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Increase Your Worship Increase Your Worth: (Crown Yourself by Connecting to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords)
Increase Your Worship Increase Your Worth: (Crown Yourself by Connecting to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords)
Increase Your Worship Increase Your Worth: (Crown Yourself by Connecting to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords)
Ebook158 pages1 hour

Increase Your Worship Increase Your Worth: (Crown Yourself by Connecting to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords)

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About this ebook

Why start a book based on worship by discussing etiquette? You see fundamentally I believe God’s etiquette is the supreme etiquette there is. God spends his time raising up people improving people refining people and encouraging people. How you worship him and praise him and acknowledge him is directly proportional to your worth as a person. If we do not abide in him as he abides in us how can there be an increase in our stature or worth as people?
Release dateMay 18, 2020
Increase Your Worship Increase Your Worth: (Crown Yourself by Connecting to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords)

Angela D Martin

Angela Martin was born and lives in the United kingdom. This is her third book of a series she intends to write based on her life as a christian. She formally came to faith in 2012. She was born in England to Jamaican Parents. Although she has lived in England for most of her life, she has traveled extensively. She is a postgraduate from King’s College London she studied MSc Information Processing and Neural Networks. In July 2015 Angela took a leap of faith and started Vine ministry UK which encompasses teaching, evangelism and counselling on the Christian faith. If you wish to contact the Author you may do so by interacting with her personally on social media platforms she hopes to host a bible study session once a month on Facebook live look out for notifications. Under the Ministry’s face book page all stages welcome Vine Ministry UK.

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    Book preview

    Increase Your Worship Increase Your Worth - Angela D Martin

    © 2020 Angela D. Martin. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 05/15/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-5303-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-5302-9 (e)

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    Scriptures marked ESV are taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, ENGLISH

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    Chapter 1 What is the Meaning of Worship?

    Chapter 2 What or Who Do You Worship?

    Chapter 3 What is Humility?

    Chapter 4 Idol/Idle Worship

    Chapter 5 The Study of God

    Chapter 6 Meditating on the Word of God

    Chapter 7 Why Do We Worship?

    Chapter 8 How are we Expected to Worship?

    Chapter 9 What is Worship?

    Chapter 10 What Do We Hope to Achieve When We Worship?

    Chapter 11 Worship – v – Prayer

    Chapter 12 Worship Leaders and Pastors

    Chapter 13 Worship is about What we Love

    Chapter 14 Evaluate Your Heart

    Chapter 15 Examine Your Church

    Chapter 16 Has the Church been Stolen?

    Chapter 17 A Praying Church

    Chapter 18 Worship and Music

    Chapter 19 So You have Decided to Leave Your Church

    Chapter 20 What Makes People Leave Churches?

    Chapter 21 The Church Member

    Chapter 22 Who’s Church is it really?

    Chapter 23 How are We to View Our Churches?

    Chapter 24 Rejection and Praise

    Chapter 25 Personal Rejection

    Chapter 26 Rejection of Jesus and the Patriarchs

    Chapter 27 Who’s Praise are We Really After?

    Chapter 28 What Has A Profound Effect On Us?

    Chapter 29 Qualitative v Quantitative Worship

    Chapter 30 The Future of Worship

    Reading list


    First of all I would like to thank God almighty, our LORD Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for their assistance in inspiring me and helping me to complete this book right on schedule in time for Passover 2020.


    The Art of Diplomacy

    What every Etiquette Consultant should know.

    Why start a book based on worship by discussing etiquette? You see fundamentally I believe God’s etiquette is the supreme etiquette there is. God spends his time raising up people improving people refining people and encouraging people. How you worship him and praise him and acknowledge him is directly proportional to your worth as a person. If we do not abide in him as he abides in us how can there be an increase in our stature or worth as people?

    Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing 6 If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.7If you abide in me and my word abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.8 By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.

    John 15v4-8 ESV Bible

    When we speak about etiquette and teaching people about it what we are suggesting is that they improve their lives to be counted among the Higher Echelons of society. What we must realize is that when we assess what is important in being considered a person of worth and quality, we are to measure it by how humble we are even in possession of much wealth and privileges. We must never obtain a spirit of arrogance or self-reliance, but to acknowledge the fact that we have a responsibility to remain connected to the source, God. Jesus said besides me you can do nothing.

    As a Child, I have always found immense enjoyment spending hours presenting a dining table in an elegant and inviting manner. I recall how I used to take all my mother’s fine dining service, glassware, cups and saucers and place them in a specific order on the round dining table in the dining room. I used to make sure there was a water glass, a white wine glass, a red wine Glass and setting plates, although I did not know they were called that at the time. I would make sure that they were displayed in a beautiful array. I would finish off by placing a plastic poinsettia in the centre of the table. Once I had laid it for dinner, I would then remove everything and place them back in the cabinet. I took great pleasure in doing this once a week at least. I would watch television programs based on period drama that had elaborate dining tables at major events like balls and weddings. I was excited by what I saw, but never really knew the complex social implications that accompanied such extravagance. How, if not carried out tactfully could result in the destruction of a person’s confidence, social position and influence in society. What a person believes about themselves, where they see their position in society is of great importance and should never be overlooked when embarking on a training program teaching them how to interact with the Higher Echelons of society. Entering the Higher Echelons of society can be quite a daunting experience and a brutal battle ground for the ill prepared. There are those who abuse the core objective of etiquette, which is, to

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