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Hatred and Racism (Past and Present): Guidance Through These Perilous Times with the Worst President in U.S. History Donald J. Trump #45
Hatred and Racism (Past and Present): Guidance Through These Perilous Times with the Worst President in U.S. History Donald J. Trump #45
Hatred and Racism (Past and Present): Guidance Through These Perilous Times with the Worst President in U.S. History Donald J. Trump #45
Ebook1,153 pages10 hours

Hatred and Racism (Past and Present): Guidance Through These Perilous Times with the Worst President in U.S. History Donald J. Trump #45

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About this ebook

This book was written to provide consolation, in particularly, to the millions in Christ Jesus and others who are profoundly sickened, frustrated, irritated, broken-hearted about the immoral actions and fifthly languages of Donald J. Trump, both before and after becoming president of the United States of America, who has managed to avoid justice due to him through the help of cunning, clever, scheming, devious, and disingenuous attorneys of his own nature.
Release dateMay 21, 2020
Hatred and Racism (Past and Present): Guidance Through These Perilous Times with the Worst President in U.S. History Donald J. Trump #45

Larry F. Murphy

He is an ordained Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and a graduate of Fayetteville University, Fayetteville, North Carolina. He has been the pastor of Zion Temple AMEZ Church since November 1997 and will complete his seventh (7*) year November 2004. He has been serving in the clergy capacity for over 20 years and was a recipient of a miracle healing of speech impairment early in his childhood. He has experienced many adversities and is a steadfast believer and witness to God’s faithfulness in delivering his children out of all their troubles and afflictions. He believes that God has ordained this book for one’s personal growth and development in the knowledge of the word of God and the God of the word. He is excited about sharing the wealth of God’s word with you and some of his personal experiences that helped in producing this book.

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    Hatred and Racism (Past and Present) - Larry F. Murphy


    The Origin of White



    I believe I’ve been provided divine

    Insight into the major problem that

    Plagues the United States of America

    A very serious problem that causes

    Continuous trouble and distress to

    Primarily blacks or African Americans

    And other people of color as well

    It would be a very terrible injustice

    For this very terrible problem

    Plaguing the United States of America

    To remain unidentified and unexplained

    White supremacy is the very serious problem

    Whose evil fruits are hatred and racism

    Targeted specifically at Blacks or African

    Americans and other people of color as well

    White supremacy is the belief that

    White people constitute a superior race

    And should therefore dominate society

    Typically to the exclusion or detriment

    Of other racial and ethnic groups

    In particularly Black and Jewish people

    White supremacy has roots in the now

    Discredited doctrine of scientific racism

    And often relies on pseudoscientific or

    Falsely or mistakenly claimed or regarded

    Arguments as being based on scientific method

    Like most similar movements such as

    Neo-Nazism, white supremacists typically

    Oppose members of other races as well as

    God’s chosen Jewish people

    Science is different than pseudoscience

    In that science involves working with

    A set of proven principles which can

    Help explain the facts about a matter

    Whereas pseudoscience offers no such

    Set of proven principles but draws

    Conclusions based on its self-perceived

    Knowledge and understanding of a matter

    Which is falsely and mistakenly concluded

    White supremacists utilize hand signs

    Primarily those on the West Coast

    May use a two-handed hand sign

    Consisting of one (1) hand showing

    Or flashing two (2) fingers and the other

    Hand showing or flashing three (3)

    Together that hand signs signify

    The number twenty-three (23)

    A numeric symbol for W or White

    Slavery is any system in which principles

    Of property law are applied to people

    Allowing individuals to own, buy and sell

    Other individuals as a de jure form of property

    A slave is unable to withdraw unilaterally

    From such an arrangement and works

    Without remuneration for services rendered

    Many scholars now use the term

    Chattel slavery to refer to this specific

    Sense of legalized, de jure slavery

    In a broader sense however the

    Word slavery may also refer to any

    "Situation in which an individual is de facto

    Forced to work against their own will!"

    Scholars also use the more generic terms

    Such as unfree labour or forced labour

    To refer to such situations

    However, and especially under slavery

    In broader senses of the word, slaves

    May have some rights and protections

    According to laws or customs

    Slavery often refers to the period

    In history when Africans were forcibly

    Brought to America to work without pay

    African slaves were exchanged

    In the Americas for the raw materials

    That were used to make the European

    Goods that were sold in Africa

    Historically, slaves were used

    For hard physical labor such as mining

    The first slaves in the American colonies

    Were brought to Jamestown, Virginia

    In 1619 by Dutch traders

    Slavery in America lasted until 1863

    When President Abraham Lincoln issued

    The Emancipation Proclamation setting

    African American slaves free

    From the year 1619 to 1863 equates to

    Two-hundred and forty-five (245) years

    Africans had been slaves in America

    Approximately two and one-half (2 ½)

    Centuries Africans had been the slaves

    And personal properties of racist whites

    Who discriminated, oppressed, and exploited

    Them at their racist wills and pleasures

    Including abusing and even killing them

    To satisfy their evil passions and desires

    These racist white Southerners

    Were intent on keeping Africans

    As the slaves and personal properties

    Forever and forever without compromise

    Seven (7) states declared their secession

    From the United States of America

    Before Abraham Lincoln took office

    As President of the US on March 4, 1861

    South Carolina (December 20, 1860)

    Mississippi (January 9, 1861)

    Florida (January 10, 1861)

    Alabama (January 11, 1861)

    Georgia (January 19, 1861)

    Louisiana (January 26, 1861)

    Texas (February 1, 1861)

    After the Confederate’s attack

    On Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861

    Which started the American Civil War

    And President Lincoln’s subsequent

    Call for troops on April 15, 1861

    Four (4) more southern states declared

    Their secession from the federal government

    Virginia (April 17, 1861)

    Arkansas (May 6, 1861)

    Tennessee (May 7, 1861)

    North Carolina (May 20, 1861)

