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The Metropolatain Murder Mysteries
The Metropolatain Murder Mysteries
The Metropolatain Murder Mysteries
Ebook201 pages2 hours

The Metropolatain Murder Mysteries

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The story you are about to read is not true. The names are strictly ficticious for an exciting Mystery. It’s another mystery of who did the terrible deed. This is an impossible puzzle for Candace McScheafer and the police to solve. However with the help of her boyfriend Allan Marshall and the police, Candie comes up with four possible suspects.
The problem was, what it was that killed Michael Hawkins, the local bank president. The Police struggle to find the murder weapon, but in a search for a ring that Allan gave Candie for their Engage- ment, Candie finds the murder weapon. Candie and Allan race to the Police Station to tell them they have found the Murder Weapon.
To find out who killed Michael Hawkins, you’ll have to read this story. Will Candace Dawn McScheafer and Allan Marshall solve the metropolatain murder mysteries before the police? Will the police and Allan or Candace find out who the murderer is.
Release dateMay 27, 2020
The Metropolatain Murder Mysteries

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    The Metropolatain Murder Mysteries - Lawrence Dillow



    Friday, 8-October-1977, Candace McScheafer was on her way to her boyfriends’ house. She does not realize she was about to be involved in a murder mystery. However, I did not know myself, but I had a feeling I would somehow.

    Candace arrived at my house about 19:30. I was sitting on the couch with my feet propped up.

    Candie said in a nasty way, Allan Marshall, ya git ’cher feet off my couch.

    I replied, Oh be quiet. I’ll put my feet up if I wanna.

    Candie answered, I bought it. Now git ’cher feet off my couch.

    A few minutes later, I looked at Candie’s left hand.

    I noticed her Engagement Ring was gone.

    I said to her in a suspicious way, Where is your Engagement Ring?

    I must’ve lost it on the way to the car from the bank. answers Candie looking at her hand.

    We’ll hope someone found it and turned it into the bank. I said getting up for Supper.

    While we were eating, we heard this very important announcement. We heard that Mike Hawkins the local bank president had been murdered.

    Candace replied, Well, here’s another mystery for us.

    I answered, We’re not int’ solvin’ mysteries anymore, Candace Dawn.

    Candace said, I fergot.

    So we went on eating.

    A while later, Candie and I were sitting on the couch watching the news. Candie heard the same story she had heard on the earlier news.

    She came over to me and gave me a kiss, then said, We’ve gotta help solve this mystery, Dollbaby.

    I replied, It’ll be a hard one t’ solve, Dear one.

    Candace then said, Let’s git started t’morrow.

    I answered, That sounds good enough t’ me.

    So then we sat on the couch for a few minutes before going to bed.

    Late that same night, we started talking about what clues we were going to find.

    Candie said, I’ve gotta find my Engagement Ring, t’morrow.

    I said in a half asleep voice, That’s right. We’ve gotta find that ring. It costed me all o’ my $300.00 in a months pay. Candie looked at me with a look of anger and amazement. I, then got up and got out of bed and went into the Kitchen.

    I heard Candace say in a half asleep voice, Bring me a glass o’ milk, please.

    I answered, It will cost ya $5.00.

    Candace replied, Speak t’ my Attorney or in other words, speak t’ my Lawyer.

    I answered with, Can ya afford an Attorney?

    Candie answered, No, I cain’t. But by law n’ my Constitutional Rights, one will be provided for me. So there.

    Then we went back to bed and fell asleep.

    Early the next morning, I was up about 0500.

    Candace came in about 0600 with her head hanging low like she was still asleep.

    I said pouring the Orange Juice in her glass, Good Mornin’, my Sweetheart.

    She walked into the washer. It woke her up quick.

    Candace said as I was laughing, OUCH! That’s not funny.

    I said putting Breakfast on the table, Ya want me t’ make it better.

    Then we sat down and ate our Breakfast.

    After Breakfast, Candace and I went back to the bank. We arrived at the bank about 0730 and there still looking for clues were Lt. Richard Lowe and Sgt. Frank Ramcharger. Both are Homicide Detectives.

    Lt. Lowe asked Candace, Did ya notice anyone strange, when ya were in the bank?

    Candace answered, No sir. I did, however notice a friend o’ mine tryin’ t’ git a loan.

    Then Sgt. Ramcharger asked, D’ya know where we might find this person, Miss McScheafer?

    I popped off with, "His name is Tom Newsome. He’s a small car dealership owner. But I very seriously doubt if he’ll be co-operative.

    He’s kina nervous about talkin’ t’ the police."

