercises to inspire and lift and encourage, gently guiding the reader to let go with understanding. This is a book of self care and discovery paving the way for the reader to experience the freedom to be his or her self. Soaring, rising upwards free from emotional pain into a new way of being that supports and thrives the space and time of now. Everyone has the right to be seen, heard and acknowledged but first we have to do this for ourselves.
Release dateApr 21, 2020
Re-Member the Truth of Who You Are: The Journey to Discover and Embrace the True Self Within

Milly Rose Phoenix

Milly Rose was born highly intuitive, empathic and sensitive into a family that didn’t understand these qualities. As a result she grew up trying to fit in. This lead to a lack of confidence and low self-esteem. Realising her parents were emotionally unavailable after sexual abuse at the age of 8, she found solace in nature, animals and music. As she grew, she explored ways to heal her battered self. Learning holistic therapies and healing she trained as a nutritionist and meditation teacher. Her love of peace led her deeper into nature, enjoying the freedom nature offered and later trained in Shamanic Practices. She studied many modalities including reflexology, flower remedies, sound healing, hypnotherapy, emotional freedom technique and teaches reiki. She became an Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Counsellor in 2012. Milly Rose empowers and inspires all those that seek her guidance. She is a mentor and spiritual teacher and motivational speaker, incorporating many traditions to provide unique healing experiences. Specialising in emotional health, she facilitates a Re-Membering Process transforming current and past issues. Her continued journey has been a deep and lonely one, requiring courage and compassion. Acknowledging the truth, she is guided to offer this insightful book, sharing her wisdom. Milly Rose has a gift of perspective, bringing enrichment and unconditional love for all.

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    Re-Member the Truth of Who You Are - Milly Rose Phoenix

    Copyright © 2020 Milly Rose Phoenix.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8123-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8122-9 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 04/16/2020


    My wish for this book is that it reaches as many souls as possible to be a guide through life, when challenges arise or in the peaceful still times, remembering that life is a perpetuating circle as it continues to soldier onwards.

    I believe in potential. I have used nature throughout this book to demonstrate and illustrate various theories and understandings…and I would like to present one to you now ….

    Each human being comes into the world like a seed .the potential is there to be a wonderful oak tree but if the seed isn’t planted the seed remains just a seed……and if the seed is planted and gently nurtured in time the seed begins to change and grow beyond the seed ….and with action and tremendous effort the seed bursts through the darkness and comfort of the soil to find the light above…..and though that is wonderful, the seed is vulnerable in this space…..just like we are when we dare to move and grow and change……but with our roots firmly safe beneath us like the seed in the ground the roots become stronger and as they do they allow the seed to grow more so that it becomes a young tree……..and then external influences of the weather storms and wind and rain…..bend that tree from all directions just like life for us and the situations and people we meet. But we learn our strength from these encounters and learn to keep going and we learn about ourselves…..through the seasons, we weather and grow and rest and sometimes be still but still we grow until eventually we are beautiful trees in our full potential and shining our light in the world and being true to ourselves….just like a tree…..never underestimate your true potential and notice the things that bind you……just like the ivy wrapped around a tree constricting it and hindering its health, grow beyond the bindings, become stronger and stronger until your soul purpose is realised and achieved ….

    In this 20th century living, many have forgotten who they are and have become dismembered….the mind body and soul separated with the pressure and pace of life and traumas and grief that weigh heavily on us….the emotional attachments that we find hard to be free from…..the purpose of this book is to empower you to RE-MEMBER yourself back to your truth and so that you know who you are……and live according to your truth……

    It is not enough just to be aware of our self but we have to take action now to free ourselves from the past and even others energy. The healing journey is a deep one and a journey where often only the tip of the iceberg is visible at the start. As the layers of truth are revealed and acknowledged, the deeper the journey and the invitation to flow right into the core of who you are. Let the process begin.

    Be willing, be aware, take action……is a mantra I have used for years…..all of those three aspects are wonderful on their own but how much more powerful they become when placed together….

