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I Rise to Defend: His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu Is the Christ
I Rise to Defend: His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu Is the Christ
I Rise to Defend: His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu Is the Christ
Ebook1,066 pages19 hours

I Rise to Defend: His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu Is the Christ

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This unprecedented book is written by a renowned and reputable Prophet of THE ALMIGHTY GOD and seasoned Spiritual Scientist and Consultant on Issues Related to Nature and the Universe, His Grace Archbishop Bassey Effiong Orok, who has authored several first-time Books that attract global attention. This Book begins its journey with in-depth explanation about the existence of THE ALMIGHTY GOD and CREATOR of the Universe as the No-Beginning Being; to the origin of the Universe, with the creations of other worlds and their various contents and different roles, their various orientations, as well as their different climates. The reason the Earth was created is also given attention in this first-time Book. The Potential blessings of the Earth, its Compress Region, Primary, Secondary and Joint Positions of ALMIGHTY GOD, along with His Universal Symbol are among the contents of this All Important Book. The Heavenly and Earthly Arrangements, which affects every creations; and went ahead to unveil the First and Ever Physical Manifestation of THE ALMIGHTY GOD in human form in The Person of LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, together with His Heavenly Kingdom on Earth. The Book explains the Secret Meaning, Origin of The word "CHRIST", His Seven Cardinal Meanings, His 34 Life Evidence, as well as His Universal Existence; on how CHRIST was first introduced in Heaven to the hosts of Heaven and its subsequence opposition by former Archangel Lucifer and their immediate extradition to the Earth. One of the most important and shocking unveilings in this Holy Book, but profitable to humankind, is the Authentic Date LORD JESUS was born and not the much cerebrated yearly 25 December. The Holy Book, which is packed with first-time unveiling mysteries on CHRIST, gives detailed information about His First, Second and Third (Final) Physical Manifestations in Human Form respectively as ADAM, LORD JESUS and now; HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. Beginning from His Heavenly Existence as THE WORD OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD to His Three Times Physical Manifestations; it explained broadly the events that took place before, during and after the fall, death and burial of ADAM. Also, during and after the death of LORD JESUS, as well as the key events that took place subsequently before, during and after His Ascension into Heaven. The different attempts made by Satan the Devil in all His manifestations to discredit and stop CHRIST from obtaining the glory that was kept for Him by Our FATHER GOD before the foundation of this world was laid, are not left out of these unveiling mysteries. Different warnings to the entire humanity as recorded herein show that unless we do away completely with all sinfulness and wicked ways of life, man was heading towards more dangerous and devastating hard times. What every human should expect in no distant time is unveiled, including in-depth information regarding the unavoidable 72 hours of global darkness is herein exposed, as it deepened in revealing how THE CHRIST will be seen in the sky across the Earth, which will be the nal signal to His pending Judgment over the entire creations, including humans and angels. More than 4,000 mysteries about CHRIST are unveiled in a comprehensive manner; and as such, this Book is not limited to any religion, nation, organization, government, group, tribe or tongue; as such, all should avail themselves the opportunity of having this Holy Book. Other Books written by the same Author includes: Holy Book of Revelations; Everlasting Arts and Sciences volumes 1 and 2; Salt of the Earth; Eternal Mysteries of Nations volumes 1,2 and 3; The Final World Government among others.


Release dateMay 21, 2020
I Rise to Defend: His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu Is the Christ

Archbishop Bassey Effiong Orok

His Grace, Archbishop BASSEY EFFIONG OROK is a born Prophet of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, reputable and seasoned Spiritual Scientist and Consultant on issues related to Nature and the Universe at large. His services cut across all nations, organizations, governments, individuals, tribes and tongues, irrespective of belief, faith and religion. As directed by THE HOLY SPIRIT of ALMIGHTY GOD, he is accurate in all matters as concerns spiritual research, diagnosis, and solutions to every predicament. He has unimaginable Strong and Undisputed Power and Gift of THE HOLY SPIRIT. His irrevocable spiritual talent is unprecedented because it originates from THE ALMIGHTY GOD Himself. THE HOLY SPIRIT has used him in unveiling unprecedented secrets, facts and mysteries which cover all sectors of Life and humanity, including the Universe at large, by unveiling first-time facts and secrets concerning different parts of the world, souls, spirits, angels, destinies, etc. He has equally unveiled top hidden facts that if adhered to by humanity will bring total relief to all the problems affecting man and his generation; and advance him to a perpetual generation of absolute and uninterrupted peace, joy, oneness and stability. For this reason, he has authored several Holy Books of first-time exposed mysteries and unveiling, which cut across all nations, religions, governments, beliefs, colours, races and humanity in general. Some of his published books include Holy Book of Revelations; Everlasting Arts and Sciences volumes 1 and 2; Salt of the Earth; Eternal Mysteries of Nations volumes 1. 2 and 3; and The Final World Government among others. As a seasoned and renowned Spiritual Scientist, Archbishop BASSEY EFFIONG OROK has many mysteries to inform humanity in general. He has combed the world of mysteries and equally unveiled great facts that will not only be beneficial to humanity, but will put a lasting solution to present and pending problems. He has that talent of extraordinary Divine Prediction, which can never fail fulfilling. His accuracy, which has cut across the globe, has made him stands tall. It should be noted that his predictions covers all individuals, regions, governments, continents, nations, colour, beliefs and gender. Archbishop BASSEY EFFIONG OROK is such Prophet and Spiritual Scientist that the world and their leaders cannot ignore; hence, his spiritual services should be employed. He is generally known as “THE WORLD SEER”, but to others, he is called “The Prophet of our Time”, while some know him as “The Man with Undiluted Power of Prophesy”. The lists of his predictions cannot be overemphasized. He is open to invitation for Public Lecture, which concerns nature and the Universe, and serious matters that affects the Earth and humanity in general. His visit to some Heads of Governments on invitations seen him standing for reality by unveiling those things that concerns humanity and their various environments. Various spiritual diagnoses had been made concerning the various nations and portions of the world, which humanity need to acknowledge and make head way toward meeting his peaceful and uninterrupted comfort and oneness. The different organizations and governments of this world should therefore, consider seeking for the spiritual services of Archbishop BASSEY EFFIONG OROK, as he is well-vested with facts and realities that will help humanity and the world at large meet demands for lasting peace, economic stability and progress, oneness of all humanity and the cooperation of all nations and governments under one umbrella of Global Leadership. Do you want to know what is in the land, air and water space of your nation or territory? Do you want to know more about yourself, nation, religion, group and organization? What is your problem or aspirations in life? Contact: His Grace Archbishop BASSEY EFFIONG OROK +2348055542555 +2349083063444

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    I Rise to Defend - Archbishop Bassey Effiong Orok

    2020 Archbishop Bassey Effiong Orok. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 05/21/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6038-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6036-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6037-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020908627

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

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    Author’s Declaration

    If any portion of the Revelations in this Holy Book annoys any man, spirit, animal, fish, bird, insect, or any seen or unseen creature of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, we stand before The Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe, who is The Sole Founder and Supreme Sustainer of Truth, to ask that forgiveness be granted onto such creature. But if such a creature continues to oppose or doubt the words of these Revelations, we then, without delay, commit same, either seen or unseen, to cosmic judgment.

