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Connections 2: The Gathering
Connections 2: The Gathering
Connections 2: The Gathering
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Connections 2: The Gathering

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One thing I have noticed throughout my life as a psychic medium and teacher is that these roles, as well as that of healer, often overlap. As a medium, I work to facilitate the transitioning of those who have passed as well as easing the pain and confusion of those left behind. I help to heal both sides while teaching my clients about the processes that are taking place When you look more deeply into the various modalities and methods of the psychics, healers, teachers, you may begin to see many aspects of all three within yourselves.
When I help someone, who is stuck in between this plane and the "beyond," I am not acting as an exorcist but rather as a transitionist. I am not casting them out. I am giving them the assistance they need in order to open the path to finally move on. Our task is not to release all those souls who have become stuck here single handedly. It is to send out the message to everyone on both sides to join together in bringing the healing and release that those souls so desperately need. Try to imagine the intense energy of two millennia of trapped souls simultaneously rejoining with the universe.
Building on the lessons learned in my last book, Connections: A Journey to Understanding, in, Connections 2: The Gathering, I offer guidance to help us all answer questions including:
• What is our greater purpose in this life?
• What are our true abilities?
• Who and where are our tribes?
and moves us forward to prepare us for our greatest event yet, "The Gathering."
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 16, 2020
Connections 2: The Gathering

Frank Chodl

Acclaimed Psychic Medium with over 50 years of experience, a teacher, (MSEd, MSA, and numerous professional certifications and awards), an author, and lecturer, Frank Chodl, aided by his Guides, the Marie, continue to investigate paranormal phenomena, deliver profound readings, bring transition to trapped entities by helping to heal unresolved issues, and offer insights into some of humanity’s oldest questions. Since the release of his last book, Connections: A Journey to Understanding, Frank has been traveling the world, visiting sacred, mystical, and often tragic sites, collecting more amazing experiences to share with his readers and audiences. For more information, visit

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    Connections 2 - Frank Chodl

    Copyright © 2020 Frank Chodl.

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    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Cover photography and art: Nightflight by Frank Chodl

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4797-3 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4798-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020909388

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/27/2020



    In loving connection, this book is dedicated to Helen H. (Bochenek, Chodl) Gee, artist, teacher, inspiration, but first and always, Mom. Her last request in life was to get up out of her hospital bed and dance one more time. Save a polka for me, Mom.

    December 18, 1926 – November 25, 2018




    1. The Gathering

    a. Step Back and Remember

    b. Here We Go Again!

    c. Who Is Being Called?

    d. Finding Our Tribes

    2. Who are Our Guides?

    a. The Voice of the Spirit

    b. Seeing Is Believing (Or Is It?)

    3. Who are the Psychics?

    a. Who Are the Clairs?

    b. Psychokenisis

    c. Reading Auras

    d. Predicting the Future

    4. Who are the Mediums?

    a. Hello, Are You There?

    b. Speaking for the Not Quite Dead Yet

    c. Our Ego vs. Our Self

    d. Opening the Door

    God Grant Me Patience … NOW!

    5. The Ethics of Spirituality

    a. Sharing Our Gifts

    b. Evil Spirits Revisited (I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts!)

    c. Confrontation vs. Compassion

    6. Who are the Healers?

    a. Heal Yourself

    b. How Do We Heal?

    c. On the Spectrum from Apathy to Empathy

    7. Who are the Teachers?

    a. Teacher Motivation: Pass on the Rush!

    8. So, Now What?

    a. The Parable of the Rose

    9. And Now for Some Sciency Stuff

    a. The Speed of Light and Beyond

    b. I Am the Universe

    10. Ultimately, It’s Your Choice, Afterall

    11. And Finally, My Blessing to You

    Appendix A - The Psychics

    Appendix B - The Mediums

    Appendix C - The Healers



    When I was a teenager, I lived on the shore of Cayuga Lake in the Finger Lakes region of New York State. During the winters, it would get cold enough to freeze the nearly 3-mile-wide and 45-mile-long lake almost entirely over. The area lies directly in the path of the eastern Canada geese migration route and there were often as many as 6,000-10,000 geese resting on the ice.


    Geese, like many other migrating animals, find their strength and security in numbers. They collect into familial flocks of anywhere from a few dozen to several hundred. Smaller flock sizes make it easier for them to travel easily in their distinctive V formation. When they come to rest, however, many flocks will often set down in the same area. These huge gatherings offer protection from predators and identify the locations of abundant food and water.

    As a budding photographer, I couldn’t resist the urge to get as close as possible to capture these beautiful animals on film. I found that, if I squatted down as low as possible and waddled out onto the ice, I could move right into the flocks relatively unnoticed.

    Several times, I waddled out with my camera and an old umbrella. I got my settings on the camera and ever so slowly opened the umbrella before standing upright in the middle of the flock. The sudden appearance of a human caused the entire flock to take flight. I learned that it was necessary for me to take several very deep, hyperventilating breaths before I stood up because of the volume of air that the combined flapping of thousands of wings literally sucked off the ice. It felt as if the entire surface of the lake was rising with them. (The umbrella, which I would later throw away, was needed due to the fact that I scared a lot of the birds, and for that I do apologize.)


