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The Sound of the Trumpet
The Sound of the Trumpet
The Sound of the Trumpet
Ebook160 pages1 hour

The Sound of the Trumpet

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This book is for believers who wish to go deeper in the knowledge, love and service of the Most High. The exposition on the Feasts of the LORD is a simple summary of Leviticus Chapter 23 which is an aspect of our God that is rarely preached or discussed yet contains fundamental truths about the God we serve. The Feasts are centered on Christ and serve as God’s Calendar for humanity. Many scriptures are listed to help us celebrate each day in His presence and lead our lives victoriously. The book can serve as both a reference book and a daily guide. Some hymns are included as ready reference for daily worshippers.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 24, 2020
The Sound of the Trumpet

Adeola Grace Ayoola

Grace received Christ into her life at an Oral Robert Revival in Minneapolis, USA in 1974. She is an ordained worker in the Vine Yard of the LORD and the President of the Gates of Praise Ministry International with the vision of enlisting an Army of Praise Worshippers for the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Grace is the Author of What Do You Call Yourself. Praising God is the theme of Grace's life and the theme of her Ministry.

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    The Sound of the Trumpet - Adeola Grace Ayoola

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-9250-8 (sc)

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 07/23/2020


    This book is dedicated to each believer who wish to join in building An Army of Worshipers sending an aroma of praise and adoration to the Father for at least fifteen minutes each blessed day.






    The Sound of the Trumpet


    The Ordained Holy Feasts of the LORD


    Five Forms of Spiritual Armor


    Thanksgiving: Showcasing Human Physiology


    Praises: Mercy and the Incarnate Word


    Worship and the Mystery of Creation


    Come, Let Us Give Thanks


    Come, Let us Praise the Lord


    Come, Let Us Bow Down and Worship


    Testimony as a Form of Thanksgiving and Praise: A Miracle in the Family


    Selected Hymns of Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship

    About the Author


    The purpose of this unique publication is to ignite the spirit of praise, adoration and worship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the heart of each reader.

    My first word of gratitude goes to the Holy Spirit who progressively infused my spirit with the nuggets released in this book over decades. It has taken several years to write and publish this book with the same title. I am indeed very grateful to the Holy Spirit, the executive arm of the Trinity who specializes in making all things new and who has made this book a divine inspirational work.

    I wish to acknowledge the following friends and family members:

    Rev. John and Mrs. Lynn Patterson, Pastor Paul Cannady and Pastor William Honore. I pray for more anointing for these Pastors as they continue to feed the flock of Christ in various parts of the USA. I also wish to acknowledge my spiritual son Bishop Jide Orire and his wife Ariola

    Special thanks to my senior friend Mrs. Yewande Afonja and my devoted friends of over fifty years Bike Adesina, Dr. Doyin Ojutiku and Dr. Margaret Alegbeleye . My appreciation goes to my loyal and resourceful friends Joan Dunn, Quintina Ford, Doug & Linda Cornelius.

    I wish to appreciate Professor Oyewale Tomori and his wife Oluremi, Professor Johnson Ekpere and his wife Marie, Professor Kunle Dawodu and his wife Bisi (Bisi has been my prayer partner for over twelve years) Many thanks to Mrs Yetunde Teriba, Mrs ’Tina Alaba Olugboye, Prof Tonye Okorie, Dr Helen Ekeh, for the various roles they played to give support as required over the years.

    My thanks go to my nephew Mr. Bolaji Okusaga and his senior friend Dr. Rotimi Oladele. Special thanks to Mr. Bidemi Fakeye and the Balm of Gilead Singers. Finally, I wish to bless my five daughters Dr. Olatokunbo Ayoola- Archie, Ms. Oyinkansola Ayoola, Dr. Taiye Ayoola-Adedeji, Dr. Kehinde Ayoola-Ogundele and Mrs Eno Elizabeth Ayoola for being my cheer- leaders over the years.


    From the citadel of praise comes the trumpet of praise. The trumpet featured prominently in the life of the people of Israel and it was often associated with victory, joy and praise.

    The wall of Jericho fell to the sound of the trumpet (Joshua 6:20). David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet (I Chronicles 16: 1-6). The last psalm of David tells us to praise the LORD with the sound of the trumpet (Psalm 150:3)

    In your hands, you have this beautifully written book by Princess Adeola G. Ayoola. It is a book of praise borne out of thrilling experiences of God’s grace and favour. It is a book of unending praise and unlimited joy, expressed with total and unbounded flair.

    From onset, we see the hand of God directing the steps of His children (the Ayoola family) to perform His miracles and to honour His name. In John 9: 1-3, we read: "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, Master, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, neither hath this man sinned nor his parents; but that the works of God should be made manifest in hi

    How do you explain the return of a father who was not being expected, at a time when all hope was lost on the survival of his twin daughters? He became the instrument of praise in the hands of God Almighty.

    All that can be said is to echo the words of John 11:4 that the sickness of the twins was not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. We see many instances in the life of our sister, Adeola, and her family, which confirm the glory of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. It is therefore easy to understand the effusiveness of the praise in this book, and the loudness of the trumpet of praise.

    For those who struggle to find a reason to praise God, and those who think God has been unkind to them, Sister Adeola offers numerous reasons from the Bible, why on a daily basis, praises should be offered to God with the trumpet of gratitude.

    In our daily struggles, the Bible tells us in Nehemiah 4:20 that the sound of the trumpet of praise draws us to the place where our God will fight for us. The trumpet of praise draws us to a place of refuge, inhabited by God, a place where God is real and other things are mere shadows.

    The trumpet of praise that God has placed in our hands also has another role: as watchmen and women for our Lord Jesus Christ, we are to use the trumpet to sound warning to all, of the end of times. If we fail to and the people are not warned and they perish in iniquity;

    The Bible says in Ezekiel 33: 6 that the blood of those who perish will be required from our hands.

    At the end of time, when our Lord shall return, it will be the sound of the trumpet that will herald His coming and the gathering together of the elect from the four winds, and from one end of heaven to the other (I Cor.15:52). Only those who daily blow their trumpet of praise in appreciation of God Almighty will hear the sound of the trumpet heralding the coming of the Lord.

    Sister Adeola, through the grace of God, has produced a precious book for the praise of our Lord and Savior. May the Lord bless her efforts, even as people blow the trumpet of praise to glorify God.

    Professor Oyewale Tomori,

    Pioneer Vice Chancellor, Redeemers University, Nigeria.


    Chapter One brings out the various uses of the trumpet in the Bible and especially in celebrating the feasts of the LORD. The significance of the trumpet is emphasized as an instrument of praise and as the sound that will end the government of man and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.

    Chapter Two: The meaning of the feasts of the LORD are broken down for believers, with clarity and brevity. The very deep message is that our God seeks relationship with His children on earth and has ordained these feasts as times of celebration with humanity. The feasts are also revealed as the Calendar through which God views mankind. It is noteworthy that our days are numbered according to the number of our Sabbaths on earth!

    Chapter Three: delivers five powerful spiritual armours for each believer to use for both offensive and defensive purposes. They are the name of God, the Holy Spirit, Thanksgiving and Praise,

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