    The Supreme Council of The Universal Spirits says, ‘Amen.’

    His Grace,


    Author’s Note

    Let the profound peace and blessings of THE ALMIGHTY GOD and CREATOR of the entire Universe and all that are in it, rest upon all of humanity and creations, now and forevermore, Amen.

    Let all humans, living and dead, come to acknowledge what is above their wisdom and expectations. Let all humans come with all amount of humility for there is no more time to waste on those things that are not real, even as the time of reality and Truth is come, and man will no longer dwell in sin.

    Who is he that can successfully challenge the command of THE ALMIGTHY GOD? There is none. Who is he that can successfully stand against The Spirit of THE ALMIGHTY GOD? Nobody can. Who is that creature that can successfully challenge THE CREATOR of all seen and unseen creations? None is able.

    I, Bassey Effiong Orok was commanded by THE ALMIGHTY GOD, as He appeared unto me, to write a book about THE CHRIST. Immediately He commanded me, legions of angels stood before Him, giving Him thanks and adoration. But none of them raised the face to behold Him. They bowed their heads and prostrated before Him. They worshipped Him with all amount of humility; and knelt in reverence to Him. The joy of the Earth triggered as I also beheld humans in their great numbers standing from one end of the Earth to the other, singing the songs of joy. The angels standing at the four corners of the Earth were all jubilating and rejoicing. Archangels Michael, Uriel and Gabriel immediately gave attention to this command as they joined in praising THE CHRIST, who is the reason why this Holy Book was ordered to be written.

    This Holy Book is one of many others, which The Spirit of THE ALMIGHTY GOD provided me during the nine years of retreat from the public sight. In those days I was not authorized to attend any occasion, function or gathering until this Assignment would be completed.

    In this regard therefore and according to the command, leadership, wisdom, understanding, provision, programme and protection of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, His CHRIST and HOLY GHOST, I did comply according to His command.

    Again, as earlier indicated at the beginning of writing these Holy Books, the Devil, that very Lucifer who was thrown out of Heaven, appeared and tempted me in multiple ways, using different means in order to stop the writing of this particular Holy Book. He wrestled against the Power and Command of THE ALMIGHTY GOD; but was defeated and the book emerged as written and completed. Therefore, writing of this very Holy Book was like a marathon experience-burdening the entire world on my shoulder.

    Also when these things were going on, several events took place. A hall was immediately constructed in compliance with the command of THE ALMIGHTY GOD. In the hall, all creations including man, animals, birds and fishes were all jubilating. Their actions were as the result of this record being ordered to be written by the same Prophet whose duty is above human understanding. As mentioned earlier, when put together, these writings shall be called THE GREAT UNVEILING. It should be noted that before writing those Holy Books I received the Heavenly Mouse from THE ALMIGHTY GOD, and the cable linking the Heavenly Mouse was connected to Heaven.*

    As mentioned earlier, in the days when I was writing these Holy Books, several oppositions and challenges came to stop the process, but all were defeated by the very Power that ordered them.

    However this very Holy Book gives a comprehensive proof that The LEADER, KING of kings and LORD of lords of the BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR, HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, is, THE CHRIST.

    It goes to provide in-depth and multiple explanations and indicate in clear details that He was The First Human Creature called ADAM. It explained further of His return as Our LORD JESUS CHRIST. It is a book with first-time detailed explanations on The Supreme, Immaculate, Sparkling, Righteous and Worthy Being generally called THE WORD OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD. It is a book that is far above human or worldly wisdom or carnal interpretation and beyond rhetoric.

    Therefore, this Holy Book is Dedicated to The Power that gave The Prophet (author) the Heavenly Mouse through the instrument of THE HOLY SPIRIT; for he stands above the entire Earth to release the words found therein.

    This Holy Book should therefore be regarded as one of the most important records that man need to go through with immense concentration; and can be used in schools or any learning centre, institution or home for the purpose of accepting and knowing the divine Truth.

    Let the Eternal Name of CHRIST be praised as His endless Glory and Dominion dominates the entire Universe. His FATHER and Our FATHER, THE ALMIGHTY GOD commanded His Prophet to write this first-time record about He, who in this last advent has made Himself physically available in flesh, blood, water and bone in The Person of HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU.

    His Grace,



    It came to pass that THE ALMIGHTY GOD appeared again to me, Bassey Effiong Orok, to discuss important issues with His Prophet, for He knew me before I was conceived. As we were discussing, behold His CHRIST, the very One that was crucified for the sins of the entire humanity came in. THE ALMIGHTY GOD pointed at Him and said to me; Write a book about Him. His CHRIST was happy as He saw me kneeling before His and Our Heavenly FATHER, discussing Heavenly issues. Indeed, immediately THE ALMIGHTY GOD commanded me to write a book about His CHRIST, there were jubilations in Heavens by the angels and among the different creations of the Earth including the animals in the forest, fishes in the water and birds of the air. The Sun, Moon and Stars became joyous for the time of The Great Unveiling about THE CHRIST OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD in this last age has finally come.

    However, I cannot begin these unprecedented revelations about THE CHRIST, which also falls under my GOD-given mission of unveiling top mysteries about The Trinity GOD (Holy Trinity), the Universe and its contents (fullness) without first admitting that there is One who is above Him that brought about His existence. This is THE ALMIGHTY GOD His FATHER, Our FATHER and The FATHER of the entire Universe. The Trinity GOD (Holy Trinity) consists; THE FATHER, THE SON and THE HOLY GHOST. It is therefore wrong to speak about a child in any elaborate manner without first mentioning or recognizing the existence of his father, because a child is the product of his father, but the father can never be the product of his child. This therefore forms the basic reason why I need to commence this Holy Book with the revelations, discussion and knowledge about THE ALMIGHTY GOD and CREATOR of the Universe and its fullness; for He created all things and made man (humanity) what he was yesterday, what he is today and what he shall be tomorrow and forever.

    In this Holy Book therefore, CHRIST is defined in multiple ways according to the leadership of THE HOLY SPIRIT. However, whichever definition used boils down to one meaning, He is THE WORD that was with THE ALMIGHTY GOD before the foundation of this world was laid.

    This Holy Book explains how CHRIST manifested on Earth in Three different times. His Three times existence herein referred to as Physical Manifestations are deeply explained in pure and divine comprehensive details.