    I write this book with love compassion and understanding for humanity and all it reaches as I deeply know the pain of being dismembered and the joy of remembering my core self….my life experiences are wise teachers and have lead me to share with you my core supportive measures I’ve used time and time again and still continue to use to this day and always as life journeys on……I hope you enjoy this book, please take time to experience the exercises and suggestions, for full effect it is best read slowly allowing the vibrations of each chapter to resonate and may it bring all you need to RE-MEMBER yourself….

    With love….Milly Rose

    Milly Rose welcomes your feedback at


    I dedicate this book to my dearest friend Lynne. Your support and unending love have encouraged me and revived my spirit. I thank you for your continued belief in me and for always holding the light up so I can see clearly. I am truly blessed to have met you. You are the big sister I always wanted. I give thanks to all my experiences of life, to my teachers, without them all, this book may not have manifested.

    With gratitude and blessings for life itself

    Milly Rose


    Chapter 1 Acknowledgement of the True Self

    Chapter 2 Unfurling the Layers of Untruth

    Chapter 3 Combining Head and Heart for Reality and Action

    Chapter 4 The Challenge of Keeping Awake and Knowing your Triggers

    Chapter 5 The Value of Pausing

    Chapter 6 The Natural Cycles of Growth Flourishing Shedding and Stillness

    Chapter 7 Emotional Evaluating

    Chapter 8 Honouring the True Self

    Chapter 9 Re-Membering Self





    Honesty is the first chapter of the book

    of wisdom- Thomas Jefferson

    There are hundreds of spiritual books around today and each one has its audience and level at which it draws people to it. Some books sing to the deep soul within as soon as they are noticed or picked up and others resonate less. Each have their place in todays’ world. This is a book about trust, honesty, kindness, commitment and love. In order to acknowledge the true self that may lay hidden beneath the surface layer, many masks fall away and dissolve and dissipate. The process can be uncomfortable at times but necessary in the journey to discovering your whole self and Re-Membering the truth of you.

    Honesty, I feel is the first place to start. Honesty is a word we all think we know. The dictionary defines honesty as ‘truthful, sincere and frank and freedom of deceit.’ Honesty means to be truthful to others and self. Sometimes we are unable to be honest for fear of upsetting someone. Sometimes we ignore the truth about ourselves and our own behaviour or actions or situation choosing to ignore it to stuff down and put a lid on the pain that honesty can bring. In many ways it is difficult to live honestly. Not at all …..I expect you are thinking……..but let’s look closer at honestly really. It may be easy for some to live according to particular principles and ethical values perhaps but with families or friends we may withhold the truth in many ways……perhaps we just can’t tell them that we don’t really want to go shopping or to that event with them but for fear of hurting their feelings, we are dishonest and say yes I’d love to go…….now in this circumstance we may think it doesn’t really matter but each word and each action has a vibration, which we will be delving deeply into throughout this book. Even something so trivial as this example, it sets up a channel or pathway where being dishonest becomes easier for us to repeat the pattern over and over again….and in doing this we dishonour ourselves as we become used to placing our own needs last and often don’t really realise we are doing this and probably have been doing this for years. Even worse, the accumulated effects prevent us from hearing our own selves, our own truth and who we really are…and therefore there is a need to deeply, deeply listen to our core selves and Re-member ourselves and to begin to find the real self underneath a superficial layer that serves well to mask the real truth.

    For example, it may be for you, that organic food is a passion and deeply held value as it is indeed for me…. But in some situations you feel it would be rude or embarrassing or unacceptable if you do not eat something when offered it and so you compromise your honesty and tuck in anyway even though perhaps that food you are well aware of upsets your digestive system. Silencing your honesty for fear of causing a scene or upsetting another person. It may be that someone brings some sweets into the house that you wouldn’t want your children to eat but allow another person to give them the perceived treat anyway. These are examples of how we are dishonest with ourselves around others. Perhaps we feel intimidated by them or worried by a reaction so we remain silent to our needs and fall into others wishes easily.

