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The Study of the Seven Dispensations
The Study of the Seven Dispensations
The Study of the Seven Dispensations
Ebook64 pages41 minutes

The Study of the Seven Dispensations

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In the beginning of any line of investigation, it is well to mark off as definitely as possible the field that we propose to study. This is necessary to give definiteness to our efforts; otherwise, we shall engage only in aimless wondering. Here we shall make a preliminary survey of our field and look at some phases of the subject. What is the idea and scope of human history, known as Dispensations?
Human history started on the 6th day when God created the first human. Man began as innocence until the 7th dispensation “The Kingdom.” Man was tested and tried; when he failed it brought judgement. In this history of man, we see the creation of man (human), the test of obedience, the trait, fall and then the results.
Each dispensation will be discussed as well, and in each dispensation, God shows His mercy; and plans a way for salvation. This study will also point out the duration of the dispensations, the first man that was born and the first murderer. There is an intimidation in the curse imposed on Eve, “I will greatly multiply thy conception,” (Genesis 3:16) that births were not only frequent, but that several children will be born at one time. There was no other way that the human race could multiply as it did in those days.
Intermarriage played a part in one of the judgements. We will look at the seven of tribulations, the Millennial and end with the White Throne Judgement.
Release dateMay 4, 2020
The Study of the Seven Dispensations

Dr. Gilbert H. Edwards

Bishop, Dr. Gilbert H. Edwards, Sr. was born and reared in Maryland. He attended the Pomphrey Elementary School of Patapsco Park, Maryland and The Bates High School in Annapolis, Maryland. He spent his last year of high school in South Fallsburg, New York. Dr. Edwards is a lover of sports and served in the United States Military Armed Forces until 1962. Dr. Edwards married Dorothy Mae Littlejohn in 1964 and from this union 16 beautiful children were born. Dr. Edwards received his ministerial calling in 1968. Under the tenure of the late Honorable Bishop Hansome Lewis Walker of Baltimore MD, serving as Sunday School Superintendent and Assistant Pastor of the Faith Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Baltimore, Maryland. He was later called to Pastor the Full Gospel True Mission Church, along with his companion, Mother Edwards, where they have both labored now for 41 years. In August 1982, Bishop Edwards received his pastoral ordination credentials from the Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Church Association, Inc. (PCAF, Bishop Edwards serves on the Board of Bishops for the Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith Association, Inc. and as a District Officer, since 1990 for 9 churches in the Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey State areas. He presently holds the positions in the PCAF as the State of Delaware Diocesan, Chairman and Sunday School Auxiliary Bishop for the Eastern and Southern States Council of the PCAF. Dr. Edwards obtained his Associate of Arts and Bachelor of Arts Degrees in Biblical Studies from the Arlington Bible College in Baltimore, Maryland. In 1993, he received his Master of Arts Degree and in May 1996, he achieved his Doctorate of Theology in Biblical and Theological Studies from the Antietam Bible Seminary in Hagerstown, Maryland. Dr. Edwards is a lover of people. His concern, compassion and longsuffering has won great admiration and trust for him among his immediate family, his church family and peers!

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    The Study of the Seven Dispensations - Dr. Gilbert H. Edwards

    © 2020 Dr. Gilbert H. Edwards. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 05/04/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6075-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6076-8 (e)

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    This book is dedicated to

    The Eastern and Southern States Council

    The Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic

    Faith International, Inc.

    in which I was born spiritually;

    and to my church family

    The Full Gospel True Mission, Inc.;

    and to all who read this book.





    Chapter 1   The First Dispensation – Innocence

    Chapter 2   The Dispensation of Conscience

    Chapter 3   The Dispensation of Human Government

    Chapter 4   The Dispensation of Promise

    Chapter 5   The Dispensation of Law

    Chapter 6   The Dispensation of Grace

    Chapter 7   The Dispensation Of The Kingdom

    The Seventh Dispensations’ Outline

    The New Paradise Outline


    This study is to give the biblical understanding of human history from: innocence, conscience, human government, promise, law, grace and the Kingdom. Each one has a system of order or existing at a particular time. This study will point out the main characters in each dispensation; and point out their failure. Each of the dispensations end in judgement.


    In the beginning of any line of investigation, it is well to mark off as definitely as possible the field that we propose to study. This is necessary to give definiteness to our efforts; otherwise, we shall engage only in aimless wondering. Here we shall make a preliminary survey of our field and look at some phases of the subject. What is the idea and scope of human history, known as Dispensations?

    Human history started on the 6th day when God created the first human. Man began as innocence until the 7th dispensation The Kingdom. Man was tested and tried; when he failed it brought judgement. In this history of man, we see the creation of man (human), the test of obedience, the trait, fall and then the results.

    Each dispensation will be discussed as well, and in each dispensation, God shows His mercy; and plans a way for salvation. This study will also point out the duration of the dispensations, the first man that was born and the first murderer. There is an intimidation in the curse imposed on Eve, I will greatly multiply thy conception, (Genesis 3:16) that births were not only frequent, but that several children will be born at one time. There was no other way that the human race could multiply as it did in those days.

    Intermarriage played a part in one of the judgements. We will look at the seven of tribulations, the Millennial and end with the White Throne Judgement.


    The seven dispensations begin with the

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