    In Chapter 1, THE ALMIGHTY GOD is deeply discussed here as the No-Beginning Being, which is Uncreated CREATOR, that brought about the existence of the Universe and its fullness. Also how the different climates of the Universe including that of the Earth are all situations created by Him. The chapter further gives detailed facts on the role of different creations, and went ahead to speak on The First Ever Physical Presence (Manifestation) of THE ALMIGHTY GOD on Earth.

    Chapter 2 gives in-depth discussion about THE CHRIST as THE WORD OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD who existed before the foundation of this world was laid. It unveiled the seven cardinal meanings of CHRIST, as well as the scientific definition of Who and What is CHRIST. Explaining further on His established Office, its occupant and His seven cardinal administrative linkages; The 34 Live Evidence of CHRIST’S reputation and other connotations and His arch-opponent, Satan are mentioned. The useful apparatus of CHRIST, and Satan’s vain imaginative and useless mechanisms, as well as The Elected Congregation of CHRIST are herein unveiled. The chapter is packed with several facts about CHRIST, beginning from His surprised appearance in Heaven to some of His major components, down to His descendants on Earth.

    In another in-depth explanation, Chapter 3 begins with the First Ever Introduction of THE CHRIST by THE ALMIGHTY GOD to the entire Host of The Heavens, which gave birth to the eternal expulsion of former Archangel Lucifer and all disgruntled angels from The Heavens. The 44 groups of individuals that should wait for CHRIST on The Day of Judgment, down to the mechanism of The Children of THE ALMIGHTY GOD and the Nine Names with which His Chosen Ones can be identified; The Official Residence of CHRIST is also exposed in this chapter. However, CHRIST is mentioned in this chapter as The Being with Undisputed and Indomitable Power and Authority, as it also gives detailed reasons why The Prophets of old succeeded in their various missions, even as CHRIST is said to be The Holder of The Highest Degree and Honour in the entire Universe. Among other first-time revelations and revealed mysteries, the chapter also mentioned the Seven Incredible Wonders of CHRIST.

    Chapter 4 is packed with comprehensive revelations and discussions on The First Physical Manifestation of CHRIST who became The First Human Creation called ADAM. From His creation, to when He was in The Garden of Eden, and to when His rib was used in creating Eve (Our First Mother), down to when they were driven away from The Garden of Eden are explained in detail. The chapter gives seven major reasons why the fall of ADAM was necessary. The facts about His Life and how He managed His family’s affairs are unveiled in this chapter. However, the events that took place before, during and after His death, and most specifically, how He was buried are some of the crucial and enabling revelations in and of this Book.

    Chapter 5 is a further revelations and discussions centred on The Second Physical Manifestation of CHRIST as LORD JESUS who lived among the Jews. It unveils top secrets of His Second Physical Manifestation, as it begins its discussions from the family of Blessed Virgin Mary (His Mother), passing through various prophecies that led to His birth and Life. It also unveiled the great mysteries and events behind His birth, Life, teachings, death, resurrection, and Ascension into Heaven. Events after His Ascension, which hitherto remain hidden until this day is herein unveiled. The various duties of His core disciples (Apostles) after His Ascension into Heaven are not left out of this unveiling. However, one of the most celebrated events of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST among the Christendom is herein corrected, as the chapter unveils hitherto unknown but profitable mystery to the entire humanity, the authentic date Our LORD JESUS CHRIST was born, and not the misunderstood and incorrect yearly 25th December being celebrated by Christendom the world over.

    Chapter 6 is a Living Testimony to The Third and Final Physical Manifestation of CHRIST as it unveils in-depth secrets concerning His present physical appearance on Earth in The Person of HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU of the BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR. Enabling mysteries are unveiled in this chapter, as it also deals with the revelation of His Beloved Son, CROWN PRINCE OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU as THE HOLY GHOST. A complex chapter with wider and in-depth knowledge about The Most Superior Creature and Creation of THE ALMIGHTY GOD is also the contents of this discussion, with a revelation about the various Lineage of CHRIST; beginning from His biological Brothers and Sisters to members of His immediate Family, because CHRIST must come in this last advent with members of His Royal Family after completing His sacrificial and salvaging mission perfectly. It also reveals what humanity should expect from now on as concerning THE CHRIST.

    Lastly, Chapter 7 brings to the entire human family (humanity) other interesting and profitable revelations of extraordinary nature of the highest order, by revealing The First Ever Combined Physical Manifestation of The Trinity GOD, namely; THE FATHER, THE SON and THE HOLY GHOST on Earth. The chapter also revealed great mysteries and warned humanity in general against all forms of sin and evil actions as The Judgement Day is closer to man than the tongue to the teeth. It also indicates what humanity should expect from The Trinity GOD. The revelation and exposure of The Final Body of HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU after His Son, CROWN PRINCE OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU is mandated with the responsibility of administering The Eternal Kingdom of Righteousness, codenamed, BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR, and take full charge of its affairs are among the unveiling mysteries.

    Beginning from chapter 1 to 7, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, His CHRIST and HOLY GHOST are unveiled and explained according to the Order of The Spirit, for the understanding and blessings of the entire humanity. This is because CHRIST cannot exist without His FATHER. Equally THE HOLY GHOST cannot exist without CHRIST and His FATHER, for the Three are One Indivisible Entity. In other words, whenever any of The Three is mentioned, the other Two must be included to complete the Cycle of THE GODHEAD called The Holy Trinity or The Trinity GOD.

    The in-depth knowledge and Seventy-Two Combined Secret Meanings of ADAM, LORD JESUS and HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU are unveiled in this Holy Book. In order for man to understand these Truths in complete terms as unveiled and explained in this record, it is better to purge the mind of unwarranted assumption and vain imagination and upgrade these to rightful thinking according to Eternal and Divine Truth that is currently prevailing in and consuming the entire world.

    Though all chapters, sections, topics, sub-topics, sentences and discussions in this Holy Book are very important for man’s consumption and awareness; attention should also be given to those sentences in boxes and bold letters.

    THE ALMIGHTY GOD who is now dwelling with man (entire humanity) on Earth in The Person of LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU is here identified in and with many names such as THE FATHER, FATHER, HOLY FATHER, MOST HIGH GOD, Supernatural Teacher, HOLY SPIRIT and Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe among others

    Also names and tags like THE WORD OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD, THE WORD, ADAM, JESUS THE CHRIST, Our LORD JESUS THE CHRIST, LORD JESUS, KING of kings and LORD of lords, LAMB of THE ALMIGHTY GOD (to mention but a few) are accredited to THE CHRIST OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD who also has finally come in this last era in The Person of HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU. He is The First Begotten Son of LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU and the Heir Apparent to The Throne and Estate of His FATHER.

    THE HOLY GHOST is equally identified with names like Crown Prince, Prince of Heaven and Grand Son; for in this last advent He has also manifested in The Person of CROWN PRINCE OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU. He is The Only Begotten Son (biological male child) of HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU and the Heir Apparent to The Throne and Estate of His FATHER.