    Candace answered with, I’m sure he would talk t’ ya officers.

    Lt. Lowe then asked, Is Mr. Newsome b’lieved t’ be at home at this hour?

    I answered, No. He usually has a little bite t’ eat with another friend o’ ours, Donald Carr. I don’t think ya can find Don, cause he’s a E.M.T. / Paramedic. I also b’lieve he was on duty that night.

    Then Lt. Lowe said, Thank ya folks. Ya’ve been very helpful.

    A few hours later, Lt. Lowe and Sgt. Ramcharger ran into Don and Tom. Candie and I followed at a distance behind to find clues.

    We heard Lt. Lowe ask Don, Were ya on duty 8 October as a Paramedic?

    Don answered, Yes I was. I was sitting at the station. I’d say ’bout 2030. We, that is the other nine guys n’ myself were just playing cards, when the call came in. We hopped in the Ambulance n’ Rescue Squad n’ we were dispatched t’ the bank.

    Sgt. Ramcharger interupted to ask, How long were ya at the scene?

    Don answered, We were there about two n’ a half hours. We had t’ wait for a doctor, cause Mr. Mike Hawkins was in too serious a condition for us t’ move without a doctor’s permission.

    Lt. Lowe asked, D’ya have this doctors’ name n’ hospital where he works?

    Don answered, "Yes I do. His name is Dr. John Masters M.D.

    F.A.C.S. n’ he pronounced Mr. Hawkins D.O.S. That means Dead On Scene."

    Later that same night, Candace and I were sitting in our Living Room thinking about how to unravel this mystery.

    Candie said drinking a glass of Fruit Juice, I do b’lieve we have another Mysterious Mystery on our hands.

    I replied, Candace Dawn McScheafer, I wish ya would quit r’mindin’ me o’ such a thing.

    Candie said, I b’lieve, Allan THE NUT Marshall is wantin’ t’ back out on me.

    I picked up a pillow off the couch and threw it at Candie. She threw the pillow back at me.

    Then she said, Don’t even think about it.

    I was thinking, I’ll throw a shoe at ’er. That’ll fix the ol’ Witch.

    Candie then yelled, Allan, I’ll kill ya if ya even think what ya are thinkin’.

    I answered, I wonder how she knew how or what I was thinkin’ about. I mean has she got E.S.P.?

    Candie said in a funny way, Ya maybe a Bumblin’ Idiot, but ’cher my Bumblin’ Idiot.

    We closed it off there.

    The next morning, Candace was up at 0430. She got me up at 0530. We were going to the Morgue to see if we could find who or why someone would kill Michael Hawkins the bank president. We went ahead and had our Breakfast.

    Candie asked, Do ya think we’ll find any kinda clues at the Morgue?

    I answered in a calm voice, "I do not know, but we’ll ask Dr.

    Masters, cause he has t’ sign the Death Certificate.

    Then we finished our Breakfast.

    Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at the morgue.

    Candace ran into Dr. Masters.

    I asked him, "Are ya positive ya pronounced Mr. Hawkins,

    Dead On the Scene n’ infact he was dead?"

    Dr. Masters answered, Mr. Hawkins was just barely alive when I arrived. However, b’fore the Paramedics were able t’ git the stretcher over t’ ’im, he died.

    I was thinking, He was a very suspicious character.

    Dr. Masters continued, I feel that Mike Hawkins died o’ the wound received on his neck. I have ordered an Autopsy t’ be performed on the body.

    As we finished, Candace asked, D’ya know if someone could’ve slipped ’im a drug by injection?

    Dr. Masters said in a puzzled way, Y’know somethin’ Miss McScheafer, ya could be right.

    A few minutes passed by and Dr. Masters had the results of the autopsy.

    Dr. Masters said with amazement and surprise, It looks as if Mr. Michael Hawkins died o’ a Hemorhaging of the neck. It means, that a sharp object was used t’ puncture the Jugular Vein.

    I looked in absolute amazement. Candie just shrugged her shoulders.

    Sometime later that night, Candie and I were walking along the road in front of the hospital, and Candie noiced her Engagement Ring was missing.

    She asked, Allan, d’ya know what happened t’ my ring? I don’t remember where I took it off.

    I yelled, Candace Dawn! You’re not as r’sponsible as I figured ya t’ be.

    Then she stomped on down the road ahead of me. Afterwards, I apologized to her.

    Minutes went by and the Police went by with lights flashing and sirens blarring.

    I told Candie, I hope the police have some idea who killed Mr. Hawkins.

