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Telling Her Story: Inspired by His Love, Mercy, and Grace
Telling Her Story: Inspired by His Love, Mercy, and Grace
Telling Her Story: Inspired by His Love, Mercy, and Grace
Ebook84 pages1 hour

Telling Her Story: Inspired by His Love, Mercy, and Grace

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About this ebook

Telling Her Story is about the Author who goes down many paths during her life experiences and it isn't until she takes the Word of God as her navigator, does she come to surrender to His directions to the path He wants her to travel.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 27, 2020
Telling Her Story: Inspired by His Love, Mercy, and Grace


The Author is telling a non-fiction story of the life of someone who is commonly referred to as “Sister.” It is the story that is revealed in attempts to help others who have and possibly continue to struggle with their past and present life. A life that questions who you really are in contrast with your own identity verses that which are portrayed of you by others. Sister is someone who has lived a life which many can identify. A life of being confused at times of the things done by your parents, siblings, relatives, friends, enemies, and people in general; life whereby you are not without sin and thankful for the lessons you learned; life that required decisions to be made and it was done to the best of one’s ability and circumstances. It is a life of a child who grows up believing it is her responsibility to help others and enjoys doing so. She later encounters those who takes her kindness for weakness and rejects her because her life and purpose is not common to family, society or the church. She thereafter struggles with who she is and why she is rejected. During this self-analysis God reveals Himself to her in a way that is nothing less than a miracle. She realizes that this God and His love is the answer to everyone’s primary need. She unselfishly wants to expose herself by having her story told in efforts to help others who are “searching” for a wholesomeness that provide the vital essentials to a rewarding life. As one form of love, appreciation and reverence to God the Father, our Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, Sister is donating all proceeds acquired from the sale of this book to be given to a designated church that is renovating to accommodate additional space needed for the children and adult “Bible Study and Sunday School.”

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    Telling Her Story - Enlightened

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-9148-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-9149-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-9147-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020908828

    WestBow Press rev. date: 5/26/2020



    Chapter ONE

    Chapter TWO

    Chapter THREE

    Chapter FOUR

    Chapter FIVE


    Chapter SIX

    Sister’s New Location

    Chapter SEVEN

    Repented Life

    Chapter EIGHT

    Chapter NINE

    Loving God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit



    Who are You?

    What is your response when asked this question?

    Is your response based on your opinion or the opinion determined by others?

    Have the opinions, standards, acceptance and rejection of others formed you into who you are?

    Have you considered identifying who you are without including the opinions of others?

    Do you love yourself?

    This is a nonfiction story of someone who is sharing her story to help others identify who they are from a different perspective. We live in a world that has so many complex issues. It is difficult to navigate as there are so many people and factors who are involved both directly and indirectly. Many people are misunderstood as others really do not know your story.

    It is believed that the story begins before one’s time of conception and birth. Everyone seems to desire to be loved. Although not knowing exactly what love is, there is yet a desire or yearning for what love provides. The infant desires it from the parent(s) as he or she cries out for the things that are attributes of love. It’s things such as attention, a tender embrace, and other fulfillments of one’s need.

    The children desire love from the parent(s) or guardian during their upbringing. The adults desire it from others as they engage in relationships and/or marriage. The love relationships are not without issues. These issues affect the lives of some individuals more drastically than others.

    Sister is allowing her life and love experiences to be shared by having her story told. She desires to help anyone who is searching for a relationship full of love. It is a love that is beyond anything less than being miraculous. Once you engage in this love relationship, you will never be the same. The success of receiving it is that you always remember, reflect, and apply it in the form of an everlasting love relationship with the only One who can provide it for you. After you receive it, mature through it, you in turn, will extend the agape love to others.

    Telling Her Story is about Sister who goes down many paths during her life experiences and it isn’t until she takes the Word of God as her navigator, does she come to surrender to His directions to the path He wants her to travel.

    A nonfiction testimony of the life of a Christian child, mother, woman, grandmother, and Ordained Minister. Life is a journey and there are many paths. While missing many signs and turning in the wrong directions she finally realized she needed a road map. Not knowing how to navigate it she continued to go down into the valleys and was lost. She finally realized she had to learn how to read the map (Bible) so she prayed and asked God to show her. He gave her the Special map (Bible) that also referenced the path of His Son Jesus Christ. God also provided her with His Holy Spirit to lead her through not only through the path of the world but a path all the more leading to the eternal relationship with Him.




    About three years ago, she, who I will refer to as Sister, was spiritually inspired to write a book. It was during a period of her being overwhelmed by many trials and tribulations. Sister had no understanding of why her life was in turmoil. It was not a period of days, weeks, or months; they were years of pain and agony in many facets of her life.

    As the thought to write a book came to mind, she initially rejected it because she did not believe God was telling her to expose her life story. On the other hand, she remembered a conversation that she had with her mother when she told her, I want to write a book about my life, and I want to include something you know I had to keep secret during most of my life.

    Her mother, knowing exactly what she was implying, asked Sister to wait until after her death because she did not want anyone to judge her. Her mother said, I know that I will have to answer to God for this after I die. Although painful to hear, Sister did respect her wishes and approval. So, she did not begin to write until after her mother’s passing.


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