    In most cases and according to the directive and leadership of THE HOLY SPIRIT I made reference to the prestigious Office of The Supreme Universal Spirit who automatically is THE WORD OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD called CHRIST who was with THE ALMIGHTY GOD before the foundation of this world was laid in two ways. These are, Office of THE CHRIST and Office of CHRIST. When I mentioned Office of THE CHRIST, it then involves the process of His selection, ordination, anointing and CHRIST-In-Council. While the terms Office of CHRIST or Office of Christhood practically refers to the prestigious Administrative Centre of THE WORD OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD in The Person of THE CHRIST. From the beginning of creation whosoever occupies such office is THE CHRIST, and He alone is destined to attain or inherit such position, because it was for His sake that The Office was created by THE ALMIGHTY GOD Himself. For this reason, any of the two is correct.

    In order to serve the purpose of writing this Holy Book, permission is given by me (the author) for it to be used in every school (both normal and higher institutions), and any place of learning including research, training and instruction centres across the world. It is also permitted for use in every religion, tribe, tongue, traditional place, organisation, nation, government, continent, village, city, town, chiefdom and kingdom of this world.

    It is therefore imperative for any man having this title (Holy Book) in his possession to firstly go through it introductory title; SALT OF THE EARTH with sub-title Unveiling the Universal Components of Christ in Man written by the same author. After which you will understand this Supreme Universal Spirit in an elaborate manner and your eyes will be opened once you conclude the reading of this very title. This title is therefore a Living Testimony to all Elects of THE ALMIGHTY GOD whose name is written in the CHRIST’S Glorious Book of Life.

    The words and contents of this Holy Book are the mysteries and facts obtained directly from THE ALMIGHTY GOD, that is why I call on my witness from 1 Corinthians 2: 7 to speak for me, even as it is written;

    "But we speak the wisdom of God

    in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom,

    which God ordained before the world

    unto our glory:"

    All Biblical quotations and references are from King James’ Version. And as in the case of other issues of my Holy Books, and in this Holy writ, I (the author), Bassey Effiong Orok always refer to myself as us, we, or our: because I believe that I do not exist. Only THE ALMIGHTY GOD and His CHRIST alone exist. However because of the sensitivity of this Holy Book as demanded by it title, I have in most cases referred to myself (the author) as I, in order to tally with the title. But in all cases, I see myself only as an instrument that is used by THE HOLY SPIRIT of THE ALMIGHTY GOD. This is why I give all thanks, glory, praise, honour and recognition only to Him. Naturally, when I refer to myself as us, we, or our, these words stand for my real self and THE HOLY SPIRIT in me. This means, on my own, I can do nothing; nor do I have any say of my own, other than what THE HOLY SPIRIT of THE ALMIGHTY GOD has placed within and before me.

    Until eternity the wisdom contained in this Holy Book will wax strong; and the power of understanding the texts in it shall ever remain the companion of those whose names are written in the CHRIST’S Glorious Book of Life.

    This Holy Book cuts across all boundaries, and it is not limited to any group, religion, nation, colour or individual because CHRIST is for all of humanity irrespective of belief, culture, tribe, tongue, colour or gender.

    By the Special Grace, Mercy, Love, Knowledge, Protection, Leadership, Understanding and Wisdom of THE HOLY SPIRIT of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, I, Bassey Effiong Orok, in the Pure Spirit of Accuracy, Perfect Interpretation and Calculation, deliver to the knowledge and awareness of all of humanity irrespective of tribe, religion, tradition, custom, nation, community, continent, government, kingdom, chiefdom, organisation, colour and gender, some of the most vital revelations, discoveries and facts about The Universal, Immaculate, Sparkling, Undisputed, Indomitable, Unchallengeable, Extraordinary and Supreme Being called CHRIST.

    The Eternal, Spiritual, Universal, and General Qualities, of CHRIST are Deeply and Comprehensively Mentioned, Explained, Analysed and Unveiled in this Holy Book.

    Let all remain in perfect peace and silence, for the time is come when The Eternal Glory of THE CHRIST OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD will dominate the lives of all creations, and He must reign throughout the entire Earth and the Universe at large, forever and ever more. It is so.

    His Grace,



    Author’s Declaration

    Author’s Note


    Chapter 1

    ALMIGHTY GOD and His Universal Establishments

    • ALMIGHTY GOD and His Universal Creations

    • ALMIGHTY GOD and His Universal Orientation

    • Protocol of Universal Platform

    • Natural Dimension of Universal Worlds

    • Display of Universal Position of ALMIGHTY GOD

    • ALMIGHTY GOD and His Identical Mark

    • Eternal Arrangements of the Universe

    • Multiplication of Creations by ALMIGHTY GOD

    • Role of Creations in Various Universal Worlds

    • The Two Wings of ALMIGHTY GOD

    • Made in Heaven Products

    • The Physical Manifestation of ALMIGHTY GOD

    Chapter 2

    Secret Meaning of CHRIST

    • Origin of The Word CHRIST

    • Establishment of The Office of CHRIST

    • Universal Spiritual Components of CHRIST

    • The Composition of CHRIST

    • Natural Power of CHRIST

    • Orderliness of the Components of CHRIST

    • Heavenly Lineage of CHRIST and their Physical Manifestations

    Chapter 3

    Universal Existence of CHRIST

    • First Universal Exposure of THE CHRIST

    • Heavenly Arrangement of Universal Natures in CHRIST

    • Composition of Heavenly Forces

    • Headship of The Heavenly Tradition

    • Eternal Existence of the Power of Light in CHRIST

    • Mystery in CHRIST’S chosen Name

    • Arrangement of the Heavenly Family on Earth

    • Positioning of THE CHRIST for Challenges to Earth

    • Composition of the Living Man

    Chapter 4

    First Physical Manifestation of CHRIST

    • Transporting Process of CHRIST First Entry into the Earth

    • ADAM was the Name of CHRIST in His First Physical Manifestation

    • Parenting of CHRIST in His First Physical Manifestation as ADAM

    • The Secret behind the Fall of ADAM

    • Host Community of CHRIST in His First Physical Manifestation

    • Production of the First Earthly Body of CHRIST

    • ALMIGHTY GOD gave ADAM a Spouse called EVE

    • CHRIST as the First Earthly Person from Heaven

    • The Hidden Identity of CHRIST in His First Physical Manifestation

    • Mission of CHRIST in His First Physical Manifestation

    • First Physical Manifestation of the Right Wing of ALMIGHTY GOD

    • Family Structure of CHRIST in His First Physical Manifestation

    • Preparatory Actions of CHRIST’S Second Physical Manifestation

    • First Departure of CHRIST’S Physical Self from the Earth

    Chapter 5

    Second Physical Manifestation of CHRIST

    • Transporting Process of CHRIST’S Second Entry into the Earth

    • JESUS was the Name of CHRIST in His Second Physical Manifestation

    • Power in the Name of CHRIST in His Second Physical Manifestation

    • Host Community of CHRIST in His Second Physical Manifestation

    • Reincarnation of Eve as Blessed Virgin Mary

    • Authentic Birthday of CHRIST in His Second Physical Manifestation as LORD JESUS