    These eleven (11) Southern states

    That seceded from the United States

    Formed the Confederate States of America

    Also called the Confederacy

    And the Confederate States

    And the CSA was an unrecognized

    State set up from 1861 to 1865

    By the above by eleven (11) southern

    Slave states of the US of America

    That had declared their secession

    From the United States government

    The CSA’s de facto control over its

    Claimed territory varied during the course

    Of the American Civil War depending

    On the success of its military in battle

    These eleven (11) Southern slave states

    Committed treason against the United

    States government and started a Civil War

    Because they passionately desired to

    Keep and maintain Africans as slaves

    And their personal properties forever

    Which conflicted with President Lincoln’s

    The Emancipation Proclamation or

    Proclamation 95 which was presidential

    Proclamation and executive order issued

    By United States President Abraham

    Lincoln on September 22, 1862

    And effective as of January 1, 1863

    It changed the legal status under federal

    Law of more than 3.5 million enslaved

    African Americans in Confederate states

    From SLAVE to FREE

    As soon as a slave escaped the control

    Of the Confederate government either

    By running away across Union lines or

    Through the advance of federal troops

    The slave became a freed person

    These eleven (11) slave states’ economy

    Was heavily dependent upon agriculture

    Particularly cotton and a plantation system

    That relied upon the labor of African slaves

    The CSA effectively collapsed

    When General Grant captured Richmond

    And General Lee’s army in April 1865

    And the remaining Confederate forces

    Surrendered by the end of June 1865

    As the US Army took control of the South

    A decade-long process known

    As Reconstruction expelled ex-Confederate

    Leaders from office and enacted civil rights

    Legislation including the Right to Vote

    That included the freedmen (ex-slaves)

    And imposed conditions on the readmission

    Of the Confederate states to Congress

    The American Civil War left the South

    Economically prostrate and none of the states

    Regained prosperity until after 1945

    According to United States history

    The American Civil War officially

    Began on 12 April 1861 with the firing

    Upon of Fort Sumter, South Carolina

    And officially ended 9 April 1865 with

    The Surrender of General Robert E. Lee

    But here’s the mystery of the Civil War

    Which United States history fails

    To acknowledge and present accordingly

    When the Civil War ended 9 April 1865

    It ended with continued phrases

    Of the Civil War to be continued that

    Are still being continued until this day

    The racist white Confederates never

    Gave up their fight for what they went

    To war in the very beginning to accomplish

    Which was primarily to keep and maintain

    Africans or Negros as their slaves and

    Personal properties in one way or another

    Forever as the way it is until this very day

    Equality has not and will never be an

    Accommodation racist white Confederates

    Will ever be willing to provide to the Negro

    Simply because they believe they are way

    Superior to the Negro and that the Negro

    Should never be equated with white people

    Because they are lesser human beings

    This is the ongoing problem that’s

    Plaguing America still today in 2020

    A problem that’s earthly, sensual, demonic

    In nature that’s of deceiving spirits

    And doctrines of demons lying and

    Influencing acts of hatred and racism

    Against Blacks and other people of color

    It must be pointed out however, that

    The first performance or demonstration

    Of hatred and racism wasn’t against

    The Negro by against the Native Americans

    The Indians who first (1st) settled America

    The indigenous people of the America

    Who are the pre-Columbian peoples

    Of North, Central and South America

    And their descendants prior to 1492

    Although some indigenous peoples

    Of the Americas were traditionally hunter

    Gatherers and many, especially in the Amazon

    Basin are still hunter-gathers, many groups

    Practiced aquaculture and agriculture

    The impact of their agricultural endowment

    To the world is a testament to their time and

    Work in reshaping and cultivating the flora

    Indigenous to the Americas

    Although some societies depended heavily

    On agriculture, others practiced a mix of

    Farming, hunting and gathering

    In some regions the indigenous peoples

    Created monumental architecture, large

    Scale organized cities, city-states, chiefdoms

    States, kingdoms and empires

    Among these are the Aztec, Inca and Maya

    States that until the 16th century were among

    The most politically and socially advanced

    Nations in the world

    They had a vast knowledge of engineering

    Architecture, mathematics, astronomy, writing

    Physics, medicine, planting and irrigation

    Geology, mining, sculpture and goldsmithing

    However, their worlds changed dramatically

    When the white men migrated from England

    To the New Land in America for a new life

    But allowed envy and self-ambition to overtake

    Their hearts and their minds became immoral

    Filled with greed and corrupt in every way

    Turning on the very Native Americans

    That helped them to survive in the beginning

    And become settlers with new opportunities

    But now because of envy and greed for land

    These same Native Americans they renamed

    Savages and enemies of the white race

    Killing the men, women, and children

    For the sole purpose of taking or stealing

    The lands and natural resources for themselves

    And this they did in most cruel and brutal ways

    Treating Native Americans as beasts not humans

    This same hatred and racism were carried

    Over to Africans imported to America

    And made slaves and personal properties

    And this hatred and racism have been made

    Part of the American culture since these times

    The nature of racist whites is full of envy

    And self-ambition and where these two (2)

    Evil attributes exist any and every evil

    Thing exist including lying and stealing

    So then it is no mystery as to why these

    Racist white Confederates committed treason

    Against the United States government

    Started the American Civil War and

    Lost it and sought to continue this war

    Through the Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

    Also named the Invisible Empire

    The KKK is a Secret Society founded

    In Pulaski, Tennessee December 24, 1865

    Christmas Eve by six (6) ex-Confederate

    Officers during the Reconstruction Era

    Following the American Civil War

    The goal of the original KKK was

    To oppose the Reconstruction policies

    Of the radical Republican Congress

    And to maintain White Supremacy

    This goal of the KKK clearly defines

    A mission to continue the Civil War

    Through this racist white hate organization

    The Resurgence of the 1920s KKK

    After World War I during the Red Scare

    Reached a peak of 4 to 5 million members

    A further resurgence of the KKK

    Occurred in the 1960s

    Opposing the Civil Rights Movement

    The Ku Klux Klan is responsible for many

    Acts of extreme violence and terror

    Against African Americans including

    Lynchings, murders, arsons, whippings

    Rapes, bombings, and other evils

    The Ku Klux Klan also acted to drive

    The Carpetbaggers and Scalawags out

    Confederate racist white states

    Carpetbaggers was the highly derisive

    Name given to Northerners who went South

    After the fall of the CSA seeking personal

    Financial gain or political advancement

    During the Reconstruction Era

    Following the American Civil War

    From April 12, 1861 to May 10, 1865

    Scalawags were native to the Southern

    States and sought to gain financial and/or

    Political power following the Civil War

    During the Reconstruction Era

    Scalawags had previously resented

    The wealth, social standing and the power


    Many Scalawags had been raised

    In poverty and were not slave owners

    Scalawags gained power as Southern

    Republicans which they shared

    With the Carpetbaggers

    Who all originated in the North.

