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Yup! That’s Jesus!: Our Redeemer
Yup! That’s Jesus!: Our Redeemer
Yup! That’s Jesus!: Our Redeemer
Ebook149 pages1 hour

Yup! That’s Jesus!: Our Redeemer

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About this ebook

This book is a paraphrased chronological story of JESUS, our Savior, and our Redeemer. Having read several versions of the 4 gospels, (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), each had written their stories about JESUS in their own unique ways. Our story of JESUS uses the intertwined stories from the 4 gospels to give understanding about the life of JESUS from birth to His ascension. May God bless you as you read carefully and tenderly about the life of our JESUS. By writing, reading, and praying, we grew closer to knowing our precious Lord.

Matthew; Jesus as the King and Messiah, written to the Jews.
Mark; Jesus as the servant, written to the Romans.
Luke; Jesus as the Son of Man, written to the Gentiles.
John; Jesus as the Son of God, written to everyone.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 22, 2020
Yup! That’s Jesus!: Our Redeemer

Doug Hovda

Doug and Maureen were high school sweethearts at Robbinsdale High School in Robbinsdale, Minnesota. God called them while they were at Bible camp and fifteen years old. They began teaching children in Sunday School about Jesus and sharing the gospel at the downtown mission and through child evangelism. During college, they were married on August 24, 1957. They spent forty years sharing Jesus, teaching Bible study groups, and spending time at missions around the world. God then called them to Bolivia for three years. They are eighty-three and eighty-four years old and still are encouraging others through Hovda Ministries and Operation Harvest. Loving God, loving each other, and the stories never end. Enjoy their journal they wrote while in Bolivia. A wonderful read! Doug and Maureen live in Avon, Indiana

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    Book preview

    Yup! That’s Jesus! - Doug Hovda

    Copyright © 2020 by Doug & Maureen Hovda.

    ISBN:       Softcover      978-1-9845-8056-6

                     eBook            978-1-9845-8055-9

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 05/21/2020








    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12




    We dedicate this book to our heavenly Father who created us; Our Lord and Savior JESUS Christ who died for us that we can live for Him, and the Holy Spirit who dwells within us to guide us.

    We also dedicate this book to our children

    Karen and Paul, their spouses Michael and Jody,

    And our God-given grandchildren: Megan, Tim, Ben, Catherine, and Donovan. We are truly blessed.

    Thank you once again to our daughter Karen Malone, who has worked tirelessly editing this book.

    Thank you once again to our grandson, Benjamin Hovda, for the painting of the Eye of God, which is shown on the cover of this book.

    Thank you to all of you who have given us permission to share the blogs you have sent us for this book. You will find the blogs in between chapters called SEGUE. May God bless you all.

    Always be who you are, precious in His sight.

    Inside the back cover, you will find a map that shows all the places JESUS walked, healed people and prayed.

    Enjoy the book!


    My God and I

    My God and I go in the field together,

    We walk and talk as good friends should and do,

    We clasp our hands, our voices ring with laughter,

    My God and I walk through the meadows hue.

    He tells me of the years that went before me,

    When heavenly plans were made for me to be,

    When all was but a dream of dim reflection.

    To come to life, earth’s verdant glory see.

    My God and I will go for aye together,

    We’ll walk and talk just as good friends do,

    This earth will pass, and with it common trifles,

    But God and I will go unendingly.

    Austris Whithol, 1889-1974


    Jesus cares for His children. He wants to know each of us more, so that we will learn to understand and know Father God, Christ JESUS, and the Holy Spirit. We did our best to write the life of JESUS in chronological order. Your spiritual life will grow amazingly stronger in JESUS as you read and study the Bible. Let’s get to know Him better. The scripture verses we quote are the New King James Version (NKJV) in addition, we used the NKJV for our paraphrasing of the story of JESUS’ life.

    This book about the life of JESUS can be used for small groups, families, teachers and counsellors, or just you. Take advantage to use it efficiently so that you will become aware of the presence of JESUS right beside you. Your life will grow abundantly, day by day and closer to JESUS, as you trust Him.

    Pray, Stop, Think, Ponder, Pray, Learn.

    Each chapter has a Promise of God at the beginning. Throughout the book, you will find Questions and Challenges. Those are there to help you learn and enjoy the Story of the Life of JESUS. Some poems and song words are intertwined also.

    The heavens are telling

    Of the glory of God,

    And the expanse of heaven

    Is declaring

    the work of His hands.

    Oh, how I love JESUS!