    • Mission of CHRIST in His Second Physical Manifestation

    • Family Structure of CHRIST in His Second Physical Manifestation

    • Preparatory Actions for the Third Physical Manifestation of CHRIST

    • Second Departure of CHRIST’S Physical Self from the Earth

    Chapter 6

    Third and Final Physical Manifestation of CHRIST

    • Transporting Process of CHRIST’S Third and Final Entry into the Earth

    • OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU is the Name of CHRIST in His Third and Final Physical Manifestation

    • Host Community of CHRIST in His Third and Final Physical Manifestation

    • Reincarnation of Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen Mother Ibum OLUMBA OBU

    • Parenting of CHRIST in His Third and Final Physical Manifestation as HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU

    • Mission of CHRIST in His Third and Final Physical Manifestation

    • Third and Final Physical Manifestation of the Right Wing of ALMIGHTY GOD

    • Family Structure of CHRIST in His Third and Final Physical Manifestation

    • Official Handingover of Divine Responsibilities by CHRIST to His HOLY GHOST

    Chapter 7

    Manifestation of the Final Body of CHRIST

    • Meeting of FATHER, SON and HOLY GHOST

    • Ascending The Throne by THE HOLY GHOST

    • HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU shall be Recessed from Public Appearance

    • Final Appearance of the Eternal Body of CHRIST

    • The Throne of Judgment

    • Appearance of All Souls before CHRIST for Judgement

    • Final Judgement of All Creations of ALMIGHTY GOD by THE CHRIST

    • Commencement of Eternal New World of Righteousness

    • Final Commencement of the Eternal Reign of CHRIST and His Elects



    About the Author

    Table of Illustrations

    1. The Picture of THE ALMIGHTY GOD in Human Form in The Person of LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU and the biological FATHER of THE CHRIST in His Third and Final Physical Manifestation on Earth as HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU

    2. THE ALMIGHTY GOD in Human Form, LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU jubilating the Victory of CHRIST over Satan, death and sin.

    3. HOLY MOTHER ELIZABETH OLUMBA OBU the biological Mother of THE CHRIST in His Third and Final Physical Manifestation on Earth as HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU

    4. THE ALMIGHTY GOD in Human Form gives Supreme Authority and Power to His First Begotten Son

    5. THE ALMIGHTY GOD in Human Form crowning His CHRIST

    6. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU kneeling down before His FATHER as He receives His Staff of Office

    7. The Congregation of the BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR led by His biological Sister leading HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU outside after He received the KINGSHIP title from His FATHER

    8. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU as Son of Man watching with rapt attention Events Marking One of the Yearly Celebrations of His Third and Final Physical Manifestation on Earth.

    9. THE ALMIGHTY GOD in Human Form, LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU holding tight His bag which contain The Most Expensive Secret of the Universe which is called THE CHRIST

    10. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU sitting by the side of His Biological and ETERNAL FATHER

    11. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU in Indian regalia in remembrance of His visit to that nation as LORD JESUS

    12. As LEADER of One World Government codenamed Unified Universal Theocratic Government, HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU addresses the entire human race and creations of THE ALMIGHTY GOD

    13. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU washing the feet of one of His Priests

    14. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU on inspection as Chief Custodian of All Properties and Estates of His FATHER, LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU.

    15. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU sitting in His capacity as THE IRON ROD RULER

    16. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU as LEADER of One World Government addressing One of the Heads of the Government of this World, during one of His Holy Visits outside Nigeria

    17. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU being ushered into The Covenant Square.

    18. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU steps His Holy Feet outside the Nigerian territory.

    19. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU kneeling and knocking His forehead on the ground before and after praying to His FATHER.

    20. As OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST incarnate, HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU demonstrates His First, Second and Third falls while with the Cross heading to be Crucified.

    21. As The Returned CHRIST, HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU shows how He was Crucified on the Cross of Calvary.


    23. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU being led out of arena as He waves to the crowd as KING of kings and LORD of lords of the BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROS AND STAR after addressing all creations of THE ALMIGHTY GOD including man and angels.

    24. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU as The Living Bread from Heaven, feeding His sheep

    25. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU as The FATHER of All Generations, advising and blessing the little children that were brought to Him during One of His Holy Visits outside the soil of Nigeria

    26. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU ordaining women to fill a Newly Created BLESSED MOTHER’S PEW in honour of His Mother.

    27. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU receiving a team of The Nigerian Police Officers who paid Him routine visits led by one of its Commissioners

    28. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, THE LAMB OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD opening and reading The Content in The Holy Seal

    29. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU LEADER and CHIEF SHEPHERD of the BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR dancing to The Heavenly Tune in The Midst of His Faithfuls.

    30. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, THE FIRST BEGOTTEN SON of The SOLE FOUNDER AND SUPREME SUSTAINER of the BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR, LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU stepping out to Elect and Ordain Those His FATHER has given Him, with His biological Brother watching from behind.

    31. Universal Mark of Salvation and The Eternal Symbol of FATHER, SON and HOLY GHOST

    32. CROWN PRINCE OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, THE HOLY GHOST INCARNATE, Third Personality of The Trinity GOD, Member of The Cycle of The GODHEAAD and Heir Apparent to The Throne of His FATHER

    33. HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, THE CHRIST OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD, LEADER of BROTHERHOOD of MAN, Son and Second Personality of The Trinity GOD and Member of The Cycle of THE GODHEAD, The Glory of The Elects of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, Judge of All Humans, Angels and Creations, and The HEAD of All Creations of THE ALMIGHTY GOD.

    34. LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, THE ALMIGHTY GOD IN HUMAN FORM, FATHER and First Personality in The Trinity GOD, Member of The Cycle of The GODHEAD, CREATOR and MAKER of The Entire Universe and its fullness, THE ETERNAL FATHER of THE CHRIST.

    Chapter 1

    ALMIGHTY GOD and His

    Universal Establishments

    Let all that are of Life even the dead come to the understanding of the necessity of Truth for the time is come when the glory of He that created all seen and unseen creations shall be made manifest. And men shall no longer be doubtful of reality for the certainty of Life shall uphold the integrity of perfection.

    There exists THE ALMIGHTY SUPREME BEING known as ALMIGHTY GOD. This ALMIGHTY SUPREME BEING created all things seen and unseen. And in line with His plans He created and made them according to His Wisdom, Power and Command to suit His divine purpose.