    The photographs that I was able to capture were amazing swirls of bodies and wings. The feeling of the energy lifting all around me was unlike anything I had experienced anywhere else.

    All my life, I have been delivering messages intended to help souls lift from this plane in order to move on. Many of the locations where I have done readings and clearings had more than one entity in residence. Where there were several present, I would do whatever I could to help them all. This got me thinking about the places that I’ve visited where the number of trapped souls was massive, such as battlefields and disaster sites. When I am at these sites, I can hear the screams and hollering, the sounds of the cannons and rifles, the bugle call. The silent roar is deafening. There just isn’t enough time for me, alone, to tend to the needs of each and every one. Or is there another way?

    Just as the geese all lifted off the ice when their perceived need was the same (escape from the danger of a human), could all of the souls trapped on a battlefield be freed at once? They were all there for the same purpose. They all died at approximately the same time and all from the ravages of the battle. The battle is over, and the outcome was decided long ago.

    In the Christian Bible, the Apostle Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians states,

    But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. 1Theselonians 4:13-18¹

    Two thousand years ago, one man facilitated the release of all the souls who were trapped up to that time. Let’s be clear, I am not the Messiah bringing forth the Second Coming. Remember that, when he was here, Jesus was already on a level so far above the rest of humanity that we were as mere grade school children at the feet of a multiple Doctorate.

    I have, however, come to know my higher purpose as a messenger. More like John the Baptist than Jesus, my job is to prepare the way. (I just have to be careful not to lose my head over it.) I have also come to recognize my interdependence upon all those within Gabriel’s legion of messengers as well as all the other Archangels’ legions. I will be addressing the Archangels in more detail along with other guardians and entities in Chapter 2, Who Are Our Guides?

    I used to get annoyed by self-serving evangelists who would end any discussion that they couldn’t dominate with a patronizing, I’ll pray for you. That implies that there is something missing that needs to be fixed. Today, I simply respond with a loving, Yes, thank you. But, how about if we pray together?, acknowledging that the blessings have already been bestowed.

    The Law of Attraction states, What we perceive, we receive. Statements like, I want…, I need…, and I wish for… acknowledge lack. Instead, let yourself experience what it feels like when you have what you want and hold on to that feeling.

    We will not enter this event wishing for the result. Rather, we will be joining together with the shared vision that the task has already been completed. We will not be releasing the trapped souls. We will be experiencing the release of the souls.

    To be sure, our work will not end with the release. It will just begin. We will be called on to help guide those who fear the change that the release brings about into the light of understanding. And, like the geese, we will find our strength in our numbers.

    It is my hope, dear readers, that this book will help you self-identify as the intuitive spirit that you are. We all innately possess all of the abilities identified herein. The task before us is to realize the ones we use and those we want to develop to a greater level.

    Chapter 1

    The Gathering

    "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

    …A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together…."

    ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1,3:5 ²

    Have you noticed that we, the psychics, mediums, healers, and others who have for so long operated in the shadows (so to speak), are suddenly coming out of the woodwork? Television shows, psychic fairs, online classes, and seminars are embraced by the mainstream, and alternative practices are even being offered integratively at major medical centers. Amazing advances in communication technologies are allowing us to reach so many more people than ever before. We have open forums that enable us to do our work and teach others the blessed gifts we have.

    At the same time, those who expound racism, homophobia, sexism, and xenophobia in any and all of their manifestations are also coming to the surface. This is not a coincidence. The stronger and bolder we get, the harder those who fear any kind of change will entrench to hold fast to their status quo. All of this is necessary. You can’t heal a festering wound by simply covering it up and pretending it doesn’t exist. There is a major convergence coming. Each of the 15 Archangels is gathering their legions together, preparing for the next cleansing of this plane.

    The Gathering is a collective of people (souls) who, by whatever means they have chosen to utilize, have come to the realization that there is a universal truth and access to the sum of all knowledge. Throughout time, there have been countless religions and faith beliefs that have professed to have the answer. What we are coming to realize is that there are no right or wrong religions. There is no true or false. Religions are not the answer. They simply ask the questions. The answer, whatever that may ultimately be, is the same regardless of how we seek it. It’s like the old saying, Everyone is entitled to their own opinion; no one is entitled to their own facts. No matter how we go about seeking the ultimate truth, no matter how many followers ascribe to our belief system, in the end we will all discover the same truth. No rationalizing, no arguing, no wars will ever change the truth.

    What is the truth, then? As I stated in my last book, Connections: A Journey to Understanding, once we transition from this three-dimensional plane, we will, once again, be reawakened to our connection to the Akashic Field of All Knowledge. Tapping into the sum of all knowledge does not, however, mean that we instantly have all the answers. In this life, we now

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