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Burning Desire: The Epic Challenge to Define Genesis
Burning Desire: The Epic Challenge to Define Genesis
Burning Desire: The Epic Challenge to Define Genesis
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Burning Desire: The Epic Challenge to Define Genesis

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The book provides some of the information everyone is unconsciously looking for. It mentions subjects only a philosopher would know about and more. It provides an idea to change the age old belief that there is not enough to go around, and therefore we war about the most fundamental resources we can find on Earth. The book explains (to the best of my knowledge) that the universe is a giving entity, and all we have to do is learn how this is possible. This giving entity is fundamentally two particles in union, which is a self-contained unit at every scale. This union is a dynamic entity which looks like a Torus that generates everything. Ancient arts like sacred geometry and others are testimony that there is a fundamental geometric structure in all things, and the book highlights this sacred structure (known as the Metatrons Cube) which is governed by a conscious mind that generates all physical things we are so familiar with. It also mentions motion which relates to the golden ratio and how algorithmic functions can explain some of the infinite possibilities we are confronted with.
Release dateAug 19, 2020
Burning Desire: The Epic Challenge to Define Genesis

Paul Linke

I was born and raised in a sleepy town, but progressed systematically to mix (consciously) with some of the greatest pioneers in the world. Making my way through schooling, bruised-up from the demanding curriculum set out by the most learned, I finally desided to become a toolmaker in order to make a living. My life literately flushed by doing the things I was trained to do, but eventually I came to the conclusion that there must be more to life and the things we learn. This was the point in my life when the search for the "Grail" began. At a ripe age I stepped back from everything I used to do and started to contemplate about everything that happened in my life. And as a scientist/physicist the first question I ask was this: Is there more to know than what we learn? And when I had a closer look at the "Atom" (the building block of everything), things started to accelerate and went out of proportions until I desided to study quantum physics. But physics on its own didn't provide everything I was looking for, and this lead me to contemplate about metaphysics (the things which come before the physical reality). And eventually everything started to make sense about creation and how the mystical (mythological) subject fits into the physical reality we experience. This combination of turning dreams into reality interested me and helped me to advance my level of knowledge about creation.

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    Burning Desire - Paul Linke

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    The epic challenge to define GENESIS puts a twist to the Creation myth.

    Everyone believes that God created us. But it was living gods who created the human race as we know it today, and Quantum Physics explains that God is a force within atoms. My version of Genesis literately turns the subject onto its head because weird speculations uncover some of the weirdest things we are reluctant to belief.

    The creation myth represented by the bestselling Author – Paul Linke PhD


    The Burning Desire is to Know

    To know things is a very distinctive desire no one can resist, especially when one’s mind is awaken to the wonders and challenges nature confronts us with.

    The irresistible desire to know where everything began is as important to me as a loving family, and cherishing every moment with joy and laughter.

    And the picture of the eagle headed Anunnaki on the front cover holding a pinecone in his hand (suspended in space near Earth) is the main theme for my book about creation.

    Dr. Paul Linke

    U nfortunately there is a catch. Wanting to know everything is almost impossible because the mystery of creation is hidden, partly natural and partly deliberately by a view people who belief that they can control everything. You don’t belief that this is true: Well, every large corporation has a group of people (the think tank) who is guided by the executive in charge. These people are a class on their own, and everyone is reminded to keep everything to themselves. This is not directly associated with lawmaking and law obedience, but it blends into the rules of law and order, because they make sure of that. These people are highly educated people like political leaders, religious leaders, scientific and economic leaders. A selected group of Political leaders meet ones every year to discuss problem issues and how to implement new strategic plans. One summit is known as the E 20 summit, where the E stands for Esophageal, which simply means that the leaders deal with a cancerous society or devastating disease. No one really knows exactly what this summit is about and this contributes to the conspiracy that a view people decide the faith of humanity, perhaps they cause the disease and no one would ever know. We are truly confronted with a bewitched reality, and there is no other way to explain it. The idea of a bewitched reality is associated with what we know (or don’t know) about hex, which is commonly understood to be associated with witchcraft. It is the members of the E 20 summit who take on the task of a witch doctor if you will. I have no doubt that you are going to be quite surprised when I tell you that the word hex may also refer to engineering, technology, games, sport, places, arts, media, magic and divination (yeah, the whole spectrum of making living conditions bearable). As a young lad I became a qualified toolmaker by trade, where engineering planning, physics, mathematics and learning tool skills played a major role in manufacturing just about anything. But I have to mention that astronomy and metaphysics were a hobby of mine. Anyhow, finding out that engineering is somewhat associated with magic was a big surprise. But how could technology have anything to do with magic or witchcraft, because technology is about nuts and bolts, where witchcraft is about imaginary mumble jumble. Well, in a strange way they are complementary because engineering is based on using the hexadecimal system (known as the radix).

    The hexadecimal system uses sixteen distinct symbols or numbers which represent values.

