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Theism: the Philadelphia Theory: One Word That Answers All Things for All to Know
Theism: the Philadelphia Theory: One Word That Answers All Things for All to Know
Theism: the Philadelphia Theory: One Word That Answers All Things for All to Know
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Theism: the Philadelphia Theory: One Word That Answers All Things for All to Know

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Did creation happen in the beginning by a homosexual union? Does the sun and the whole Universe run on the principle of homosexuality? Does the Bible tell of God and angels in heaven having dresses and bras because they are transsexuals and a hermaphrodite? Are the 144,000 witnesses of God in Revelation chapters 7 and 14 homosexuals? Is part of God literally a dunghill? Does part of God speak profanity? After the end of this world will we all go to live on a new earth with the New Jerusalem filled with homosexuals and lawless, and outside its gates are the religious? Did God make a new covenant in these last days that allows homosexuals and all people into His kingdom forever? Will the Lord God at that time be there as a Hermaphrodite (she/male) as the joining of the two (good and evil) so all may live forever in peace and joy, which the Bible predicted as the wedding of Christ and His bride? Were all the wisdom and teaching and prophecies of the end time antichrist and evil reversed? That in the end times the real evil is religion and that at the end the New Jerusalem is free and lawless? Was the main part of satan all along that of a religious spirit and was always testing and not tempting? Were words given to explain God have the meaning that He is a God for all races, cultures, ways of life and religions and even the non-religious? Are Gentiles children of devils? Are we all Jewish? For all the details read the whole book: Theism The Philadelphia Theory: One word that answers all things for all to know. This book was finished by April 13, 2018 A.D.
Release dateAug 17, 2020
Theism: the Philadelphia Theory: One Word That Answers All Things for All to Know

Kurt Bakley

Kurt B. Bakley was born October 15, 1954 AD at 8:11 p.m. a Friday at Cooper Hospital in N.J. in the middle of Hurricane Hazel. He grew up hating books and learning until one Saturday into Sunday morning August 28-29, 1976 AD he woke up with great knowledge and eager to read, write and learn. Today, July 21, 2020 AD, after 44 years and 250,000 hours of research, he is still at it. He hopes to have four little books (wisdom=Proverbs Chapter 30) published by Authorhouse or some other publisher. They are: 1. Theism 2. The Dream 3. Happy Holidays 4. The Antichrist I hope you read them and get vast knowledge of all things. Also read my 28 other books for nuggets of wisdom.

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    Theism - Kurt Bakley

    © 2020 Kurt Bakley. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/17/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6990-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6989-1 (e)

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    Based On The Book

    Introduction Part One

    Introduction Part Two

    Chapter 1     The Philadelphia Experiment

    Chapter 2     The Mystery of God

    Chapter 3     In the Beginning…

    Chapter 4     From eternity till eternity: Part I

    Chapter 5     From eternity to eternity: Part II

    Chapter 6     Mystery Babylon

    Chapter 7     The Strong Delusion

    Chapter 8     The Truth About Vanity

    Chapter 9     The mystery of good and evil

    Chapter 10   The mystery of Jacob and Esau

    Chapter 11   Wisdom in movies

    Chapter 12   Religion, good or evil?

    Chapter 13   Tough Questions

    Chapter 14   The Amen God

    Chapter 15   Bible Warnings

    Chapter 16   Albert Einstein

    Drawing 1

    Drawing 2

    Drawing 3

    Drawing 4

    Drawing 5

    Drawing 6

    Drawing 7

    Drawing 8

    Drawing 9

    Drawing 10

    Drawing 11

    Drawing 12

    Drawing 13

    Drawing 14

    Drawing 15

    Drawing 16

    Drawing 17

    Drawing 18

    Drawing 19

    Drawing 20

    Drawing 21

    Drawing 22

    Drawing 23

    Drawing 24

    Drawing 25

    Drawing 26

    Drawing 27

    Drawing 28

    Drawing 29

    Drawing 30

    Drawing 31

    Drawing 32


    Final Notes



    Copyright: 2009 and 2015 and 2019-2020 A.D.

    See Appendix G for information on codes and other information used in the revised book mentioned above.

    All quotes in this book are used under the fair usage statement of 500-600 words according to the Copyright office in Washington, D.C.

    All Bible quotes are from the Old King James Version in public domain.

    All drawings in this book are my own.

    All Nostradamus quatrains quoted under fair usage from the book Nostradamus: The man who could see tomorrow. By Erika Cheetham. A Berkley book/published by arrangement with G.P. Putma’s Sons. Copyrighted by Erika Cheetham 1973.

    The Book of the Dead by E.A. Wallis Budge quote is under fair usage buy the copyright office in Washington D.C. Published by Random House. Copyrighted 1960 by University Books.

    The book Broca’s Brain quote by Carl Sagan is under fair usage by the copyright office 1979 by Carl Sagan Published by Random House.