    Then Candie and I walked to catch up with the police. Then we ran into Lt. Rick and Sgt. Frank.

    We asked, Have ya any suspects in the murder, yet?

    Frank said, We’ve just arrested a man by the name o’ Gary Stevens for suspicion o’ Murder 1.

    Lt. Rick stepped in and said, Frank, I’m gonna look around for some more clues. Take this guy in n’ book ’im.

    Frank replied, Yeah, Rick.

    An hour later, Candie and I went to the Police Station and there we got some more clues and answers. Rick and Frank let us look through the file on this murder. We didn’t find anything we didn’t already know.

    So we said, Thanks for lettin’ us look through the file.

    Frank said, You’re welcome.

    Then after a while, I went to the house where the murder took place. There I found a broken mirror.

    I heard Candie say, That’s seven years BAD LUCK, Jack.

    I yelled, I didn’t dooed it, Gertrude.

    We laughed and then I looked for more clues. I found a suspicious box, but it was locked. We tried to open it, but we couldn’t. So we put it in a place only we would know. Then we returned home.

    After we returned home, we got a call from Richard the Lieutenant of Detectives on the case.

    He asked Candie and I, Are ya two somwhere that I can not meet with ya for ’bout twenny minutes?

    I answered, Sure, but what are ya drivin’ at? Richard answered, I’ve got somthin’ t’ tell ya from a Higher Class Officer, n’ it’s very important.

    Candie said, We’ll be at the station in ’bout thirty minutes.

    About thirty minutes went by, and Candie and I arrived at the Police Station. We saw Frank and Richard sitting at their desks. They motioned us to come where they were and we had a little discussion of the case.

    Frank told Candie and I to back out of the case and let them two handle it. We looked at each other with shocked faces.

    Then I asked, Why d’ya wan’ us t’ back off? Frank replies, The case is gittin’ too dangerous n’ we cain’t afford t’ lose ya two.

    After a few minutes had passed, Donald Carr came in.

    He said, Sgt. Ramcharger. I have the Coroner’s Report on the case.

    Frank snarled, Gimme the report. I wanna see just when the Fatal Shot was fired or whatever happened.

    I looked at Candie Dawn and she started laughing. I, then turned my head the other way. Lt. Lowe was coming out of the Captains Office.

    Frank asked Richard, What’s up?

    Richard said the Captain wants this case closed by next week."

    I looked at Frank like, That ain’t gonna be an open n’ shut case that easy, but we may end up closing it before too long.

    That night, Candie and I were walking home from the station. We noticed that the amblance was at the movie theater. We walked up to see what was going on.

    She said to me, Allan, should we investigate?

    I said, Look, there’s Rick n’ Frank.

    I noticed the E.M.T.’s had Rick on the stretcher. We ran up to investigate. As we approached the ambulance, we saw Rick with a wound to the Abdomen. We weren’t sure where the wound came from.

    A few minutes later, the ambulance was ready to roll away. I asked Frank if Candie and I could ride along. We were told to stay at the scene till Frank came back. So we did as we were told.

    Two hours passed and Frank came back.

    I asked, How’s Rick?

    He replied, Richard Lowe is no longer with us.

    He was murdered in Cold Blood like the Bank President was.

    I looked at Frank with amazement. He looked back at us in a sad face.

    The next day, we looked at the Coroners Report.

    It was a Gun Shot like it was with Mike Hawkins. The problem was not the .38 cal. hand gun, but the person who murdered our friends. We had the suspects, but we couldn’t prove it on a one of them. At first we suspected our Paramedic. He was not the kind who would pull a stunt like that.

    We left the scene, about forty-five minutes later.

    On our way back to the station, a call came over the radio. The dispatcher asked for a Signal Eight with the Captain. So we headed for the station.

    We arrived at the station and the Captain said,

    We’ve arrested a suspect on the two murders. We’ve tried t’ question ’im but he won’t talk without his Lawyer.

    Was he anywhere near the scenes o’ the murders? I asked in a puzzled voice.

    We don’t know for sure, but we’re tryin’ t’ make ’im sign a full confession. Captain Lowe answered.

    Then maybe we’ll have our Murderer or more than one. I said in sure logic.



    Two months have passed and we weren’t any closer to solving this mystery than the Earth is from the Sun. Candie and I were walking down the road, when I noticed her Engagement Ring was missing.

    I said, Sweetheart, where is your Engagement Ring?

    She replied, Allan, I cain’t r’member what or where I had it last.

    Ten minutes later, we passed the Police Station and we went in to see Frank and he

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