    White Northerners who fought

    The American Civil War for the

    African slaves cause and migrated

    South to help and support them

    Were profoundly hated and despised

    By Southern racist white Confederates

    And were targeted as their enemies

    Black Codes were a series of statutes

    And laws enacted in 1865 and 1866 by

    The legislatures of the Southern states of

    Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana

    Virginia, Florida, Tennessee, and North

    Carolina following the end of the Civil War

    At the beginning of the Reconstruction Era

    The Black Codes were created to restrict

    The freedom of ex-slaves in the South

    Jim Crow laws were a collection

    Of state and local statutes that legalized


    Named after an insulting song lyric

    Regarding African Americans, the laws

    Which existed for about 100 years

    From the post-Civil War era until 1968

    "Were meant to return Southern states

    To an "antebellum class structure"

    By marginalizing black Americans!!!"

    The Antebellum South also known

    As the antebellum era or plantation era

    Was a period in the history of the Southern

    United States from the late 18th century

    Until the start of the American Civil War

    On April 12, 1861

    This period in the South’s history

    Was marked by the economic growth

    Of the Southern region largely due

    To its heavy reliance on forced slavery

    And its political influence

    On the United States government

    The Southern institution of slavery

    Provided free labor to plantation owners

    And their wealth accumulated abundantly

    During this Antebellum South period

    Racist whites demonstrated white

    Superiority to its greatest extent

    Discriminating, oppressing, and exploiting

    Africans as their slaves and personal properties

    At will and at any way and fashion they wished

    However, this is a period also characterized

    By the rise of abolition and the gradual

    Polarization of the country between

    Abolitionists and supporters of slavery

    This is the period in US history

    Confederate racist whites continue

    Seeking today in the year 2020

    To take African American back to

    Which equates to by definition and

    Action a continuation of the American

    Civil War that started in 1861

    Confederate racist whites profoundly

    Suffered after losing the Civil War

    From a condition or sickness known


    And their posterity or offspring

    Continue suffering today in 2020

    From this same condition or sickness

    Nostalgia is defined as a sentimental

    Longing or wistful affection for the past

    Typically for a period and/or place with

    Happy personal or perceived associations

    Therefore, Confederate racist whites

    Filled with the same envy and self

    Ambition of their racist white ancestors

    Continue the American Civil War

    Through their Confederate racist white

    Politicians creating and implementing

    Policies favoring racist whites’ desires

    Therefore, it’s no secret or mystery

    Of what’s causing the continued hatred

    And racism in America today in 2020

    Confederate racist white politicians

    In positions of power and authority

    In the United States governments

    Which the radical Republicans

    President Abraham Lincoln’s day

    Perceived happening and sought

    Excluding ex-Confederate officers

    From positions of power and authority

    In the United States government altogether

    But Lincoln pardoned them and gave

    Opportunity to redeem themselves

    And be loyal to the US government

    And its goal to establish equality

    And as we all can now clearly see

    It didn’t work then and isn’t working

    Now in the year of our LORD 2020

    The Compromise of 1877

    Defines Confederate racist whites’ goal

    And shows continuation of the Civil War

    The Compromise of 1877 was an unwritten

    Deal informally arranged among United

    States Congressmen that settled the intensely

    Disputed 1876 presidential election

    It resulted in the United States federal

    Government pulling the last troops out

    Of the South in Southern states it controlled

    And formerly ending Reconstruction

    In the Southern Slaves states that had

    Previously seceded from the United

    States government and started war

    Through the Compromise Republican

    Rutherford B. Hayes was awarded

    The White House over Confederate

    Racist white Democrat Samuel J. Tilden

    On the understanding that Hayes would

    Remove the federal troops whose support

    Was essential for the survival of Republican

    State governments in South Carolina

    Florida and Louisiana

    The compromise involved Confederate

    Racist white Democrats who controlled

    The House of Representatives allowing

    The decision of the Electoral Commission


    The outgoing President Republican

    Ulysses S. Grant removed the soldiers


    As president, Rutherford Hayes removed

    The remaining troops from SOUTH


    As soon as the federal troops left

    Many white Republican Carpetbaggers

    Also left and the "REDEEMER DEMOCRATS"

    Took control of the states once again


    Already dominated other state governments


    What was exactly agreed is somewhat

    Contested as the documentation

    Is insufficient, but one (1) other vitally

    Important thing agreed upon is that

    "The federal government agreed not

    To interfere with Southern governments

    Control and rule over African Americans!!!"