    Buy and read all these books mentioned here and above and below. The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility By William Moore and Charles Berlitz. Published by Fawcett Crest Books a unit of CBS Publications by arrangement with Grosset And Dunlap, Inc. Copyrighted 1979 by William Moore and Charles Berlitz. I suggest buying and reading all those books along with these: AS Above, So below by Alan Oken. Chariots of the gods by Erick Von Daniken. The Outer Space Connection by Alan and Sally Landsburg. Secrets of the Great Pyramid by Peter Tompkins. And Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids by Peter Tompkins. The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey. Einstein’s Universe by Nigel Calder. The Cosmic Code by Heinz R. Pagels. The movies Oh God Book II, Oh God, You Devil, The Outer Space Connection and all the ancient astronauts books that will sweep you away like a sexual lust for a sexy woman. And read all the books I mention in my bibliography in another book of mine entitled: The Experiment at Philadelphia Revised Edition by Kurt B. Bakley. Also read my other books entitled: The Mystery of God, The Mystery of Good and Evil, The JFK Assassination And Ancient Prophecies, Happy Holidays, The Antichrist, The Nativity, The Little Book, Revelation-What? and Songs of Solomon.


    Have you ever asked or heard someone say "If God created all who created God? Or what was and happened before the big bang? We will answer those questions in perfectly clear answers in this book.

    Was there a U.S. naval ship experiment done by Einstein at Philadelphia in October of 1943? Did it make a ship invisible and transport it to another port? Did the experiment discover God and how he works, along with the whole Universe? Did it reveal the most deepest, darkest secrets of the Universe?

    Since the beginning of the world many have had questions in their minds, souls and hearts that have remained unanswered. Why am I here? What’s the true meaning of life? How was all created? Who are God and the Devil? If God created all, who created God? If He is the first in creation, where and how did He come into existence? Why does God allow evil in the world? Why do good things happen to bad people and bad things to good people? Why, if we all came from Adam and Eve, who were Jewish, are there Gentiles? Why is there cancer and deadly diseases? Why was knowledge of good and evil forbidden in the garden? Why would good knowledge be forbidden? Why does cancer hit a young child killing it early in life? Why, if God is good and merciful, doesn’t He heal that child? How old is the earth? What is the Trinity of God? How come Genesis say us when referring to God? Why have, down through the ages, different religions done such evil? Why is money the main suit of many Christian preachers when they say the love of money is the root of all evil and rich men won’t get to heaven? What, when and how did the big bang start? Why is there such hatred of the flesh by the religious? Why do they restrict all fleshly things God made and said were good in Genesis? What happened to Satan? Who is he really and what did he do in the past? What are his beliefs and ways? What is he, literally, made of? What is the meaning of the great pyramids and sphinx that have been such a great mystery since the day they were made? What are the UFOs? What are demons? What is religion? What, and where, is heaven? Is there a hell? Is there a God?

    The great mystery of God explained in this book’s first 14 chapters, are the words men were forbidden to speak that II Corinthians 12:1-4 tells of and the strange act God would do in the end times as Isaiah 28:21 predicted. It shows God not as one way like most think of Him as, but as three ways. It also shows Satan not as one way the opposite of God, but as three ways. God and Satan have always been shown in just one way when they both are three ways as we will read in this book in the first 14 chapters. Be sure to look at all the drawings at the end of this book and read the text below each for they will help you better understand this book. Look at the drawings and read the text of each every time I say so in this book. Don’t wait till the end of this book to look at all the drawings and read the text because you’ll forget what I was saying in the book by that time.

    The antichrist may say in his book these following things: Using science, astrology and physics, the occult, the Bible and every source possible, all these questions above will be answered in one simple answer. All these questions have been a mystery for a long time, some since the beginning of time. In this book I will answer them directly, with simple proof and in absolute truth, unlike any answers you ever heard before. You might not like the answers or agree with them at first, but truth defies time, lies and debate. It stands forever in heaven, in hell and in space.

    The truth is always universal. Lies often don’t answer all, but the truth does on all subjects. This is unheard of because, since the beginning, science, astrology, astronomy, religion, numerology, history and all other subjects have fought one against the other and never agreed on anything. The answers in this book agree with all and when opposites agree you can bet it is the truth. If I had not called this book THE EXPERIMENT AT PHILADELPHIA: DID EINSTEIN DISCOVER GOD?, I would have called it THE TRUTH. Words are cheap, but words of truth are precious and few. This book will probably be the most deepest book you ever will read.

    The answers in this book are words of truth and are what is known as…THE MYSTERY OF GOD!! This ends what the antichrist may write in his book’s introduction.

    What if a U.S. naval experiment done in October of 1943 by Albert Einstein had him make contact with the UFO beings who gave him advance knowledge and answers to all those tough questions just asked above? That knowledge he later destroyed before he died fearing what the world would do with that knowledge if revealed. Are the first 14 chapters of this book the advance knowledge Einstein received when he made contact with UFO beings during the Philadelphia Experiment?