    There is every need for man (humanity in general) to understand the way that leads to reality, for reality itself is the Truth. Every human being should therefore avail himself or herself the responsibility and opportunity of knowing this ALMIGHTY SUPREME BEING, because failure to know Him amounts to sacrilege. It is therefore compulsory that the entire creations know their CREATOR. Here I am referring to THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR, The Maker and Author of the entire Universe and all that are in it.

    Though until this day, there are some people who do not believe that THE ALMIGHTY GOD exists; while some in their imagination feel His existence is only limited to The Heavens and the other school of thought believes THE ALMIGHTY GOD to be unseen. All these and many other related such thinking about THE ALMIGHTY GOD will only have to do with Him only if such thoughts are linked to what is called Accurate Knowledge. The reason being that man has fallen on the wayside against the Truth thereby putting himself in danger.

    This chapter reveals mysteries about THE ALMIGHTY GOD and His nature as THE CREATOR of The Heavens and Earth, and all that exists in the entire Universe. It also gives the general view of His different potentialities of right and left wings with CHRIST taking position at the right and Satan making his abode at the left. The chapter also explains the Physical Manifestation of THE ALMIGHTY GOD in human form and the establishment of His Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth among others.

    However, the revelations and discussions in this chapter will help man grow mature spiritually and draw closer to his CREATOR, because no object exist, without first the existence of its creator.

    ALMIGHTY GOD and His Universal Creations

    Before the existence of the creations, there existed the Universal Course which is related to the coming to existence of what is known as creations. These include spirits, angels, souls and man among others. Each of these has its own natural dimension that brought about their respective existence.

    Before we move further, I will call on some witnesses from the relevant portions of the Holy Bible and they shall speak on my behalf on those things that might be disturbing the minds of men, for until this day, many still go with the belief that THE ALMIGHTY GOD does not exist. Such thinking is wrong being that it is sacrilegious: as the knowledge about the existence of THE ALMIGHTY GOD is holy and mandatory

    The witnesses are ten in number and these are as follows:

    Genesis 1: 1-2

    1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the


    2"And the earth was without form, and void; and

    darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the

    Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

    Hebrews 3: 4

    "For every house is builded by some man; but he that

    built all things is God."

    Jeremiah 32: 17

    "Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven

    and the earth by thy great power and stretched

    out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:"

    Amos 9: 6

    "It is he that buildeth his stories in the heaven,

    and hath founded his troop in the earth; he that

    calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth

    them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is

    his name."

    Psalm 90: 2

    "Before the mountains were brought forth, or

    ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world,

    even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God."

    Romans 1: 20

    "For the invisible things of him from the creation

    of the world are clearly seen, being understood by

    the things that are made, even his eternal power

    and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:"

    Psalm 139: 13-14

    13For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb.

    14"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and

    wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works;

    and that my soul knoweth right well."

    Psalm 121: 1-2

    1"(A Song of degrees.) I will lift up mine eyes

    unto the hills, from whence cometh my help."

    2"My help cometh from the LORD, which made

    heaven and earth."

    Isaiah 40: 28

    "Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard,

    that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator

    of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is

    weary? there is no searching of his understanding."

    Romans 11: 36

    "For of him, and through him, and to him, are all

    things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen."

    From the respective evidence of the ten witnesses it has been unanimously confirmed that the existence of THE ALMIGHTY GOD is not only real, but universally known by all spirits, including Satan, angels, man, animals, fishes, birds, insects and seen and unseen creations. At this point therefore I am pleased to proceed.

    The No-Beginning Being called THE ALMIGHTY GOD

    Those that continue their thinking and researches on the beginning of THE ALMIGHTY GOD have been misled by such vain imagination. In other words, any man (human being) that want to know how THE ALMIGHTY GOD came into existence has not only made himself a nuisance, but has succeeded putting his thoughts into a deplorable and confused state. Such thinking or research which is absolutely abnormal and irresponsible goes with damnation. It is therefore advised that all must desist from such thoughts.

    Psalm Chapter 53 verse 1 says

    "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

    Corrupt are they, and have done abominable

    iniquity: there is none that doeth good."

    THE ALMIGHTY GOD is a No-Beginning Being, which placed Him above every being or object. Naturally all things that exist have their beginning. All things and creations have their beginnings; whether angels, humans, animals, birds, cripple and non-cripple creatures. But THE ALMIGHTY GOD who created all things seen and unseen has no beginning. Whatever that has no beginning must equally have no end, and is not terminal. This is why THE ALMIGHTY GOD remains The Universal Unknown Entity. He fits into the worthy acronym of; the more you look, the less you see – a Phenomenon that baffles all humans.

    But the No-Beginning status of THE ALMIGHTY GOD is His creative ability of producing all things according to His will. This means that He alone has the power of operating universally in all worlds and planets at the same time. This is marvellous.

    For those who might insist on knowing the beginning of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, they should take the first step by gathering all creations both seen and unseen and determine their beginnings. The second step is, after going through the first step and having the correct answer, gather all forms of destinies and know their beginnings. The third step is to see where their Spirits reside. Furthermore, they should see and note where The Spirit of THE ALMIGHTY GOD dwells. They should in like manner count the sands of the sea shores and the global rain drops. This may serve as the beginning of trying to know THE ALMIGHTY GOD.

    Before the existence of the Heavens, THE ALMIGHTY GOD has been. Before the Water existed He was. Before the creation of Sun and all the Moons that serve the various worlds (planets) of the Universe He was. A No-Beginning Being is also Endless Being. This is what THE ALMIGHTY GOD is all about, because He is eternally fixed.

    Though I will not dwell much on this sub-topic until such a time that I will be commanded to do so, and at that point shall top mysteries of this topic be unveiled.

    However, the existence of THE ALMIGHTY GOD cannot be compared to the existence of any object or creation either in Heaven or on Earth, the reason being that He created all things seen and unseen.

    Almost all the religious books have spoken about the existence of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, but most do not go into the in-depth knowledge concerning this No-Beginning Being.

    Going through the above will bring one’s knowledge to the fact that the No-Beginning Being called THE ALMIGHTY GOD is O which moves through O and finally ends at O. This is what is known as Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent

    Naturally, O means endless, no-beginning and no-ending. If then He has such Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent capacity, who then can ask questions or try to investigate His existence?

    The Origin of the Universe

    Before going into the main topic of this Holy Book, it is imperative to bring certain facts to the knowledge of all of humanity irrespective of religion, tribe, tongue, government, nation, continent, kingdom, chiefdom, colour or gender. This will help to explain the understanding by the time I get into the main reason of writing this Holy Book.

    Another point of discussion is that most people may think if there is THE ALMIGHTY GOD, then there must also be a source from which the Universe came into existence that might be different from Him. This thinking may appear to be abnormal; but the fact remains that man is sometimes given to vain thinking and as such this fact must be considered.