    The element of the 1877 Comprise

    Clearly and cogently showed he intent

    Of Confederate racist whites towards

    Blacks, the Negro, or African Americans

    A Confederate racist white intent

    Still alive and active today in 2020

    A permanent evil that remains active

    And must be controlled and handled

    By the US federal government

    Which is profoundly hated and

    Despised by Confederate racist whites

    Confederate racist whites will utilize

    Any methods whether legal or illegal

    To obtain and maintain political

    Positions of power and authority

    It’s only through these political

    Positions of power and authority

    Are the Confederate racist white

    Hatred and racism policies effected

    These are individual that should

    Never be allowed to serve

    As public servants to the citizens

    Of the United States of America

    Remember and never forget

    Confederate racist white Democrats

    Switched political parties in 1964

    To the Republican Party

    Since then they have been the

    Confederate racist white Republicans

    Not of the original party of Lincoln

    The Republican who freed the slaves

    The American Civil War was by all

    Accounts a tremendously bloody battle

    And is to date the deadliest armed conflict

    In United States of America history

    Even sides victorious in battle often

    Had tremendous casualties al overall

    It’s estimated that 750,000 soldiers

    Lost their lives paying the ultimate

    Price going to war for their causes

    The South went to war for the cause

    Of keeping and maintaining Africans

    As their slaves and personal properties

    The North went to war for the cause

    Of freeing Africans from the bondage

    Of slavery so that they would not be

    Kept as slaves and maintained as

    As personal properties of racist whites

    The South’s cause for war is evil

    The North’s cause for war is righteous

    The South lost the war and the North

    Won the war, which means that God

    Was with the righteous, but His

    Face was against those went to war

    To accomplish wickedness or evil

    The Confederate flag is used

    To represent the heritage of the

    South and where they came from

    To some the Confederate flag

    Represents southern pride and

    A fond memory of the lost cause

    And to some the Confederate flag

    Represents white pride and a "bitter

    Memory" of the loss of slavery

    There is nothing at all about

    The Confederate flag that’s

    That’s godly and righteous

    As such the Confederate flag

    Is an insult and disgrace to

    African Americans freed from

    The bondage of slavery in the

    Southern slave holding states

    The United States military disavows

    Display of the Confederate flag

    And rightfully so is treasonous

    "Confederate flags using the name

    Of God in vain!"

    American by Birth

    Southern by the Grace of God

    Southern by Birth

    Rebel by the Grace of God

    Only God Can Judge Me

    "In God We Trust"

    Heritage Not Hate!!!

    To zero in on the white underclass

    In or near slaveholding areas is understandably

    To dwell on the fraught dynamic between

    Poor whites and enslaved African Americans

    And its role in the national debate

    Leading up to the American Civil War

    On the one hand opponents of slavery

    Argued that the association of labor

    With servitude dulled the work ethic

    Of poor whites in the United States

    On the other defenders of slavery claimed

    That being spared the lowliest toil kept

    Poor Southern whites a step above

    Their Northern counterparts

    There is a public racist white stigma

    In the United States of America that derived

    Out of Southern racist White people that

    Has established a set of negative attitudes

    And beliefs that motivate racist Whites

    To fear, reject, avoid, and discriminate against

    Blacks, Jews, and other people of color


    Trump’s Tweets are Wickedness


    There is a purpose to everything

    Under the sun, including Trump’s tweets

    Which are skillful usage of underhanded tactics

    To achieve his sinful and evil desires and passions

    Trump’s tweets are underhanded, deceitful

    Dishonest and dishonorable to and for the

    American people and their children’s children

    Making him the most devious politician ever

    Trump’s primary goal is to replace the truth

    With the lie as a common and acceptable practice

    In the American culture moving forward

    Which means he has a total disrespect and

    Disregard for the truth from every aspect

    A total disrespect and disregard for the truth

    Is also total disrespect and disregard for God

    The lie is what matters to Trump above all

    And everything thing else in the world

    Because the lie is the foundation of his works

    Which are wicked and abomination to the LORD

    Lying is Trump’s weapon of mass destruction

    Lying is the basis of every action taken by him

    He utilizes the lie as his strength for success

    Without lying Trump is a lifeless human being

    Donald Trump does not fear the LORD

    Who is the source of pure knowledge, wisdom

    And understanding forever and forevermore

    The wisdom of God is first pure, then peaceful

    Gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good

    Fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy

    As described and reflected in James 3:17

    Trump does not have any of these spiritual

    Attributes, but rather, is full of the wisdom

    Of the world, which is earthly, sensual, demonic

    As described and reflected in James 3:15

    Donald Trump has bitter envy and self-seeking

    In his heart, which is the primary reason

    He lies and boasts against the truth continuously

    As described and reflected in James 3:14

    All who are wise and understanding in the LORD

    Show or demonstrate by their good conducts

    Their works are done in the meekness of wisdom

    As described and reflected in James 3:13

    Donald Trump has attempted to hide his hatred

    Racism, bigotry, and all other kinds of his evilness

    But has unsuccessfully done so, as all of his evil

    Attributes have been revealed before the world

    Without his approval, but at the will of the LORD

    Though he has covered his hatred by deceit

    His wickedness will be revealed before all

    As described and reflected in Proverbs 26:26

    His lying tongue hates those he chooses to crush

    With it, and that includes anyone who opposes

    His wickedness or self-righteous righteousness

    Which is based solely on his pathological lies

    There is a very clear and cogent reason

    Behind and motivating Trump’s lying behavior

    A reason he never wanted anyone to know

    And understand about the madness of his lying

    The devil is the father of the lie, and Trump has

    Accepted anything the devil will provide

    For him in the form of money and power

    If he’s willing to boast and lie against the truth

    Trump has gone all in to destroy the truth

    Like no other human instrument has before

    The truth is his enemy as it is the devil’s enemy

    The truth reveals an identity he wishes to hide

    So, let us together go into the madness

    Of Trump’s premeditated, willful, intentional

    Deliberate methodology of pathologically lying

    The records reflect as of Friday, August 3, 2018

    As Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation

    Into Russian interference in the 2016 election

    Heated up, so too did Trump’s Twitter finders

    Trump became very fond of tweeting certain

    Disparaging phrases about Mueller’s investigation

    On the social media platform, repeatedly referring

    To it as a HOAX and a SCAM

    His favorite moniker by far was WITCH HUNT

    Embellished to RIGGED WITCH HUNT, which

    President Trump used a whopping 84 times in 2018

    Alone in reference to the Mueller investigation

    This repeated public condemnation of Mueller’s

    Investigation almost certainly had a psychological

    On how many Americans view Mueller’s investigation

    Multiple studies have shown that when something

    "Is repeated often enough, people start to think of it

    As true, whether it’s actually a lie in reality

    A concept known as illusory truth!!!"

    The more that a statement is repeated

    It starts to feel more familiar as the truth

    Whereas in reality it’s a down right lie

    Which Trump knows and practices very well

    Keith Payne, a psychology and neuroscience

    Professor at the University of North Carolina

    At Chapel Hill and the co-author of a study

    "That found that even when people

    Know a claim is false, untrue, or a lie

    Just a few repetitions of that false claim or lie

    Can make them more likely to think it’s true

    And that feeling of familiarity is easily

    Interpreted as the feeling of truth!!!"