    Is that knowledge the strong delusion the antichrist and false prophet reveal as predicted in the Bible in the last days when they come upon the world scene that could even deceive and fool the very elect (Christians)? The knowledge Einstein had learned from the UFO beings after contact he made with them in the Philadelphia Experiment is documented in the Bible, psychics, science, history, new age, astronomy, astrology and all subjects. Yet it is evil, false, fictional, lawless, profane, blasphemous, twisted, perverted, loves the flesh of the world, loves pleasures and the materialistic part of the world, sorrowful, ugly, sickening, depressing, chaos, vanity, crazy, meaningless, anti-Christ, anti-spiritual, anti-law, anti-Christianity, deceiving and the very meaning of dark sentences, just as the Bible in Daniel chapter 8 predicted.

    The next 14 chapters contain that knowledge. Remember when you read it that it is evil, false, fictional, and lies to history, prophecy, science, physics and all subjects. Also remember it is hundreds of thousands of years old because the antichrist and false prophet, like the demons of UFOs, are that old and know that information and are subtle and deceiving in an intelligent way possibly giving some truth to these things. Those beings being that old makes their knowledge and way to deceive that much stronger. So when you read the next 14 chapters it maybe a hard read, hard to understand, not very well documented in some places and places where you might say where do they get that information from or how do they know that? You also will notice they twist and pervert Bible verses and other subjects into weird profane sentences. They also may repeat certain things sometimes in a slightly different way and give too many possibilities. Also they may have contradictions and things that are just plain wrong or lies because they are from the antichrist, false prophet and Satan the dragon or the serpent. There are things written in the first 14 chapters of this book that are heresy, heretic sayings, vague and have many inconsistencies. Don’t try to look up any documentation along the way of the first fourteen chapters, but just read through the best you can. After you finish you can always go back and reread it all and look up all the documentation. If the documentation were presented and told fully this book maybe 2000 pages or more when finished. That’s why it wasn’t put in. Almost every sentence and paragraph has documentation in it and is all based on the Bible and other sources.

    If you read these first 14 chapters and start to think I don’t understand this just keep on reading and later on it may make sense to you. You got to remember this information is hundreds of thousands of years old and gathered and learned during that time span by the antichrist so you are not easily going to understand it all.

    The last two chapters of this book will document from the Bible and tell what the truth is of the first 14 chapters and how they pertain in detail to the end time prophecies of the antichrist and false prophet. Be sure to read them carefully. Even though some or many are written as lies there is a lot of truth in them. For example, the big bang was not a homosexual union or by vanity, lawless and evil as the right way. That corresponds to Isaiah chapter 5 when it predicted in the end days people would call evil good and good evil that are lies from the devil. But as Jesus sent His Disciples out to preach He said be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. He made known that serpents or the devil and his demons know a lot of truth in deep and hidden things.

    Kurt B. Bakley

    February 14, 2015 (revised edition.)

    Copyrighted 2018-2019 A.D.


    If you ever heard the question what was before the big bang? or if God created all things who created God? and don’t know the answer welcome aboard many minds are trying to figure that out. This book clearly shows what was before the big bang and what happened before it, at it, and after it in a plane simple truth that cannot be laugh or mock at and can be understood by all with drawings included (=a picture is worth a 1000 words.)

    I present this theory to my peers for their approval of it. They being highly advance Physic’s, Astronomer’s, Scientist’s, Historian’s, New Ager’s, astrologer’s, Chinese astrologer’s, ancient astronauts theory, UFO’s and any religious scholars and any teacher, writer, professor of any of these subjects and all subjects and prove this theory wrong or right. If you say any of it is wrong give the answer. If you don’t know the answer how can you know this answer is wrong! You can’t! Don’t turn away from it because of religion or God or The Philadelphia Experiment, Nostradamus or Bible or new age things or astrology and Chinese astrology. Just read through it as is and don’t stop if you have a question the answer’s may just be around the corner. Stop only to view the drawings you have just read about marked in the text as drawing 1-13. This theory may take 1000 years or more to be proven, but I am confident it will be proven. There is only one thing that troubles me. And that is the 24 elders around the throne of God are 24 Cherubim or Seraphim in circles around the dunghill and polished shaft. Ezekiel Chapter 28 predicts them to be covering over satan and God. If this is true there are more than 24. It was too hard for me to draw these things but on the drawing of earth with hell at the center of the earth with two circles around two pyramids makes sense. See drawing 6 at the end of this book and look at Ezekiel 1:17 which says they turns not. But Genesis 3:24 states the sword of the Cherubim or Seraphim moved every which way. They turning every which way could mean 24 elders or 24 elders times as many as it takes to cover completely over the dunghill and polished shaft. It was just too complicated for me to draw them that way if it is true. They turning every which way may just mean 24 elders circling around the two pyramids and moving around each as Ezekiel Chapter 1 predicts them to do. Carl Sagan movie Contact may have unknowingly shown these 24 elders circling around a center. They circle every which way just as Ezekiel Chapters 1 and 28 and Genesis 3:24 predicts as they go along as circle around a circle turning every which way or don’t move as they travel as Ezekiel chapter 1 states.

