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A Passage to Sexual Ecstasy and Eroticism
A Passage to Sexual Ecstasy and Eroticism
A Passage to Sexual Ecstasy and Eroticism
Ebook296 pages3 hours

A Passage to Sexual Ecstasy and Eroticism

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Interesting, Stimulating and Erotic from the reputed insatiable sexual appetites of Swingers and the sexual revolution in modern time. The purpose of this book is to essay morals on sexual attitudes and behaviour in the swinging scene taking in the wildest behaviour and practices from the earliest times to the present day. The phenomena of swinging and wife swapping have mystified me and after encounters with several swingers has led me to research sexual attitudes, and partner swapping in the Swinging scene. In my attempts to analyse the psychology of swingers wife swapping and auditory I have come to understand that human behaviour is very complex and that there are degrees of differences in sex, morality and behaviour.

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Release dateJun 29, 2020
A Passage to Sexual Ecstasy and Eroticism

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    A Passage to Sexual Ecstasy and Eroticism - Dr. Persaud

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    Sex Clubs Parties and Partner Swapping

    Divorce Trend

    Open Relationship

    Who Are Swingers

    Social Stability

    Darwin Today

    Spice Up Your Relationship

    Darwinian Theory

    Social Stability

    1     What is Swinging?


    Roles and Gender

    Female Homosexuality

    Male Homosexuals


    Homosexuality in Ancient Time

    Sexual Identiy


    Men and Menopause

    Sex in Mid Life

    Premature Ejaculation

    Chapter X   Vulva Stimulation

    The Art of Love Making

    Taoism and Sex

    Sex to Link Violence

    Sex and Law

    Threshold of Acceptability

    Sexual Moral Values

    Christianity and Western Culture.


    Christianity vs. Sexuality


    The 1960’s and The Sexual Revolution

    What is the Alternative to Marriage?

    20 4 15

    A Passage

    To Sexual Ecstasy and Eroticism

    In the Swinging Scene

    Is open marriage the modern way to give marriage what

    it needs since the expectancy of life is much longer?

    Are sexual rather than soul partners a way

    to keep relationship going?

    Is there an alternative to monogamy?

    Can sex parties or wife-swapping alleviate boredom

    when sexual variety is missing?

    Is being single and having a choice of sexual partners

    better than being in a one-to-one relationship?

    What are the problems and rewards that await

    these couples who choose these parts?

    In this book many possible paths to self-fulfilment,

    and sexual happiness will frankly be discussed.

    What else is love then?

    But two buttocks on a stem




    At puberty, we taste forbidden fruit

    And therefore in Judea - Christian culture

    It is assumed to be banished from Eden.

    We are thenceforth tainted and guilty.

    Substantial areas of our bodies are taboo.

    All physical play must be cautious,

    inhibited and, if it inspire sexual response

    We must not be shamefaced and apologetic.


    Swinging has taken Briton into the depths of ecstasy and a

    good orgasm is the nearest anybody will ever get to Heaven.

    Swinging is recreational sex it has become for many people an alternative means of entertainment; we suspect this is so because the church has lost its influence on people’s lives and the stigma of guilt is no longer present in people’s attitude to sex

    Quote: What is love then but two buttocks on a stem. Show me a suburban house in Hampstead and I’ll show you where the swingers are or where you find net curtains and pebble dash houses.

    Swingers have sex in order to enjoy it, and they do so according to rules.

    It is clean (and mucky). Swingers play as children play, shedding expectations, inhibitions, imposed responsibilities, status and even, in large measure, stereotypical sexual identities – straight, Sub, Dom etc. to frolic in a fantasy world.

    Swinging-parties are social occasions, filled with meetings and greetings and stories shared and compared.

    Aside from the playrooms and the sometimes outrageous costumes, the only thing distinguishing them from other parties, is the ease with which subjects elsewhere considered threatening or difficult are openly discussed.

    Swingers’ conversation might seem startling when written down. Overheard from last night’s parties"

    That cock is terrifying! Silly sod got so excited he came all over this new dress, he was like a dog on heat.

    God! says a 41-year-old, "The number of men and women I’ve seen in my life of whom I’ve thought, ‘Ooh, I’d do them if only it weren’t for their table-manners or the way they spoke or the idea of finding them there in the morning!

    You can play with them because you’re both raunchy and we are both after the same thing, beautiful and warm and affectionate.

    The welcome is warm and invariably polite. The jokes are uninhibited, the music is good.

    And no one is ashamed of their bodies.

    The kindness and fellowship is widespread, the atmosphere is brimming over with excitement of anticipation. When the playing is over, swingers return to their familiar activities, and the lack of jealousy and possessiveness is like a breath of fresh air.’

    ‘Oh, that’s good… No! Help! Christ!’ diving behind the sofa for cover. I could have killed him!"

