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Crackers: Blood Flower
Crackers: Blood Flower
Crackers: Blood Flower
Ebook102 pages1 hour

Crackers: Blood Flower

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Dorothy Davis, an eighteen-year-old girl still struggling in moving on with her tragic past that happened five years ago. And Dory is having unexplainable visions of white roses ever since an accident happened…

On the other hand, Edgewood became a cursed town as a killer is on his hunt for his next victim. However, Dory soon finds out that secrets buried in her life is a killer’s dark past.

Introducing Dorothy and her friends called The Crackers on a mission of trapping a serial killer!
Release dateMay 12, 2020
Crackers: Blood Flower

Shahana Suria Ramesh

Shahana Suria Ramesh is an 18 years old Malaysian teenager who has completed her major examination last year. She received her results with flying colours and is currently studying for a teaching course in a local institution. Shahana is now living with her family in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Her ultimate goal is to become a famous author in her young age itself and to provide free education for the helpless and poor by becoming a teacher. Browse for more!

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    Crackers - Shahana Suria Ramesh

    Copyright © 2020 by Shahana Suria Ramesh.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    Chapter 1 You look perfect

    Chapter 2 A murder?

    Chapter 3 Who are you?

    Chapter 4 Why him?

    Chapter 5 Another Murder?

    Chapter 6 Steve?

    Chapter 7 High school!

    Chapter 8 Are you okay?

    Chapter 9 The truth

    Chapter 10 What happened?



    "K nock, knock."

    Rebecca! There’s someone at the door…

    Their 18-year-old only daughter, a spoilt brad with recently coloured blonde hair, slightly a sexy figure though but still trying hard on her diet. Her hair cascading below her waist, caressing her shoulders before reaching to the end. With pizza in her right hand, half bitten, she frowned at her mother with her usual bossy look while settling herself on the couch like a potato. Her mother looked at her brown eyes and understood that she’s not going to the door and finally left after she piled up stacks of her patients’ folders to attend the late-night guest knocking behind their anytime-will-break door.

    I’ll go…Now stop with that sulking. Mumbled her mother, a rather pale looking woman with curly and thin brown hair that had some strands turning grey but rather with a beautiful figure even though she’s in her forties.

    She lazily walked towards the door when another knock came. Impatiently, she turned the knob and quickly swayed the door to see their surprising guest as it was already past midnight on a weekday. As she knew all this while, they were the only family or more less the only annoying neighbours that used to stay late at night in that neighbourhood. Unfortunately, she opened the door to face no one and after scanning around the neighbourhood, hoping for someone to pop out from the bushes or trees that had been growing wildly at their porch but none did. Before she was about to close the door, she noticed a card on their porch doormat. She picked it up and smiled when she saw a little message on it, ‘Get well soon Daddy!’ with a white rose stuck at the back of the card. She started looking around for a kid, walking past her porch. And suddenly, from a distance, at the end of the main street, there was a car parked and its head lights were flashing straight at her. She was still thinking if she could go there and take a look at the car but was worried of her own safety as it was not broad daylight and anything negative was possible.

    Right then Hey, Teresa! You okay? What’s that in your hand?

    Oh, Jeff…There’s this random kid left her card at our porch though. I’m just looking for her…You want to come?

    You sound like a detective… he mocked. Come where?

    When Teresa pointed to the car at the end of the street, he shook his head but remained still as though he didn’t like the idea of walking towards the car.

    You’re really not coming, Jeff? she asked, with a worried look on his face.

    You insist on going there…aren’t you, honey?

    It’s just a kid left her gift at the wrong place; she might be even lost.

    Just be safe. He warned, not turning away from his laptop, clicking and typing away with full focus.

    Teresa chuckled softly and she started walking towards the car, holding the card and realised a crutched man standing by the car, he rather had a friendly face than whatever Teresa was expecting. He calmly smiled and reached her to shake hands.

    Hey! I’m so sorry to disturb you but I can’t find my daughter…And coincidently I found you holding her card and that white rose so I waited here for you to…maybe come? Anyways, did you see her?

    Hello, man! You kind of freaked me out but how in the world did you see the card in my hand from this distance? she asked, curious till her brows were arching and her eyes were shrinking, doubting thoughts.

    I saw you bending and picking up something from the ground of your porch before looking around, so I just guessed it. Speaking of this gift, since I had my divorce, Anne has been sending cards personally like this but ends up getting lost and leaving her little gift at the wrong place. I’m very sorry…

    You look too young for all that… And you look weirdly familiar. Teresa scorned. Anyways, here’s your gift and hope you find her soon. Do not worry, she’ll be here somewhere! Oh yes, the fragrance from the rose is so strong and good to smell. She smiled.

    Can’t you help me? asked the thin, frail guy who physically looked young but his face was tired and old. He had a sharp nose, thin lips and small eyes. His forehead was covered with his messy brown hair strands sliding down, no matter how many times he pushes it behind.

    SURE! This car is so familiar by the way…

    So many of them have the similar ones, though. He said, smiling creepily at Teresa.

    How in the world did you drive with those…

    Crutches…I just do this scavenger hunt thing every time she buys me a gift. And those roses have the highest quality and that’s why it has such strong fragrance. Anne love roses so much! he shrugged and chuckled but in a pale way.

    That’s so sweet of her and you…I’ll help but don’t you live together? She’s your daughter…

    Sadly, no. She’s with her mother.

    After some time, her husband realised it was late and was expecting her to return but there was no sign of her.

    Rebecca…take a look outside and see if there’s any car with its’ bright headlights flashing?

    Lazy Rebecca just peeped through the windows and shook her head and was back to her Instagram, posting about how much she loves her mother and how much she wants to be a doctor like her. With worry, he got up and looked outside but it was pitch dark and no humans were in sight. He walked towards the place where the car was initially parked but there was no car and no Teresa. He started sweating, he was afraid. He called out for her but to no avail. He tried calling her hand phone but Rebecca answered it.

    Why are you calling mum? She left her phone here…

    Rebecca…call 911 now! and he started running around the street,

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