    Each great mystery I give a answer to has six parts to it as known as the five W’s and the H. They answer Who, Why, What, When and Where as the five W’s documented from the Bible, Nostradamus, ancient Egyptian art, astronomy-astrology and highly advance physics and any source that makes sense to the answer. These answers are the knowledge angels in heaven were unlawful to speak and the one Paul wrote so much about in his letters in the New Testament. Those answers are powerful and can be misused as the antichrist will try to do. Five W’s as there are five documented sources or more. The 5 wise Virgins of Matthew 25:1-13. The five foolish Virgins were wise to but forgot one simple thing oil for the lamps. They were all-wise to know the date of Christ’s return but forgot the simple thing—oil for their lamps, thus, they were left behind. Don’t let that happen to you and if an angel appears to you saying the time is at hand and you flee seeing a man on a roof top and/or armies in your city know the angel’s words are true and not error. Just as Ecclesiastes 5:6 and Revelation 2:29 predicts run quickly and don’t look back remember Lot’s wife. Oh yes, and the H is how, which I also give to every great answer.

    Without any further to do read on and make your case for approval or unapproved. If it is wrong and I ask you why, don’t say because I don’t know or I feel it is untrue. This is because if you say it is false, but I don’t have the answer how can you say it is false. It might just be right! This theory answers all things in every way and subject. It brings all truth to all things. Let’s not everyone of these subjects fight each other as we have been for 1000s of years but join in one common answer. See these books for information: The Egyptian Book Of The Dead by E.A. Wallis Budge, The Philadelphia Experiment By William L. Moore and Charles Belitz, Broca’s Brain by Carl Sagan where he responds to a question of Do you believe in God?, the movie, Oh God Book II with what God tells the little girl at the bus or train station, Awakenings at the end where the Doctor tells of what went wrong after the patients loose their battle with their disease, and the book The Prophecies of Nostradamus by Erika Cheetham. See quote marks and the titled of the book and page numbers for quick study. You will read or hear the most profound words in this book that you will ever read and hear.

    Did creation happen in the beginning by a homosexual union? Does the sun and the whole Universe run on the principle of homosexuality? Did the Bible claim God and angels in heaven as having dresses and bras because they were transsexuals and a hermaphrodite? Is the Second Coming of Christ as a woman/man in a mini skirt? After the end of this world will we all go to live on a new earth with the New Jerusalem filled with homosexuals and lawless, and outside its gates are the religious? Will the Lord God at that time be there as a Hermaphrodite (she/male) as the joining of the two (good and evil) so all may live forever in peace and joy? Is that joining the wedding of Christ and His bride as the Bible predicted? Are the 144,000 witnesses of God in Revelation chapters 7 and 14 homosexuals? Is the real mystery, or revelation of God, that of Him being both good and evil, just as the book of Revelation claims as Alpha (creation=good) and Omega (end, destruction, evil)? Is God literally a dunghill? Was the Holy, Holy, Holy of God Almighty that of the three holes of a Hermaphrodite? Were the great pyramids and sphinx of Egypt that of the joining of God in the beginning and end as good (creation) and evil (destruction) and a Hermaphrodite in the shape of God (pyramid-rock-mountain) in the New Jerusalem? Does part of God speak profanity? Did the book the Song of Solomon in the Bible predict God in the New Jerusalem as a Hermaphrodite and homosexuals in the city who live free from guilt and shame? Did it also predict homosexual kissing and sex there without shame and guilt? Did God make a new covenant with homosexuals and with all that loves and welcomes all into His kingdom now and forever in heaven no matter who you are and what your lifestyle is as long as you keep the legal laws of the land? Did Paul write in the Bible that he would have anal intercourse with men in heaven as they would also with him? Did the Bible claim God and Christ are in your colon? Were all the wisdom and teaching and prophecies of the great end time antichrist and evil reversed? That in the end times the real evil is religion, as it always was, and that at the end the New Jerusalem is free and lawless? Was the main part of satan all along that of a religious spirit and was sometimes testing and not tempting? Were words given to God’s name have the meaning that He is a God for all races, cultures, ways of life and religions and even the non-religious? Are we all Jewish? Were Gentiles the children of devils born from certain Jewish people from other solar systems? The answers to all these questions is YES!!!

    Even if you are reading this book after being visited by an angel (bluish-white light, which makes you smile ear to ear), telling you of this book and others, or felt lead in your spirit to read them, then remember what Ecclesiastes 5:6 says. See also Song of Solomon 8:13; Deuteronomy 32:30; Revelation 2:29. It predicts that you should not tell the angel, or voice your words out loud, or to yourself, that this book and others, after reading them, are in error. Especially after reading the last chapter of this book and my other book. The word error in Ecclesiastes 5:6 means the words, deceived, astray, sin and transgression. That prophecy means not to say this book and my other book are wrong, or are leading astray, or a sin, or a transgression. They are the truth.

    Just as Peter told God that he would not eat an unclean thing after God told him to eat of it, God said back to him, don’t call something unclean, which I call clean. The same thing applies with this book and my other books. The angel, by appearing or by speaking to your heart and mind, led you to them. That cannot be a mistake or an error! The words are not in error either, or why would the angel lead you to them. As this angel and/or these books are a witness between you and the truth then you also are a witness of them to others for that angel won’t visit or lead all. See Jeremiah 32:10-14, II Corinthians 13:1.

