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Mom-Dad-Wtf: Managing Our Mind-Divinely Assigned Disappointments-Walk the Faith
Mom-Dad-Wtf: Managing Our Mind-Divinely Assigned Disappointments-Walk the Faith
Mom-Dad-Wtf: Managing Our Mind-Divinely Assigned Disappointments-Walk the Faith
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Mom-Dad-Wtf: Managing Our Mind-Divinely Assigned Disappointments-Walk the Faith

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About this ebook

MOM-DAD-WTF is the first of a Self-Help series, called Tana White's Books of Purpose, which help apply the Word of God to our everyday life, in a language we can all relate to. As well as a children's book series, called, "Maryah's World," which are Bible stories written for children. My eight-year-old, who is active in the church is helping write that series, so it reflects the actual point of view of how children understand the Word. I believe that God is going to use me in a great way to spread His light in this dark world.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 14, 2020
Mom-Dad-Wtf: Managing Our Mind-Divinely Assigned Disappointments-Walk the Faith

Tana White

MOM-DAD-WTF Managing Our Mind-Divinely Assigned Disappointments-Walk The Faith Author Bio by Tana White I, Tana White aka Tana Mae, loves using my imagination in every area of life. I truly believe that our imaginations are Divinely Assigned to us by our Lord, Jesus Christ. I am a tad bit much, or so I have been told. I just love being able to lighten up any dark situation with the light God has given me. I am a mother of five, three boys and two girls. I have nine grandchildren at this time, and know this, only two of my children started having children. I had a very rough start in life; however, I have allowed God to use it to build the me He intended. I am a Director of Nursing of a long-term skilled nursing facility. Approximately twenty years ago, I was called to write books and tell the Good News to multitudes. I was young and uneducated, and I did not realize what all that entailed. I self-published a book, titled, "The Lily of the Valleys." It was not what I envisioned it to be. I also preached the Gospel to all that would listen. A couple of years ago, I felt led to write again. I did not do so willingly, in the beginning I resisted due to fear of failure. Once I submitted to the call, I began to surrender to God and write under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Now, He has given me three separate series, which have been flowing with ease. This was the first in the SciFi series, MAAM Vol 1. MOM-DAD-WTF is the first of a Self-Help series, called Tana White's Books of Purpose, which help apply the Word of God to our everyday life, in a language we can all relate to. As well as a children's book series, called, "Maryah's World," which are Bible stories written for children. My eight-year-old, who is active in the church is helping write that series, so it reflects the actual point of view of how children understand the Word. I believe that God is going to use me in a great way to spread His light in this dark world.

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    Mom-Dad-Wtf - Tana White

    Copyright © 2020 by Tana White.

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    Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

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    Rev. date: 05/14/2020








    Managing Our Mind


    Chapter 1 Preparation

    Chapter 2 Self Control

    Chapter 3 Preparation - Optimism


    Divinely Allowed Disappointments


    Chapter 4 Battles

    Chapter 5 Emptiness - The Garden

    Chapter 6 Auspicious - The Cross


    Walk The Faith


    Chapter 7 Obedience

    Chapter 8 Becoming More Christ Like – Time


    It has been a very long journey, and I would like to take this time to give thanks to the people who has traveled this bumpy, sometimes unpredictable, trip of life with me. Without these people staying by my side, and without them enduring the many transitions that have taken place, I would not been able to get this far.

    First of all, I give thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for trusting me and loving me enough to chose me to shine His light to the world. Even though I mess up quite often, He always taps me back on track, dusts me off, and allows me to continue this awesome journey of life. This leads me to my next group of people.

    Next, I would like to thank God for choosing me to be the wife and mother of the people in my life. I thank Marlin White, Sr. for always being there for me and our children. Even when I was almost impossible to love, you have been there for me dealing with the many aspects of me. Most people do not see all of the sides of me that you do, the good, the bad, and the ugly. You have, and you are there with me through it all. I greatly appreciate you!


