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Find God, Find Peace: Everyday Living in God’s Peace
Find God, Find Peace: Everyday Living in God’s Peace
Find God, Find Peace: Everyday Living in God’s Peace
Ebook154 pages2 hours

Find God, Find Peace: Everyday Living in God’s Peace

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Lucille Booker was a true prayer warrior and an obedient child of God. She ensured her children, grandchildren, and all the people she encountered had a chance to know God. She was fully dedicated to spreading his word, whether in the pulpit or on the radio or street. She was never without a scripture and a word of encouragement and always offered everything with a smile. She served in the ministry for more than fifty years and always trusted in God for everything.

In Find God, Find Peace, author Joyce Green, Lucille’s daughter, pays tribute to her mother’s legacy and her spiritual work. Green shares the lessons she has learned and how she welcomed God to lead her in living every day in his peace. She discusses:

• believing in God,
• living by faith,
• trusting God,
• embracing peace,
• rejecting worry,
• offering forgiveness,
• reaping and sowing,
• walking in his promises, and
• letting God take control by letting go.

Find God, Find Peace delivers the message that inner peace is the greatest gift God has given us. When we have peace inside, it shows on the outside.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 14, 2020
Find God, Find Peace: Everyday Living in God’s Peace

Joyce Green

Joyce Green has loved God from an early age and continues to serve him and follow his teachings. Her passions are traveling and sharing God’s peace with others. She lived in California with her husband, Michael, for nearly seventeen years. Currently, they make their home in Georgia with their son, Mikey. Green’s vision is to work with women to help them find their peace in God so they can grow stronger in Christ.

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    Find God, Find Peace - Joyce Green

    Copyright © 2020 Joyce Green.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-9552-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-9554-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-9553-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020912932

    WestBow Press rev. date: 8/6/2020




    Chapter 1 Believing God

    Chapter 2 Living by Faith

    Chapter 3 Trusting God

    Chapter 4 Embracing Peace

    Chapter 5 Stop Worrying and Trust God

    Chapter 6 Forgiveness

    Chapter 7 Reaping and Sowing

    Chapter 8 Walking in His Promises

    Chapter 9 True Hope

    Chapter 10 Let Go and Let God


    Mom’s Sermon Notes, December 21, 1980

    Mom’s Sermon Notes, December 28, 1980



    Scriptures Found in Book

    To my son, Michael Joshua, a true gift from God

    To my husband, Michael, for his patience and direction

    To my brother and sisters, for being there

    when I needed encouragement

    To Jacqueline Arnold, whose assistance was most

    valuable as she directed me on how to write a book



    Be anxious for nothing but in all things in prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your request be known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind through Jesus Christ.

    —Philippians 4:5–6

    This book is written in memory of my mother, Lucille Booker, a true prayer warrior. She married my father, James Larry Booker, and they started a family. I promised Mom that I would write about the life she lived as an obedient child of God. She made sure that her children, grandchildren, and all the people she encountered had a chance to know God. She was always ready to give anyone the opportunity to receive Him as their Lord and Savior.

    Mom was fully dedicated to spreading God’s Word, whether in the pulpit or on the radio or street. She was never without a scripture and a word of encouragement and always offered everything with a smile. She was in the ministry for over fifty years and always trusted in God for everything.


    Let God’s Peace Walk You into a Life Full of His Promises

    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

    —Romans 8:2

    Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from me; nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.

    —Luke 22:42

    Father God, as I begin this journey, may Your words and will be expressed through me that Your children will find a way to live peaceful lives. May I be the vessel that You use to bless those that I contact with Your words. Give me the strength to use Your word and not mine that they are blessed. So since I have been commissioned to make my mother’s dream come true, here I am, Lord. Use me.

    We hear all the time that we each have a calling or purpose for our lives. Oftentimes we are unable to determine or know for sure that we are living out our God-given purposes. My mother found her purpose and lived it to the fullest, accepting and knowing whom God called her to be. When she was called, women were not looked on as being ministers of the gospel. She refused to allow people to get between her and God, and even though it was a long, hard journey, she persisted. God asked her to give up her job and work for Him full time. Eventually she released control and accepted God’s direction.