    Trump’s consistent tweeting and the constant

    Media coverage of those false tweets or lies

    Makes his favorite phrases familiar to the American

    Public and that accomplishes that needed familiarly

    Could be key to making his claims seem plausible

    And even believable to the American people

    And this Trump knows and practices very well

    By consistently referring to the Muller investigation

    As a HOAX and a "WITCH HUNT," Trump

    Was at that time skillfully framing the debate

    Of Robert Mueller’s investigation on his terms

    Tom Stafford, a Cognitive Scientist

    At the University of Sheffield in Britain said

    "If you start arguing about whether something

    Is or isn’t a witch hunt, you’ve basically conceded

    That it’s plausible that it’s a witch hunt

    Or that that’s the right term to use!!!"

    So, when Trump says, over and over that

    The investigation is a RIGGED WITCH HUNT

    Some people subconsciously begin to think the idea

    That it is a WITCH HUNT could be plausible, even

    When there’s no evidence to substantiate that claim

    Public opinion polls, at least in part, bear out

    The theory that repetition leads to belief

    A June 2018 poll from Politico and Morning

    Consult showed that 53 percent (53%)

    Of Republicans had a unfavorable impression

    Of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which

    Was up from 26 percent (26%) from July 2017

    A July 2017 Ipsos poll showed that 75 Percent

    75% of Republicans believed that the Mueller

    Investigation was politically motivated against

    President Trump, a member substantiated by a

    A CBS News /YouGov Battleground Tracker poll

    That found that 70 percent (70%) of Republicans

    Believed Robert Mueller’s investigation to be a

    POLITICAL WITCH HUNT, and these opinion

    Polls appear to show that a substantial portion

    Of Americans not only believe President Trump’s

    False claims about the Mueller investigation

    But also, that they’re comfortable adopting the

    Specific language he uses to characterize it


    Embellished to RIGGED WITCH HUNT

    It’s not just the President Trump’s tweets

    That are constantly repeating his truths

    Media outlets like Fox News frequently broadcast

    His claims as trustworthy, something that is also

    Almost certainly contributing to their plausibility

    Among the segments of the population that trust

    The Fox network and others like it

    Eighty-five percent (85%) of poll respondents

    Whose most trusted network was Fox News

    Believed that the Mueller investigation


    According to a Suffolk Virginia poll

    As early as June 2017, more than seven (7)

    Of the respondents for any other network

    In their March 2018 Suffolk Virginia poll

    Found that just thirty-five percent (35%)

    Of viewers who trusted Fox News also trusted

    The Russia investigation to be fair and accurate

    These poll numbers all center around people

    Whose political affiliations make them more

    Likely to side with the president in the place

    Payne says that there are always at least

    Two (2) psychological forces at work

    "The first (1st) is the force of familiarity

    Which is behind the illusory-truth effect

    And the second (2nd) is the force of motivated

    Reasoning, which is when people try to make

    New information fit in with their previously

    Strong felt feelings or held beliefs!!!"

    Payne continued elaborating specifically

    In the case of President Trump making false

    Statements about Counsel Mueller’s investigation

    Noting on this matter with special emphasis

    "The familiarity of repetition is working

    In the same direction for Republicans

    As their motivated reasoning is working

    So you have two (2) things

    Pointing in the same direction!!!"

    Trump has specifically targeted the Republican

    Party and keyed in on their specifically motivated

    Interests, wherein, gaslighting them with an abundance

    Of lies taking them into a deeper and deeper darkness

    Of deceit and unbelief in reality and truth

    With his pathological lies paving the way

    And becoming their guidance and their god

    Guiding them in ways that seem right

    But the ways thereof are the ways of death

    Unto lawlessness and every wrong way

    Trump’s repeated charges of WITCH HUNT


    HUNT" don’t seem to be making a difference among

    Democrats and Independents’ opinions of the

    Investigation, at least in terms of poll numbers

    The recent CBS News/YouGov Battleground

    Tracker poll found that 37% of independents and

    Just 8% of Democrats believed investigations into

    Russian meddling were a witch hunt, hoax, or scam

    Numbers not significantly different from the June

    2017 Suffolk/USA Today poll, which had

    Independents at 35% and Democrats at 11%

    In the same way that Republicans are motivated

    To believe the lies of President Donald J. Trump

    Democrats are motivated to find reasons not to

    Tom Stafford, a cognitive scientist

    At the University of Sheffield in Britain adds

    "Repetition doesn’t work in isolation from other

    Psychological effects like political affiliation

    Ideology, worldview, or recent experience

    Lots of other things affect plausibility about

    Whether something is actually true that are

    More important than repetition

    It’s not like a magic spell!!!"