    Oh, how I love JESUS!

    Oh, how I love JESUS!





    "Therefore I say to you,

    whatever things you ask when you pray,

    believe that you receive them,

    and you will have them."

    Mark 11:24

    Before anything ever existed, there was God and JESUS and the Holy Spirit. God has always been alive, and He, Himself is God. He created everything; nothing exists that God didn’t make. Everlasting life is in Him, and His Light shines in the darkness to all people. God sent John the Baptist to the world so people would meet JESUS and understand who JESUS CHRIST is. This is very important because JESUS is the true Light. John himself was not the light. He was here to introduce JESUS to as many people as he could. No one has ever seen God. However, the world was made by Him and the world didn’t even know Him.


    It was time for God to decide. He had talked with His Son for a long time until between them they had a plan. A plan that no one ever knew, until now. Years, decades, millenniums have passed. God told His Son that the time was now. He was going to live on earth like people do and begin as a baby until He would become a Man. God called His angel Gabriel and told him to go to a village in Nazareth and the rest of your information is prepared for you. Gabriel bowed and headed through the sky to meet Mary, who was going to be the mother of JESUS. He fulfilled God’s request.


    Now the birth of JESUS CHRIST was coming. After His mother Mary was engaged to Joseph, she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband, was a just and honest man and thought it best to have her stay at home. While he thought about this, an angel of the Lord showed up in a dream, telling him not to be afraid, just take Mary as your wife.

    The child she’s carrying was conceived by the Holy Spirit. She will have a Son, and His name will be JESUS. Then Joseph woke up and did what the angel commanded him to do.

    Joseph took Mary as his wife, and she remained a virgin until her Son was born. Now a law became known from Caesar Augustus that everyone must register their names to be counted in a census. Everybody went to their home city to be registered. Joseph took Mary with him to register also. She was almost ready to deliver her child. While they were there, Mary delivered, and she presented her firstborn Son to Joseph who then wrapped Him in a blanket and gently put Him in a manger. It was sad that there were no rooms available there in Bethlehem. I hope the weather was warm, especially for the baby.

    O Little Town of Bethlehem

    O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see thee lie.

    Above thy deep and dreamless sleep,

    The silent stars go by.

    Yet in thy dark streets shineth The everlasting Light.

    The hopes and fears of all the years,

    Are met in thee tonight.

    For Christ is born of Mary, And gathered all above.

    While mortals sleep, the angels keep

    Their watch of wondering love.

    O, morning stars together Proclaim the holy birth.

    And praises sing to God the King

    And Peace to men on earth.

    How silently, how silently,

    The wondrous gift is given,

    So God imparts to human hearts,

    The blessings of His heaven.

    No ear may hear His coming, But in this world of sin,

    Where meek souls will receive Him still,

    The dear Christ enters in.

    O holy Child of Bethlehem, Descend to us, we pray,

    Cast out our sin and enter in, Be born in us today.

    We hear the Christmas angels,

    The great glad tidings tell,

    O come to us abide with us,

    Our Lord, Immanuel.

    Phillip Brooks, 1868

    That night some shepherds were guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly the sky lit up all around them and they were afraid. Angels appeared everywhere! An angel of the Lord told them not to be afraid, there is joyful news for everyone! The Savior has been born tonight in Bethlehem. He is Christ the Lord. He is wrapped in a blanket, lying in a manger! Suddenly the angel joined a multitude of angels praising God and singing beautiful music like never before. The shepherds couldn’t stop looking at the angels in the sky and rejoicing with them. Glory to God in the heavens and thank you for peace on earth! When the angels left them and returned into heaven, the shepherds hurried to Bethlehem to see what had happened. They went quickly and found Mary, Joseph, and the Baby. The baby was lying in a manger of hay. They saw how happy Mary and Joseph were and how their faces glowed with joy.

    While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks

    While shepherds watched their flocks by night,

    All seated on the ground,

    The angel of the Lord came down,

    And glory shone around.

    To you, in David’s town, this day

    Is born of David’s line,

    The Savior who is Christ the Lord

    And this shall be the sign.

    All glory be to God on high,

    And to the earth be peace.

    Goodwill henceforth from heaven to men,

    Begin and never cease.

    Nahum Tate, 1700

    They wanted to tell everyone about baby JESUS. And everyone who heard this news marveled at the things that the shepherds told them. Mary thought of all that had happened and kept the memories in her heart. Then the shepherds went back to the fields to gather their flocks praising God as they went. And after eight days were completed for the

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