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Scrap Racism!!!: The Church's Response to Racism
Scrap Racism!!!: The Church's Response to Racism
Scrap Racism!!!: The Church's Response to Racism
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Scrap Racism!!!: The Church's Response to Racism

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My book is about the racial tension in America, that is a hot topic on multiplicity of news networks, and has escalated to ignominious proportions that threatens the civility of the nation, and has increased fear, trepidation, and uncertainty in all Americans (whites, blacks, Hispanics, Jewish, Latinos, etc.). The book captures evidence of racism in the American society that manifests itself in many spheres of American life, including church, banking, court, education, justice, medical, police, work places, etc., just to name a few. With the book providing substantial and tangible evidence of racism in America, the book goes on to also establish the reality that all white Americans are not necessarily racists. There are some white Americans who are racists, and there are those who are not. The book describes some of the sad effects racism has on America nationally and internationally. The book goes on to discuss the pivotal role the church in America has to play in resolving the racial divide, and gives a compelling and very intriguing alliterated marching orders on how the church should go about her role. The most noteworthy part of this book is that the discourse is being herald through the lenses of one who is an outsider (African immigrant) and an insider (an African immigrant who has lived in America for over two decades).
Release dateAug 12, 2020
Scrap Racism!!!: The Church's Response to Racism

Rev. Dr. Francis Tabla

Rev. Dr. Francis Tabla is a native of Liberia, West Africa. He Pastors Ebenezer Community Church in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, which he and his wife planted in 2000, and has grown from eight to over seven hundred members. They led the congregation to build a multi-million dollar building. He holds the Doctor of Ministry degree from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Master of Divinity degree, Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University, Bachelor of Theology degree, Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Diploma in Electronics from the Booker Washington Institute in Kakata, Liberia. Dr. Francis Tabla is gifted by God as an evangelist, pastor, preacher, and teacher. He formerly served as Pastor of the Grace Baptist Church in Barnersville, Liberia, taught at the Monrovia Bible Training Center, and Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary. He was also Director of Living Way Baptist Bible Correspondence Course (ministry of the Southern Baptist Mission in Liberia). A West African missionary to the USA, Dr. Tabla preaches across the United States and does revivals, leadership workshops for churches and Para-church organizations. He has been featured in numerous articles and newspapers and on a few television and radio networks. He is author of the book: My Golden Rule (How Men Should Treat Women). In recognition of the impact God has enabled Dr. Tabla to have on the lives of many people at home and abroad, the First Baptist Church of Richmond, Virginia, set up the Francis O.S. Tabla Scholarship Fund at the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University, which is granted yearly to students pursuing the Masters of Divinity degree. Dr. Tabla is married to his high school sweetheart, Pastor Christine Jallah-Tabla. Their union of twenty-seven years is blessed with five children: Francis, Jr., Joshua, Christie, Elijah, and Edward Messenger.

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    Book preview

    Scrap Racism!!! - Rev. Dr. Francis Tabla

    © 2020 Rev. Dr. Francis Tabla. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 11/30/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6913-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6914-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-7018-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020915223

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    Word of Acknowledgment


    Definition of Terms


    Chapter 1   Speak Up Against Racism

    Chapter 2   Call Up White People to Join

    Chapter 3   Rise Up with Sustained Resilience

    Chapter 4   Act Up

    Chapter 5   Pray Up to God for His Help





    I am writing this blurb because Dr. Francis Tabla was as good as his word. His word is SCRAP, and he insists that if the church is ever going to overcome the devastating effects of racism we will have to S.C.R.A.P. it: that is, we will have to Speak up, Call up, Rise up, Act up, and Pray up. Francis was as good as his word. He called me up. He asked me to speak up on behalf of my Black brothers and sisters everywhere. And because Francis has been a friend to me for years, I did. And I will. I will work with him to SCRAP racism. May every reader of this fearless, faithful, gut-wrenching call to action do the same.

    --Dr. Jim Somerville, Pastor, Richmond’s First Baptist Church


    I am thankful to God for giving me the inspiration to write this book. I am thankful that God allowed me to experience racism so that I can understand some of what my African American brothers and sisters have had to go through from slavery to now.

    I am thankful to my friend and brother Dr. Jim Somerville, Senior Pastor of Richmond’s First Baptist Church VA, who having heard about what I was thinking about said, I encourage you to put your thoughts in writing. They will be important for years and years to come. His contribution is immeasurable, as you have seen from his blurb for this book and the zoom interview we did.

    I am thankful to my wife Pastor Christine Tabla, and my Administrative Assistant Lic. Zinna Abedu-Bentsi, for sharing some helpful suggestions to enhance this book. I am thankful to Mr. Dennis Batty, who assisted me with some initial editing, and rearranging some of my words and thoughts so that they can be understood by the American readers. Thanks to all of my photographers, including Dr. Josef Howard, of Bethel Citadel of Missions, Minnesota, Josh Tabla of the Tabla’s clan, and Dr. Sammy Wanyonyi of Merge Twin Cities.

    I am thankful to all of my other white American friends who galvanized the courage to give me the approval to quote them, or mention their names in the book. They include Rev. Steve Blanchard, Associate Pastor and Minister of Compassion Ministry, First Baptist Church, Richmond, VA, Rev. Dr. Bob Lee, Senior Pastor of the Huguenot Road Baptist Church, Richmond, VA, Rev. Carl Nelson, President and CEO of Transform Minnesota, Rev. John Upton, Executive Director of the Baptist General Association of Virginia, and Mr. Ron Zweber, Senior Vice President of Bremer Bank, Minnesota.

    I thank my son Joshua Tabla, whose presence with me during the peaceful clergy led protest meant so much to me than words could adequately describe. This is a tribute to him and all of the young Americans who are appalled by racism in America in the 21st century.

    I am thankful to my friend and brother Dr. Josef Howard, who in one setting read the entire manuscript, upgraded the quality of the editing and shared some insightful thoughts with me on enhancing the work. Dr. Howard is also credited for helping me get connected with AuthorHouse, to secure a slot to have the work published. I have been very impressed by their customer ship, friendship and professionalism.

    Last but not the least, I am thankful to my Ebenezer Community Church family! They received this work in a sermon form. They were very receptive, and the energy and receptivity with which they responded further encouraged me to put this sermon into a book form. Thanks.



    I dedicate this book to Edward Clemmons (deceased) and Joyce Clemmons of Virginia, my white American parents. They transcended continent, culture, nationality, and skin color to adopt me as their ONLY African son. They didn’t care whether I am black, they just loved me for who

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