    This system is also associated with the "law of the squares", which is said to have been known during the first Dynasty of China. Today we use this arithmetic system in computers, because it makes the computer work the way it does. Also many people use the computer or a smart phone, but the law of squares is not understood by ordinary people! No disrespect to ordinary people I’m one of them. But why do we suffer from this amnesia not knowing anything about the fundamental principles associated with this cosmic code? Well, the answer lies in what we learn! This knowledge is simply not part of what we learn in lower education. After everything I learned to become qualified as a professional toolmaker, I still had no idea what this sacred knowledge about creation was. And it didn’t sink in until I studied metaphysics, when I learned a lot about sacred arts. Anyhow, when I tried to decipher this proposed cosmic code, I stumbled over all sorts of interesting stuff. And eventually I came to the conclusion that I’m not the first one to discover that nature is in essence giving. Yes, the universe is providing abundant energy which is ready to be used (anywhere at any time). The only problem we have is tapping into this source, because we don’t know anything about it. The knowledge about abandoned energy and how to harness this energy of a giving universe is a complete blur to most people. Every time someone talks about these things, they are accused of dreaming or wishful thinking. But being branded as a dreamer myself, it didn’t deter me to contemplate about this proposed blue-print of the cosmic code. A cosmic code: What an intriguing thought! In general we don’t know anything about this cosmic code, and the rhetoric associated with this subject makes it near impossible to grasp the idea of a giving universe. Instead of being aware of this phenomenon, we are confronted by a man made system which was first introduced by priests. Yes, there was a time when everything was governed by the local priest known as the father (the head of the community who was seen as the right hand of God). It is possible that it was the priesthood who mystified the idea of a giving universe to begin with, because they insisted that people only needed to know that a God created everything and is above all things. Also they claim that they did it for the good of mankind, but why are they a lot better off than everyone else? Is it because they are men of God, or is there a more sinister reason behind their mystical conception of creation.

    If you didn’t know this, priesthood goes back to ancient Sumer, and it is no coincident that we consider the Middle East to have been the cradle of civilization. But what do we know about ancient Sumer? Well, the Sumerian people are portrait as sophisticated farmers, which were under the protection (or spell) of the priest before kingship became popular. And this is something we can’t ignore, trying to make the quantum leap which is waiting for us to be made. Everything is connected (or related) to everything, and the book of Genesis revealed this significant part about the creation myth for the first time three thousand years ago (in the 9th century BC). But in all this time the creation myth remained a mystery (because it was written that way). Also the most fundamental pattern of creation is staring us right in the face, but we can’t see what the true meaning of sacred geometry is. Also sacred geometry begins with simple patterns like the ring or two intertwined circles expressing a partnership. But we will not know the true meaning of sacred symbols until we discover the meaning of these sacred symbols. Here is one geometric shape that is much more complicated: Also a lot of people have seen this formation of hexagons or cubes compiled in this symmetric grid, but don’t understand it. Have a closer look at one of the shapes on the edge of this grid: You can clearly see the hexagon shape if you look at it with a two D perception. But if you can switch your eyes to a 3D perception, then you can clearly see a cube instead of a hexagon. Magic…. Perhaps not, because it is a matter of switching your sight in order to see a different reality.


    If you know the secrets of this geometric cluster (which is the layout of a well-known checkerboard game) then you should be able to unravel the code of creation. This geometric matrix represents everything that is associated with Genesis. In 3D, this geometric cluster is better known as the tetrahedron grid, and it has something to do with the term Hex, because the shapes are associated with a bewitched reality. There is a profound reason why the tetrahedron grid is associated with magic, because it generates a surplus of energy. This living entity keeps re-charging all energy and produces new energy as a byproduct.

    Represented in a different way, it is also known as the Torus, a living entity that persists at every scale from Atoms to the Cosmos. Also the name Torus is a 20th century idea to explain the living entity of the universe, but in Greek mythology it was the Taurus Bull which occupied the minds of the people. We have never quite figured out why the Greek legend of the Bull is associated with the zodiac sign, which belongs to the Earth element of a trifold system that has a feminine (a negative polarity), as well as a fixed modality or quadruplicity. The Genesis pattern is a sacred geometric pattern which explains the phenomenon of a ghostly force within the Torus, but this is not known by the general public. Considering that Sacred geometry was known by scholars for a very long time, they failed to tell everyone else what it represents (as if it was intended that way). Sacred geometry explains the creation myth, but we make no efforts to learn this sacred art which could tell us everything about creation.


    Have a look at this picture: Do you think that it was a coincident that the builders of this church incorporated this window into the structure? This classic hexagram is common as part of prominent buildings (because the authority who ordered this sacred art to be incorporated knew exactly what it represents).

    Why did sacred geometric patterns remain a mystery to this day? Even so there are several sacred arts to reveal the mystery of creation, but we know little or nothing about them. All we know about creation is associated with the Biblical version, but it is heavily associated with mysticism, mystical superpowers and magic, which in contrary are not tolerated in sciences. The mystery of creation had been concealed by declaring it sacred, and every time someone started to reveal the mystery of nature, it was quickly snuffed out again by institutions who thought that they had to protect the establishment. If this assumption is only a conspiracy, then why have certain wisdom keepers never stopped to make an effort revealing the protected code of creation? Revealing the code of creation has something to do with revelation (a surprising and previously unknown part of our reality) which had been continuously disclosed by secret societies and governing authorities alike.

    But why is the most sacred subject no longer hidden as it used to be? Relax: There is nothing evil coming our way, if you belief in this curse.