    I want to thank Marlin White Jr. and Maryah White. These two young people are my two youngest children. They are the only two still living at home at this time. Marlin Jr. has been so wonderful and such a blessing during this global pandemic helping at home. He is with his sister all day, caring for her, while I work very long hours at work. Maryah has been so sweet and understanding at such a young age. She is a great kid. She does not complain about the long hours that are required of me, and she always behaves, which is a big relief not having to worry about them at home. Thank both of you so much, I love y’all very much, and I appreciate how wonderful you both have been through all of this.


    Next, I would love to thank Alexis Courville for alwadys being absolute success. She makes me feel that I have done something right as a mother of a daughter. She has taken life and made it submit to her. She makes me so proud watching her blossom into an adult that it is hard to contain it. She is a beautiful wife, a successful RN, and will be a terrific Nurse Practitioner very soon. I love you to the moon and back.


    Next, I want to thank Charles Gotreaux. This young man allows me to experience how it feels to be the mother of a minister. He is there as my Spiritual advisor on those days where I need to brainstorm some ideas that come to me. He has done a phenomenal job catering to me and my facility during this pandemic. He brings food and moral boosters for my staff and I to keep us going and to show appreciation for our service in the medical field. He has grown into such a wonder man! He is a phenomenal father, husband, and son. I love you and I am very proud of you.


    I want to give my oldest son, Tevin Gotreaux, a shout out like no other. The world counted us out in the very beginning. They all doubted that we would ever make it because I was such a young, teenage mother, in a very low-income situation. Tevin never made me feel that he ever doubted me for a second. He has always treated me like a queen, whether I was up or down. He is a wonderful father, son, and I could not be prouder of the man he has become. I love you more than words could ever express!

    Finally, I thank every single person who reads this book. Thank you for taking the time to read this book, and I pray that you read the many more to come.

    God Bless every single one of you!!!!




    Many of us want to do better or be good; however, when we really attempt to do so, we usually get discouraged. At least, I did. This is mainly because we are not sure what that means for ME – meaning – ourselves. We are prone to compare ourselves to others. This is a BIG mistake. Only ONE you were created; meaning YOU are the only you to set YOUR baseline, goals, dreams, and desires.

    Another fact has come to the forefront that usually discourages all of us - - - yes, even us Christians. We know that The Word of God is our weapon, and really the only tool REQUIRED to live the life we were created to live. That being said, it is also the most misused or unused tool out there. WHY?

    I know for me; it was because I did not really know how to apply it to MY life or MY situations when I needed to. I would drown myself with others’ knowledge of The Word, and I would try to piece it together to fit what I needed. I did not study it per situation nor, did I grow from my study time. I thought as long as I listened to preaching, go to church and read my daily Bible verses, I should be good. I thought that I should have been able to apply the Word to my life since I was trying. I would always hear, If you have a problem, go to the Word. But it always seemed like I was searching for a needle in a haystack when I was trying to apply the Word to my everyday issues, or even crisis that came up in MY life. So, I would get more teaching tapes, or turn on more YouTube videos looking for answers.

    This is the equivalent of being extremely hungry, binge watching food shows, and then licking salt out of your hand to quench the hunger… Which I have actually done. It is not healthy for growth. Or… it is like being very thirsty (to the point of dehydration) and watching videos of people drinking ice cold glasses of water and other cold drinks, and then squirting 10ccs of Luke warm water in your mouth. It may stop the growling of your stomach, or wet your oral cavity, but in no way would it satisfy the hunger nor the thirst.

    So… what I have felt led to do was to write books on real life topics, and do the research in The Word, to help apply the actual Word – our main tool – to the actual circumstances. I figured if I needed this information, encouragement and proper use of the weapon given to me, other folks may need it as well.

    I work in the medical field, I have a teenager, young adult children, and an eight-year-old. All of which are flooded with acronyms or letters that mean something. For example, in nursing, WNL means within normal limits. In young people or on social media, SMH means, shaking my head. And, my eight-year-old recently named one of her YouTube heroes, and said, Mom I want some MERCH. I had to ask what that meant. Come to find out - it means merchandise. Who would’ve thunk it? LOL… So now, every time I see phrases, my brain immediately attempts to create an acronym.

    So, I have compiled a list of acronyms that I have associated with phrases of topics I have battled, sometimes

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