    The Origin of the Universe is the same ALMIGHTY GOD who created it and all that are in it; but the more one decides to investigate these things the more baffled and confused he remains. For this reason, the Universe may not have existed without first the natural appearance or existence of THE ALMIGHTY GOD.

    Since THE ALMIGHTY GOD is the SOLE CREATOR of the Universe, it therefore means that He is the Origin that brought about the existence of the entire process called The Universe. It is then natural and true to say with all amount of certainty that THE ALMIGHTY GOD IS THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE.

    The origin of all things is now made open for the awareness, of humanity, hence the need to acknowledge His potentialities, His wisdom, His understandings and His powers. Nature of its own gives attention to reality. And reality on its own gives attention to those things that are normal in all perspective.

    Now it is known that the entire Universe has its origin from THE ALMIGHTY GOD. Unless this Truth is taken into account, there will be continuous failure.

    It is our pride to be happy that we have a Maker who equally is our Origin, Keeper and Controller of all things seen and unseen. This is the beginning of my journey of writing this Holy Book.

    Creation of Worlds

    Before the creation of the Earth, which was followed by creating man, THE ALMIGHTY GOD had already created other worlds (planets) and their various contents. The creation of man was therefore not an error but the manifestation of the will of THE ALMIGHTY GOD.

    It is natural for man to condemn the act of his fellow man, but it is improper for man to condemn any act by THE ALMIGHTY GOD. Although, man may see such acts of THE ALMIGHTY GOD as unfavourable, basically, in the end, it will be observed all actions of THE ALMIGHTY GOD is right, perfect, upright, excellent, holy, natural and blessed.

    Other worlds exist under their different rules of nature as designed by THE ALMIGHTY GOD, and all these are given their different merit according to the extent such deserve to exist.

    Just like the Earth, the worlds making up the Universe do exist. It is more than what humans can accommodate; but in all existing worlds, there are minor ones, which do exist within the major worlds.

    For instance, the Earth has only one Moon serving it. This Moon is a world of its own. The Ocean which also serves the Earth is another world of its own. There are many minor worlds existing within the jurisdiction of the Earth.

    THE ALMIGHTY GOD in His mercy and wisdom created in some worlds many Moons to serve them to suit the purpose of which those worlds are created. This means there are reasons for each creation of THE ALMIGHTY GOD and such reason is best known to THE CREATOR Himself.

    Equally and surprisingly, there is water in some of these worlds. Even the Earth sits upon the water, an indication that the Earth can be brought to total collapse under a second by THE ALMIGHTY GOD.

    Furthermore, worlds or planets are just like a house. There must first be a foundation; and on completion, there must be keys to be used in locking or unlocking every entrance of such building to regulate or prevent unauthorized entry.

    This is the same case with the Earth and other worlds. Each is placed under lock and key, and The Custodian of whom I am unveiling to the entire world through this Holy Book is what shall baffle man, and on the other hand, bring great blessings to humanity and the Earth in general.

    Creations are from THE CREATOR, and THE CREATOR must have His Multiplying Force which is called CHRIST. As we continue, the revelation of this Being will be made clearer to all of humanity irrespective of religion, tribe, tradition, custom, nation, continent, government, kingdom, chiefdom, colour and gender.

    The Earth and indeed the Universe at large cannot exist without THE CREATOR. Exercising the power of creating is the handwork of THE ALMIGHTY GOD; and any world having its own inhabitants is equally His product.

    Any religious organization or group that fails to recognize the existence and manifestation of THE ALMIGHTY GOD as THE CREATOR of all that exists in the Universe is far from the Truth, because the Truth itself; is THE ALMIGHTY GOD.

    The existence of THE ALMIGHTY GOD in all the worlds or planets at the same time is normal. This is because all that exists in any part of the Universe constitutes the works of THE ALMIGHTY GOD. Those works cannot come to existence without first the manifestation of the Owner, whose nature is above all.

    As the Earth sits upon the water, so are other worlds sitting upon various elements or creations of THE ALMIGHTY GOD. The basic fact remains that water is the liquid attribute of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, which transforms itself to form the physical nature of life, and for the Earth to exist, water need to be present.

    So I will deal separately on the Earth, leaving the other worlds for some other records (books). But before man could understand the position he is placed under the spiritual law, he must accept the undoubted existence of THE ALMIGHTY GOD.

    ALMIGHTY GOD exists in All Creations

    Mistake that some people are fond of making is that although THE ALMIGHTY GOD exists; this is limited. It is not true. It is another attempt by man to deny himself of the blessings of his CREATOR.

    The existence of THE CREATOR is seen and perceived in all His creations. Though man is the apex of all creations of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, his mandate to control all that is created brings him closer to his MAKER. For instance, THE ALMIGHTY GOD is the cause of human existence, and man is the effect of that cause. This is why man must always give THE ALMIGHTY GOD who created him the glory in all things.

    Once you see man you have equally seen THE ALMIGHTY GOD, because He created man in His own image and likeness;

    Genesis 1: 27

    "So God created man in his own image,

    in the image of God created he him; male

    and female created he them."

    In order to perfect the concept of this topic, it is worth knowing that wherever you see a living thing, there THE ALMIGHTY GOD exists; wherever you see a non-living thing but created by THE ALMIGHTY GOD, there He also exist. For example, the water (ocean) sand, air, wind and other things that man believe to be without life shows the existence of THE ALMIGHTY GOD.

    Moving further, the Word that comes out from our mouth is THE ALMIGHTY GOD as well. The fire is Him. The different colours of the rainbow and the rainbow itself is Him. His Messengers all emanate from and are equally Him.

    Once we get to know that THE ALMIGHTY GOD, Our CREATOR exists in all things seen and unseen, the hope of man will improve above the present level.

    Since He does exist in all of His creations, THE ALMIGHTY GOD is therefore a Representative of Himself in us. He is The Ambassador of Himself, and He is also The Messenger to and of Himself. This is why once any man sees the messenger of THE ALMIGHTY GOD such a fellow has equally seen The Sender who automatically is THE CREATOR.

    Therefore the mystery of existence of THE ALMIGHTY GOD in all things remains absolute. This is why man must be extremely careful in dealing with his fellow man; because whatever is done to a human being is directly done to THE ALMIGHTY GOD.

    Natural System by which Creations came to be

    Now that we have all agreed that there is A CREATOR who created all things seen and unseen, there is need to forsake our earlier belief that THE ALMIGHTY GOD has limitations. It shall benefit man if he accepts those things that are true and normal in all ramifications.

    Each creation has their format of appearing on Earth; but whichever is chosen, THE ALMIGHTY GOD plays His part as THE CREATOR. He must create and cause that which He has created to exist either in the spirit form or in the physical form.

    There are certain facts man ought to know concerning creations’ appearance in the physical. Each creation must always appear according to the will of THE ALMIGHTY GOD whose duty is to create and direct.