    Even if it is only a bad joke to keep people on their toes about the unknown, but being worried about the unknown will proof itself totally unnecessary because what is to come can’t possibly be avoided anyway. What comes towards us is a cosmic wave of energy, and this cosmic wave is going to be like a storm we have never experienced before (not in our lifetime anyway). People have vanished throughout time, and we have no proper explanation for this event. Considering this, could we better prepare for such an event? Well, we could prepare for such a future event if we could only belief that it will come. The best chance we have to avoid getting swamped by a cosmic wave is to ride it out like riding a wave on a surf-board. But if we fail to create this life-saving surf-board, humanity could be engulfed by the energy this cosmic wave brings. So, what kind of cosmic wave are we talking about? Well, this cosmic wave is not so different from ordinary sunlight, but it will most certainly intensify the light from the sun. Everyone knows that sunlight is a blessing to all life, but it does have a dark side. Sun light is associated with radiation, which is very hazardous to all life forms when it is directly exposed to it. Also, life on Earth is protected by a force-field (and we know this force-field as the Van Allen belt), unfortunately this natural force-field diminishes during a time of polar reversal, which happens during this great cycle. When can we expect such an event? Well nobody really knows for sure, because we haven’t got the astronomical knowledge ancient custodians of this planet possessed. We don’t know, because everything they knew was considered sacred (forbidden knowledge). Only wisdom keepers, like a shaman, a high priest or ruler could know about the force of God. But over time we learned that mysterious forces are not so mysterious, but the same time we blame ourselves for causing natural changes because we have begun to reveal the sacred subject, which was considered an eternal sin as part of our religious believes. In reality we have no idea what makes things change over time, and it has little or nothing to do with what we do. Also there is a great cycle which is known as the great calendar by astronomers, but hardly anybody talks about the great year which is known as the precession cycle.

    Having mentioned the celestial precession cycle, I will make an effort to tell you more about it as I proceed with writing this book. The precession cycle is a 26,000 years cycle that repeats itself like the yearly cycle on Earth. So, every 26,000 years a cosmic cycle is completed and a new cycle begins. Like so many other important things, we belief that these things are irrelevant because they are associated with mythological mumble jumble. Also this cycle may be irrelevant for thousands of years, but when we come to a cross-road where a cosmic season changes, then this great cycle makes itself felt like the four seasons on Earth, only the cosmic seasons are much more intense. In contrary to ordinary sunlight, a cosmic wave contributes to a hotter or colder climate during a particular time associated with the celestial precession cycle. What next? We hardly understand the principality of the terrestrial sphere, now we are confronted with a celestial sphere. Talking about a celestial wave of frequencies, we can compare this phenomenon with a wave at the beach, because every now and then we are hit by a title wave. This natural phenomenon is associated with a living and breathing entity at the scale of things, and when things come together between cycles, things begin to change quite rapidly. Also this phenomenon tries to tell us something profound about how the universe works, but we are not prepared to listen to whispers from outer space. Also we ignore these things, but our ancestors have payed attention to this cosmic cycle, and they knew a lot more about it than we know today. For a strange reason we are affright of the unknown, and we don’t seem to care about future changes like our ancestors have. Whatever happens, some people will survive and life will go on. But how can we explain this cosmic event which holds sway over many life forms when things change? Well, at first these changes appear to be like a dream, which can’t hurt us right. But get this: The illusion which is like having a dream is quite misleading. We think that a dream can’t hurt anybody physically, but it can have an effect on our consciousness. And this is significant because consciousness is associated with human intentions which govern all things on Earth. Still, there are things we have no control over no matter what our intentions are. Also we think that a change in consciousness is normal as we progress, but we have no idea that this is heavily associated with a cosmic cycle. Our forefathers knew that this time would come! But what could they possibly have known about the precession cycle we don’t?

    Well, there are things we should know about the cycles of time, unfortunately we don’t think that it is relevant, because anything outside our terrestrial sphere can’t possibly have anything to do with changes on Earth. Let’s have a look at what is sacred, and most importantly why sacred things are so sacred that we can’t talk about it. What we understand as being Sacred is associated with a concept that is revered (feeling deep respect or admiration for something that is associated with a God force). Another word for the sacred quality is Sanctity which is associated with having respect of something. In general it is a state which is perceived by religious institutions as a sacred or a divine phenomenon. In short, the sacred subject is considered worthy of spiritual respect or devotion which is associated with inspiring awe amongst believers. Anyhow, if we look at the meaning of what is considered to be sacred (we can only imagine the sacred aspect of things). But what we think as being sacred is said to be associated with the truth. If the sacred religious subject associated with the dogma is the truth, then why is it mystical and unpredictable. Anyhow, learned people tell us that sacred things don’t need to be altered along with what we belief, because sacred things are associated with eternal laws. So, anything associated with the sacred subject is considered fundamental laws of nature and still we can’t make any sense of it. I wouldn’t be talking about Genesis, if I wouldn’t consider the beginning of civilization. But what do we know about advanced civilizations? Well, the general belief is that advanced civilizations did not exist before 5,000 BC, and everything further back in time is quite sketchy. Kids at school still learn that the Sumerians of the Middle East were the first sophisticated civilization on Earth around 3,000 BC (fife thousand years ago). Also there is archeological evidence which proofs that advanced civilizations existed long before that time along the Asian sub-continent, as well as the Isthmus of Panama, and these findings go back not just 5 thousand years but 50 thousand years. Our history books have not been altered to these findings, and archeologists fear talking about newly discovered evidence in association with ancient civilizations who had a great knowledge of the terrestrial cycle in conjunction with the celestial cycle. Today we call this kind of knowledge advanced knowledge, which is treated with contempt. Anyhow, the word is out that ancient civilizations possessed extraordinary wisdom about a lot of things. But what do I mean by age old wisdom?