    Perhaps dishonesty creeps in on a more personal level. Imagine a day where you come home from work tired and exhausted and lack the energy required to cook a nourishing meal for yourself. So, rather than hearing your body’s cry for nourishment, the cry is ignored and instead you grab a piece of toast telling yourself that it will suffice. In truth, the body will cry out for food to uplift and revive it at these times however the reality of what is actually received is often very different. These are everyday occurrences perhaps, but what about the deeper traumas that still may reside within us…. How often do we say we are fine to those we meet rather than really being honest and say how we are really feeling……why do we do this repeatedly probably every day…..the energetic resonance of this does nothing to enhance our day, ourselves nor our life…but draws to us like a magnet others who do the same…Gandi said ‘A no uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a yes uttered to please or worse to avoid trouble’ but how often have we used a yes to keep the peace.

    Do you remember how you felt when your dream of Father Christmas was shattered by a friend or older sibling if you celebrate Xmas? Isn’t that wonderful magical time shattered as you come to terms that it’s parents or carers eating the mince pie and carrot etc. that was carefully left out the night before for Father Christmas… it time now to become more honest with ourselves now? I’m not against Father Christmas as a concept but as parents, many fall into the expected behaviour rather than what feels right for them to say and perhaps more appropriate.

    Are we living in a society where we are accepting dishonesty as a normal way of going? and what message is that giving to the children of the future?…what do we need in place to allow us to be honest?……Is the truth welcomed in our work places and relationships? often even when we begin to explore dishonesty, it can trigger defences within and our first thoughts are I am honest….of course I am…..and that is just wonderful if that is the case…but are you honest 100% of the time? when we clear away our defences and look beneath them, a clearer picture emerges, and we can begin to understand, if we really look, how with our own bodies and minds, we are dishonest more often than was perhaps first thought. We don’t acknowledge that we are being dishonest often. It simply hasn’t registered because we often act out of habitual behaviour without question. I invite you to think about your day now as you are reading this…..have you been 100% honest with yourself and others you have interacted with?……check in with yourself daily. Is there an area of life where you tend to ignore your needs? are you being honest about your needs? Are you honest with your feelings? Are you living life according to the truth of who you are? If you love the sea and live in the inner city there is a conflict between your doing and your being. Do you allow yourself to visit the sea often? If there is no acknowledgment that the individual soul has need, then it is possible to allow a dishonesty to quietly fester.

    There are many, many quotes illustrating the importance of honesty…

    ‘Honesty is the rarest form of wealth’ – Josh Billings

    Truth is the most valuable thing we have – Mark Twain.

    No legacy is so rich as honesty – William Shakespeare

    Half a truth is often a great lie. - Benjamin Franklin

    Our world view of ourselves becomes cloudy and often it’s painful to see where we haven’t been honest. There can be many things within a culture or religion or group of people where some things just do not resonate but because perhaps we belong into that group we may feel duty bound to partake….even if we don’t really want to……

    So what is needed for honesty? It’s a word we all know on one level our intellectual level of course, but I have found through my own life experiences that to be honest requires a blend, a mixture of many components reaching deeper and deeper layers within us. The blend may change depending on individuals but core balancing components to allow us to be honest are safety, courage, security, and compassion and support.

    And of course deep listening

    I feel, there are 3 levels of listening - the first is our conscious listening…..we hear our own words and other peoples easily on the surface at least. Then there is deeper listening, this requires deeper thought to access it….it’s our subconscious listening beyond our normal everyday awareness and often contains the truth of a situation beyond perhaps what it seems

    And then lastly there is the unconscious listening …..We can actually block this out as often it is painful and contains our deep beliefs about who we are and our worthiness.

    Levels of listening depends on how we view ourselves….We know we are a physical person as it is the body we can see. But as many of you will know, there are other layers to our existence and these are contained in the aura or the energetic body around us. There is an emotional layer, a mental layer and a spiritual layer as well as other layers but for the purpose of this book it is only necessary to keep to these four layers. It is easiest to listen deeply on a physical level but still often the needs of the physical are ignored. Perhaps we forget to drink some cool, refreshing water during the day to hydrate or perhaps we ignore the hunger pangs as we deprive our bodies food and do not eat when we need to or take responsibility for ourselves with the optimum amount of rest and relaxation perhaps. So often the body’s needs are overridden as we dis-member this layer and expect our bodies to carry on doing or working longer than we have energy for…..Listening to all levels of you requires an open mind and a wonderful exploration

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