    Trump’s Combinations for

    Unlocking Evilness


    Trump has the combination to unlocking

    Racism, prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism

    Directed against blacks and other people of color

    In marginalizing their worth and value to humanity

    Trump has the combination to unlocking

    Hatred, resentment, enmity, animosity, bitterness

    Repugnance, antagonism, contempt, aversion, hostility

    Abhorrence, abomination, intense dislike or ill-will

    Directed against blacks and other people of color

    In marginalizing their worth and value to humanity

    Trump has the combination to unlocking

    Xenophobia, intolerance, nationalism, jingoism

    Directed against people of color from other countries

    In particularly, counties of Africa and Central America

    Trump has the combination to unlocking

    Bigotry, bias, discrimination, unfairness, injustice

    Narrow-mindedness, fanaticism, dogmatism, racism

    Anti-Semitism, Jim Crowism, Anti-Muslimism

    Or intolerance towards people who hold different

    Opinions from those believing themselves superior

    Trump has the combination to unlocking

    White supremacy or white superiority tendencies

    Or beliefs white people constitute a superior race

    And should therefore dominate society worldwide

    Typically to the exclusion or detriment

    Of other racial and ethnic groups

    In particularly black and Jewish people

    White supremacy is defined as the belief

    Theory or doctrine that white people

    Are inherently superior to all other people

    Especially black people, and are therefore

    Rightfully the dominate group in society

    The three (3) pillars of white supremacy are

    Slavery/capitalism, genocide/colonialism

    And orientalism/war

    Slavery/capitalism contributes to white

    Supremacy because blackness

    Becomes equated with slave-ability

    Trump has the combination to unlocking

    The worse out of the worst of racist whites

    And squeezing like a lemon to erect any racist

    White tendencies lying dormant to arise

    From their suspended or slowed down behaviors

    Into full activation from a sleeplessness form

    To accomplish his evil and selfish desires

    President Trump’s approach is always the same

    He is like a leopard whose spots never change

    Whatever he does he will do it again and again

    That’s the nature of the beast lying within him

    Trump is a worthless and useless human being

    For the morals, ethics, and values of humanity

    His immorality and wickedness are unprecedented

    An evil man with no sympathy nor empathy

    For anyone; a pathological liar

    And a psychopath by every means

    On Tuesday, September 24, 2019 Trump

    Dismissed House Democrats’ decision

    To launch an impeachment inquiry


    Coming on with the same approach and

    Terminology as he took against

    Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation

    Just like a leopard not changing spots

    President Trump who was in New York

    For his third (3rd) United Nations General

    Assembly, returned to Trump Tower

    In Manhattan for what White House officials

    Described as executive time shortly before

    House Speaker Pelosi announced the decision

    Trump in a rage of anger sent a series of tweets

    On September 24, 2019 minutes later stating

    "Such an important day at the United Nations

    So much work and so much success

    And the Democrats purposely had to ruin

    And demean it with more breaking news

    Witch Hunt garbage

    So bad for our Country!!!"

    The president followed up with a tweet

    Naming the chairs of several of the committees

    That have been investigating him for years

    Then fired off a two-word missive in all CAPS


    Another tweet included a video featuring

    Democratic lawmakers and candidates

    For the 2020 presidency

    Discussing the topic of impeachment

    White House Press Secretary Stephanie

    Grisham in a three (3) paragraph statement

    On Tuesday, September 24, 2019 stated

    "Democrats had destroyed any chances

    Of legislative progress with the move

    Though the prospects for major

    Legislative action were already low!!!

    Without using the word impeachment

    "Grisham described the attacks

    As partisan and pathetic!!!"

    Grisham said the White House would

    Continue to be vigorous lying out the facts

    Democrats, however announced that their

    Impeachment inquiry in part as a response

    To the White House’s decision not

    To lease a whistleblower report on Trump


    The Importance of a



    "A whistleblower is a person who exposes"

    Secretive information or activity that

    Is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct

    Within a private or public organization

    The information of alleged wrongdoing

    Can be classified in many ways

    Violation of company policy/rules, law

    Regulation, or threat to public interest

    National security

    As well as fraud, and corruption

    Those who become whistleblowers

    Can choose to bring information or

    Allegations to surface

    Either internally or externally

    Internally, a whistleblower can bring

    His or her accusations to the attention

    Of other people within the accused

    Organization such as an immediate supervisor

    Externally, a whistleblower can bring

    Allegations to light by contacting a third

    Party outside of an accused organization

    Such as the media, government, law

    Enforcement, or those who are concerned

    Whistleblowers, however, take the risk

    Of facing stiff reprisal and retaliation

    From those who are accused or alleged

    Of wrongdoing

    The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989

    Public Law 101-12 as amended

    "Is a United States federal law that protects

    Federal whistleblowers who work for the

    Government and report agency misconduct"

    Despite the self-righteous speechmaking

    Of House Intelligence Committee Chair

    "Adam Schiff insisting that the anonymity

    Of the whistleblower is statutorily protected"

    Apparently, Schiff may be dead wrong

    During ongoing impeachment inquiry hearings

    Schiff has repeatedly stated that the Ukraine

    Whistleblower has a statutory right to anonymity

    And blocked Republican questions about him

    The problem with that is, many legal

    Experts say that the Committee Chairman

    Is incorrect in that assessment

    Several legal experts have come forward

    To say that no such specific legal

    Requirement to shield the whistleblower’s

    Identity from the public, exists

    The Intelligence Community Whistleblower

    Protection Act establishes rules for

    Whistleblowers to report on waste, fraud

    Abuse, and corruption in a lawful manner

    And it, along with presidential directives

    Provides legal protections against reprisals

    And punishment to a whistleblower

    Anonymity, the condition of being anonymous

    Or remaining unknown is not one of those

    Guarantees under the Whistleblower’s Act

    Cully Stimson, a former Pentagon official

    And the head of the Heritage Foundation’s

    National Security Law Program told the press

    "There is no language in the statute

    As written or amended that gives

    A whistleblower from the intelligence

    Community the statutory right to anonymity

    That’s separate and distinct from whether

    Congress wants to make the decision

    To not provide the name

    That’s at the discretion of the Chairman!!!"


    Trump’s Wicked

    Application of Names


    Intelligence Community IG Michael

    Atkinson, who received the whistleblower’s

    Original complaint in August 2019 has said

    He must keep the whistleblower’s name a secret

    But it does not appear this legal

    Prohibition extends to President Trump

    His allies or anyone else

    Atkinson said his review of the whistleblower’s

    Allegations related to a July 25 call between

    Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky

    "Identified some indicia of bias of an

    Arguable political bias on the part

    Of the complainant in favor

    Of a rival political candidate!!!"

    Inspector General Michael Atkinson wrote

    "Such evidence did not change my

    Determination that the complaint relating

    To the urgent concern appears credible!!!"

    Speaking to the Washington Examiner

    Arthur Rizer, a former Army officer and

    Current Department of Justice prosecutor

    Said he doubts the law guarantees

    Whistleblower anonymity, stating

    "I am pretty sure on its plain reading

    Only the individual who receives

    The complaint has a ‘statutory obligation’

    To keep anonymity and, I think, even then

    There are circumstances where the veil

    Of anonymity can be pierced

    So, as a starting point, the Chairman’s

    Comment is vague and overbroad

    And legally speaking

    That makes him wrong!!!"