    Well, they knew a lot about precession which extent from the terrestrial sphere into the celestial sphere. But instead of learning something about precession, we constantly make things up as we go along to figure out what triggers certain events on Earth. You wouldn’t belief the things they knew about precession and the intricate nature of the celestial cycle, or how it relates to sacred numbers and sacred geometry. Also there is evidence that civilizations have existed long before recorded history, but recorded history only dates back to about 3000 BC. Still, much older records exist, but they have not been incorporated into our history books! We have countless novels at hand, but they don’t get any recognition as being part of any real historic events. Anyhow written records or not, some of the mythical stories speak of extraordinary things, and some of them are hundreds of thousand years old. One of the sources speaks about an event that is associated with a race that came from another world, where the conception of an alien race includes alien activities on our planet. But if it was not an Alien race, which human race could have been so advanced that they knew something about space flight, and had knowledge about the outer region of our solar system, and was able to create life genetically? Anyhow, if you put our historic creation myth aside for a moment and start to explore other revenues (findings) related to a beginning, than a whole new picture starts to emerge. And these findings begin with an exploration in antiquity where a group of people (said to have originated from the Levant region) left their beloved home town and ventured deep into Africa. This group of explorers had the authority of their Government to do anything to retrieve the gold they were looking for. The Government of their Empire was extraordinarily advanced in those days. Let me say that again: This advanced civilization was in the possession of extraordinary knowledge, and this kind of knowledge and their cunning ability to take the law into their own hands made them gods when they arrived in South Africa around 400 000 years ago. Imagine that a handful of people knew things no other people on this planet knew about it, and therefore they are portrait as giants in legendary stories. But why are they known as giants or gods? We actually talk the same way today, when we mention pioneers of physics, we call them giants. This so called alien race could well have been an advanced race that came from another part of our world, but no one knew that at the time.

    We can’t ignore the conception of giants, but these people had a name and the most notorious ones were known as the Anunnaki gods (the shining ones) referring to the illuminati or the brightest people on Earth. Speculating that they could have come from the East (which includes all parts of the Asian sub-continent), something extraordinary must have happen in this region a view hundred thousand years ago. So, what is so striking about the Anunnaki gods who are better known as deities in ancient folklore? Well, they are remembered as bearded men, but the story suggests that they came from above. Also we assume that above means sky or another world, but it could also mean that they came from above the equator, and the conception of above was mentioned because South Africa is located below the equator! It was common throughout recorded history (and perhaps long before that) that Caucasian people grew a traditional beard, very much like the Anunnaki are depicted in ancient mystical stories. Assuming that a great civilization already existed amongst ordinary people over four hundred thousand years ago is quite a stretch, but it is still a possibility. In contrary to the story that African people explored the rest of the world, it was the people of an advanced civilization who explored Africa first. But why did the Anunnaki go to South Africa and established a settlement there? Well, there is quite an obvious reason for that: They were looking for gold, and they found the Gold there in abandons. Also gold can be found in many places around the world, but not as concentrated as it was found right there in South Africa. But, how can we be so sure that this exploration took place a view hundred thousand years ago, and that it was gold they were looking for? Well, the evidence found in relation to this time frame suggests something big was happening so long ago. For the start, an entire metropolis of stone circles was found above the ground, and within the same region (an area of over a hundred square miles) an underground mining complex was also discovered. But let’s start with the stone circles: What is so significant and puzzling about the stone circles? Well, they can’t be associated with dwelling places, and therefore one of the explanations suggested that they had been a complex system of a power plant. But considering a complex system of a stone build power plant is almost out of question because there is no evidence of a large community to have built them.

    Anyhow, putting the two together (the stone circles and underground mining shafts) suggests that a great civilization must have existed so long ago. So, putting all evidence together, a great workforce was needed to build the proposed power plant, and dig thousands of miles of underground tunnels in order to extract the gold. Talking about a project this big, only a great civilization could have done these things. But this project goes so far back in time that nothing makes any sense. These structures had been dated to be between two hundred thousand and four hundred thousand years old. So, what do we know about this? Well not much at all, and what had been revealed about this period is heavily associated with myth and legends which are linked to an alien race. Myth and legends have it that the Anunnaki (an advanced alien race) triggered this mining activity, but local tribes had no idea where they came from. The natives considered them to be gods based on the knowledge they processed (they could do things only gods could do). The Anunnaki became idols which had been portrayed with wings throughout the ages. So, let’s put an end to the Anunnaki mystery by adding another mystical story to the Anunnaki aliens. There was a civilization who talks about the pine cone (held by this being in an eagle dress on the front cover). The pine cone was a significant symbol for sculptured Hindu gods, who understood that a pine cone revealed the mystical phenomenon of spiritual consciousness. Therefore a pine cone was historically used as a symbol of eternal life and enlightenment. Most scholar’s belief that Hinduism started around 2000 BC in the Indus Valley near modern day Pakistan. But many Hindus argue that their faith is timeless and has always existed. So, if they were so advanced, then what was their reason to explore other parts of the world so far away from home? As if history repeats itself again and again, based on the same mystical stories which are associated with strange events, where the gods (the ruling elite were depicted as bearded men), and they are commonly known as having been Caucasian, a group of people which are historically regarded as a biological taxon. But what does the term biological taxon mean? Well, it originated from an Asian population (where the word asian is part of the word Caucasian. They had been one of the traditional racial divisions of humankind, marked by fair to dark skin and light to very dark eyes associated to their origin. But Caucasian people are distinctly remembered for their blue eyes, who tried to govern everything historically.