    God led her to many places, some without the resources needed to get to where He called her, but she never said no, trusting that He would provide, and he did time and time again. It takes a strong believer to completely allow God to direct their path, but my persistent mother was determined to serve Him despite the circumstances. She served Him every day, spending time in His Word and prayer, praying for anyone who stopped by, called, or requested via mail.

    Releasing fear and allowing God to move and reign in your life is possible when God is the head of your life. Mom trusted Him to provide for us when she didn’t have money for food or bills. Somehow resources always showed up.

    I am a believer, and I trust God for all things, not knowing how but always trusting that He knows best and it will always be in His time and not mine. That has not always been the case for me. As a young woman, I was not a patient person. I thought I knew everything. My plans and ideas of perfect timing was much more than patience. The Lord taught me a lot about patience in a season of barrenness and delayed pregnancy and eventually through my experiences of motherhood.

    Today, I have a son who has a stronger will than I ever had, and the questions never stop. Motherhood takes a special strength and extra dose of patience. Recalling my childhood with a smile, I reflect on my mother saying, Wait until you have children. Then you will understand.

    My husband wrote the most beautiful song after our son was born, Momma’s Joy. We would like to share it with everyone. He was so moved after seeing the joy that our son brought into my life.


    Michael B. Green

    March 21,2010

    Momma’s joy, you came into my life.

    Momma’s joy, you brought light to my eyes.

    Momma’s little prize and all of her joy,

    You give me love and so much more.

    Momma’s little miracle, I hold you tight.

    I hug and kiss you and tuck you in at night.

    The future we plan is oh so bright for you,

    Hope all your dreams and wishes do come true.

    It’s my desire that you grow big and strong,

    Hoping you always know right from wrong.

    Momma’s joy

    Momma’s joy

    Momma’s joy, you came into my life.

    Momma’s joy, you brought light to my eyes.

    Momma’s little prize and all of her joy,

    You give me love and so much more.

    Momma’s joy

    Momma’s joy

    Um hum hum

    Um hum hum

    Momma’s joy

    As you start to read today, begin to reflect on your life, writing down some of the things that caused you to lose your peace.




    What are some things today that hinder you from really trusting God completely?




    Between you and God, what would you say to Him? If He asked you right now to just speak your heart to Him about anything, what would you say?




    Now I invite you to come along and see how I have welcomed God to lead me in living every day in His peace. Inner peace is the greatest gift God has given us. When we have peace inside, it shows on the outside.


    Seeking the highest good of others




    Therefore I say to you, whatever you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

    —Mark 11:24

    We say, Yes, I believe in God, but deep inside, do we really believe? We are doubtful and unsure. We ask ourselves, How can I believe in something I cannot see, feel, touch, smell, or taste? Because of this, somewhere inside I am able to discern a spiritual connection. Therefore, I allow myself permission daily to believe and live with God as the head of my life.

    When God’s creation surrounds you, you can sense what it must have felt like when God said in the beginning Let there be light and there was light. As dawn approaches in the morning and light shines through the trees, I see God. When I sit on the ship balcony with my eyes closed and feel the freshness of the sea on my face, I say, Thank you, God. I smell the ocean as the waves crash against the ship and enjoy the freshness of the air. Tasting the salt of the sea as the ocean mist lands near my mouth, I say, Yes, God, you are real. Listening to the ocean’s sounds as it sighs like a violin playing softly in my ears, again I say, Yes, God, I believe.

    When it comes to God, we must believe in who He says He is, not who we think He is. Timing is one of those areas where we may think God is not faithful or not as giving as His Word says He is. This is our impatience in this right-now world, which affects our beliefs about how we think God should be. We discover that we must simply trust God and believe who He says He is, even if it means waiting on His timing. Waiting is not something we do well, and oftentimes that’s when things go wrong for us. We must always trust and believe that God is with us and that we can truly trust Him because He is God and we are not.

    Therefore, we must ask for His guidance in all we do and

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