    Schiff has constantly shut down Republican

    Efforts to subpoena the whistleblower and

    Cut off GOP witness questioning that could

    Unearth evidence about the whistleblower’s

    Identity, saying he won’t allow efforts to

    Exact political retribution against the

    Whistleblower or out the person

    Remember this and remember this very well

    There is a very clear and cogent reason

    Behind and motivating Trump’s lying behavior

    A reason he never wanted anyone to know

    And understand about the madness of his lying

    The devil is the father of the lie, and Trump

    Has accepted anything the devil will provide

    For him in the form of money and power

    If he’s willing to boast and lie against the truth

    Trump has gone all in to destroy the truth

    Like no other human instrument has before

    The truth is his enemy as it is the devil’s enemy

    The truth reveals an identity he wishes to hide

    So, let us together go into the madness

    Of Trump’s premeditated, willful, intentional

    Deliberate methodology of pathologically lying

    As of Friday, August 3, 2018, the records

    Reflect as Counsel Mueller’s investigation

    Into Russian interference in the 2016 election

    Heated up, so too did Trump’s Twitter finders

    Trump became very fond of tweeting

    Certain disparaging phrases about Mueller’s

    Investigation on the social media platform

    "Repeating as often as possible, referring

    To it as a HOAX and a SCAM!!!

    However, Trump’s favorite moniker by far

    Was WITCH HUNT embellished to "RIGGED

    WITCH HUNT," which Trump used a

    "A whopping 84 times in 2018 alone in

    Reference to the Mueller investigation!!!"

    Trump’s repeated public condemnation

    Of Mueller’s investigation almost certainly

    Had a psychological effect on how Americans

    View Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation

    Multiple studies have shown if something

    "Is repeated often enough, people start to

    Think of it as true, whether it’s actually

    A lie in reality, is the concept

    Known as illusory truth!!!"

    The more that a statement is repeated

    It starts to feel more familiar as the truth

    Whereas in reality it’s a down right lie

    Which Trump knows and practices very well

    Keith Payne, a psychology and neuroscience

    Professor at the University of North Carolina

    At Chapel Hill and the co-author of a study

    "That found that even when people

    Know a claim is false, untrue, or a lie

    Just a few repetitions of that false claim or lie

    Can make them more likely to think it’s true

    And that feeling of familiarity is easily

    Interpreted as the feeling of truth!!!"

    Trump’s consistent tweeting and the constant

    Media coverage of those false tweets or lies

    Makes his favorite phrases more familiar

    To Americans, especially his followers

    Could be key to making his claims seem

    Plausible and even believable to the public

    Which Trump knows and practices very well

    By consistently referring to the Muller

    Investigation as a HOAX and a "WITCH

    HUNT," Trump skillfully framed the debate

    Of Robert Mueller’s investigation on his terms

    Tom Stafford, a Cognitive Scientist

    At the University of Sheffield in Britain

    Followed-up stating on Trump’s strategy

    "If you start arguing about whether

    Something is or isn’t a WITCH HUNT

    You’ve basically conceded that it’s

    Plausible that it’s a WITCH HUNT

    Or that that’s the right term to use!!!"

    So, when Trump says, over and over

    That the Mueller investigation is a "RIGGED

    WITCH HUNT," some people, in particularly

    Trump’s followers subconsciously begin to think

    The idea that it is a WITCH HUNT

    Could be plausible, even when there’s no

    Evidence to substantiate that claim

    Payne says that there are always at least

    Two (2) psychological forces at work

    "The first (1st) is the force of familiarity

    Which is behind the illusory-truth effect

    And the second (2nd) is the force of motivated

    Reasoning, which is when people try to make

    New information fit in with their previously

    Strong felt feelings or held beliefs!!!"

    Payne continued elaborating specifically

    In the case of President Trump making false

    Statements about Counsel Mueller’s investigation

    Noting on this matter with special emphasis

    "The familiarity of repetition is working

    In the same direction for Republicans

    As their motivated reasoning is working

    So you have two (2) things

    Pointing in the same direction!!!"

    Trump has specifically targeted the GOP

    Or Republican party and keyed in on their

    Specifically motivated interests and

    Gas-lighting them with an abundance of lies

    Taking them into a deeper and deeper darkness

    Of deceit and unbelief in reality and the truth

    With his pathological lies paving the way

    And becoming their guidance and their god

    Guiding them in ways that seem right

    But the ways thereof are the ways of death

    Unto lawlessness and every wrong way

    Trump has successfully trapped Congressional

    Republicans into his web of deception and lies

    By keying in on their own hatred and racism

    For blacks and other people of color

    Bringing two (2) psychological forces

    To work his own hatred and racism

    With their own hatred and racism

    Coming together as one force in union

    To accomplish the illusory-truth effect

    And the force of motivated reasoning

    Encouraging people to try and make new

    Information (lies) fit ideally into their

    Previous longtime felt feelings or held beliefs

    With the familiarity of repetition working

    In the same direction for Republicans

    As their motivated reasoning is working

    Two (2) things pointing in the same direction

    Now we all have it and know how and why

    Trump does what he does to accomplish

    His own selfish desires and passions

    For his own personal gain and benefits


    The Hybrid Warning of

    Ambassador Taylor


    On February 17, 2020, Former U.S.

    Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor

    Told CBS News’ 60 Minutes program

    That no officials at the State Department

    Ever seriously considered conspiracy theories

    Alleging that Ukraine interfered in the 2016

    Elections to undermine President Trump

    Taylor, who appeared as a witness during

    The House impeachment investigation into

    President Trump, told CBS News’ 60 Minutes

    Program he saw no merit in the conspiracy

    Theory, which has been propagated by

    President the president and his allies

    In the interview, broadcast on Sunday

    February 16, 2020, Taylor told correspondent

    Scott Pelley he was frustrated by Trump’s

    Parallel Ukraine policy, in which top advisers

    Worked to bolster Trump’s political fortunes

    .The president’s attorney Rudy Giuliani

    Was at the forefront of this effort

    As he tried to dig up dirt on former

    Vice President Joe Biden and find

    Evidence that the 2016 hack of the

    Democratic National Committee was

    Directed from Ukraine and blamed on Russia

    The theory alleges that the DNC

    Then gave a key server that might contain

    Evidence to Ukrainian company CrowdStrike

    The theory has been debunked

    But this has not stopped President

    Trump’s peddling the allegations

    Taylor told CBS News that no one

    At the State Department was told

    To investigate whether there was a DNC

    Server in Ukraine because no one

    Took it seriously

    Asked if this was something that anyone

    At the embassy in Kiev was concerned about

    Taylor replied, No!