    Even today the word Caucasian is frequently used to distinguish between people of different ethnic background. Have you noticed that historians use strange words to explain the history of mankind, which is actually quite misleading! For example: It doesn’t say where they came from, but the evidence of their origin points towards Asia. Still, the origin of Caucasian people remains a mystery for various reasons. But in biological terms, the word taxon refers to a group of population (or organism) seen by taxonomists to form a unit (which is predominately known in the animal world and the insect world). Taxon communities are known to work together as one to establish a colony which is very competitive. Groups of people and small communities have existed for a very long time, but eventually they became large communities and this was the beginning of civilizations (which became extraordinarily powerful). But the question remains: When did civilization begin? Did civilization begin with the SUMERIAN a view thousand years ago, or did a civilization exist way back in time in another part of the world. Well, some of the oldest scriptures talk about extraordinary things (other worldly things) we are reluctant to belief. Also everything about the Sumerian civilization is true, because great things can be achieved when a large group of people huddles up and starts to compete with each other. But what was the driving force of such large communities? There is only one answer to this question: Intellect people made it happen, and they either came from another world, or another part of our world. Also many things were mentioned in the book of Genesis about creation, but vital parts were mystified with the conception of a god created world (and we could not tell if this god was a human being or a divine being). But how could we tell that vital parts of the creation myth had never been told or understood? Perhaps it was written in such a way that it couldn’t be understood! And there are clues of why the creation myth is so mystified. It has something to do with where the book of Genesis originated from. Scores of cuneiform tablets confirm the time and place when Genesis was revealed, and they have provided the knowledge of the forgotten past, and these written texts in stone had long been deciphered. Unfortunately these written texts are treated with suspicions and contempt for one particular reason, they are associated with mythological believes which are only cherished by certain religious denominations which prefer to keep these sacred texts mystified.

    Also mythical believes are an important part of humanity, but the present day secular law freed itself of mythical believes by declaring their actions being strictly based on scientific explanations. The secular law makes a remarkable statement: One manifestation of secularism is asserting the right to be free from religious rule and teachings (being neutral on matters of what to belief), and the fact that there a two different sets of law (a religious and secular law) makes it very difficult to know the truth! Secularism is a belief system that rejects and or neglects the metaphysical aspects of the supernatural world. In short, secularism is based on a belief system that rejects religion, and therefore religion should not be part of the state or what the state recommends as the standard curriculum of learning. Still, religion is tolerated as long as the people cherry the sacred subject in a secluded private manner. This double standard is not a thing of the new age, because it was religion who tolerated secularism at some stage at the distant past, and when they began to corporate with each other, this was the time when the mystical version of Genesis revealed came about. According to what we know (or don’t know), the creation myth was heavily censored by a secular group as well as a religious group of people who believed that they are the custodians of Earth by hereditary right. This statement really needs an explanation! Well, cuneiform tablets (written texts on clay tablets from the Sumerian and Akkadian civilization) reveal the story of creation, but the cuneiform texts reveal much more than the book of Genesis (the Bible). According to Sumerian, Akkadian and Egyptian records, an event happened in the distant past which changed everything on Earth. No one ever recorded an extraterrestrial encounter, but a mystical act of God is undeniable. So let’s hear me out, because this story is quite convincing. It is commonly known that each State recorded everything some 5000 years ago, but the Sumerian and Akkadian recordings differ from Egyptian recordings. Where the Sumerian’s recorded everything about an ordinary family life, telling us a lot about their social life as well as the economic circumstances associated with their social life. They left information about their agricultural wisdom, and the general law which made everything work the way it did in a great society. Cuneiform tablets reveal a lot more than what was revealed in the book of Genesis. Some cuneiform tablets revealed that astronomers in 3000 BC made geometric calculations about the movement of planets and stars.

    It all began with a race no one knows for sure where they came from, because everything about them is shrouded in mystery. We are not sure if they were extraterrestrial beings, or simply came from another part of our world. Also the Egyptians recorded everything, unfortunately we can’t be so sure that everything they recorded was associated with what happened in real time. The Egyptian records tell us a lot about the mystical phenomenon that influenced real life activities. But in order to understand anything, we have to consider even older legends which were not written by any of the three civilizations I mentioned. I’m talking about the oldest records known to mankind, and these are the Mahabharata texts, a mythical collection of religious texts of the people in India. Also every creation myth talks about deities (beings which are considered gods, who came from heaven to Earth), but these epic stories are truly a conflicting subject because they also mention a world of demons. Let’s have a look at Deities to begin with: Deities are associated with people who ruled well during their life on Earth. Not only do we consider these beings aliens or gods, but we also belief that these beings had the capacity to rule everything because they could. And there is a profound reason why we conceive things that way! According to scriptures, the ruling elite (born or begotten) made it very clear that they were the custodian of the people on Earth. But what gave them the right to be the custodian over the people on Earth? This privilege could be related to the creation myth itself, because it is possible that these so called emissaries (an envoy of ambassadors – origin unknown) created the modern man when they needed a workforce. So, how does it all add up with these beings making the claim to be the custodians of mankind on Earth! Well, they were simply smarter than anybody else, and the epic story of mining gold in Africa is associated with strangers said to have come from another world, which is known as planet X or Nibiru. The word Nibiru was first mentioned in the epic story of Gilgamesh, where the planet Nibiru is said to have appeared like a comet every 3500 years. But this epic story has taken us on a ride which ends in mystical ridicule. According to the age of the gold mines in South Africa, this epic story seems to be true and is at least four hundred thousand years in the making. Unfortunately, we didn’t know anything about this until the last century or so. Only the Mahabharata of India fits this time frame of a much older civilization.