    The TV preachers will probably say to all of this that you are following an angel of light, which was prophesied in the Bible to be satan in the last days. But Jesus said to hear the voice of the spirit and what it says to the Churches and people in the last days. See Revelation 2:29. This may be an actual visitation by an angel (spirit) or that angel leading you in your spirit to buy these books. And the last days are the time of Revelation (these books) and the seven churches. Those seven churches Revelation or this book was sent to, which we seen as this angel appears or leads you in your spirit and when you receive these books. The spirit (light) is that angel you saw or felt that speaks to you in an audio voice or in your heart. It looks similar to the planet Venus, which Revelation 22:16 claims as this angel of the Lord. It is he who speaks to you of the revelations of these books and he is the bright and morning star, the planet Venus. This angel doesn’t have to appear, but only speak to your heart and mind not even in a audio voice, but just a feeling or idea leading you to these books.

    The prophecy of the angel of light in the last days is that of satan who would come as TV preachers of Christianity and other religions. Those religions are known as a great light. I saw the light, they say. But as I show in truth that they are the real evil and darkness, not light.

    Was not satan all along an angel of light in this same way teaching religion is good and a light when it truly is the way of darkness? Is that the understanding of dark sentences that Daniel 8:23 predicts? Satan did this in the Garden of Eden by getting Eve to eat of the tree, which was not the tree of knowledge of evil, but the tree of knowledge of good and evil. So matter what you call religion, good or evil, it originally wasn’t suppose to be here on earth. And as Daniel chapter 8 also predicts that the antichrist will destroy wonderfully, meaning he destroys with good and in a good way. What is good? Religion is supposed to be, but is it? Is it destroying wonderfully?

    Ecclesiastes 5:6 and Revelation 2:29 was meant directly for you. To hear what the voice of the angel says to you in your mind or actual visitation. And not to disregard it, or refuse it, or disobey it, for it is not in error, lest God destroys the works of your hands as Ecclesiastes 5:6 predicts. Your life and work is in jeopardy if you refuse this angel’s voice and orders. If you disobey you will be subject to a voluntary slavery and will not experience the peace and joy of true life God originally meant for you before the full law came in.

    You can condemn, or approve anything by the Bible. What this means is when astrology is condemned in one part of the Bible, other parts say it is true. First Corinthians chapter 13 claims the Bible’s prophecy and knowledge are in part with some parts failing by not coming true or isn’t true. The Bible condemns astrology in one part yet in Genesis 1:14 and Job 38:31 claim astrology (signs) is the true knowledge of God. This is true of the entire Bible. It condemns certain things in one place, while in other places it approves of those same things. I explain in this book why God wrote the Bible that way and why those contradicting ways are in all things. He doesn’t change when you look at God as three ways in one. If you look at Him as one way, the full law of religion, and He brings in a new covenant for the lawless breaking the old covenant, then he does change. But as we will see God is three ways in the Bible, science, astronomy, astrology, new age, ancient Egyptian and Mayan and all subjects and is why there are contradictions in all and is how He can have a new covenant and break the old covenant and not change.

    In the book of Hebrews it claims that a new covenant will come in the last days made better then the old covenant of the full law of mount Sinai. That new covenant will teach us all the truth as John chapter 16 claims, letting us use astrology and numerology and new age subjects to discover the great truth behind all. It will teach all the other parts of the Bible’s knowledge and prophecy, which the TV preachers and local preachers don’t teach you, nor want to teach you those things, nor want you to know them, because they are seen for what they are—hypocrites! And that they are partial to the law, which this new covenant and all its knowledge was always there since the beginning as impartial, but none dared to teach it. What the words partial and impartial means is to be and teach only one side to the subject as being partial, while being impartial means to be and teach both sides of a subject. The many TV preachers and religious leaders teach only the full law and forbid all other sides and subjects. Impartial is what you read in my books documenting from the Bible and all sources showing both sides from all subjects.

    When studying ancient prophecies you must remember that there are often several meanings and interpretations to the same event or different events that read as if they are one event. People over the years tried to get too exact with ancient prophecies by jamming them all into one set event and time. They claim all other people’s writings and teachings are silly and wrong. Anyone who truly knows ancient prophecies would know that this is a mistake. Because not only are there sometimes many different interpretations and meanings to the ancient prophecies, but there are different times to them and all could be right. I have never read or listened to anyone who taught this, but it’s true. They also can all be wrong, or partly wrong and right.

    When the Bible, Nostradamus and ancient Egyptian art prophesied that someone, or certain people are evil, the antichrist, false prophet and the devil it can actually mean they are good and not those people and ways. And sometimes when those same sources say that someone or certain people are good, religious, and from and doing God’s will, it can mean actually that they are not those people and those ways. But those people are evil, the antichrist, false prophet, the many false prophets, demons, satan and the devil. Look at the evening news nowadays. You constantly see religious people in the name of God and religion claiming to be right and good, doing horrible things. And it isn’t all Muslims doing it. Other religions including Christianity and Judaism are doing it as well. The Muslims say they got those ideas of killing from the brutal Christian Crusades long ago, which had Christians killing and torturing many in the name of God so that their sins would be forgiven and they go to paradise when they die.