    The three formats are in different perspectives as follows:

    Create: THE ALMIGHTY GOD must have to create whatever is He wants. Such creation must always meet its purpose of existence. This means the creature must always abide by the command of THE CREATOR. At this point the creature has no will of his own, because once he (creature) diverts from his CREATOR there is bound to be problem which will automatically affect both the body and sometimes the soul of that which THE CREATOR created. Man is the reference point.

    I want to call on my witnesses to testify to this Truth

    Colossians 1: 16 says

    For by him were all things created, that

    are in heaven, and that are in earth,

    visible and invisible, whether they

    be thrones, or dominions, or principalities,

    or powers: all things were created by him,

    and for him:"

    Revelations 4: 11 also states

    "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory

    and honour and power: for thou hast created

    all things, and for thy pleasure they are

    and were created."

    Isaiah 45: 18 also has this to say "For thus

    saith the LORD that created the heavens;

    God himself that formed the earth and made

    it; he hath established it, he created it not in

    vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the

    LORD; and there is none else."

    From the above witnesses, the journey of man acknowledging the existence of THE ALMIGHTY GOD is sacrosanct and cannot be tampered with in anyway.

    It is therefore the duty of the creature to reason and act according to dictates of THE CREATOR. This is why man must always follow the footsteps of his CREATOR to be blessed.

    Direct: The creature must always seek approval from his CREATOR before embarking on any mission or project. This means that the direction of every man’s action must not go against that of his CREATOR. Man must abstain for all evil tendencies and allow the rule of natural self, which is The Spirit of THE ALMIGHTY GOD in man to prevail. The natural self is that which is connected to THE CREATOR. All that is meant to be understood has been said, hence, man must always look towards the direction of his Maker. Once this is done, the activation of The Spirit of THE ALMIGHTY GOD with the man will be very possible.

    Before moving forward, let me bring to your notice why it is important to follow THE ALMIGHTY GOD without course. Let us hear from another witness.

    In 1 Kings 18: 21 it says

    "And Elijah came unto all the people, and

    said, How long halt ye between two

    opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him:

    but if Baal, then follow him. And the people

    answered him not a word."

    It is imperative to ascertain the necessity of life by adapting to the principles of your CREATOR. He has given man direction and unless we move in accordance with His directives man may be heading to his doom. And once our life is in doubt there is every tendency that we have lost our blessings from Him, which translates to destruction.

    If all creatures should understand the way and manner they were created or came into existence, the manner of which the Earth stands could have been profitable to them.

    Other than THE CREATOR Himself, none has the power of commanding any creature without prior permission from Him. On this note man was given authority to do so in order to perfect the arrangement of existence and operations here on Earth, within the provisions of THE GODHEAD.

    After succeeding in directing our course according to the dictates given by THE ALMIGHTY GOD, the next step will be for man to obey His command.

    However, every command of THE ALMIGHTY GOD is mandatory. And every nature that leads to Life must be given priority by all of humanity irrespective of age, gender, colour, nation or religion because THE ALMIGHTY GOD is not a respecter of person as it is written in Acts 10: 34 thus "Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:"

    As THE CREATOR, His command has always been for the benefit of His creations. For example THE ALMIGHTY GOD commanded ADAM (The first man created by Him) in Genesis 2: 16 and 3: 17. (Refer to in-depth facts on this topic on Chapter 4).

    He commanded Prophet Noah, Genesis 6: 22, 7: 5-9 and 7: 16, and He commanded Abraham, Genesis 21: 4. He commanded Prophet Moses, Leviticus 8: 29, "And Moses took the breast, and waved it for a wave

    offering before the LORD: for of the ram of consecration it was Moses’ part; as the LORD commanded Moses."

    Other commands of THE ALMIGHTY GOD to Prophet Moses are recorded in Numbers 31: 49, 3: 51, 31: 41 and Joshua 11: 15.

    So, man has no choice than to acknowledge his CREATOR by obeying His commands. Before, now and after, there is CREATOR and He made the Universe and its fullness to His glory, Revelation 4: 11.

    ALMIGHTY GOD and His Universal Orientation

    From the beginning of creation until this day, the position of THE CREATOR amongst His creations has always been effectively understood. But some have gone astray by not recognizing His attributes and existence through their various utterances and actions.

    However it is understood that whosoever has his creations must provide regulatory standard to govern their operations. This includes plans to give what he has created the necessary attention.

    The natural arrangement of THE ALMIGHTY GOD toward His creations is so unique that every aspect of life is guided according to the principles of nature. Nature on its own is the prerogative of individual existence and as such the duty of creation must always correspond with the direction given to them by THE CREATOR.

    Original Compass of the Earth Climate

    Climates are various situations created by THE ALMIGHTY GOD. It may be good or bad, whichever is the case, the bottom line is that what is known as climate are waves and the situation which proceeded out from THE ALMIGHTY GOD. Therefore, any climate of this world is part of THE ALMIGHTY GOD. Climate is THE ALMIGHTY GOD Himself, and once you fail to adhere to divine instructions as given by Him, the normal situation changes. In most cases this will not be favourable to man, and this calls for the reason why it is important to adhere strictly to every bit of His command.

    After his creation, man was commanded to be fruitful, and replenish the Earth. The meaning of this was that man should obey every statement and commandment from his CREATOR so as to live a comfortable, joyful and peaceful life. The question now is; How fruitful is man who was created in the image and likeness of THE ALMIGHTY GOD, which must always follow the rhythm of perfection and holiness at all times? The image and likeness of THE ALMIGHTY GOD must be congruent with the Light of ALMIGHTY GOD, and must abstain from all forms of unrighteousness, evil tendencies and sinfulness.

    It is sad that man has long decided moving towards the route which is unprofitable. For instance the present change in world climate has put man on his toes, and he summons many international meetings which has in its attendance heads of states and governments. In addition to the various meetings to see the possible way of freeing the Earth from the effect of the new global Climate Change trillions of United States Dollars have been spent, but all to no avail.

    Even the world scientists have failed humanity in their quest to find out the perfect solution of ending the present global climate change or causing it from having devastating effect on man and its environments. The reason for all these failures is that man has forgotten completely about his CREATOR being The Maker of all things.

    There is need for man to know that in everything that takes place on Earth, THE ALMIGHTY GOD has His own direct plan, and unless man keys into this plan, he will find it difficult to attain accurate freedom; which, if far from reality, the dwellers of the Earth will suffer.

    The direction of the Earth is based on the plan of THE CREATOR, who has no other way of assisting man, except for man to accept and live by His word and command. This is why on creation, THE CREATOR found out that all that He created was perfect and He blessed them.

    Moving through the original position of which the Earth is placed within the universal platform, it is simple to know that once man or any creation derail from the Truth, such is bound to experience hardship, and other vicissitudes of life will set in. This is where man should begin his true quest for either eradicating

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