    Also we consider the Mahabharata (Sanskrit) scriptures as mystical religious texts, but they also mentions the Vimana a space vehicle and a depleting ozone layer on Nibiru. But the question is this: Was Nibiru an intruder planet, or is it possible that Nibiru was simply a different name for planet Earth. Associating our planet with a climate change is almost unthinkable, but over a long period of time things change before they go back to what is normal. We are talking about a reciprocal cycle, a cycle that repeats itself every 26,000 years. Is it possible that we are at this point in time where a climate change is happening, because all we do is talk about a climate change these day’s. The first time, and perhaps the only time this climate change was recorded is associated with the epic story of the Anunnaki, who appeared in South Africa a view hundred thousand years ago! But even if we like to belief this epic story of an intruder planet (an extrasolar planet) which came around every 3500 years like a comet, this does no longer apply to modern astronomical observations. Still, if it was to be true then why don’t we experience a climate change every 3,500 years? Well, the cycle of climate change is most likely associated with a greater celestial cycle which is known as the precession cycle of the stars. Also mystical stories of the past talk about strange events in regular octaves over a long period of time, but between the reported climate change a view hundred thousand years ago and the present day climate change, it simply doesn’t fit the assumptions that a climate change is caused by the celestial precession cycle because we know nothing about a climate change 26,000 years ago. Also there is evidence that something did happen, because huge underground cities were found in Asia which fit the time frame. We don’t know why another climate change wasn’t recorded since the Anunnaki (wisdom keepers) of the Indian sub-continent made an effort to stop radiation from the sun affecting all living things on Earth a view hundred thousand years ago. Perhaps it was recorded, but no one paid attention to these epic stories. We have a lot of problems to belief that ancient civilizations knew something about a celestial cycle, and we refuse to talk about. But is it possible that anybody on Earth could have been so advanced a view hundred thousand years ago that they understood the implications of a climate change that was caused by a cycle that is associated with the movement of the stars? Anyhow, the Anunnaki made it into the history books, but only those which are known as apocryphal texts.

    Only in these forbidden texts these advanced beings are remembered as the Anunnaki. They knew how to fix the problem with the depleting ozone layer. But in order to protect the living things on Earth, they had to leave their comfort zone and go abroad. Still, relying on this epic story of the Anunnaki (which was forgotten for a very long time) the Anunnaki knew that the ozone layer could be fixed (at least temporarily) by spraying gold particles into the stratosphere. But how could they transport gold particles into the stratosphere a view hundred thousand years ago? This is truly a mystery to us, because space flight was only possible in the 20th century (some sixty years ago). Well, this is not quite true, because Sanskrit texts of the Mahabharata tell us that space ships existed long before that time. These space ships in the Mahabharata are known as Vimanas, but the translation of the word Vimanas turns out to be chariots of the gods, which could mean a lot of different things. You know where this story goes? The gods were intellect people of the Indian sub-continent who could do anything, but their ability was put down as mythological stories which couldn’t be true. Anyhow, there must have been some people who knew a lot more than ordinary people and this is where the mystical stories came about. But the truth is that some people were so advanced that they could do anything, unfortunately the people in general could never quite understand where their knowledge came from, and couldn’t be bothered to find out, because this knowledge was beyond anybody to consider or comprehend. Today their wisdom is seen as mythological stories which are put aside as a figment of our imagination. Still, it is a fair question to ask: Did advanced knowledge exist so long ago, where a distinct group of people developed the principles of physics, mathematics and geometry in order to do anything. Being so advanced, there is no doubt that they also had knowledge about mineralogy, because they figured out where gold could be found in abundance. When gold was needed, this triggered an expedition which would lead some of the finest explorers from a disclosed place deep into South Africa. But when they got there and found the source of gold, they still had other problems to deal with. In order to get the gold out of the ground, they needed a work-force they didn’t have. The Anunnaki realized that the natives of Africa didn’t fit the category of a work force, because they simply wouldn’t follow instructions. This is when they decided to create an intelligent human being who would follow orders without asking any questions.

    They could create a workforce that would do anything for food in order to survive. Just like everything else, providing enough food for a large workforce was no problem for the Anunnaki. But when they decided to create a human being genetically, they inadvertently interfered in the natural evolutionary process, and they were fully aware of that. Also they were known as gods, but they feared the consequences of the real god-force as if they fully understood what that was. Getting involved in creating a human being genetically in order to do all the work for them, they must have been somewhat guilty of betraying the natural god-force. And being guilty of that did not go down well, because it would have consequences further down the track. Anyhow, being able to create a human being that could do everything they ask for was very tempting. They didn’t have much of a choice, in order to fix the depleting ozone layer, something had to be done. It is the same with being ill from a devastating virus, when it is time to leave your body in the hands of qualified doctors instead of leaving things with a natural process that is assumed to be in the hands of a god-force. Anyhow, in order to survive the constant increase of deadly radiation from the sun, they had to do something. And they survived because they knew exactly what had to be done. A depleting ozone layer must have been the strangest thing anyone witnessed so long ago, but ordinary people had no idea of what was happening. If anything, the Anunnaki were the only people who knew what was happening, and they could do something to protect all living things on the planet during this unfortunate cosmic cycle. Also they knew what had to be done, but this undertaking would eventually have dire consequences when it came to the point in time to restore everything as it was. Well, in the end an ingenious solution was found to restore everything to its former glory, and no one would ever know what had happen (until a view hundred thousand years later), and this time is now. The natives of Africa may have not known anything about the pending climate change (which ended the ice age around 200,000 years ago. And when the ice melted, it created a very large inland sea in the northern hemisphere, which was the perfect situation to restore everything as it was before they came to Africa and created a slave race which was no longer needed. According to scriptures, the Anunnaki (the ruling elite) made an executive decision that a great flood would usher in one epoch and start a new one from the scratch.