    We really wanted to play with them but I got my period the very evening we arrived. Oh, yea, we played with them. When was it, darling? Couple of months ago.

    Swingers believe Eden to be their inheritance, and see no reason why sexuality should debar them. They believe that it was the advent of shame, not the gastronomic research, which was the original sin, and aim to take sexuality back into Eden and still to romp and frolic with all the Neo-Pagan pride, freedom and insouciance of children.

    But, when you hear it is so easy, so unaffected, so untainted by exhibitionism or connivance.

    There is no hidden sexual agenda.

    Men and women alike would have sex, in front of their spouses or partners, touch, kiss or express appreciation of others, but they do not disguise sexual intent beneath banter or allusion.

    Swinging couples might enjoy a conversation and become friends yet never consider having sex, or reject one another’s proposals of sex without occasioning resentment.

    It may seem inappropriate, the most familiar phrase, Good, clean fun, when speaking of swinging. It seems, indeed, one of the cleanest experiences of which I know, uncluttered and untainted by the world’s usual prejudices, fears and emotional complications.

    Swingers believe Eden to be their inheritance, and see no reason why sexuality should debar them. They believe that it was the advent of shame, not the gastronomic research, which was the original sin, and aim to take sexuality back into Eden and still to romp and frolic with all the Neo-Pagan pride, freedom and insouciance of children.

    Swingers play with people with whom, in other circumstances, they have nothing in common but humanity, sensuality and acceptance of both in others.

    They play with people of widely diverse backgrounds.

    They do not enquire into their race, wealth or social rank, but are concerned only with physical attractiveness, and the ability to play sympathetically, preferably skilfully, and with good humour.

    Sir Francis Dash wood and his Friars of Medaham consciously rebellious, debauched friends in the Hellfire Club, borrowed as the motto for their Orgies rebellious ‘Fay Ce Que Vouldra’ or ‘’Do what you will.’ Such anarchy is far, far removed from the ethos of modern swinging.

    Where Dashwood’s blasphemous orgies were fuelled (like their religious predecessors) by alcohol, drugs and incantation and most of its female participants were prostitutes, and societies’ ladies, drunkenness is almost unknown at swingers’ parties. Drugs – but for the odd joint out in the garden – are strictly forbidden and working girls attend, if at all, only for a busman’s holiday.

    Swingers may be attracted, have sex with someone and move on, or, after sex, become their close friends, where, in large measure, in other milieu, relationships are ordained simply by the fact of sex, whether it is good, bad or indifferent, and the expectations and obligations, affections or guilty animosities arising from that fact.

    Swingers almost invariably refer to their hobby as ‘playing’. It is a word well-chosen. War is dangerous and has many casualties. We therefore play games in order to indulge the impulses which give rise to, and which spring from, lustful desire which is delicious, but we play them anywhere and everywhere and subject to strict rules of swinging party manners which is also never infringe.

    Afterwards, although the shared experience may create a bond, they return to their other lives and responsibilities. Having gratified their sexual desires and release their tensions, by the time they reached Wednesday they are looking forward to Saturday.





    1t would appear today that quite a number of younger people often attend sex clubs, parties, partner-swapping, and to participate in them they range from young male and female who have just met. Dating, courting, engaged, newlyweds, even to honeymooners and young parents enjoy swapping, and sharing partners. They relish the experience enough to become habitués of these activities. In a matter of sex clubs they enjoyed the close contacts and the subject of orgies, evoked unanimous approval. They also attend many organised kinds, to which male participants have to bring a female partner, and pay a small fee to compensate for the food.

    The unplanned non-commercial ones are arranged among friends usually in connection with getting well-stoned, drunk and fucked, whatever is one’s mood.

    This is what a 27-year-old female frequent participant at orgies had to say: sometimes it was good, mostly it was a total burnout, at these orgies I sometimes had sex with as many guys possible at the same time I prefer one guy at a time, three men at once is very hard to please; it is hard going but enjoyable.

    An interesting account by a 57-year-old male member of the swinging scene, he related there are men who are sexually excited by the knowledge of their wives or partners having sex with another man in their absence and has been visited by more than one woman to fulfil the husband’s sexual needs.

    The husband is turned on by the thought that his wife or partner is having sex in his absence then she relates to her partner in gross details the sex act she indulge in with the other man during their love making.

    Most women who attends swinging parties enjoy sex with more than one man

    and have found the experience highly erotic and to the fulfilment of their fantasies.

    Partner sharing does have its advantages, and disadvantages; in some cases they could find themselves being attracted to their opposite partner. They would secretly move from sharing with their partner to having sex with this person in private.

    This is a familiar pattern in open marriages, and partner sharing arrangement.

    It is rare that the situation gives equal satisfaction to all members of the sexual quadrangle.

