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Until Death Do Me and Words Part: (I Live to Write Another Day.)
Until Death Do Me and Words Part: (I Live to Write Another Day.)
Until Death Do Me and Words Part: (I Live to Write Another Day.)
Ebook150 pages1 hour

Until Death Do Me and Words Part: (I Live to Write Another Day.)

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About this ebook

My umbrella that cloaks me from the rain.
My flower that never dies.
My breeze that’s never shy.
Love you always just but, blow me away.
What is this?

Life is full of love and hate; good and bad. Through all our experiences, struggles, joys, and heartache, we eventually realize that life is not comprised of just our story, but instead the stories of everyone around us as well.

While reflecting on his views and personal experiences, Myteis Usall shares a collection of moving free verse that explores a variety of topics and emotions that address the seasons of life, the never-ending struggles of the working who love life, the ups and downs of love gained and lost, the influence of nature on our journeys forward, and the blessings of family, faith, and the cycle of life.

Until Death Do Me and Words Part is a volume of poems that explores one man’s back seat view as he travels around many different life experiences and learns that life is full of valuable and invaluable lessons that he deemed worth sharing.

Release dateJul 29, 2020
Until Death Do Me and Words Part: (I Live to Write Another Day.)

Myteis Usall

His name details a message all on it’s own. He’s no novelist or book scholar. He was born and raised in the great hoosier state of Indiana. He joined the military right out of high school, learned a trade and now makes a decent living with a career he can appreciate. He’s just a regular guy that wanted to share his journal with you and show others around the world that if the words are inside you to just let them out because you never know who you might help with your words.

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    Until Death Do Me and Words Part - Myteis Usall

    Copyright © 2020 Myteis Usall.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4808-9040-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-9041-1 (e)

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 07/28/2020




    Journal Entry 1

    Season’s Greetings

    O Kindness Has Not Come Yet

    Fighting to Learn

    Lottery Ticket Blues

    Eye in the Sky

    One Full Cup of Love

    The Dehumanized Species

    Lust Donor

    Wedding Jitters

    Away Love Leaves

    Heart Attacks

    After Life

    Tread Carefully

    Phone Interview

    Mama’s Will

    Rehab Me

    Why I Slave

    Sugar Lips

    Prayer for Me

    My Son

    From Rest to Peace

    Sleep-Study Disclosure


    The Oldest

    Do Flowers Speak?

    A Pirate’s Chest


    Missed Connection

    Borderline Crazy

    The Pain That Dilutes Me

    The Gray Section


    Over the Road

    Loan for a Life

    Mirror Me

    Sixtieth Floor

    Staying Focused

    The Unborn

    Soul Is Body Is Mind

    Time Capsule


    Out of Reach

    Wish Granted

    Heart in Mind

    Generations Of Us

    Darkness Steals Light

    Guardian Angel

    The Cry of a Believer

    Prom Date



    Journey to Heaven

    The Pain That Dilutes the Individual



    I Won’t Say

    If Change Could Speak, Not Coin

    No Reality

    Changed by His Blood

    Mind Over Atmosphere

    I’m Bananas for You

    New, Clear Warfare

    Making Up to Do


    Wake-Up Calls

    Life Lesson

    Lover’s Quarrel

    Unconditional Love

    Frightened by Faith

    No Nuts, No Glory

    Journal Entry 2

    Life Savers’ Bait

    It Takes a Little

    Death to Suffering

    Waiting for July

    Mind Therapist Therapy

    Devoted Marriage v. Guilty Conscience

    Apparently Junkies


    Time in Mind Zone

    Spiritual Sense

    Evol Evil

    First-Class Dreams

    Leave My Wife

    Today’s Prayer, Tomorrow’s Antidote

    Breaking Up Eloping

    Judas Love

    Journal Entry 3


    Author Biography


    dedicate this book to my family and friends for all that we’ve been through and all the love and pain we share. Also to everyone who has survived the struggle, those who are still struggling, and to those we lost in the struggle that is life as we live and breathe today.

    Dare to imagine life can be better, and maybe we can live

    through your imagination.