    In the end they decided that this natural event would solve all their problems they had at hand to restore everything to its former glory. So they decided to pull the plug of this great inland sea in the northern hemisphere. No one would ever know that they did this on purpose to flood everything below. The flood could easily be put down as a natural event, and no one would ever know otherwise. But how can we conclude that everything about this epic story is true, especially the part that they created a slave race (which still exists today) because some of the people survived this cataclysm. So, how can we be sure that mystical stories are associated with real events? Well everything we know today, we actually inherited from the Anunnaki. They not only knew the entire code of creation associated with what we know as the DNA code today, they knew how to use this universal code to fit their needs. If somebody would think that they knew the secrets of a universal code, they are definitely onto something. According to ancient scriptures, genetic engineering was a real possibility, but it had dire consequences. They could have simply left Africa with the gold, but the conscious niggle of wrong doing changed the situation significantly, and this could have been the reason why they tried to re-write history by erasing the past triggering the great flood. The Bible speaks about this cataclysmic event as the wrath of god, which could well have been the act of the Anunnaki gods. The great flood is by no means just a mystical story of biblical proportions. It also had the effect to scare the living hell out of every living soul if they would do the wrong thing. The power of God, what a thought! The Biblical story definitely had a purpose beyond this tragic event. Unfortunately, the Biblical story was written in rhetoric, so no one could ever figure out what the truth was! But how did these so called living gods do it? Well, for them nothing was impossible! They knew that the melting of the ice in the Northern hemisphere created a huge inland sea, and all they had to do was to pull the plug to release the water. The deluge would destroy everything below, and kill everyone in its path right across Western Europe and Africa. But faith has it that a handful of people survived this cataclysmic event to tell the tale of this epic event. The view people who survived this cataclysmic event became celebrities of the Bible. Thanks to one man, who is mentioned in the Bible as Noah, a Biblical figure who is known in Islamic texts as "Abdul Gaffar Sebilullah.

    Noah was instructed by his friend (one of the Anunnaki gods) to build an Ark. In the Bible the Ark is said to have been drifting for 40 days and 40 nights while it rained excessively during this time. But when the water finally subsided and the Ark landed on firm ground, the survivors found themselves in a strange part of the world. This new world is known as the Armenian Highlands, the most central of the three plateaus that together form the northern sector of Western Asia. To the West is the Anatolian plateau, which rises slowly from the lowland coast of the Aegean Sea and converges with the Armenian Highlands to the East of Cappadocia. Each of these places is known to have been of historical significance. The landing of the legendary Ark was the beginning of a new epoch in human history without any doubt. Landing on Mount Ararat was the beginning of several well-known civilizations, where the Sumerian and Akkadian civilization is known as the hub or the cradle of the new world. Knowing that the ark landed on Mount Ararat is significant, because this part of the world became the greatest empire ever known. Also the time between the great flood event and a new civilization emerging had taken at least two hundred thousand years, but we only know the legendary story which was squished into a much narrower timeframe. The only other mystical story which reminds us of a lost time is the Cinderella story. She was poisoned and fell into a long lasting coma until a prince came along and gave her the kiss of life, when she subsequently woke up again. So, what do we remember of this forgotten time if anything at all? Well, all we remember is what happened in this region after the great flood. Eventually the greatest Empire of this region is known as the great Persian Empire. But this great empire was not the first empire and will not be the last one. So, the great Persian Empire was forged out of a community which was predominately known as nomads, and this community attracted many other people establishing a great civilization. We don’t know when the Ark landed in this region, but everything was recorded since larger cities wrote themselves into the history books. This known history began with the Sumerian/Akkadian civilization some fife thousand years back in time. Also Babylon and Egypt are the best known empires in this region, but a lot more was happening in those days. Anyhow, the hustle and bustle of major cities in this region was the beginning (or rebirth of sophisticated wisdom) which is thought to be much older.

    But it was also the beginning of Genesis, which was the first record of biblical texts known as the Old Testament around three thousand years ago. Unfortunately, we have no idea that this creation myth is only a reenactment of what happened a view hundred thousand years earlier in India or South Africa. The Old Testament (Genesis revealed) never mentioned these places, or what the true origin of creation was. It only makes references about a God created world in the Middle East, and they tossed in the great flood narrative in order to confuse everyone. Genesis revealed did not say anything about the Anunnaki gods who began a new chapter in human history a view hundred thousand years ago. We hold the Bible of creation in our hands as the most sacred object, and even so we read it over and over again we can’t quite understand the rhetoric of creation. Also the book of Genesis is somewhat associated with the Sumerian civilization, but somebody deliberately left out all pre-historic events. Nevertheless, the book of Genesis explains how the people in general are obligated to the law of the creator God, not knowing for sure that the first living god was an ordinary man who became a ruling priest. But as soon as a kingdom was ruled by a King instead of a priest, this changed the conception of the ruling elite considerably. No longer mentioning the priest in this context, a King was considered to be the right hand of God to lead the people, and the deity of so called gods (also known as Lords) laid out the law for the common people, who could also enforce the law. They did this because they had the knowledge to establish an economic and social structure that was governed by the laws they established. I’m sorry to break the news, but according to this creation myth a view hundred thousand years earlier, the common men on Earth is the slave to a superior race (and it hasn’t changed to this day). The law of this superior race became the fundamental law we still use today, even so ordinary people constantly made an effort to change the common law, it has hardly ever changed. Also the common law is known as a universal law, we haven’t got the faintest idea that it was manipulated by this superior race. If our law was based on a universal law, then it should be constant (without having to be changed all the time). But we know that it had constantly been changed by the people who insisted that the government is obligated to change the common law because it is flowed. The constant shake up of the common law is a sign that our law has never been entirely based on a universal law.

