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Present Moment, Perfect Moment
Present Moment, Perfect Moment
Present Moment, Perfect Moment
Ebook143 pages29 minutes

Present Moment, Perfect Moment

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About this ebook

Present Moment, Perfect Moment is a collection of poetry addressing the nature of time, reflections on the natural world, the difficulty of loss, contemporary social issues and gratitude. These poems reflect the author, Kathleen Keena’s responses to life events starting in childhood, through her professional life as a Therapist and Clinical Director, and as Artistic Director of Theater, expressing literary responses to classic and contemporary theater. The poems begin in childhood and move into adult life, and include the evolution of her consciousness, through inner work and addiction recovery, to the last chapter, expressing gratitude for life.
Release dateJul 14, 2020
Present Moment, Perfect Moment

Kathleen Keena LPC LADC

Kathleen Keena is a Connecticut Licensed Professional Counselor and Connecticut Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor. She was Clinical Director of a dual diagnosis outpatient agency, New Directions, of Enfield, Connecticut. Her first book, Adolescent Depression, (2005) explored issues of depression in the developing adult. It makes use of her adolescent writing to clinically explain the interior life of a depressed teen. Additionally, she taught theater and creative writing at Manchester Community College in Connecticut and directed plays, which her husband Clark Bowlen produced, with student casts. This inspired the writing of her second book, The Play’s the Thing, (2015) which takes the reader backstage to the creative collaboration of director, actors and audience. She holds A Masters’ degree in English Literature from Central Connecticut and another Masters’ degree in Counseling from Sant Joseph University. She was selected as one of ten playwrights to be produced at Keane University on issues of family caregiving.

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    Present Moment, Perfect Moment - Kathleen Keena LPC LADC


    Copyright © 2020 Kathleen Keena, LPC, LADC.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    All illustrations are created by Kathleen Keena, LPC, LADC


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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-0460-8 (sc)

    978-1-6632-0461-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020912154

    iUniverse rev. date: 07/13/2020







    1. Time

    2. Memorials

    3. It is Time that Takes Away

    4. Topps, 1965

    5. Big Kids

    6. The Culture of the Bonnet Dryer

    7. Decker Brook

    8. End of Childhood

    9. Ghosts

    10. Hey, Rod Stewart

    11. Mausoleum

    12. What was Said

    13. Behind Certain Doors

    14. And So the Blue

    15. Bad Attitude

    16. Words


    I am the trajectory, time

    propelling change.

    The shape shifting energy

    that must, that will.

    I combust,

    I grow and decay;

    the wave you ride,

    the freezeless frame.

    I am collusion,

    the random unseen,

    the anonymous, possible,

    refracted beam.



    Memorials are flares

    we shoot into the dark.

    lit up momentarily,

    then lost.

    Memorials never measure

    how much grief

    subtracts from us.

    Like walking

    on a beach

    of finely ground sand,

    shifting, changing,

    sifting through hands.



    All of the roads,

    the factories,

    created by blood

    of our common ancestry.

    The desire to own the Connecticut

    stole the river away

    from Poquonock tribes


    the sacred river.

    Past century streets,

    settler buildings

    stand vacantly.

    No horse drawn carriages,

    or mud slick paths

    now paved streets

    eroding fast.

    The water reclaims

    the past.

    An angry fort

    on coastline beach

    stands courageously.

    Inside stone walls

    a grass bed

    reclaims ownership.

    No one takes a life away,

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