    Here are some of the happy and sad beginnings and endings of life, love, and choices good and bad. Welcome to a place where there is a thin line between science and religion. A place where some believe spiritually, while others only believe emotionally and physically in what they can see. There are so many outcomes of an imagination gone wrong or right who’s to say how you choose to use it. Who can relate to the truth? Be careful who you play dare with, especially when you play with you.

    Journal Entry 1

    Dear who ever reads me,

    Forgive me now as I only wish not to frighten you with the facts that I am about to share with you in our journal. I only wish that I could leave my hopes with you, but instead, fire consumes them for their richness has only been tainted by the smoke and flames of what is left of our world.

    I pray for rain to clear the flames that my hopes have been burned alive in. My tears have lost all meaning. I’ve watched these continuous cycles destroy, alter, and even set back my loved ones as well as many others from a better life.

    I hurt because I share their pain for not even blindness can cause one to unsee it. I find that there is so much good with potential to be better, but the potential is lacking here and being destroyed daily, yet still fighting to grow.

    Time does not take the bird’s wings from the bird for bird and wings are one together. The dinosaur cannot die if the fossils are real as the truth cannot die unless we forget. The caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.

    Bad memories tell tales that never die, so then how can we hold on to the good ones when we forget to remember that good exists but, keep the bad alive? How do we transform from this? What will be our butterfly?

    Season’s Greetings

    Postcards are just pictures, while

    fall filters as its leaves debris.

    Why does winter wonder for summer and spring?

    Cries of April showers, the rain.

    She cries for sunshine, but

    gray clouds restrain.

    While the sun is setting, horizons fall.

    The moon replaces, the earth revolves.

    Eclipsed to see the sunrise blinds those who gaze too long, but

    the moon shines easily on the skyline, where eyes may gaze all night long.

    Spring sings fresh tunes every early morning and

    brings new blossoms to everything.

    The white winter covers are erased by evergreen.

    The hot summer sun comes and dries up all the rain as

    the sun returns life on to every living plain.

    This process has repeated for years and will for years to come.

    The seasons are complete in the knowledge of knowing exactly who they are.

    No one can change them for

    life can only adapt to the way they are.

    So as the seasons greet, all that life can do is wait, prepare,

    admire, stand and stare in awe as the seasons pass us by in, Hello, and, So long, but we’ll be back tomorrow.

    O Kindness Has Not Come Yet

    My heart is where?

    I dare not tell

    my heart is where

    for someone somewhere.

    I could wake a

    silent night for

    the love of someone somewhere.

    The powers that

    smile on a virtuous love

    so sweetly smile

    on someone somewhere.

    Save me from danger,

    and keep her free.

    Send me safely my summer.

    Where is she?

    I have paddled through

    the sea that burns red

    until the morning sun set

    and dawned again.

    My summer is still not

    here. Where is she?

    I look to the blue

    skies and wait.

    O kindness has not come, yet

    my love for spring must come

    first for me to see your face.

    Fighting to Learn

    Raised in the urban hood only blocks from the ghetto, geared to fight becomes instinct while gang wars are won by guns, fights, and fist of unity. Kids my age are too afraid to come to school with fear replacing room for improving intellect. Unhappily here, nonetheless, the stress is no help but aids in increasing defenses when battles await lunchtime recess, and the playground is only a perimeter fence. Every day was a constant struggle to study through these conditions. So many days with tragic endings, kids missing, and no nurse to love you, only a long line awaiting assistance. Hospital care became a parent’s despair past what a call or what the school nurse could do for you. No bumps or bruises, broken bones instead, hospital beds, cuts, contusions. So much confusion in the war at school, where learning is a struggle but also fearing the next day to come is too. Recovered and moved, transferred from school to school, to a place where nonviolence is applauded and approved. A place where education is the only thing you have to fight for while improving your mind to consciously fast-forward to making all your goals come true. Now looking back to see everything gone, been through, and over, parents happy, life’s good, and one more good day to a good end at no more school. Walking across the stage to receive all honors with good grades with a smile, happy and proud that graduation finally became a dream come true.

    Lottery Ticket Blues

    Just winning to lose, I’m so confused about the outcome of my day, so instead I just work and try not to complain. My bills are due, and my check from work is two long weeks away. Bills I just paid, now the same bills are due, so I just play my numbers and go to work another day, hoping my luck one day comes through.Hard work is no game, no gain if

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