    Christians, with the help of TV and local preachers, hate in the name of God and the Bible. They brew hatred against gays, abortions, legal laws and even Peace treaties. Jesus predicted in the last days false Christs (false Christians) and false prophets (TV preachers) would arise and deceive many causing many to loose love, or to wax cold, and hatred to abound by Christians and religious leaders against sinners for their iniquities (sins-abominations). See Matthew 24:11-12 and Daniel 9:27.

    When they do this they defeat their own goals. It turns others off, and they claiming to love, hate. They will bring hate against the new covenant and flatter those who go against it. See Daniel 11:32. They switch good for evil and call good evil and evil good. For example, people blowing themselves up and killing others they think is good and they do it in God’s name thinking they will go to paradise for doing that evil act. When doing these barbaric acts they shout, God is great. None of these things are good, but are evil and they call it good just as prophesied calling evil good.

    Jesus also predicted in His days that in the last days wolves in sheep’s clothing (religious leaders) would kill in the name of God saying they are doing God’s will. See Matthew 7:15, 21-22, 24:11, John 16:1-3. And that in the last days they would deliver you up to the many synagogues (religious buildings) to be accused, beaten and killed. See Mark 13:9. If in the end the religious are good why then these prophecies of people being brought up to synagogues to be beaten and killed and persecuted? If the end time antichrist is lawless you would be delivered up to bars, whore houses and lawless places. And those doing it wouldn’t be in sheep’s clothing and prophets they also would be lawless? But the prophecies are clear it is the religious doing these cruel crimes in the name of God because of your sins. The lawless wouldn’t use God’s name in killing someone they don’t believe in God. But the religious do and would use His name as they did in the crusades and do nowadays and will in the end times to kill many. The lawless wouldn’t also be in the religious buildings, as these many prophecies predict, would they? The followers of the new covenant might be and would be persecuted and killed and thrown out of those religious buildings at the end times.

    And they will cause you to be put to death or put in prison or persecuted for your beliefs in God. A God that is universal and loving to all and accepts all, even the ways that the many religious are offended by. They will be offended in the new covenant and its wisdom just as predicted in Matthew 24:9-11 predicts caused by many false prophets (Christian leaders and religious leaders). The religious leaders in Jesus’ day didn’t recognize Him as the true Messiah and that He was there with them and they hated Him and had Him killed.

    The new covenant also doesn’t teach partial in the law, which causes many to stumble at the law like the TV preachers do that Malachi predicted. It preaches equity, which means impartial in the law. They are the ones those commandments are given to in Malachi. It clearly states that church leaders are saying good is evil and evil is good. And that they are partial in the law, causing a stumbling block over the full law for many as Malachi predicted. They may claim those things mean you are evil if you just do part of the law and not all of it, but that is the stumbling block because no one can keep the full law. But they will use Malachi against the new covenant followers teaching the opposite of its meaning because they are partial in the law being only full law.

    Partial in the law that Malachi predicts for these many religious leaders means they show only one side of the Bible. That being only the full law of keeping all the commandments of the Bible, or else. To be impartial means to agree with both and all sides and not taking just one side or view. For every commandment in the Bible telling or threatening you to do, or not to do something, there are other commandments that tell you to do the opposite. Did you know that? No!!! Because those priests and religious leaders never told you that because they are partial in the law, only looking strictly religiously to the Bible.

    Isaiah tells you to stay away from strong drink and wine. Song of Solomon chapter 5 tells you to drink wine abundantly. Other Bible books tell you to stay away from sexual sins. While the book Song of Solomon in the Bible is the most pornographic book ever written having homosexuality, lesbians, masturbation, orgies, hermaphrodite, oral sex, shaving private parts, anal and virginal intercourse, homosexual kissing, and multiple wives.

    Every one has heard of the Bible saying, the love of money is the root of all evil, right? But did you know the Bible also says this, …but money answereth all things? See Ecclesiastes 10:19. Why didn’t you ever hear that latter quote? It is because the priests and preachers are partial in the law and won’t tell you that. If they do mention it they change the meaning like some tricky lawyer. Or say it is true after they are caught with a lot of money. They preach like lawyers, switching truth for lies and lies for truth for their own glory, power and money.

    The TV preachers quote Ecclesiastes 4:14 telling anyone born into God’s kingdom becomes poor. But Solomon who wrote that was the richest man who ever lived. And the TV preachers take lots of money for preaching, healing, prophesying, judging and any other religious acts telling you to give. And they claim that the rich is evil and poor good when they don’t follow those very things themselves and claiming, is not the Lord among us (the many TV Preachers), no evil can come upon us. See Micah 3:11.

    That is exactly what the TV preachers do! They do all things for money then say is not the Lord among and behind us and no evil weapon will prosper that comes against us for these things. You can’t do evil then if caught blame it on satan for catching you and it’s them who caught you who are evil. Yet the TV preachers do this all the time. And it is sickening! Sometimes what people call and claim someone else as, they are those ways themselves.

