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Daily Planner for a Great Life
Daily Planner for a Great Life
Daily Planner for a Great Life
Ebook319 pages15 minutes

Daily Planner for a Great Life

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Every day we are bombarded with new challenges, too many demands, and not enough time. We need more than a daily “to-do” list to be successful. The enemy is continually trying to steal our joy and keep us from God’s best. Spiritual warfare is required. The Daily Planner for a Great Life provides 365 days of spiritual guidance to reveal the unique life God has planned. “Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58). Prioritizing daily affairs, according to biblical principles, gives assurance for living more powerfully and effectively. Use these valuable tools to live victoriously.
Your life matters to God! Placing God first and foremost is the choice that makes the difference between a good life and a great life. Consult with the King of glory on how to manage His affairs. Too often, we are lucky to squeeze God-time between the events of an already overwhelming, jam-packed, and exhausting day. We give God our leftover time. But good stewardship requires that we work our schedule around God, not God around our schedule. Starting each day soaking in the glorious radiance of His presence, is a better option. Divine leisure is a choice!
Sacred time in the presence of the Almighty provides a proper perspective on what matters most. Godly reflection and introspection allow Jesus to guide us. As we stay attuned to the divine, we are prompted through the Holy Spirit to act. The magnitude of miracles we experience is directly related to the extent of our obedience. By keeping God-centered, we gain access to the divinity of God’s redeeming power and grace, to become all that He created us to be. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5–6). The Daily Planner for a Great Life is designed to help you do just that.
This devotional planner is an excellent resource for people who want to prioritize their affairs according to biblical principles. Daily Devotions for a Great Life is a great companion resource for your spiritual journey. As you reflect on each day’s scripture, may the Glory of God be unveiled in your life.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 14, 2020
Daily Planner for a Great Life

Claudia Williams

Claudia Williams is the last surviving child of Ted Williams. She penned a loving and forthright memoir, Ted Williams, My Father. As the daughter of a World War II and Korean Conflict Marine combat pilot, and one of the greatest athletes who ever lived, Claudia strives to inspire future generations with examples of the courage and principles that her father exhibited his entire life.

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    Daily Planner for a Great Life - Claudia Williams



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    Copyright © 2020 Claudia Williams.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-0790-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-9832-6 (e)

    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/19/2020



    God gives us two gifts: the first is life, and the second is a chance for a great life. The difference between a good life and a great life depends on how we spend each precious minute.

    God gives us a special assignment, something no one else is in the position to fill. We are equipped with unique gifts and talents designed for our specific calling. Imagine crossing a bridge that leads to the extraordinary life and purpose God has created for you. On one side of the bridge is unfulfilling idleness. Doing nothing in life is sinful, a waste. On the other side of the bridge is meaningless frenzy. Life is so busy and overwhelming that we are incapable of meeting all its demands. Hurrying through the day is just as wasteful as doing nothing! Is

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