    Newsweek has contacted the State

    Department to request comment on

    Bill Taylor’s remarks

    Taylor headed up the U.S. embassy

    In Ukraine while Trump froze hundreds

    Of millions of military aid earmarked to

    The country of Ukraine

    President Trump was allegedly trying

    To extort the new Ukrainian government

    Led by President Volodymyr Zelenskiy into

    Announcing an investigation into Biden.

    Trump and his allies accuse Biden

    And his son Hunter of corruption

    Related to Hunter’s position on the board

    Of the Burisma natural gas company during

    President Barack Obama’s tenure

    During his House testimony, Taylor warned

    That Trump’s conduct damaged United States

    And Ukrainian national security, and undermined

    Kiev’s fight against Russian-backed separatist

    Militias in the east of the country

    Taylor told correspondent Scott Pelley

    "Ukraine’s security is important to our

    Security and the reason I believe that is

    That Ukraine is on the front line

    Russia is waging a hybrid war against

    Ukraine, But it’s not just about Ukraine

    They are fighting a hybrid war against

    Europe and against the United States!!!"

    Taylor went on to say on the matter

    That the United States has a stake

    In the fighting, which extends far beyond

    The battlefields of eastern Ukraine

    Former Ambassador Taylor told Pelley

    "Hybrid war is more than tanks and soldiers

    Hybrid war is information war; it’s cyber war

    It is an economic war; it’s attacks on elections

    And as we know they have attacked our elections!!!"


    Trump’s Attack on the Human Soul


    Over and over in the Holy Scriptures

    Humans are referred to as souls, and rightfully so

    Because when God formed man of the dust of the

    Ground breathed into his nostrils the breath of life

    Man became a living soul or living being as

    Specifically described in Genesis 2:7 which states

    And the Lord God formed man

    of the dust of the ground, and breathed

    into his nostrils the breath of life;

    and man became a living being. (Gen. 2:7) NKJV

    Simply stated, the human soul is the part

    Of a person that is not physical

    It is the part of every human being that lasts

    Eternally after the body experiences death

    "The human soul is that part of a person

    That is eternal and the part that lives on

    After the body dies and decays!!!"

    There is some confusion as to whether the human

    Spirit and the human soul are the same thing

    Or different in some way, however the Holy Bible

    Is not entirely clear on this point, but there is

    Evidence of at least some subtle differences

    The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,

    And he who wins souls is wise. (Prov. 11:30) NKJV

    Jesus Christ, our LORD and Savior said we

    As human beings of living souls, were not to fear

    "Men who can only kill the body and not the soul

    But rather fear Him who is able

    To destroy both soul and body in hell!!!"

    "Whatever I tell you in the dark,

    speak in the light; and what you hear

    in the ear, preach on the housetops.

    And do not fear those who kill the body

    but cannot kill the soul.

    But rather fear Him who is able to destroy

    both soul and body in hell. (Matt. 10:27-28) NKJV

    The spirit of man is described more

    In terms of force while the soul

    seems to be a static or fixed entity

    Again, there is very little in the Holy Bible

    To tell us what differences exist between

    The spirit and the soul of man

    However, there is an indication that they

    Are separate entities as described

    And reflected in the following Scriptures

    But My servant Caleb,

    because he has a different

    spirit in him and has followed Me fully,

    I will bring into the land

    where he went, and his descendants

    shall inherit it. (Num. 14:24) NKJV

    Now may the God of peace

    Himself sanctify you completely;

    and may your whole spirit, soul,

    and body be preserved blameless

    at the coming of our Lord

    Jesus Christ. (1 Thess. 5:23) NKJV

    For the word of God is living and

    powerful, and sharper than any

    two-edged sword, piercing even

    to the division of soul and spirit,

    and of joints and marrow,

    and is a discerner of the thoughts

    and intents of the heart. (Heb. 4:12) NKJV

    Jesus Christ, because he was fully Man

    As well as being fully God

    Also had a human soul as other humans!!!

    "Jesus Christ’s soul experienced anguish

    At Gethsemane while he prayed before He

    Went to the Cross at Calvary to be crucified!!!"

    As described and reflected as follows

    Then Jesus came with them to a place called

    Gethsemane, and said to the disciples,

    "Sit here while I go and pray

    over there."

    And He took with Him Peter and

    the two sons of Zebedee,

    and He began to be sorrowful and

    deeply distressed.

    Then He said to them,

    "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful,

    even to death. Stay here and

    watch with Me."

    He went a little farther and fell on

    His face, and prayed, saying,

    "O My Father, if it is possible,

    let this cup pass from Me;

    nevertheless, not as I will,

    but as You will."

    Then He came to the disciples and found

    them sleeping, and said to Peter,

    "What! Could you not watch with Me

    one hour?

    Watch and pray,

    lest you enter into temptation.

    The spirit indeed is willing,

    but the flesh is weak."

    Again, a second time,

    He went away and prayed, saying,

    "O My Father,

    if this cup cannot pass away from Me

    unless I drink it,

    Your will be done."

    And He came and found them asleep again,

    for their eyes were heavy.

    So He left them, went away again,

    and prayed the third time,

    saying the same words.

    Then He came to His disciples

    and said to them,

    "Are you still sleeping and resting?

    Behold, the hour is at hand,

    and the Son of Man is being betrayed

    into the hands of sinners.

    Rise, let us be going.

    See, My betrayer is at hand." (Matt: 26:36-46) NKJV

    The Messianic Psalm also speaks of the soul

    Of the Messiah, our LORD and Savior saying

    That His soul will not be abandoned to Sheol

    Nor His body to corruption, or decay

    As described and reflected as follows

    Therefore my heart is glad,

    and my glory rejoices;

    My flesh also will rest in hope.

    For You will not leave my soul in Sheol,

    Nor will You allow Your Holy One

    to see corruption.

    You will show me

    the path of life;

    In Your presence is fullness of joy;

    At Your right hand

    are pleasures forevermore. (Psa. 16:9-11) NKJV

    Therefore He also says in another Psalm:

    ‘You will not allow Your Holy One

    to see corruption.’

    "For David, after he had served his own

    generation by the will of God, fell asleep,

    was buried with his fathers,

    and saw corruption;

    but He whom God raised up

    saw no corruption. (Acts 13:35-37) NKJV

    The human soul can be strong or weak

    Saved or lost or regenerated or un-regenerated

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