    The TV preachers also bring up how Malachi claimed the people were robbing God of His tithes and how you should give your money to them. They then live rich lives on the money they claim you were robbing God of. This is amazing because Malachi claims not that people were robbing God, but the many priests (religious leaders) were. The priests in those verses are the religious leaders and the TV preachers who take God’s money (the tithes) and live richly on it and are not doing the Lord’s work for the poor with your money. They reversed the very meaning of that book and turned their sin into yours for not giving them your money. They are robbing God’s tithes not you!! You didn’t take God’s tithes they did!!

    Malachi also claims they would turn things around calling evil good and good evil to suit their own greedy aims. To give to get, as the TV preachers claim, turns a very good action of giving into a greedy action for getting. Yes Jesus did make statements of giving and then you will receive, but He also made the statement when you give don’t expect back. Why don’t you TV preachers show that statement of Jesus? See Luke 6:29- 30. Because they need your money to live richly on themselves! So prosper so you can give to them!!! That’s why they preach prosperity so much because if your poor you can’t give much to them, but if you are rich you can give much to them. This is an ugly hidden motive for a good thing.

    Jesus’ true church hates that motive and that of people being brought into His church on the promises of money, success and worldly material things. Jesus was poor and hated the churches that wanted these things out of His church. See Ecclesiastics 4:14. Many times Jesus referred to how the rich could never enter His kingdom. Why then are the TV preachers promising that always, that when you come and give much to the church you shall prosper and receive? The new covenant, though, can have these things because they are free from the full law of the Bible and you can give and receive.

    I brought these things up here so when you read prophecies seemingly about the antichrist, false prophet and satan and certain people in this book that seem to be predicting them as evil, it doesn’t mean that it is true. The reverse can be true just like the TV preachers are reversed. As stated earlier Paul wrote in his letter in I Corinthians chapter 13 that prophecies and knowledge of the law, that is the partial knowledge of it, will someday pass away. Today is that some day! The prophecies of a condemning Messiah of sins is replaced with a forgiving and loving Messiah of all not matter who, or what you are, or do. And that which was proclaimed evil is now good. The prophecies of evil in the last days are now the good just as Ecclesiastes 11:2 predicted. It predicted we wouldn’t know what evil is in the last days thinking the true evil is the one antichrist of lawlessness when he isn’t, but the truth is that evil is in religion and the full law. It doesn’t mean to break legal laws of the land, but that freedom from the full law of the Bible is now given to all. It also doesn’t mean religion is no good and the Bible, church, Jesus and good ways are no good. They can be very good, but not the perverted ways the TV preachers show them as.

    God’s a much more Almighty God being just, fair, straight, righteous, impartial and perfect, and one who accepts and loves all without condition, then one who is always strict and mad at your sins no matter how big or small those sins are and what they are. Even when sometimes you just think of sins, but don’t act on them, you still think God is mad at you for just thinking of them. That is the murder of the full law and a voluntary slavery that is hard to get out of peacefully once in. The TV preachers know that and preach scary threatening sermons to make you feel scared and guilty at anything and afraid to get out of that situation. When they themselves do those very things they threaten you not to do in the name of God.

    A good God and judge is always one who is impartial, not favoring one side or another, but looks at both sides equally without favor. You will make good decisions doing the same, but if you go by what only one side puts forward and not looking at all the other sides then you might just make bad decisions. The TV preachers will threaten you with hell if you look at the other side, but God clearly, as we will see, is both sides and judges as an impartial God and judge, not one of just religion or the full law. By the full law I mean keeping all the religious laws and commandments of the Bible geared toward religion.

    The parts of this book that seems like blasphemies are the truth about God. I can’t help that He is that way. If He weren’t that way I would have told you otherwise. The Bible and all creation shows us that He is those ways. The parts that seem like blasphemies of God are actually documented from the Bible. This was always hidden from you from the beginning of creation because of those ways God is. It was hard for God to tell you He is those ways. It is even harder for you to understand He is those ways.

    If you are tired of a lot of double talk and books that never really answer things and want for the first time deep, straight truth of all things that make sense to all things and subject areas then you will love reading this book. Tired of someone else’s own personal beliefs and feelings and ones that only agree with their findings and feelings, but leave out many other subject areas without proper answers? Tired of religious answers that denies new age answers? Tired of new age answers that denies religious answers? Do you want a universal answer that fits and answers all subjects into one clear answer? Tired of a lot of answers from people who when they are asked about their answer they say, they feel it’s true? Tired of people who say that isn’t true and asked why they say, they don’t feel it’s true? I often wonder how much research they did to come up with that approval or denial? The answers is none!! They make those conclusions on just what they say—they feel it. Let’s not base important answers on feelings. Let’s see clearly through all things just how all things work.

    In this book you will learn what really is the mystery of good and evil. If you have not read my book, The secret of eternity, due out in September of 2007, I suggest you do for it will help you better understand this book and this book will help you better understand that book. In this book I will begin with creation and how all things work and were and are created. Then as we go along you will see how that knowledge was incorporated into all things and what the true nature and wisdom of good and evil really is. You need to know how creation started and exists for to know what the truth is behind the mystery of good and evil.

