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How to Stop People Stealing Your Joy!
How to Stop People Stealing Your Joy!
How to Stop People Stealing Your Joy!
Ebook129 pages1 hour

How to Stop People Stealing Your Joy!

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About this ebook

How to stop people stealing your job, is written as a guide to assist you:

To not be defined by other people’s views and opinions of you.
To be happy, rich and successful without feeling guilty.
To provide you with strategies to re-program your responses to situations and help you to pursue your dreams.
To share your talents with the world and be very blessed in return.
To have less mood fluctuations and be happier in your approach to life.
To know yourself and to be true to yourself.
To create the life that you want to live.
To live in harmony with your yin and yang for optimum health and wellbeing.
Release dateJun 15, 2020

Dr. Clare Allen

Dr. Clare Allen, became a CEO in her 20’s and is an award winning business leader and self-help author. Her passion, research, and qualifications relate to understanding and helping people. She believes that when people are true to themselves, they can achieve great things, and, more important, lead fulfilling lives. She has coached hundreds of people and developed leadership programs based on values and ethics that transform people’s lives.

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    How to Stop People Stealing Your Joy! - Dr. Clare Allen

    HOW TO







    Copyright © 2020 Dr. Clare Allen.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-2161-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-2162-4 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/19/2020



    What is Joy?

    PART 1


    Chapter 1 I am the Creative Director of My Life

    Chapter 2 I Am Ready to Create A New Footprint

    PART 2


    Chapter 3 My Intentions will Result in Great Things

    Chapter 4 I Am Capable

    PART 3


    Chapter 5 How to Create My Dream Job

    Chapter 6 How to Create My Personal Brand

    Chapter 7 How to be a NO DOUBTS Leader

    Chapter 8 How to Create Work-Life Harmony

    Chapter 9 The Nourished Leader

    Chapter 10 Guide to Coaching Yourself

    PART 4


    Workbook 1

    Workbook 2

    PART 5


    I Am a Co-Creator

    The Art of Setting Intentions

    I Will Create My Dream Job

    My Personal Brand

    I Am a Person of Influence

    No Doubts Leadership

    Three Rules for Creating Work-Life Harmony

    I Am Ready

    About the Author


    I dedicate this book to all the people that I have been honored to mentor

    and coach. You have inspired me to tell the world that through the

    power of belief in oneself, anything is possible. I have seen you soar

    high above the storm clouds on the wings of eagles and be successful

    beyond your wildest dreams. And I want others to soar high too.

    "When two clever and insightful minds collide and co-

    create the world becomes a better place".



    Every person deserves to live the life that they want to live, without judgment, jealousy or fear. I have seen so many talented people fall short of their potential and it is usually because of other people’s expectations, or the need to conform to society or the fear of failure and in rare cases a fear of success.

    We all need to protect our joy, otherwise it can be stolen from us in an instant.

    The story of Alice is etched into my mind.

    Alice (not her real name-as I know that she would like this to remain private), lived in state housing with her family, her husband and two children and is the main income earner. One day she thought to herself, Wouldn’t it be great to own our own home and so she asked payroll to take some money out of her pay each week, so that she could surprise her family and buy the house that she lived in from the Government. They had lived there for so long that the price was discounted and affordable, and she felt it was her opportunity to use some of the money she earned to secure her future. Alice saved for years and did not tell anyone about her plans, - I don’t know how she kept it secret for so long. Sadly, when Alice was close to her savings goal she could not keep it to herself, she was so filled with joy at her achievement, that Alice told her husband. He told his family and within a week everyone asked her for money and by the end of the month, she had nothing left. Alice told me that she would never save again, and I could see the sadness in her eyes, and I knew that her ‘joy had been stolen’. Alice had been made to feel guilty about having money and was then shamed by people who were supposed to love her into helping them with their problems. Alice could not say no; she was made to feel guilty and ended up letting her dream slip away.

    Alice’s joy was taken away from her, all because she allowed people to take it from her.

    Perhaps people have taken your joy away too and perhaps you have let a dream slip away.

    I am here to tell you; it is never too late to find your passion again or develop a new one.

    When we start living our life based on other people’s demands and when we take on their guilt vibes, then we end up living a life that makes us feel ‘powerless’, ‘controlled’ and ‘trapped’.

    This is why you need to set an intention-right now, in this very moment to claim your personal power and maintain your joy.

    As human-beings, when we start to accept ‘less’ than we ‘deserve’, we often tell ourselves lies, and they usually go something like this:

    I don’t deserve to own my own home, who do I think I am, They will always judge me if I own my own home and they don’t own one themselves.

    I can almost hear Alice saying this to herself.

    Often the fear of loneliness and the need for belonging and guilt kicks in and then we start to feel anxious and we start to conform to other people’s expectations.

    Examples of people stealing your joy can come in many forms, you may have a passion for a certain career and all you hear is, You won’t make any money doing that, or you may have saved up for an expensive holiday or landed your dream job and someone says, ‘Lucky you", when you know luck has nothing to do with it.

    I have witnessed hundreds of people climbing to the top of a career ladder, only to come crashing down to the ground and not because

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