    Usually it is the instigator, the person who first proposes four-way sex, or who selects the partners who benefits merely goes along with the idea because it sounds erotic, or wanting to please their partner, feels he or she is being short-changed. Usually the instigator has in mind not just extra sex, but extra attachment, and has chosen a partner to obtain it from.

    But it can happen that it is the accommodator who becomes emotionally attached to a new partner; merely by suggesting the arrangement, the instigator has made the accommodator feel a little less loved than usual, and a hidden urge for a new attachment emerges and develops.

    Many, reasoning that sex is merely a physical activity, believe that it cannot threaten their primary relationship but sex, and emotions-, especially over a period of time, can rarely be kept separate, never mind the degree of liberation or sophistication, so it is common for people to discover that they or their partners have become emotionally entangled with another member of the sexual quadrangle, and subsequently to find that their primary relationship is on the rocks. The emotional complexities of sustained group sex arrangements have been reported by numerous investigators.

    Gilbert Bartell an anthropologist who studied the budding phenomenon back in 1971 reported in his book group sex that although in its idealised conception, group sex was thought to be a system that could flourish without jealousy.

    In actuality, envy and competition frequently marred group arrangements. Morton Hunt who studied group sex among the playboy foundation, men and women, also found that it was often accompanied by considerable

    emotional stress, and wrote that while group sex could be a temporally release from confinement and responsibility, and a brief chance to live out one’s wildest fantasies, its advantages are the practical dangers involved. He concluded that because of these conflicts, problems and dangers can arise; although most couples found their experiences of partner-swapping and sex parties highly erotic, some felt the emotional stresses had outweighed their sexual advantages. Partner sharing or wife-swapping seems more favourable than swinging parties.

    This is what an average housewife from Kent had to say:

    I am an average housewife who is into wife swapping every fortnight; actually it is quite an experience, and I do enjoy it. My husband(John) and I became very close with our best friend it began very innocently, one night we had them over to dinner, we got drinking and talking. one thing lead to another and before you know it, we were swapping and now it has turned into a beautiful thing for the four of us, it is mutual likes and dislikes, emphasis on feelings, sex with a different perspective adds quite a bit to spice up a marriage.


    Sometimes the woman could find herself attracted to the other man or more satisfied by him, therefore problems can arise.

    This is what Joanna found out when she secretly meets the guy in private.

    She said, Joey’s wife and I have become very good friends, and the best friend I have ever had, we share secrets good times and bad, as for Joey however this is the sad part about it the truth is, I have fallen in love with Joey and the unfortunate thing is, he feels the same way about me. It is not just a physical attraction, or personal needs, we love each other but we also love the two other people involved. We don’t want to hurt them, nor do we want to stay like, I just don’t know.

    This woman on a subconscious level could not control her feelings; they had four-way sex, enjoyed it and emotions got in the way. That’s the disadvantage of swapping partners, but she was not the one who initiated the four-way sex situation. For the other two it seems a success, emotions should not get in the way, of partner swapping, it’s sharing your partner, not stealing your partner.

    A married couple from Essex I interviewed said to me, I have been in the swinging scene for years, and we are both happy I can’t see myself ever coming out of it, and the parties are brilliant, everyone is friendly, and you have a wonderful time, there is the sex collation movement that is wild, and the sex maniacs’ ball, where there is a theme. Everyone dresses up, it attracts people from all over the world in there thousands, it is absolutely fabulous, I just cannot get into a straight party anymore, they are so boring. People are either criticising someone, or talking about someone, how boring."

    What’s better than sex?

    More and more sex some people would have it once a month and think it’s enough.

    Some would have it every day and thinks it’s not enough some would have it once a week and twice on Saturday.

    Others may have it three times a day with various partners and still it’s not enough.

    How much can one have sex when is it enough?

    Enough is enough it is a matter of one’s sexual appetite.

    Since the sexual revolution of the 1960’s the modern woman tends to have a variety of sexual experiences, with (various partners) and multiple sex at the same time and enjoy every minute of it. Having one partner throughout one’s lifetime is a myth.

    This was a custom practised by our grand-parents and great-grandparents.

    This practise has disappeared into the mist of memory of sexual revolution.

    This clearly would appear that there are pleasures to have had, from having many lovers, or, having sex with as many partners as possible. There is the sheer joy of sexual variety, a universal fantasy thorough out history, the opportunity to understand, and the experience of living out one’s fantasy should not affect one’s love for that special one and not expose oneself to risk by having sexual freedom .i.e. more than one sex partner.

    Though it is less ideal than it used to be in our grandparents time and above all, there is the nagging suspicion that being able to pick and choose among lovers and sleeping with various people may expose oneself to risks and may not establish an ideal relationships if one wants to settle down with one partner.

    How many lovers

    How many lovers is a woman

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