    I will show exactly how, when, where all things were created, exist and work from eternity to eternity. Some of this will be absolutely mind boggling, yet absolutely true. You will be in for one of the most thought provoking mind tingling reads of all time. If you ever wondered how and where we all came from it will finally be answered for the first time truthfully and directly. Have you ever wondered how God always existed and if He created Himself where did the pieces He is made of come from? If you ever wondered about time travel and other solar systems, and do they have life, you will be surprised at the answers. Did Nostradamus in one simple quatrain give the Unified Field Theory Einstein worked a quarter of a century on?

    Since the beginning of the world many have had questions in their minds, souls and hearts that have remained unanswered. Why am I here? What’s the true meaning of life? How was all created? Who are God and the devil? If God created all, who created God? If He is the first in creation, where and how did He come into existence? Why does God allow evil in the world? Why do good things happen to bad people and bad things to good people? Why, if we all came from Adam and Eve, Noah and his family, who were Jewish, are there Gentiles? Why are there cancer and deadly diseases? Why was knowledge of good and evil forbidden in the Garden of Eden? Why would good knowledge be forbidden? Why does cancer hit a young child killing it early in life? Why, if God is good and merciful, doesn’t He heal that child? What is the Trinity of God? Why does Genesis say us when referring to God? Why have, down through the ages, religions done such evil? Why is money the main suit of many Christian preachers when they say the love of money is the root of all evil and rich men won’t get to heaven? What, when and how did the big bang start? How can I live a balanced life without hating God and without falling into traps of guilt and fear? Why is there such hatred of the flesh by the religious? Why do they restrict all things of the flesh that God made and said were good in Genesis? What happened to satan? Who is he really and what did he do in the past? What are his beliefs and ways? What is he, literally, made of? What are the UFOs? Where do they come from and their beings and how do they work? What are demons? What is religion? What, and where, is heaven? Is there a hell? Is there a God? What was the great hidden meaning of the great pyramids and sphinx in ancient Egypt?

    Using science, astrology and physics, the occult, the Bible and every source possible, all these questions will be answered in one simple answer. All these questions have been a mystery for a long time, some since the beginning of time. In this book I will answer them directly, with simple proof and in absolute truth, unlike any answers you ever heard before. You might not like the answers or agree with them at first, but truth defies time, lies and debate. It stands forever in heaven, in hell, on earth and in space. Solomon wrote, For in much wisdom is much grief. See Ecclesiastes 1:18. The meaning of that was the answers to these questions won’t be nice and good at least to the religious.

    The truth is always universal. Lies often don’t answer all, but the truth does on all subjects. This is unheard of because, since the beginning, science, astrology, astronomy, religion, numerology, history and all other subjects fought one against the other and never agreed on anything. The answers in this book agree with all and when opposites agree you can bet it’s the truth.

    You heard the saying, it raises more questions then it answers. Well, my answers, answers more questions then they answer. What I mean by this is that my answers not only answers big important long time mysteries, but answers all the other questions as well that might pop up or come to mind, which I don’t go into, whether they be small to great and in between questions. My answers also travel everywhere and is relevant to all in all races, cultures, religions, science, astronomy, astrology, new age subjects and all subjects. It makes sense of all and not partial to any side or view or feeling, but answers all truthfully. For once in your life you will hear the answers of truth unlike any others that never showed you the truth even if they say they did.

    And all of my answers can be proven by physics, astronomy, astrology, numerology, science, Bible, history, new age and all subjects from creation, now and forever. They are the only answers that can do that. They are the only answers that fit and make sense of all things.

    Remember in this book that in the end times prophecies and knowledge are reversed. Good is evil and evil good and religious will hate you for it and may even kill you for it because they are reversed calling killing themselves and innocent men, women and children in the name of God as doing good. The things in this book are of truth, love and peace, not the things the religious are doing claiming they are for those things when they are not. This book doesn’t lie or is hypocritical like the religious. If the religious were true they would do good things and not be hypocritical—right?

    So sit back and read and understand how all was created works and will end and what the truth is behind, Theism The Philadelphia Theory: One word that answers all things for all to know.

    Kurt B. Bakley

    April 13, 2018 A.D.



    The Philadelphia Experiment

    Since ancient times many have searched for the greatest mystery of all—the existence of God. People have searched high and low for the answer to this mystery. The greatest minds have struggled to find the answer to it and all were unsuccessful, except one.

    The answer to this great mystery begins with an unusual experiment done by the United States Navy in October of 1943. This experiment was to make a ship and its crew invisible to radar in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. The book called The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility, tells about the experiment. The authors of that book provide evidence that proves that the Philadelphia Experiment did happen, such as a man who says he was there at the Philadelphia Experiment. He said this:

    "On board the vessel, Silverman noted that there was ‘enough radar equipment on the ship to fill a battleship’ including ‘an extra mast’ which was ‘rigged out like a Christmas tree’ with what appeared to be antenna-like structures.

    At one point during the preparation for the experiment, Silverman remembers seeing a civilian on board and said to

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