    But on top of all the efforts being made to bring the common law in alignment with the universal law has utterly failed, because the authorities are reluctant to fix the problem. In a twisted way, the fundamental law of a superior race has somehow survived. But how could we tell that it is that way? Well diverting from religious believes, science is telling us a different story about creation. Also it is hardly ever mentioned, but the scientific version is in conflict with the canon law (an ancient religious law). We have to be conscious that the canon law had dominated people’s way of life for thousands of years, literately ever since civilization began in the Middle East. Also the Canon law is said to be an eternal law, but the word Canon reveals that the holistic belief of a god created world derived from a superior ruler of the Canaan (the promised Land). The Canaanites were people who lived in the land of Canaan, an area which according to ancient texts may have included modern day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. Much of what scholars know about the Canaanites comes from records left by the people who came into contact with them. Some of the most detailed surviving records come from Amarna in Egypt, and from the Hebrew Bible. And a lot of this recorded history has since been confirmed by modern excavations of archaeological sites throughout the Canaan region. So, on one hand we have the Canon law which is slightly spelled different from Canaan, and therefore contributes to the myth of creation. Religious denominations tell us that God works in mysterious ways, but science had not been able to explain this mystical phenomenon of the natural world. Instead of having a proper explanation, science speaks about a spontaneous phenomenon which can’t be explained. Also science explains that nature works on a predetermined plan associated with geometric patterns and mathematical equations, but it can’t explain the spontaneous phenomenon. This is the reason why the religious authority can maintain the rhetoric which is associated with divine interventions. We really have to wonder why the most significant part of geometry became a sacred subject (which is left in the realm of a mystical phenomenon with intent). One obvious reason why geometry became sacred geometry (forbidden knowledge) has something to do with hiding the wisdom of creation. The sacred subject prevents humanity to figure out the cosmic blue-print of creation, and this is the bottom line. The sacred subject prevents the common man to learn more about the pattern of creation.

    The religious law is very inclusive about the creation myth. Also science became a new religion for a lot of people, because it provides everything people need to survive. But is science really an open book which tells us everything? Well, only in a certain way it is, but whatever they reveal is written with words most people don’t understand. Also science provides much of what is beyond every ones believes, but it still has to overcome the rhetoric of creation themselves. Anyhow, let’s explore the creation myth we know so little about! According to our history books, it all began in Babylon for what we know. The Babylonian god Bel was a syncretic deity of Enlil, Marduk and the dying god Dumuzid. In Mesopotamian religion Marduk was the chief god (the supreme god of the city of Babylon) and the national god of what is known as the cradle of mankind. Eventually he was simply called Bel or Baal which puts another twist to this epic story. It unfolded around five thousand years ago, and the Sumerian pantheon reveals a hereditary royal bloodline which is equally cherished by other empires. It was very important for ever empire to remember their forefathers in terms of a celestial deity (who became known as important spirit rulers). Searching for the first empire of this so called Royal Dynasty is near impossible, because we have absolutely no idea where or when ROYALTY began. The first King or Pharaoh of Egypt is known as Menes, who is remembered as the first King of the first Dynasty in ancient Egypt around 5000 years ago. This period is very much synchronized with the ancient dynasty of China around 2200 BC (even if there is a gap of a thousand years). After that, Kingship as well as Queen-ship was handed down by living gods to their celestial deities, which could be transferred from one city to another, reflecting perceived hegemony. Hegemony is a strange word to most people in the West, but it was well known in the Middle East where kingships governed everything. Hegemony is related to supreme leadership in the region of what is known as the cradle of civilization. Taking into consideration that the Sumerians were called the cradle of civilization some 5000 years ago, their creator God was known as An, and Anu (Akkadian). Could it be possible that An or Anu derived from the word Anunnaki? The Akkadian version of their god Anu was considered the divine personification of the sky. And An was the supreme god of all the deities in ancient Mesopotamian religions. In those days people believed that he was the supreme authority of all things.

    One cuneiform text reveals that An was described as the supreme ruler of the entire universe. Still, by the time of the earliest written records An was rarely worshipped, because veneration was devoted to ruling kings after he descended. This only means that even An (the first god) was a living God like every other god/king. There is an interesting word associated with the royal bloodline, where a Prince was begotten (the offspring of a ruling king). The word begotten was used again at the First Council of Nicaea, which was assigned by the Roman Emperor Constantine in 325 AD. At this convention all bishops had been invited to establish the legitimacy of Jesus (who was born in Bethlehem with his biological father being absent). Since there was no one claiming to be the biological father of the child that was said to be born as the son of God, his birth was simply seen as a divine birth, and his surname became Christ (a word which embodies the mystical god-force). And this is why the bishops of the ecclesiastical forum decided that the father in heaven (the supreme God) was the true father of Jesus. It is a mystery why Jesus true father (a king who remains unknown) had never been mentioned. But the word begotten could not hide the fact that

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